Compare Values Between Two Subforms

Jul 16, 2007

Any idea if there's a way to compare values between two subforms on one main form?

I have a Required Inventory and and an Actual Inventory subform. I want the Actual Inventory field to be conditionally formatted to turn red if it is less than the corresponding required field and green if it is more. I know how to use Conditional Formatting, but I don't know how to reference the values in the next form.

Note: I have no problem using conditional formatting compared to values in the parent form. The syntax I used for that was:


But still no luck referencing subform controls.


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How To Compare Time Values?

Nov 15, 2007

I need create a query that can compare different time values.
My time field format something looks like 12:59 PM.
And compare other fields that has +- 10 minutes from my input.
It means when I input 12:00 PM to the query inputt then it lists records that have times 11:50 AM and 12:10 PM.
But I don't know how to compare these..they are not natural numbers..but they aren't text niether..
I tried to do it
[Arrive_Time] + 10
[Arrive_Time] - 10
in the criteria..but..doesn't work.

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Compare Sum Of Values In Rows With Same ID To Another Value

Feb 6, 2013

I need to compare the sum of a values in a column of rows with the same id. For example:

ID Value1 Value2

122222 20 40 (these are okay, the sum of Value1 in rows with same ID equal value 2)
122222 20 40
333333 100 100 (ok)
111111 50 100
111111 50 100 (not ok, the values with same id add to 150, so the first row containing this id should be deleted so the the total of Value1 equals Value2)
111111 50 100

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Compare 2 Values From Fields On A Table

Mar 6, 2006

Hi there

This is probably quite easy but I cannot make it work so would appreciate some help. I have a table containing vehicle information. I have 2 fields, Current Mileage and Max Mileage. I want to do a comparison of the 2 fields and should the Current Mileage be greater than the Max Mileage, the query returns the Vehicle Registration. Test data has been entered in the table I am querying and I was expecting 1 value to be returned. However the query as I wrote returned either all the vehicle Registrations or none of them. Can someone help with this please.

Thanks in advance for the assistance

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Compare Negative Values With Positive

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to to find a way to show all the positive values with nagative, in order words, if the value is 10,000 is should be followed by corresponding -10,000 so that the user could investigate if the entry is a reversible GL.

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Compare Values Of Columns Within The Same Query Table

Nov 19, 2006

I am trying to compare two columns' values within the same QUERY table, but I kept on getting the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error. What am I doing wrong?

Here is my Select Query Statement:
SELECT qryDedparmDedetail.EMP_ID, qryDedparmDedetail.[Employer Amt], qryDedparmDedetail.[Employer Actl], qryDedparmDedetail.[Admin Amt], qryDedparmDedetail.[Admin Actl], qryDedparmDedetail.[Employee Actl], qryDedparmDedetail.[Employee Amt], qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfSTATUS, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfAGENCY, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfTITLE, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfFORMAT_NM, qryDedparmDedetail.RepUnit, qryDedparmDedetail.FirstOfDEDTYPE_CD1 AS Expr1, qryDedparmDedetail.SumOfNBR, RepUnit.REPUNITDESC, qryDedparmDedetail.LeftType
FROM qryDedparmDedetail LEFT JOIN RepUnit ON qryDedparmDedetail.RepUnit = RepUnit.REPUNIT
WHERE (((qryDedparmDedetail.[Employer Amt])<>"Employer Actl") AND ((qryDedparmDedetail.LeftType)="01"));

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Modules & VBA :: Compare Values Of Several Columns Of A Record

Jan 23, 2014

I would like to compare the values of several columns in the same record and remove any duplicates. So...

ID | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5
1 | A | B | C | D | C
2 | C | C | C | D | D
3 | A | A | B | A | D

In the above example I would remove one of the Cs in row 1.

Two Cs and one D in row 2 and two As in row 3.

At the moment I have the value of each column stored in a variable and each one is compared against each other using LOTS of If statements.

