Complex Situation For Me

Jul 22, 2005

Hello all,

I am trying to make a simple inventory control system. This system will only record input of products and output of products. Explanation: This is a catering service company. I buy tomatoes, rice, oinions, Oils, meat, ect. When we buy this products they usaly come in different packages. The rice can come in 100 pound bag, 50 pound bag or just by the pound. The onions can be bought by the bucket, half bucket, dozen, half dozen ect. The oil can be bought by 100 gallon barril, half barril, Gallon, half gallon, pint ect. The meat by the pound.

I am able to make the a simple invoice and PO application, the only problem is that I want to be able to select what type of packaging the product has and the invoice or PO subforms.

I started with a simple product table, I than created a packaging table and a package detail table. This gave me the chance to create a subform on the product form where I can choose what type of packaging this product uses and also tell it how many units the package has.

So far so good. Now I created a Chef table "this is my Chef to whom I give the product to for cooking" I than created an authorization slip table "this is like an invoice table" and ofcourse a authorization detail table "this is where I pick the products that I give the cook" once I print this out the chef will be able to go to the warehouse and retreive the product.

What I want to do in the detail subform is to be able to pick the product and the type of packaging that I am giving them from a dropdown box then it will automaticaly show only the packaging I assinged to that product and give me the units . This way if I pick the type of packaginh name 100 pound it will put 100 units in the quantity field automaticaly.

So basicaly is an invoice form with its detail but on the detail I am able to pick the product and the packaging that I am giving the chef.

Can you guys guide me on the right direction on how to do thsi?


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My Situation!

Nov 26, 2005

I am creating a database that tracks reports that are generated from people in the field...The statistics are tracked on a 28 day cycle, beginning on a Monday and ending on a Sunday. Every week the 28 day period loses the first week and gains a week on the end. I need to develop a way to generate the queries for the reports based on a clock that automatically "calculates" the current 28-day period.

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Inherited This Situation - Regarding Parameters

Feb 7, 2007

Hi. - Please do not lecture me: I inherited this database and it's table designs.

I have multiple tables, each containing a SSN text field and multiple other text fields. There is some overlap in SSNs among tables.

I need to create a report with a subform for each table.

The user would ideally be asked for and enter a specific SSN and a specific string. The result would be the report showing the SSN and each table's field that contains the string.
ie, parameters would be: Specify SSN and for the string would be: Enter TEXT VAUE.
SSNs are simple enough, but the text string entered would need to be, for example: LIKE "2400*"

How do I do this easily so that each text field in each table is searched for that string, without having the user re-enter and re-enter and re-enter... it multiple times?
(I do not know very much VBA, so other ideas?)


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Access Vs Excel....which One For This Situation

Jan 2, 2008

A friend of mine who is in real estate is looking to learn about Excel. My knowledge is very limited. I can Conditional Format, IF, VLOOKUP etc but I have no idea what can be done with different Sheets in a file.

For example, in one set of data he has it is details on properties for rent. Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3 are for 1, 2 or 3bedroom properties. I assume if a 4 bedroom property is for rent then Sheet4 would be done.

With Excel how easy (or hard) would it be to link data between the sheets. For example, show the properties where the lease is about to end (or whatever) and whereby properties that met the search criteria would comprise 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units and hence be in all 3 sheets.

If what is in 3 sheets was placed in one sheet can Excel do much with that or are you stuck with data that is spread over what appears to be several acres:D

If you can do this in Excel would you need to learn a lot about Excel. To put it another way, this is very easy for anyone here to do what he wants in Access. However, for someone starting from scratch would Excel allow him to get up to speed and functioning easier and quicker than Access

Thanks for any advice

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Consolidate 3 Queries Down To 1, Possible In My Situation?

Dec 26, 2006

In order to find the most recent piece of data for a particular customer I need to query my table in 3 iterations.

I have a TABLE with data in it pertaining to all customers.

QUERY 1 orders all the records in TABLE by date.

QUERY 2 plucks all records related to specified customer from QUERY 1.

QUERY 3 selects the TOP 1 from QUERY 2.

My main concern is that this all happens automatically. Can I shorten this process at all?

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Situation With Similar Strings!

