Complete Record

Aug 17, 2005

Greetings to all, :)

i have a database with a few tables, but i need a special one that stores initial date and final date for a particular ID, but like this... :confused:
The table has the folowing fields; ID,STAGE,INITIALDATE,FINALDATE

New record:

New record:

When ID1 is repeated it must detect the blank field ( FINALDATE) , fill with the now date ( to finalize the record ) and also add a new record ( ID1 - STAGE - INITIALDATE - FINALDATE ( leave blank again ).

It also can have other records of other IDs in between.

I think i need a VBA code to detect the last record for ID#, detect FINALDATE field, write the date on it, save, and add a new record again.

Can this be done? :rolleyes:

Many thanks in advance

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SQL Almost Complete

Apr 28, 2006

For a graph i have the below code sql to define the chart results

SELECT [Load],[Displacement] FROM [try];

try is a text box containing a table name within the access DB. how do i change the FROM sql statement to look at the name in the text box and use it as to draw the graph?

options in the text box are for example


If i use
SELECT [Load],[Displacement] FROM [TABLE1];
SELECT [Load],[Displacement] FROM [TABLE2];

all is well, i need to get it to look at the text box, well a combo box

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Sql Almost Complete

Apr 28, 2006

For a graph i have the below code sql to define the chart results

SELECT [Load],[Displacement] FROM [try];

try is a text box containing a table name within the access DB. how do i change the FROM sql statement to look at the name in the text box and use it as to draw the graph?

options in the text box are for example


If i use
SELECT [Load],[Displacement] FROM [TABLE1];
SELECT [Load],[Displacement] FROM [TABLE2];

all is well, i need to get it to look at the text box, well a combo box

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Complete Locking

Apr 5, 2006

Hello Everyone,

I just migrated a back end to a network server. Now when more than one tries to use the database they get a file in use error.

Any ides?

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Auto Complete

Feb 2, 2005

I am new to Access, I know I couold do this easily in other DBs using a dependant relationship... but I can't get a handle on it here.

I have Client, a State and Coutry tables. What I want to do is assign a Country to a State (in the State table?) and then when I choose a State in the Client table, the Coutry field is completed automatically.

Any ideas?

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Auto Complete

Mar 15, 2005

I have a table which contains:-

Employee ID Full name
AD Alison Doody
AM Ape Monkey
PT Pet Tepee


In a form i want to be able to select the Employee ID and then next to it in another box the full name appears.

I've looked at other auto complete post, but nothing seems to match what i want to do.
Can anyone help? :confused:

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Auto Complete!

Mar 15, 2005

I have a table which contains:-

EmployeeID-----Full name
AD------------- --Alison Doody
AM---------------Ape Monkey
PT----------------Pet Tepee


In a form i want to be able to select the Employee ID and then next to it in another box the full name appears.

I've looked at other auto complete post, but nothing seems to match what i want to do.
Can anyone help?

[for those of you who read the extremely BIG writing in the last post of the same as above, i apologise!! My PC decided to have a hissy fit just as i hit the submit button :mad: :o ]

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Auto Complete

Jun 7, 2006

I have a table witch hold a reference number in one field, house number in another and street in another field. I need to create a form that when the refernce number is entered by the operator the house number and street are automatically entered in the other fields. I'm not sure how to go about it can any one help.


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Auto Complete Is It Poss

Jan 11, 2008


Does anyone know if it is possable to get access to complete some fields based on data you have already entered? For example, if there were 2 fields 'title' and 'sex', is it possable to set the database up so that when you select Mr, the next field automaticly enters male?

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Auto-Complete / Default Value

Jan 24, 2006

I'm using cascading combo boxes with sql in each subsequent combo similar to:

SELECT DISTINCT [incidentnavigation].[type] FROM incidentnavigation WHERE [incidentnavigation].[involved]=cboincidentinvolved And [incidentnavigation].[person]=cbowho ORDER BY [Type];

If the result of the query is one line, i.e. click arrow and there's only one choice, can I get access to auto-fill in the box?

I tried an excel kind of if(count(query=1) then etc and it doesn't like it.

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Complete Search Form

May 10, 2006

I have a table called customers and subtables are linked to this table. for example contacts, etc..;

I would like to make a search form where i have criteria fields like street, id code, customername, customername, etc....
I would like to have one Search button so when I enter criteria like the name or the street I just have to click one button. And I would like to have 1 reset button to delete the criteria in the fields so I do not need to clear each time all fields.

also I would like to see in that screen a subform where i can see the found criteria so I can click one button to open customer details.

can someone help me on that issue or does someone have such a form allready?