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Compare Data In Different Tables And List Non Matching Values

Nov 2, 2007


I am trying to compare data in two different tables and list the data that does not match. Not sure if this is possible. Details below

Table 1

xyz - A1 - Do not use
ABC - A4 - Use

Table 2

123 - A1

The result of the query should show me

A4 (as this does not appear in table 2

I am not too familiar with Null values as there will be many null values that i want to ignore.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Compare Values Between Input Form And Table

Nov 12, 2013

I am making a dp for end of day sales, and i want to compare data in a table to the numbers inputted in a form and see whether this value is higher or lower. the table displays the target sales figures for each day, and the form allows the area mangers to enter in the current day figures.

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Modules & VBA :: Query To Compare Values To Show All Records Where Form Combo Value Is Selected

May 1, 2014

I am building a tracking database where we would be able to track information which field are null data and report them to our Administration to fill the null data. For this I have created a form name "Search" and I have a combo box control on that form which is bound to "Table = employee" and its ROW SOURCE TYPE="Field List", I would like to able to query records where the selected value in this combo box is null through out the table.

For example if I select "Telephone" from this combo box dropdown, I would like the query to show all the records where the "Telephone" is null, how to set the criteria in query to take the combo box value as "Field Name" and then compare it with the Field/Column in the table and show the null values.

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Retrieving Values From 2 Subforms

Jul 10, 2006

I making a query which creates a list of customers in a month. For the start and end dates of the month, they are retrieved from a table and put into 2 seperate subforms. The query isn't working through, so I was wondering if anyone would see where I'm doing wrong.

In the order_date field in the query, I have this as the criteria:
Between [Forms]![sub_fltStart]![DateList_Start] And [Forms]![sub_fltEnd]![DateList_End]

If you want any more clarification then just ask :)


EDIT: spelling/grammer

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How To Add Values From Multiple Subforms

Jun 20, 2012

how to add times together from multiple subforms and display the data on the main form. Just for backround, I am creating a timesheet to be used by our workshop employees. The form is set up in such a way that there is a combo box where they can select their name which rotates the record so all the data is specific to their id, and then there is a tab box with a tab for each day of the week each containing its own subform with combo boxes to select the project they worked on, text boxes to enter the start time and stop time for that project, and then 2 other text boxes: one that calculates time worked on that particular project and then one that calculates the total time worked for the day since they typically work on more than one project in a day. So what I need to do is to take the values from the total daily hours boxes and add them all together and show the sum in a box showing the total hours worked for the week.

My most recent attempt was to simply make an expression in the control source as follows:

=[Sunday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]+[Monday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]+[Tuesday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]+[Wednesday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]+[Thursday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]+[Friday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]+[Saturday subform].[Form]![Daily Hours]

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Calculations With Values In Forms & Subforms

Jan 21, 2005

Hi Everyone! Bear with me, I'm new to Access and I may not understand or use all the terminology correctly.

Background: I'm creating a database to track the inspections of many businesses. Each business will have many inspections throughout the year and each inspection has many items. I have a form set up which includes Business info and Inspection info (#items inspected, subtotal for inspection) on the main form, and Items in error listed on a subform (no error=no items listed).

Problem 1: I need to make a count of all items that are listed. I can do this in the subform, with no problem (in one of the footers #Discrep:count([item])) but now I need to report and use that value on the main form to calculate the percent error for the entire inspection. I don't know how to pull in onto the main form to set up my calculation. :confused:

Problem 2: This one is related and is probably the same fix. I have PriceCharged and PostedPrice for each item. I need to calculate the net error and then, using the subtotal on the main form, calculate the % dollar error.

Any suggestions, oh great and powerful gurus of the Access world? I hope I explained that clearly enough for you.
Thank you very much in advance!

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How To Link Subforms To Other Subforms On An Unbound Form

Feb 4, 2006

I forum could someone tell me:

I have an unbound form on that form I want to put three sub forms one on a products table the other on a course start dates table and the link table that joins the other two together. all three are related to each other with Pk/FK links.

