Compare Module Results

Jun 9, 2006

I have created a query that includes a module that determine what the actual order date should be. This works correctly. Now, I want to take that date in another query to only show rows where RPODate exceed the recommended date.

I keep getting an error stating the query is to complex. If I run it without the >Checkdate in the criteriea for RPODate it's fine.

Any ideas?

Query 1 with module
SELECT qryInstallationRPOrdered.ProjectID, qryInstallationRPOrdered.Phase, qryInstallationRPOrdered.Unit, qryInstallationRPOrdered.Tract, qryInstallationRPOrdered.Release, qryInstallationRPOrdered.DelDate, qryInstallationRPOrdered.InstallDate, qryInstallationRPOrdered.State, qryInstallationRPOrdered.RPODate, qryInstallationRPOrdered.NVDate AS CheckDate
FROM qryInstallationRPOrdered
WHERE (((qryInstallationRPOrdered.State)="NV"));

Query 2
SELECT qryInstallationRPONV.ProjectID, qryInstallationRPONV.Phase, qryInstallationRPONV.Unit, qryInstallationRPONV.Tract, qryInstallationRPONV.Release, qryInstallationRPONV.DelDate, qryInstallationRPONV.InstallDate, qryInstallationRPONV.State, qryInstallationRPONV.RPODate, qryInstallationRPONV.CheckDate
FROM qryInstallationRPONV
WHERE (((qryInstallationRPONV.CheckDate)>[RPODate]));

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Queries :: How To Query Two Tables And Compare Results

Apr 18, 2013

I am putting together a database for work, I have a table that is used to refer to (this table is part of our production system) in this table it lists products run, dates run and who has run.

I have the training records data table, this lists; who, machine and status: "trained" "refresh required" " not trained"

I want to build a query so that it searches the production table for the last 6 months worth of records & if an operator that is in the training table (WHO) as status (trained) is not in the production table it outputs a "to be refreshed" report or amends the records from trained to "refresh required" ...

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Whether To Code In A Form Module Or A Standard Module?

Dec 14, 2007

I'm wondering how other members here make decisions whether they want to place codes behind form or use a standard module instead.

I understand there is a performance penalty when you add another module (and use it), but am not sure whether one big fat module would be faster than several smaller modules with identical coding.

Furthermore, I know that some members use a hidden form to deal with startup and shutdown processing. Sometimes the processing has nothing to do with forms and would make more sense in a standard module, but since the form is already loaded, does it makes more sense to use the module behind the form than calling a function in a separate standard module to execute the needed code?

So, what do you tend to do in such situation?

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Error: Member Already Exists In An Object Module From Which This Object Module Derive

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating an form in a database and whenever one of my procedure's run it creates this error message:

The expression ON Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
Member already exists in an object module from which this object module derives.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [event Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.

An ideas?

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Security Module

Jul 17, 2006

Hi, I hope someone can help. I know there are masses of threads on security but I can't find one that is similar to my problem.

I have a SQL 2005 database that uses an access front end AND an intranet front end, dependent on the user.

I need to write a security module to run both so that whether a user is on the access version or the intranet version the security will remain the same. The security will be maintained from within forms in access.

Has anyone done something similar or seen any articles on something like this that will help me.

Many thanks


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Can't Get To VB Module In Form

Oct 21, 2005

I am in Acess2000 and trying to go to put vb in. When I hit the code icon,
I get the message: "name of db" failed to create the VB module '|'.

Is anyone familiar with this message and what do I need to do. I just added this form, and in the other forms that have vb code already, I can get to them okay.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Call Module?

Sep 8, 2005

I have a bunch of Forms set up in Access that are updating tables etc......

At present 100% of the code is sitting on the Form. I have some code that is repeated because of a string parsing issue. What I am thinking of doing is writing this code as a couple modules and then call them when needed.

Does that make sense to write them as modules and call them?

How do you call a module???


