Common Dialog Box In MS Access Form

Jul 15, 2005

Is there anyway to put common dialog box in MS Access Form. There is an option from ActiveX controls icon, but gives an error message, saying I do not have licence to use it ?

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Relink Database With Common File Dialog In Access 2007 W/Password Protection

Jan 9, 2008

All -

Just as the title describes, I can't seem to find a solution to be able to link the front-end to the back-end tables through the common file dialog when the backend is an accdb file that is password encrypted.

See the example attached. Here it should work just fine per the Article at :

I've found it works fine without a password encrypted back-end but not with a password encrypted back-end.

Anyone have any ideas? It would be nice to use this feature in Access as well as automating the relinking.


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Cannot Invoke Common Dialog

Nov 27, 2005

I am trying to add a common dialog to my form from the toolbox and get the following error 'you dont have the license required to use this ActiveX control. Is there any way I can sort this out? I am using Access 2002. I am getting desperate and any help would be much appreciated

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Trying To Use A Common File DIalog To Update OLE

Dec 1, 2006

I have my form where each records image displays as you scroll through the records. I want to add a control similar to the file dialog control, where users can browse to an image file on their machine, and then preview it and Update it.

Can anyone walk me thru how to do this?

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Programming For File Open Dialog In Access Form

Oct 11, 2004

I want to retrieve some parameters from file, So for that i want to implement File Open Dialog
in One of the form. File Open Dialong is available in Micrososft Common Dialog controls.

When i choose Microsoft Common dialog control from extra toolbars, it gives me error saying that "You don't have licence for using Common Control ActiveX.

Any help appreciated.

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Common Access Errors

Sep 27, 2006


I did a search on common access errors and other errors that you would want to trap and got the following results:

Cannot update. Database or object is read-only
Operation must use an updateable query
General error Unable to open registry key
Could not find file
Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use
Table 'tblTable' is exclusively locked by user 'Admin' on machine 'MyMachine'
Too few parameters. Expected 1
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal
The search key was not found in any record

If you know any extra errors, can you please add them to this list?


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General :: Get Rid Of Dialog Box When Closing Access 2010

Oct 21, 2013

I have a Access 2010 DB. The mainform have a subform with one table alone.

I have a button who close Access when the user are finish on the mainform. Still I have the upper right corner X-button who also closing the app.

My problem is that when the user use the X-button then a dialog box appear and ask for saving the changes for the table in the subform on the main form. The user must then do the choise 'yes' , 'no' , 'Cancel'.

There is no need for this dialog box, (I take care if it's necessary earlier) but I can't get rid of it.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 File Dialog Box

Feb 11, 2015

I have the following code which successfully opens the dialog box with filters however when I add a function with an Excel import, the filters do not work at all (no files are shown even though they exist in the directory that's opened within the dialog box). If I manually type in the filter (i.e. *.x) it still shows the files.The function at the bottom was provided by cheekybuddha from another form, I'd be lost on getting the Excel file imported into Access.Here's the VBA code (the Function is also included at bottom):

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
Dim strpathtofile As String
Dim strTable As String, strBrowseMsg As String
Dim strFilter As String, strInitialDirectory As String
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean


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Bypassing Access Query Update Confirmation Dialog Boxes

Sep 26, 2005

I have a database that logs complaints. I've added a field to calculate the age of a complaint based on the date received and the date resloved. To update this field I have an update query that runs after someone closes an update form. My problem is that I recieve two dialog boxes one that confirms that I'm will be updating the table and another that tells me how many rows were updated. I would not like those boxes to appear so the update would look transparent.

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Modules & VBA :: Bring Outlook GAL Dialog To Front When Calling From Access

May 30, 2014

I've written a function which opens the Outlook GAL dialog, allows users to select recipients and passes back a 2-D array (recipients and type i.e. To, CC or BCC).Here is the code :

Public Function GetContactsFromOutlookGAL() As Variant
Dim appOutlook As Object ' Outlook Application
Dim objNameSpace As Object ' Outlook NameSpace
Dim objSelectNamesDialog As Object ' Outlook Select Names Dialog


The only problem I have is that when I 'display' the SelectNamesDialog, it doesn't make it the active window and bring it to the front - it just opens the dialog in Outlook and you have to navigate to the main Outlook window to find it.I'd like for the dialog to 'popup' - ideally, without the main Outlook window dragging along behind

I believe it's possible (judging from this article) to achieve this using API's - specifically, a combination of FindWindow (to retrieve the window handle) and ShowWindowLong (to set it to a topmost window in front of all other windows).