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Check For Complete Form

Oct 12, 2004

Im tinkering with a new form for data input..

We use 2 different forms for employees based on status. Pending, and active. Staff members should not be able to be set to active unless all the fields on the Pending form are completed. Is there anyway I can check to make sure the form is completely filled in before allowing a status change to Active?

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Clear Data In A Complete Yes/no Column

Aug 12, 2006


I'm new here and I have a question:
In my db I have a yes/no tick, now I want to create a button that clears out all the ticks in that specific column, possible?
To clarify:
I have an address db with an gift table (tbl_gift) and a yes/no parameter for, lets say, 'did they gave me a present with christmas?' (col_gift).
Naturally I want to clear their records before next christmas, now instead of going through all the records and remove the tick, is there a fast-one-button-click solution for this?

Thanks in advance!
(btw: sorry for my English, I'm Dutch and damn proud of it!)

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Getting A Complete List Of Files And Folders

Nov 26, 2006

I'm trying to get a complete list of folders within a given Folder but can only get it down to the level of the main folders sub folders but should a sub folder also contain folders it misses these.

My code below builds a list like:


This function is used to fill a combo box

Function ShowFolderList() As String
Dim fs, F, f1, S, sf, All, AF, FC, sb, sb1, sbf, sbc
Dim Lst As String
Lst = ""
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set F = fs.GetFolder(Me![FoldersRoot] & Me![StartInFolder])
Set sf = F.SubFolders
For Each f1 In sf
Lst = Lst & f1 & ";"
Set sb = f1.SubFolders
For Each sb1 In sb
Lst = Lst & sb1 & ";"
'Now Remove The Last ; If Their
If Right(Lst, Len(Lst)) = ";" Then
ShowFolderList = Left(Lst, Len(Lst) - 1)
ShowFolderList = Lst
End If

End Function

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Database Complete Time To Distribute

Jul 27, 2007


I have finally completed my database project. It is a split database. Back End on a network server.

I want to distribute the front end to all users however I want to limit to the best I can what they can do to it. Can someone please advise me on the best way to wrap up and send out my front ends?

All security has been established. I am talking about the availability to see the tables, macros, control bars etc..

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Fen How

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Auto Complete Stopped Working

Sep 19, 2006

Access 2003.

Auto complete was working with a combo box. After adding much functionality
to a database I find that auto complete does not work on any combobox in any
form. So I create a blank database and a simple test shows that auto complete
works. When a form from the faulty database is imported in the test database,
auto complete stops working on the test form. Even if the imported faulty
form is removed, auto complete still does not work.

I tried creating a new database and importing the faulty form after removing
all controls and events from the form except for the combo box. Auto complete
still stops working. Not only on the imported form but also on the existing
form which works prior to the import.

I checked auto expand and it is 'Yes' in all conditions.

What ever is causing the problem on the faulty form seems to cause some
property of the database to change.

Is there some database option or property setting that controls auto complete?

Is is possible that importing a form will cause a database property to change?


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Show Only Non Complete Workorder In Form

Nov 15, 2006

I have a Maintenance work order form I would like to filter out completed records so when the form is open it will only show workorders that need to be copleted and also a way to view all the workorders that are complete


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Auto Complete Feild In Table

Apr 28, 2008

I'm trying to create a table which needs some feilds to be automatically filled up when the control goes to it. Say my table has feilds, "size" and "result". In each row, the result cell should be filled up corresponding to the size value of that row. This needs to be looked up from an existing table.

Would appreciate any solutions!

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Forms :: Auto Complete Field Within Form

Jul 21, 2015

I have created 2 tables, one for direct customers and one for indirect customers. (I consider indirect a customers customer). The 2nd table has a field that links every indirect customer to a direct one. I also have a table for inserting credit notes. The credit note is either for a direct or an indirect customer. I am using a form for this one. So the form has 2 fields, one for each kind of customer. If the customer is direct, i only insert the direct customer field. If its an indirect customer i insert the indirect customer field. What i want is to create a combo box that when choosing an indirect customer, to display the linked direct customer and to save it to the direct customer field.