When I try to link them it says you cannot link items on an unbound form.

regards in advance

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Compare VBA

May 9, 2007

Is there some free software somewhere to allow me to compare the vba in two differnat access dbs highlighting the differances??


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Dec 21, 2006

Hi All:

I need a mechanism that takes the excel spreadsheet or table and determine if there are any new deal groups. (In this spreadsheet I allready have a deal group field) I will be using Book and DealGroup as combination primary key to compare against the table "8 -- YTD Principal Investments" which will hose the YTD numbers and serve as a historical table we will update throghout the year.If there is a new deal group the append into table "8 - YTD Principal Investments"

Thank you

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How To Compare Before And After

Apr 26, 2007

Please help with query/report. I have the following problem.

One student evaluates course before and after. There is several questions related to this evaluation (all are same before and after) and for one question there is 5 possible answer (stored in option group)

I would like to build a report or a query where I can compare data from each student (before and after) for all questions. Is this possible to do in access.

So, StudentA: questionOn: answer: one columen: before, second column: after…. Next question.

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Compare SQL String

Jan 4, 2007

Hi, all.

I have string: strSQL = SELECT SUM column FROM table

I need compare it with constant number, for Example:

If strSQL > 50000 Then ....

its not working, any Ideas?

Thank You in advance

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Compare Digits

Mar 8, 2007

Hi there!
I'm bulding this database where the user will have to insert a full phone number. What I would like to know is? if is there any way where Access can pick the first 5 digits of the number to compare with information already imputed in. by example if the user input the number 01942789789, access pick the number 01942 to look for a match? I know I could do with two diferents fields one for the code number and other for the number, but my boss only want one field. Is there anyone that could help me


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Compare Query

Aug 19, 2005

I have a table that shows Part Numbers. Each part number can be listed multiple times depending on how man Build ID's it is associated to.
Part Nubmer 123456 could be associated with:
Build Id's F187, A910, F001, C810, E010, C809
or it might only be associated to 1, 2, 3, 4,or 5 of those Build Id's.
What I want my query to do is find any Part Number that is only associated with anything less than all six of the Build Id's.
Part Number 123456 is only associated with:
Build Id's F187 & A910 or only F001 & C809 or only E010.
If this was the case I would like for that Part Number to show up in the Query along with whatever Build Id's it is associated with as long as it is not associated with all six Build Id's. The Build Id Field is also part of the table.

Any help on how to do this.

Hope all of this makes sense.


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Compare 2 Tabels

Feb 8, 2006


I've made 2 tabels tblIn and tblOut,
Now I want to make a query which get the differences between the number of product A in tblIn and the number of product A in tblOut the same for product B,.... It's possible that there is nothing in tblOut from product X so the query just has to show the number of tblIn of product X, I've tried a few things but i can't make the query can anybody help me???


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Compare Two Lists

Mar 5, 2007

I have two list's of names. I'm able to run a query to find the matches but the ones that don't match i also need to id?
For ex. List a has 200 names List b has 130 names, how can i find the 70 names that don't match?

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Compare 2 Tables

May 31, 2007


Have 2 Tables that contain the same information, one table was used during registration and had the Data changed


How do I pull a comparison query to match the registration table to the Main table and pull only the data that is different so I can update the main table with the new Information? :confused:

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Compare Strings In SQL

Jul 10, 2007

I would like to put a restriction on the SQL statement such that if one particular field contains the character "MO", then we take in the record, else we ignore them. May I know how could this be done in the "WHERE" part of the SQL statement? I do not think SQL would read things like Instr(). Thanks!


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Compare And Delete

May 1, 2008

I'm trying to setup a delete query that cleans out the records in one table that are also in another table. I was trying to use the address field (would use name but one table splits it First and Last and the other doesn't) but I just can't seem to run the delete query when using a join

anyone have any ideas on how I could setup this delete query?

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Compare Date

Jul 12, 2005

Hello all
Ihave tblyear contain ( B_date and E_date )
in anoter form have feald ( invdate ) i wnat ( Invdate) is between B_date and E_date of the tblyear.
Thank u

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