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Modules & VBA :: Microsoft Access Linked Tables Dialog Box If Database Move To Another Location

Mar 17, 2014

I have a question that I have a Microsoft Access database (.accdb) front-end/backend split and I want to give the database to my company client. As we have the different path for the backend/frontend linked. I want some code that will popup if the database location is not found and popup with the dialog so the user then select the backend and it would be ready and there is no need to popup each time the database open, it would run once it did not find the last linked path.

Also I have tried the code of Dev Ashish URL.... but unfortunately it would ask everytime to refresh the table links and I only want to run the process of linking tables when the database start and the linked path not found.

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Forms :: Populate Listbox On Dialog Form

Sep 19, 2013

In my tables I have a field called first serial. This is the first element of a serial number range associated with each record. Very rarely I have to ask the user to specify a certain serial number in that range. (The serial numbers can be generated easily from the first serial) This happens during the run of a macro, so I have to use a Fom opened with WindowMode:=acDialog. The problem is that I have to populate a listbox with the generated serial numbers on that form. But I can't interact with a dialog form, since it stopos the running of the macro. I have tried to open it hidden, and change the modal property to true once the listbox have been populated, but this dosen't stop the macro to wait for user input.Is it possibble to pass the first serial value to the form, and populate the listbox in one of the Form's opening events?

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Common Data

Sep 5, 2005

I have 2 tables called Table1 ( has field called Mydata) and table2 (has Field called YourData).

Mydata has followind data 1, 2, 3 and yourData has 2,3,4

2 and 3 are comman data. how can I write query or type of function I can use to bring comman data.

I have used Union table that brings all record.

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Make Popup Form (Dialog)'s Height As Same As Window/Montior/Screen Height

May 7, 2008


When the user click the button, then it will give out a popup form to the screen, but I want to make the popup form's height as same as the screen/window/monitor's height, because the popup form's height is larger than the screen's height, and every user's monitor's height is different. So, I have to make it flexiable change of the height of the popup form.
How can I check the screen/window height by VBA function?
In Excel, it has Application.Height to check. In MS Access Form, I cannot find one for doing that.

Please let me know if you have one.

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How Do You Find The Most Common Value In A Field

Mar 27, 2008

I am OK with a number field as I can put it in Excel and use =Mode().

But that wont do text such as lastname, suburb etc. I can do suburb by doing postcode but no such equivalent from some others I want to do

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Common Reg. Exp. For Validation Rules

Oct 12, 2004

Hey there,

Is there a listing anywhere online for common regular expressions for validations rules? In other words, is there something that shows how to construct validation rules for things like phone numbers, addresses, postal/zip codes, serial numbers, math equations, etc. Two in particular that I'm looking for are phone numbers and postal/zip codes. Every time I try to wrap my head around the formula for a phone number (with area codes, an optional 1 in the begining, making sure no leading zeroes, making brackets around area codes optional, etc.) I only get a headache :mad: . I'll get it eventually, but a quick reference in the mean time and for future use would be very helpful.

Thanks so much,

Gibby :)

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Would You Make Common Variables Public?

Oct 9, 2007

It just occurred to me that I use certain variables in several of my routines. Maybe you've done the same... something like:

Dim db as DAO.Database
Dim rst as DAO.recordset
Dim qdf as DAO.QueryDef

Now, if it's re-used in many routines, wouldn't it make more sense to make it a public variable, and set them to whatever you need it for a certain routine? Would it be more efficient than having to re-initializing and discarding it for every routine that used it? What problem would one expect from making them public?

Also, since it's very common to set db = CurrentDb, would it also make sense to set it publicly, and for cases where you aren't using CurrentDb, use a private variable just for that one?

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Startup Module For Common Code

Oct 22, 2007

Is there a way, similar to Excel's "personal.xls", to put all my reuseable Access code into one central module?
Thanks in advance.

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Two Tables With No Primary Key But A Common Field

Jun 15, 2006

Hi guys,

I am having problem with a query.

I have to tables. One named wire and the other named Input.
As my title says there is not unique ID for the tables to relate.. the only thing to relate is one ID where is not unique for all the rows

In the Wire Table I have 3 rows using the same ID, lets say 123.
In the Input Table I have 1 row using the same ID as above, i.e. 123

I need to select a couple of fields from Wire Table and 1 field from Input Table
The only relationship I have is the ID 123.... since the ID in Wire Table is repeated in 3 rows.... I would like to use the same value from the Input Table to be the same for the 3 rows in the other table.. Below is an example:

Wire Table:

ID Group
123 A
123 B
123 C

Input Table
ID Description
123 Analog

My wanted result would be

Group Description
A Analog
B Analog
C Analog

I tried using the Left join or Join function, but somehow the resulting table has many duplicates of the rows...such as:

Group Description
A Analog
A Analog
A Analog
A Analog
A Analog
B Analog
B Analog
B Analog
B Analog

Any Idea on whats going on and how can i solve this problem????