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Concatenation Module

Aug 18, 2006

Please can anyone give me a piece of code to combine the text from memo fields in 25 different queries and put it in one text box for printing?

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How To Run A Module Using A Menu Bar

Aug 26, 2006


I have created menu bars for my access application and now would like to transfer many pieces of code in modules so that they can run using macros. I beleive this is the only way I can make run my code from the menu bar. Correct?

I am having problems with the modules since I have never used them and would like some help.

Here is a sample of code I now have on a push button in a form:

Dim mydb As DAO.Database, MyRs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strCode As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

Set mydb = CurrentDb
Set MyRs = mydb.OpenRecordset("master")

stDocName = "MASTER"

stLinkCriteria = "[SSN]=" & "'" & Me![SSN] & "'"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "TEMPLATES", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
Forms("EFORMS").Visible = False
If IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "TEMPLATES", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Appendtemplates")
End If
End If

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "195", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
Forms("EFORMS").Visible = False
If IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "195", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Append195")
End If
End If

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "795", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
Forms("EFORMS").Visible = False
If IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "795", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Append795")
End If
End If

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "21", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
Forms("EFORMS").Visible = False
If IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "21", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Appendssa21tax")

End If
End If
Forms!eforms.lstPreInterview.Value = Null
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Eforms")
DoCmd.RunMacro ("CloseEforms")
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Eforms")

End Sub

What I need is to add this code to a module, and make it run using a manu bar (I assume via macro). Thanks.

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Module Not Found Error

Aug 29, 2005

I was doing a compact and repair when I got this error message.

Now when I try to open my database all I get is this message:
"Module not found"

Am I screwed or is there maybe possible silver bullet??

Thanks for any help

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Form's Module Disappeared

Sep 21, 2005


My mainform, which controls virtually all operations, has dissappeared.

Since itīs supposed to load when starting the database, the form actually loads, but you canīt see it in the forms window.

when I try to edit the code I get the message "module not found".

What do I do?



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Small Module Help (simple I Think)

Nov 25, 2005

hello all
i need a small thing to change in a module but am not too familiar with vb so i reached a dead end, here's the story:

i have a 'dog pedigree' database that i was working on, now there's a report where a dog's parents, their parents, and their parents need to be shown

that turned out to be out of my league so i paid a guy to do it for me, it worked except he didn't do exactly what's need and i can't get to him now :S

anyway, in the report page,
you can notice that the name of each parent is shown, but i want the registration number of the parents to show as well,
i tried modifying the module but it didn't work (am not a vb user), so can anyone help me add the reg number to the name of the parents?

also, in the report, the dog's color is appearing as a number instead of an actual color so if that can be fixed as well ...

to understand better:
record 1 in dogs, click the preview diploma button
you'll notice "tat" as dogname and "ry245" below that as registration number
now sire is "pat" and dam is "titu", i want their registration numbers to show as well (and same for the rest of the parents)

i uploaded the file here for a closer look:

thanks :)

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How To Use Query(given By Name) In Module Funktion?

Oct 11, 2005

I how such code:

Public Function fConList()
Dim DB As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strText As String

strSQL = "SELECT Contact.To FROM Contact" '
Set DB = CurrentDb

'Open a Recordset and loop through it to fill the text box txtTest

Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly)

How to put some other query given by name to instead of putting sql directly into string?
I have also textfield that has this =fConList() as source.
Is it possible that i will have some combo box or list of queries and one button. When i press this button the name of the query in the function will change to the chosen One from the list.
Any Ideas?
i'm beginner so,
Thanks in Advance for some examples

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Report Module Won't Sort

Nov 28, 2004

I've been using Access for a while now, to track some names, addresses, locations, etc. Recently, when I try to generate a report, I step through the field selection, etc, and when I get to the "sort" page, if I just keep going, it proceeds fine. If I select a field to sort on, however, I get the following message:

"The expression Before Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: The function you entered can't be used in this expression.

*The expression may not result in the mane of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluation the function, event, or macro."