Apr 10, 2008

I have supplier records where the supplier name in each record is different. It may be Supplier ABC, AB,C, ABC!, ABC Inc., or several other variations. In addition each of these suppliers has their own supplier ID. The supplier ID can be one of 5 different versions since the data is from 5 different ERP systems. I am trying to create one table that does not have the supplier listed many times, but has one correct name and one ID that will be able to link back to the original file with all the different names and IDs. I hope this is a good explananation. Any advise?

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Help-dont Understand Dlookup In This Situation

Jan 17, 2007

Hi i'm after some time saving advice

i'm writing an Access database to quote for windows & doors,
there are many variants like style, width, height, glass types, security specifications and about 4 other options.

what would be the best way of working out how to add the extras for each option,

The price would be based on the style first, then depending on width and height, then on what options were ticked . i.e securtity spec yes/no, then on what glass type, the price gfor that would be based on the entered width x height etc.

is it possible to do a look up, like you can in Excel where it looks at at grid/matrix based on style number and width x height to get the price, but then how would i get it to add the other options which will depend on size and number of openings.

any help greatfully received.....

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Displaying Only One Field In Report - But Unique Situation

Feb 12, 2007

Hi. Back again with a badly designed number of tables that I inherited.

I have 20 tables each with an ID field and a dozen-or-so text fields. - (I planned on using a master report with sub-reports, but perhaps I am ahead of myself here.)

I need the user to enter the ID and a value which would only appear in one of the dozen+ fields for that record, in that table.
I set up queries with parameters for the ID and the desired text value.
However, when run, I get the correct client record, but also all of the fields for that record... Not only the field with the desired value.

Is there a 'simple' way to do this knowing ho wmany possible fields froma ll of the tavbles would have to be searched? And not all tables have the same field names!


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Wierd Sorting Situation (excluding Record)

Jun 29, 2006

I'm trying to sort a combo box alphabetically except for one value which is always at the top of the list.

The row source of the combo box is a query. record to remain at the top of the list is static- same value and ID number always. I've fiddled around with a few things, but at the end of the day, i'm just not smart enough! (or its not possible -which i doubt)..
any suggestions?

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Complex Join

May 17, 2007

I was wondering if someone can give me a possible solution to my join below:

From tableA, tableB
where IN (Select id from table c where .......) <--I would like tableB.prodId to make a join with the's that are in this select sub query


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Query Is Too Complex

Aug 4, 2007

Hello ,
I had incountered with a huge problem in my project and I need your help guys.
I have a huge table contains alot of data about many people- I wanted the data will be checked and sent to a query.
Here is an example for a little project beacuse I couldn't have the big one.
(This example works fine)
My big project is pretty the same but after I try to get the query out I get an error that the query is too complex....(It's really too big when you have 20texts to be checked with 9000 fields)
If you check the query fields you may see how the OR is getting separted and because every text has OR statement everything is hanged by everything.
Someone told me that I can't use query options and mannge it and I should use VB SELECT option - but I can't make it work too.
So I can't show you the real example at all beacsue I can't have it to my computer and It will take alot of time to have 9000 different cells ;
SO if someone knows what I am talking about and ever encoutered it , I would be really thankful !
(Also - You may see some problems with the OR ("") but I mannged it to work with the BIG project so it doesn't matter)
I don't want you to focus the conditions but just the problem itself ...." the query is too complex"...

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Help, Query To Complex???? But How?

May 25, 2005


This one is a pain in the but. I tried everything, but why would it just won't work. It always says the query is to complex. Have included the database, anyone a solution?


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Complex Search

Jul 27, 2005

If the user inputs two words (or names in this case) such as "Bloggs Smith", how could I get it to return records with Bloggs & Smith in whatever order they were input?


Author: Smith, Medin & Rose

User searches: Smith Rose ..........and it returns a hit for Smith, Medin and Rose.

Maybe the Author field would be better not as a text but as a seperate table with a many to many relationship...can someone suggest the best option?


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Complex Query

Sep 16, 2005

I need to perform a query on a database (not designed by me) that is not normalized. In fact it is only one table with numerous fields (many of them Date/Time). I need to query the table based on the date fields only.

Basically the table is used to track when specific functions are completed to determine the time required to perform the individual tasks (accuracy to one day is acceptable) and find the ones which are falling behind. Since several individuals are required to complete each project each step has an average value (based on historical data.)

The following is a short narrative:

1. Step 1 is scheduled for 1/5/05 and the task is not started untill 1/7/05. This is not acceptable. There is a 1 day window. I need to flag this record (via report) if the start date exceeds the schedule date by more than 1 day. If a start date has been entered this record does not need flagged (regardless of the alloted time).