Thanks in advance. Your Help is much appreciated

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Can Open Several Forms With One Common Button??

Jan 23, 2008

Hi all,
I am new to microsoft access. I've got one question that can't solve.
I am making database with several items. Under each item, there got different field lists to fill in. So I made several forms for each of them.
In main form, I put one combo box to choose the item and one common button. So how can I write the code to open the several different forms,one at a time, by clicking one button according to the value that is chosen from combo box??
thank in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Greatest Common Divisor

Sep 16, 2014

How to find Greatest common divisor in MS Access?Have a 2 columns in my form: 1) amount; 2) GCD


amount | GCD

Should be after runing code

amount | GCD
1200 | 12
500 | 5
400 | 4
100 | 1

I was looking form some function but I found only for Ms Excel :/

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Matching (find All In Common) Two Tables Of Titles

Aug 12, 2005


I have two tables of titles (DVDs and CDs). Each table has a price associated with each title in an adjacent column. I would like to match the titles between them and compare prices. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. EDS

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Common Data In Two Tables Of Different Size, How Do I Append From One To The Other..?

Jul 23, 2006


Firstly I would like to state that i have very little knowledge of Access databases (my job is not computer related) but I am trying my best to get a few issues sorted...
So here it goes: I have 2 tables, one large table with about 3-4000 rows(horizontal lines), and a smaller table with only about 1000 rows.

The rows in the big table contain Products (name, dates, adresses, phone numbers etc) and every product has a 'Codename' in a column-line (vertical)
of the big table. (there are about 3000-4000 products)
In the small table there exists a similar column-line (vertical) that contains 'Codenames' of the Products listed in the big table, but there are only ~ 1000 'Codenames' not the full 4000 ! The reason for this is that in the small table there exists another column-line(vertical) that for every code listed (in the small table) contains a certain specific "description".

My task is to get all the 1000 "descriptions" from the small table inserted into the Big table accordingly to their proper 'Codename'. This means createing a new column in the big table and: if the codename exists in small-table insert the description in the new column-cell, if the codename doesnt exist in small-table leave new-cell empty...

How do i do this ? :) Im guessing some coding is envolved.. and i have no clue whatsoever....
Thank you,
George P.

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Creating A Database For Common Error Messages

Aug 23, 2006

Hello to all. This is my first post on this forum. I'm currently working on a database for my company and would like to get some more guidance from you all. I work at a helpdesk. I'm trying to create a database that allows me to search for common error messages. My co-workers and I would be inputting the messages. I would like to be able to set up a query to search for these messages for future troubleshooting. I’m just looking for a start on what the tables and fields should be and how we can input the messages. All help is greatly appreciated.

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Displaying Data From Two Databases That Have A Common Field

Mar 30, 2005

I'm a complete novice when it comes to dynamic data so forgive my ignorance.
My database contains details of projects in progress. A user can click a link in a list and
display a summary of that project (okay so far - I've done that bit) - in the database though there
are two tables the second one lists project events/comments (title, date, job number and description) - when something interesting
happens during a project we add to the 2nd database a summary of what happened (we made 2nd db because the list
of things happening could be one entry or 50 entries) - the tables are links by the job number.
On the web site I would like that when a user clicks the link to display the info about a project it all also pulls info from
the second db but for the project with the same number.

I've hard coded a similar thing before "select * from tblProducts where category like 'Off Road and Dirt Bikes'" but in
this case instead of hard typing 'Off Road and Dirt Bikes' I'd like it to automatically insert the job number of the project
being looked at from the first database.

I don't think I've explained this as well as I could've - but if anyone could help I will be really grateful.

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Forms :: Show Records With One Common Field Value

May 23, 2013

I'm a beginner trying to build a simple database for work. I'm trying to track the performance of bonds from month to month, in this case January-April. Each bond has a serial number called Serial_ID, but we wanted to create a record for each month we own the bond, so we created a primary key combining Serial_ID and start date called Serial_Start_Date. So if we own one bond, its January record would have a primary key of "4553123A 2013-01-01" and February would be "4553123A 2013-02-01". I created a form that allows a user to select one individual month's bond and display that month's return. However, I'm struggling to find a way to create a form that allows me to just select the Serial_ID and display the four month's records. Right now there is only one table in the database.

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