I don't think I've changed anything to do with the program, or any of its Office brethren. Can anybody give me some advice? The report is generally useless without the ability to sort/group.

Thanks, all.

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Macro To Run Module - Urgent

Aug 2, 2007

How to run a module in the macro?
Which step can run a module.

There is only option to openmodule action.

Please clarify

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Is Form Name Available In Called Module

Aug 27, 2015

Is the calling Form name or the event handler's sub name available in called module? I need it in order to determine the form's name as in [Forms]!someformname!some control.

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Reference A Control In A Subform From A Module

Aug 4, 2005


I'm trying to reference a control in a subform from a module but I keep getting errors!

Here's what I've tried.. and what error I've been getting:

First try:
GetCboEntries = Forms.frmMain!frmSub.Form![cboEntries].Column(1)
(where frmSub is the name of the actual form in the subform control)
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

Second try:
GetCboActivities = Forms.frmMain!chdMain.Form![cboEntries].Column(1)
(where chdMain is the name of the subform control)
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method

Third try:
Error: Run-time error '2450':
Microsoft Access can't find the form 'frmMain' referred to in a macro expression or Visual Basic code.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Basic Problem With Module And The If Function

Feb 4, 2006

Basically i want the app to open small form that asks you to log in basic combo box to select user and text box to enter password well that works fine and i got it to open my main menu, but depending on whether you are a user or admin depends which menu opens.

So i used an if statement to do that part ie

If user = admin then

ElseIf User = user then

But because I use an If statement for their password

If TextBox = Password Then
Open form main menu

RunMacro (displays an error message)

So I use the password one first but then i need the other to run in the place of opening the form, so in ecense

If TextBox = Password Then
Open form main menu ----- but instead of this line i want
If user = admin then

ElseIf User = user then

RunMacro (displays an error message)

but it will not work, if i could get a line to run the menu select i could put it in the password one

hope this all makes sense

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Editable Default Value From Lookup Module

May 22, 2006

I'm still learning here, so please don't get annoyed if I don't know what I'm talking about.

I have a Module that I created that looks up a value in a table.. It is shown below.

Public Function DescLookup()

DescLookup = DLookup("[Projdescription]", "ProjDescTable", "[OrderN] = [Forms]![Production]![ProjIncList]")
End Function

I want this to be the default value for a field, however I want the field to be editable and I will later have a button that calls on an update query that will update the field with whatever changes are made to the Text Box, however when I set DescLookup() as the default value of the text box, it will not let me edit the text box in the form.

Am I describing this correctly? Can anyone help?

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Save/Change String In Module

Oct 27, 2006


Is there any way to change or write a string in module from Form?


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Module Code Stops Working

Nov 17, 2006

just wondering why randomly certain modules in the form code stop working..

when you accidentally press return.. or do something in the wrong order.. or apply one rule to one control.. and then another control rule stops working..

so you have to delete the code.. right click on the control's event.. and re-insert the code into the event section.. and then it works..


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Startup Module For Common Code

Oct 22, 2007

Is there a way, similar to Excel's "personal.xls", to put all my reuseable Access code into one central module?
Thanks in advance.

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Syntax Error When Running From Module

Mar 26, 2006

I get a syntax error when I run this query from an Access Module but I don't get an error when I run it as a straight query. Can anyone see what's wrong with it? I am using Access 2003

