I've been working with this access database for a professor for about a month. Each time I try to do totals, I always get a larger value than it is suppose to be.
Say, I'm suming three fields that have 3, 4, 5 in them, instead of getting 12, I get 50. This happens all the time and I've had to redo the output data several times because the result I got was always outrageously wrong.
Really struggling with my structure and have been looking at it for so long my head hurts so any advice would be great. (see attached)
Basically, I want a DB for keeping track of service / repair of electronic machines. Many of our customers also call us for tech support. There are a number of other items like purchases but once I have worked out one, I can then copy the methods.
Are my relationships even remotely correct? I cannot get the calls log to work - loosly based on the sample a supplied with Access "contact managment". :confused: Any help / advise would be greatly received
I was wondering if a kind sole out there can help me or give me some advice.
I'm creating a DB (I have attached a simple copy) but I'm having real problems with it. On the Roleprofileform I want to give the users the ability to choose what applications they need. I've done this by double clicking the text box will produce a list box from which they choose their apps. On closure this will then update the text box with the respective ID's. This solution was supplied through help received on this forum.
The trouble is I still don't under stand how I can ever run a report with this information without have mountains of code.
What I would like to happen and I'm all ears to any suggestions is to somehow have the ability for users to choose say their drives and it be reflected in the table tblRoleApps as I can then run reports easily. My main aim of engaging you help is to help me with A. How to allow users to choose their apps B. How this is displayed on the form (would prefer the names of the apps but it is not that important if the reports reflect this) C. How to reflect what apps match up to what roles for the purpose of reporting.
Hello, after browsing many, many forums on the net for access help, this one seems to be the most active, so im really hoping someone can provide some quick assistance.
Quick run down of the project: Im working on an access database that has a simple login form with usernames & passwords set into a table. Once the user logs in, a global variable (declaired within a module) is set within to the username for reference throughout the life of the project.
The whole reason a user is required to log into the database is so that every new transaction entered into specific tables will have a username attached to the transaction (basically, so I know who to talk to when data has been entered incorrectly, or there is a questionable entry in a given table).
My problem here is that most of you know that you can not assign a variable to a default value of a field in a table. Since my users will only be working within forms and not the tables, the only logical place to force this value would be within the form code.
Now the problem: Through debugging, I know that my global variable strAccountName$ maintains the proper value as required, but I can't for the life of me get the results I require.
When a new row is inserted, I need the value of strAccountName$ to be automatically filled into the AccountID text box, but having terrible results:
Assign the default value for AccountID control when the form loads results in empty value upon new record.
Assign the default value for AccountID control when the forms BeforeInsert function is called also results in empty value upon new record.
Assign the text value for AccountID control when the forms BeforeInsert function is called works, but im forced to change focus from the initial control in which the user was originally working with, making the user return where he/she was and force re-selection of data within a combo box (which is was initiated the BeforeInsert call in the first place).
I can't believe that such a simple thing would turn out to be such a frustrating experience!
Is there any alternative that you guys can suggest? It's vital that I have the ability to track entries made by my users.
Table 2's Customer Name field is a lookup field back to Table 1 (so the name is always spelled the same)
Query 1 contains the fields of the Job Record table
Form 1 contains fields from Query 1, and is used to update/edit Table 2
Query 2 contains the fields of Table 2, plus a calculated field that will assign an invoice amount based on who the customer is. I'm using an IIF statement to make this determination. The statement reads IIf ( [Customer Name]="ABC", 120, 180)
The above scenario results in Error# returned as value.
As you know it's not possible to set the "BorderStyle"-property of a form during runtime. But thats a kind of functionality, i need to use in my Access 2003 application.
I need to 'simulate' the value "none" during runtime, that means that there is absolutely no frame/border around the form. Design-mode is not possible, because i need to use a MDE file.
So i dealed with the APIs and nearly got it. But i always have had a kind of very thin 'sunken'-frame around my form. I also played with the extended window-styles, but the result was that i got a 'raised'-frame around the form.
Over all i really got wired in my head.
Maybe someone already did that too and can post the right api-calls / styles here?
I would be really thankful, because i quit that now after hours...
In a report there is a text box that disappears if certain data appears in a record. It is supposed to disappear but I cannot determine why it is disappearing and I need to fix the criteria that make it disappear.
The text box is unbound (the control source is ="Bonus Point Legend"), and there is not any code that refers to it, nor are there any references to it in a query (I can delete the text box and the report runs just fine). Interestingly, if I add a new text box and use the paint brush to format it based off the one in question, it also disappears and acts just like the one in question. But I can't find any code that even references a generic control and makes it invisible. The tag field is not in use either.
Our Contacts database holds records relating to individual clients. As these clients are visited in their homes, I have put a "Lone Worker Caution" yes/no field on the form to alert staff of potential risks prior to visiting.
To have a more visual signal to staff, I have placed a label (label202) on the form with it's visibility properties set to NO. With a lot of help from other forum users, I have put the following code behind the yes/no check-box, to activate the label and cause it to "flash" in red & black colours:
Private Sub LoneWorkerCaution__AfterUpdate() If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = True Then Me.Label202.Visible = True End If If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = False Then Me.Label202.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Contacts()
If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = True Then Me.Label202.Visible = True End If If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = False Then Me.Label202.Visible = False End If Me.TimerInterval = 300 Me.Label202.ForeColor = vbBlack
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer() With Me.Label202 .ForeColor = (IIf(.ForeColor = vbRed, vbBlack, vbRed)) End With
End Sub
Everytime I click the yes/no check box to activate the warning message, VBA opens up with the message "Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not Found".
What does this message mean? What do I have to do (in Plain English please, I'm new at this!) to fix it?
I have a form with a drop down that links to a table where a user can select or type a record, If they type a record that isn't in the table, the form goes completely blank.
Is there a afterupdate event I can do so that if the record doesn't exist, then a msg prompts and the form isn't completely blank?
Recently I've been charged with the task of setting up a database for the company I work for. Not a big problem I thought, I sat down and started playing. I've figured out most all of what I wanted to do with one glaring exception.
I have 3 fields of data that I want added together and automatically spit out into a 4th field. If the 4th field was also unable to be altered by the user, that would be all the better.
For exampled I'm looking to add [Field1] [Field2] and [Field3] and have them spit out into the field [Output].
My coding knowledge is limited, and my access experience is almost as poor. Surely Access is capable of doing this, without having to build some elaborate script or macro or whatever it's called.
I am trying to figure out how to have a field work like the auto number (automatically fill in the next number) but I need it use a prefix that doesn't change. IE: IN82806*** with the *** being the auto fill numbers. I have read that I can make a macro to do this, but have been unable to figure out how. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.