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Modules & VBA :: Cannot Complete Action Whilst Processing

Jan 16, 2014

I'm trying to setup a process of opening a form, saving to a location, emailing it as a PDF, killing the PDF, move onto the next form - rinse wash repeat until done.The below works fine on a single click, however if I try to set it as an event timer of loop, I get an error saying: This action cannot be carried out whilst processing a form or report event.

Dim outputFileName, Ref As String
Ref = Vici_URN
outputFileName = CurrentProject.Path & "Claim PackagesCICA" & Ref & " - " & Format(Date, "yyyyMMdd") & ".pdf"


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Queries :: Check If Period Breakdown Is Complete

Aug 31, 2014

I have 2 tables:

Each of the tables has fields for:

The logic behind the database is that each service is contracted for certain period, from StartDate until EndDate (if EndDate is not given - null - it means it is a permanent contract). For each service, we need to input prices. As prices may change during time, we may have different prices records for a service - we need to have the service period broken down into subperiods with different prices. So we need StartDate and EndDate for each period for which particular prices are valid (again, if EndDate is not given - null - it means the prices are valid "forever" into the future from the StartDate).

My problem is: I want to have a check that would return the number of services which period (tblServices) is not fully reflected in the prices periods (tblPricesPeriods). Those would be for example:

-gaps between subperiods (subperiod1 finishing 30.09.2014 and subperiod 2 starting 3.10.2014)
-service period (tblServices) limited by EndDate (not null), while prices period for this service (tblPricesPeriods) having null as EndDate
-start date for service (tblServices) earlier than earliest start date for prices periods for this service (tblPricesPeriods)

Preferably, I'd like to use a normal query for that (or set of queries), but I'm opened to other options.

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Queries :: Find Records Not Scheduled / Complete

Jun 4, 2013

I have a database for training. I have a table of employees with one of the criteria being active which is enabled by a check box. I have a second table of all of the training data. When I add a new employee, or I want to schedule someone, I want to be able to have a combobox on a form which I can select the type of training and then with a push of a button find if there is an active employee which has not had this training through results of a query.

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General :: How To Print Complete Code Of A Project

Jul 9, 2013

How do I print the complete code of a project? If I select all the code with CTRL+A in the code window does it print all the objects of the project I'm in or I have to select each object from the drop down list at the top of the code window?

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Forms :: Autofill - Possible For Fields To Have Auto-complete Option?

May 20, 2014

I have combo boxes set up with the different choices for major, minor, year, etc. Is it possible for these fields to have an autocomplete option? For example, there are about 30 different subjects that students can choose for a major, so rather than having to look for it in the drop down menu, could the person entering the data just start typing "ant" and have it automatically fill with "anthropology" for example?

I should also mention that the reason I made these fields into combo boxes is because I built SQL in the row source so that it is bound to the primary key but displays the description instead (with the column widths set to 0; 1).

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Forms :: Auto Complete Form Field With Foreign Key

May 24, 2014

I am trying to auto populate a form from a table containing CustomerID, CustomerName and PCCID_FK

Now in the form I want to auto populate the field cmbPCC when I update the cmbCustomer

using dlookup I've managed to show it manually
=DLookUp("PCCID_FK","tblCustomer","CustomerName='T est'")

It gives the ID of PCCID_FK which is what I want. how do it I modify the expression to replace the TEST part with a value in a combo box.

or is there a better way of accomplishing this.

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Having Forms With Auto-complete / Combo Box Option For Cells?

Dec 18, 2012

I am building a database to store student assessment information. I have a table with student information, a table with teacher information, and tables which will store the student's scores on a certain assessments.

Q1: I have a field in the assessment table for Teacher ID and Student ID which are linked to their respective tables. What I want to do is create a form for inputting the assessment data but the fields for teacher ID and Student ID to auto-complete or be combo boxes, I don't care which. That is, when a person is entering a student's scores, and go to enter their ID, they won't have to type the whole number out and hope they dont make any mistakes, they will essentially have a list of choices to choose from. Or as they type, the corresponding number will filter down. I already have refferential integrity on so that they can't enter an invalid ID in either field but I want them to have the choice.

Q2: In an assessments table, there is a 1-1 correspondence btw student ID's because only one student can have one score on a particular assessment. However, clearly one teacher can be tagged to several student's assessment scores. Any better way to tag the teacher to multiple student's scores without having fields in the assessment table for teacher ID which is repeated multiple times.

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