2. Step 2 is based on the amount of time alloted to complete the task once started. If the task takes more than 2 days the project needs to be included in the query for the report. As above, if the date is entered the record is not needed since there is no need to try to determine the when the project will start.

3. Step 3 measures the number of days from the project completion untill the product is sent to the central office. If the time exceeds 2 days the record needs to be included in the dataset. Again, once a date is entered in the received field there is no need to include the record.

There are a couple more steps but they follow the same criteria as the first three.

I have not been able to figure out how to get these requirements entered into the query design view.

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Complex Query (at Least For Me It Is)

Sep 19, 2005

This is the table structure that I use:



Client _Id



The query I'm trying to get is: Who owes me money for the service and How much.

Each car had several treatments in the past and some have missed a payment or I didn't notice and just issued a new order.

I need a query that runs through the entire database, does a summary of all the amount owed to me per Car, and then deducts the total payments made per Car. If the balance is > than Zero,. Show me that car and the bottom line amount.

Please let me know if you can help with this.


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Complex Update

Oct 30, 2005

I need to import information from an XML file that includes a wide array or codes. Each code stipulates which amount is entered into a particular field.

The importation and conversion is not a problem this has been achieved successfully, however the problem exist in the update procedure. Due to the extensive amount of different codes (est. 30) an IIF statement becomes to large and complex to evaluate.

The following statement though being very incorrect it does show an example of what is being attempted.

IIf([ClaimUpdate]![claimtype]="com1" Or "com2",[tblClaims]![CommencementCIAmount],"") Or IIf([ClaimUpdate]![claimtype]="RCM*",[tblClaims]![ReCommencementCIAmount],"") Or IIf([ClaimUpdate]![claimtype]="SCH1",[tblClaims]![SchoolBasedCommAmount],"")

Basically if table [claimupdate]![claimtype] = "com1" then [tblClaims]![Related Field] = amount else leave blank.

Question is there a better way to construct the criteria or should a module or procedure be used instead to evaluate? Or is there a way to construct a nested IIF statement to evaluate a large complex criteria?

Any suggestions greatfully recieved...

If it looks like a problem, acts like a problem it must be a problem!

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Complex Query

Dec 14, 2005

Hi guys, long time surfer, first time poster here :)

We use a prehistoric Process Plant design software package, and it stores all its information in Oracle 8i.

A report I need to pull takes data from a stack of tables, each with a unique number.

PDTABLE_113 contains a list of models, each model having a unique PARTITION_NO.

Every PARTITION_NO entry has a matching table called PDTABLE_21_XXXX where XXXX is the PARTITION_NO of the model. Each PDTABLE_21_XXXX has a row for every piece of equipment in the relevant model.


Is there some way to query the database so I get something that looks kinda like this:


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Expression Too Complex

Jan 31, 2006

Hello all,

I am experiencing this error:

"This expression is typed incorrectly or it is too complex to be evaluated….For example a numeric expression my contain too many complicated elements."

I think the error is as a result of this expression in my query, I have 9 fields with the expression below with different field names:

Like Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*" Or Forms!QBF_Form!Sales Is Null

The problem is when I close the query and open it, the expression multiplies to numerous rows and also creates additional fields for the last part of the expression. Is there an expression that I could use that would work okay.

I tried using this expression:
Like IIF (Forms!QBF_Form!Sales)="", "*", "*" & Forms!QBF_Form!Sales & "*"

It was working, but is no longer working..not sure why.

Do you have a similar expression that will achieve the same result but create additional criteria.

Very grateful!

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Complex Query Help Please

Aug 31, 2006

Hello, this is kinda complicated to explain so Ill try to break it down.

I have a table with the following sample data

SerialNumber DateReceived Measured Level
0000-0024 25/08/2006 11:31 84
0000-0024 25/08/2006 12:59 84
0000-0024 25/08/2006 15:05 84
0000-0021 25/08/2006 10:08 32
0000-0021 25/08/2006 17:19 32
0000-0024 24/08/2006 09:45 88
0000-0024 24/08/2006 16:06 88
0000-0021 24/08/2006 13:09 36


this shows that I can have multiple entries in a day for a particular serial number.

I need to select ONLY ONE serial number and corresponding data for each day (or week).