Dim sqlStmt As String

sqlStmt = "SELECT [CCC Companies].ESTBLMT_NO, SUM(subWeight) AS weight "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "FROM [CCC Companies], [SELECT ESTBLMT_NO, COUNT(*) * 10 AS subWeight "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "FROM CCCWords "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "WHERE Word IN ( Select word from CBCWords where vendor = '"
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + strVendor
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "') GROUP BY ESTBLMT_NO "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "UNION "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "SELECT ESTBLMT_NO,COUNT(*) * 25 AS subWeight "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "FROM CCCCleansedPhone "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "WHERE MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1, 5) IN ( Select MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1 ,5) FROM CBCCleansedPhone WHERE vendor_no = '"
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + strVendor
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "') GROUP BY ESTBLMT_NO "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "UNION "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "SELECT ESTBLMT_NO, COUNT(*) * 50 AS subWeight "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "FROM CCCCleansedPhone "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "WHERE MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1, 7) IN ( Select MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1 ,7) FROM CBCCleansedPhone WHERE vendor_no = '"
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + strVendor
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "') GROUP BY ESTBLMT_NO "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "UNION "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "SELECT ESTBLMT_NO, COUNT(*) * 50 AS subWeight "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "FROM CCCCleansedPostalCode "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "WHERE MID(STRIPPED_POSTAL,1, 6) IN ( Select MID(STRIPPED_POSTAL,1 ,6) FROM CBCCleansedPostalCode WHERE vendor_no = '"
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + strVendor
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "') GROUP BY ESTBLMT_NO "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "]. AS dupWeight "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "WHERE dupWeight.ESTBLMT_NO = [CCC Companies].ESTBLMT_NO "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "GROUP BY [CCC Companies].ESTBLMT_NO "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "HAVING SUM(subWeight) >= 60 "
sqlStmt = sqlStmt + "ORDER BY SUM(subWeight) DESC"

DoCmd.OpenForm "Show Probabilities", , , sqlStmt

Here is the code that runs ok in a straight query:

SELECT [CCC Companies].ESTBLMT_NO, SUM(subWeight) AS weight
FROM [CCC Companies], [SELECT ESTBLMT_NO, COUNT(*) * 10 AS subWeight
WHERE Word IN ( Select word from CBCWords where vendor = '100024')
FROM CCCCleansedPhone
WHERE MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1, 5) IN ( Select MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1 ,5) FROM CBCCleansedPhone WHERE vendor_no = '100024')
FROM CCCCleansedPhone
WHERE MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1, 7) IN ( Select MID(STRIPPED_PHONE,1 ,7) FROM CBCCleansedPhone WHERE vendor_no = '100024')
FROM CCCCleansedPostalCode
WHERE MID(STRIPPED_POSTAL,1, 6) IN ( Select MID(STRIPPED_POSTAL,1 ,6) FROM CBCCleansedPostalCode WHERE vendor_no = '100024')
]. AS dupWeight
HAVING SUM(subWeight)>=60

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User-level Security Using A Module

Feb 15, 2005

I have a module that authenticates users and controls who has full or read-only access to certain forms. My problem is this; things such as combo boxes and checkboxes that are meant to be used for any user are disabled in read-only mode.

I was thinking that I could use the tag property on my controls to establish which controls should always be enabled and then using my module to dynamically enable/disable the appropriate controls each time I load a form. Can anyone help me do this?

Basically all I really need to know is how to address the form in a module (since I can't use "Me.Controlname" and I don't know which form is being worked on until runtime. And also I don't want to lock records, since this won't allow other users to view the tables being used.

Also I don't want to use the Enable property because I don't want the data to be "greyed out". I could use the Locked property, but that poses the problem of multiple users trying to access the same table. So is there a way I can set certain fields to read-only without making the whole form read-only or locking the data?

By the way, I am working in Access 97

Here's a pseudo-code example of what I want

for each Cntrl in PassedForm.Controls
if Cntrl.Tag <> "AlwaysEnable" then
Disable Cntrl
end if

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Module/Method/Fuction Currently Running

Sep 14, 2005

Any idea how to retrieve the name of the Module and the name of the Sub/Function that currently executing?

Show me the door... :-)

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Calling Function In External Module

Jan 4, 2006

Is there a way to call a function stored in a module in the back-end access file from within a form in the front-end access file?

I want to be able to slip in a change to the code, and not have to then copy the changed module out to every front end file.

I am thinking that this is something that is in fact trivial to do, but for the life of me, I am drawing a blank on how to do it. Or even what search terms to use to search the help files.

Any help is appreciated.


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