I tried to format the date to remove the time and then select the distinct date (so 1 record a day for each serial was displayed), this worked.
I could not link it successfully to other tables because I had to format the corresponding match date to avoid a type mismatch thus invalidating what i was doing by selecting the distinct record.

Here is the original query i was using that selected a range of dates (which included multiple dates in a single day with a single serial).

SELECT TBLRemoteUnitInfo.TankSize, TBLRemoteUnitInfo.TankName, * FROM TBLRemoteUnitRequests, TBLRemoteUnitInfo WHERE (TBLRemoteUnitRequests.RemoteFeildUnitID = TBLRemoteUnitInfo.RemoteFeildUnitID) AND (TBLRemoteUnitRequests.SerialNumber=:SerialNumber) AND (TBLRemoteUnitRequests.DateReceived BETWEEN :Datestart AND :Dateend)
ORDER BY TBLRemoteUnitRequests.UnitRequestID';

how can i take a sample of the range of dates (ie 1 a day/week or month), i assume i need to create a filtered table via query first then query that table.

Its killing me!

if i am being unclear please let me know and ill try to clarify


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Complex Query, Any Help??

Feb 6, 2007


I have come to a dead end with my query. Any help would be really appreciated.

I have a query which i have written:

SELECT TblBurnleyWwTw.MetricID
FROM TblBurnleyWwTw
WHERE (((TblBurnleyWwTw.[Data Source])="OMS")) OR (((TblBurnleyWwTw.TAGFunction)="CHP"))
GROUP BY TblBurnleyWwTw.MetricID, TblBurnleyWwTw.[Metric Required], TblBurnleyWwTw.CALCULATIONS, TblBurnleyWwTw.PIPointSource, TblBurnleyWwTw.PILoc1, TblBurnleyWwTw.[High Level KPI]
HAVING (((TblBurnleyWwTw.MetricID) Like "130*") AND ((TblBurnleyWwTw.[Metric Required])="-1") AND ((TblBurnleyWwTw.PIPointSource)<>"L"));

This retreives all codes relating to what i want. The problem is, I need this data to try and match within another column of calculations E.g. Data retreived from query I have may be 13001, 13002, 13003. What I would like to do with this data is to lookup in a calculations column if any of the above data matches to bring back the metric ID which is realted to it?

Hope i have stated this clearly enough for anyone to understand???

As i say any help or recommednations for a solution would be really appreciated


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Says Query Is Too Complex.

Mar 29, 2007

SELECT [UK Table].[Business Name], [UK Table].[Business Type], [UK Table].Address, [UK Table].City, [UK Table].Country, [UK Table].[Telephone Number], [UK Table].[Website Address], [UK Table].[Email Address]
FROM [UK Table]
WHERE ((([UK Table].[Business Name]) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtBusinessName] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtBusinessName] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].[Business Type]) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtBusinessType] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtBusinessType] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].Address) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtAddress] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtAddress] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].City) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtCity] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtCity] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].Country) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtCountry] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtCountry] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].[Telephone Number]) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtTelephoneNumber] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtTelephoneNumber] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].[Website Address]) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtWebsiteAddress] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtWebsiteAddress] Is Null) AND (([UK Table].[Email Address]) Like [Forms]![frmNz]![txtEmailAddress] & '*' Or [Forms]![frmNz]![txtEmailAddress] Is Null));

What is wrong? I have attached the database. The form frmNz is what I want to work. I should be able to enter company information into at least one field, allowing me to retrieve the specific company data from the UK Table in the subform.


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Complex Query

Jun 28, 2007

I have three tables called, Clients basic details, Episode and Modality. There are some 56 fields in these tables. Once a month I run a query on these tables. The data is then uploaded to another site via the internet.
I have now been asked to collect data into another table called TOPS which has some 23 new fields in it.
The problem I have is, they want none of the TOPS data to be on the same line as the Modality Data. For instance, there are 79 fields in the query which must conform to certain parameters before the data can successfully uploaded, the query must show lines of data for all the 79 fields, but if any line has TOPS information the line cannot have Modality information in it and vice versa. I think some of the data that would be collected will be duplicate, i.e. from the episode and clients basic details tables.
The query must show all 79 field headings. Any line of Data in the query result that has data from the Modality table and data from the TOPS table can only show the returned data from one of these tables, the values from the other table must be left blank and vice versa.
For Instance say From the clients details table we show the clients name, from the episode table we show the number of children he has, from the Modality table we show he has structured intervention, we then must show blank records from the TOPS table.
Then on another line the query must pick up the data from the TOPS table, episode table and clients basic details table and leave the Modality table fields blank.
A lot of the info from the Clients and episode table will be duplicated but on the different lines.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated

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Query Is Too Complex

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to create ranges in data in order to create a graph. I have the following IIf statement that access says is too complex and also Im getting an error saying that it is too long to edit so does anyone have any ideas how to do this with out these problems. I need to get to $25000 $30000 in increments of $1000.

IIf([Actual$/Mile]<1000,"$0 to $1000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=1000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<2000,"$1000 to $2000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=2000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<3000,"$2000 to $3000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=3000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<4000,"$3000 to $4000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=4000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<5000,"$4000 to $5000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=5000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<6000,"$5000 to $6000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=6000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<7000,"$6000 to $7000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=7000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<8000,"$7000 to $8000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=8000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<9000,"$8000 to $9000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=9000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<10000,"$9000 to $10000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=11000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<12000,"$11000 to $12000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=12000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<13000,"$12000 to $13000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=12000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<13000,"$12000 to $13000",IIf([Actual$/Mile]>=13000 AND [Actual$/Mile]<14000,"$13000 to $14000",0

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Complex Query??

Oct 10, 2007

Hello everyone!
i hope someone can help me with either:
1. writing a query to get the results needed (will explain below)
2. write VBA to be used in query to get the results needed
3. or change table(s) to be able to obtain the data in all areas to get the results needed.

The result needed:
How can I get the result of ONLY when there's an exact match of the combinations and not all combinations of the matches?

I have a GuitarOptionDetails and it's linked (LEFT OUT JOIN) to a ProgramCodes.
so the basic result here is displaying correctly. it's showing everything in my GuitarOptionDetails and only where there's matches from the ProgramCodes. Linked on Guitar and Option as these fields are in both sides. The ProgramCodes has the "Code" for the guitar and guitar / option combinations.

Issue, and why I'm seeking help ... i need to somehow change that so it will only show the set of results where the combinations matches.

here's the "raw" data from ProgramCodes table


GuitarOptionDetails is showing the Codes for ComboID's 2, 3, and 4 because an invoice for AE185 has BOTH 38 and BB. Again, the basic LEFT OUTER JOIN query is showing all the Codes for AE185 where there's 38 or BB.

But instead, i need the result to show only the ComboID 4 Codes and not to repeat the same Codes for the ComboID 4 Codes.

I truly hope I made sense and there's a solution for this. I have no idea how to look it up to see if there's any previous posting for this or something like this, etc ...

Thank you in advance!

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Complex Sub-forum

Jan 5, 2007

I'm trying to design a system for an electronics shop. I have two tables, one called Products and another called Suppliers.
The Products table has the following fields-
- 1) Product ID
2) Supplier ID
3) ProductName
4) Information
5) Price

The Suppliers table has the following fields-
- 1) Supplier ID
2) Company
3) Address 1
4) Address 2
5) Address 3
6) Town
7) County
8) Post Code
9) Country
10) PhoneNumber
11) FaxNumber

Basically I want to create a form to show the supplier name and ID and then implement a sub- forum which shows all the product details for that supplier. How do I do this? Do I have to use a query?

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Complex Queries.

Aug 30, 2007


I am trying to build a database to keep records of devices that I have.

The basic ERD is as so:
I want to create a form where the user selects the building, then is given a list of rooms in that building, the is given a list of Racks in that room.

I have tried added fields Bldg and Room in the device table. The bldg drop down would
SELECT Bldg_ID, Bldg_Name
FROM bldg;

Then in Room i did a:
SELECT DISTINCT [Room].[Room_ID], [Room].[Room_Name] FROM Room, Device
WHERE Device.Bldg_ID=Room.Bldg_ID;

Then in Rack I did:
SELECT DISTINCT [Rack].[Rack_ID], [Rack].[Rack#]
FROM Rack, device
WHERE Rack.Room_ID=Device.Room_ID;

This work except for one flaw. there where statement limits what room/rack for all bldg's or rooms in the table not just that current row.

I then started to think I need to do this in a form. But i run into the same problems. I hope this makes sense.

Send me a PM and I can send you a copy of the file.


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