Concatenating A Date Not Working

Mar 21, 2007

I am using this as a criteria for a Query that is pulling the 2 dates from a form - Report Date Range.
The reason I am trying to do this is I have a cumulative report that needs to run for the fiscal year (1/1/xx to 12/31/xx). It will always use 1/1/xx as the base date for the range. I am trying to pick up the year because it will change depending on the periods/years picked.

Between #1/1/ & Year ([Forms]![frmReportDateRange]![txtBeginningDate]) & # And [Forms]![frmReportDateRange]![txtEndDate]

When I run the query I get "The expression you entered has an invalid date value."
I am trying to concatenate the 1/1/ with the year and obviously that is not working. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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Calculating Working Date Between Orderdate And Due Date

Jan 11, 2007

I have a query in which I have a long list of orders and their entry date and due dates. I would like to calculate the number of working days between the both in order to see if the supplier keeps his theoretical delivery term.

Can some one give me a way to achieve this in my query:

03-03-2007 -/- 24-10-2006 = working days

many thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Get First Working Date After Specific Date

Nov 14, 2013

There are a variety of date functions but I specifically want to show the date or the first working day after the 25th of each month.

if 25 Oct is a Monday then result = 25 Oct
if 25 Oct is a Sunday then result = 26 Oct

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Date Query Not Working

Aug 18, 2005

SELECT count(Workitem) AS ["Total Workitem"]
FROM qryReport
WHERE >(08/10/2005); 'MM/DD/YYYY

Secondy how do i supply dates dynamically.

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Select Before A Given Date No Working

Dec 4, 2005

sql = sql & " WHERE (((tblAccountBalance.DateLastPayment) < #" & reminderdate & "#))"

Im trying to select all the entrys in a table where the date of the last payment is before a variable 'reminderdate' this works fine if both dates are in the same month ie, DateLastPayment = 26/11/05 and reminder date = 30/11/05, but if the DatelastPayment is 26/11/05 and the reminder date is 01/12/05 then nothing is found.

What am I doing wrong?

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BETWEEN...AND... Date Range Not Working?

Aug 10, 2005

Hi there,

I'm tearing my hair out over a simple issue, hoping someone can help: I have a JetSQL stmt where the BETWEEN...AND... just won't work.

I have registration records between 8/08/2005 and 11/08/2005, and I want to be able to do date ranges. BUT when I use "SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE createdate BETWEEN #9/08/2005# AND #11/08/2005#" I get no results.

BUT when I use "SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE createdate BETWEEN #8/08/2005# AND #10/08/2005#", it spits out all the registrations, even ones with a createdate of 11/08/2005!

What gives? What am I missing? Any wisdom, HUGELY appreciated!

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Working Week Date Search

Nov 9, 2005


I have a query where i want to find out all deliveries which are older than 30 days but i want to exclude all weekends.

I know theres a networkingdays function in excel where you can do this but i want to do this in access. Please could any one advise how to do this?

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UPDATE Query Not Working With Date A Value

Sep 6, 2007


I am having a problem w/ my UPDATE statement when the date value is included in the statement. I have tried surrounding the date variable (strDate) in "#" and w/ and w/out single quotes to no avail. I doesn't matter if I dimension strDate as a string or a date. I know there must be a simple solution. In short, the UPDATE statement looks like this:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTasks SET POC = '" & strPOC & "', Date = #" & strDate & "#, Task = '" & strTask & "' WHERE id = " & lID & ";"

If I remove Date = #" & strDate & "#, then the query works.

These also fail:
Date = #'" & strDate & "'#,
Date = '#" & strDate & "#',
Date = '" & strDate & "',

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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UPDATE Query Not Working With Date Value

Sep 6, 2007


I am having a problem w/ my UPDATE statement when the date value is included in the statement. I have tried surrounding the date variable (strDate) in "#" and w/ and w/out single quotes to no avail. I doesn't matter if I dimension strDate as a string or a date. I know there must be a simple solution. In short, the UPDATE statement looks like this:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTasks SET POC = '" & strPOC & "', Date = #" & strDate & "#, Task = '" & strTask & "' WHERE id = " & lID & ";"

If I remove Date = #" & strDate & "#, then the query works.

These also fail:
Date = #'" & strDate & "'#,
Date = '#" & strDate & "#',
Date = '" & strDate & "',

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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Queries :: Date Conversion Comparison Not Working?

Nov 8, 2013

I recently (temporarily)took over a position that uses an Access database that does not work properly, and I'm stumpped on how to fix it.

The query is supposed to pull all data where the "Date Overdue" field is less than today.

"Date Overdue" is a calculated value that pulls from the field "Date Input", which is in a text format (DDMMMYY) Such as 03NOV13. It is 8 days after the date input.

It prints out like this: "Monday, November 11, 2013" which is 8 days after the 3rd.

"Date Overdue" is set to this value:


DATE OVERDUE: DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))+8
"Date Overdue" has the criteria "<DateValue(CDate(Now()))"

I'm not going to go into all the different steps I've taken to try and get this to work because I've toyed with it a lot..

The output that I always seem to get is a mixture of all records that are available, before and after today's date, I just wanted those that are less than today.

I suspect that the date values that are shown in the query aren't true dates because when I click on the filter button it gives me this error:

"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'DATE OVERDUE' "

NOTE: I'd like to add that this is just a regular Select query.

SELECT DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))
AS [PRODUCT END PERIOD], DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))+8

[Code] .....

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Concatenating In Reports

Oct 11, 2005

I have a firstname field, and a surname field.

On a report I have a textbox that is bound to =[firstname] & " " & [surname]

This gives me an error. I have even tried single quotes, but no luck.

Please advise

Thank you in advance

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Concatenating Problem

May 28, 2007

Hi All:

, I have two fields to concatenate.

SKU = ps1-
Supp_sku = 98756

I want to have it like ps1-98756.

I have used the following query to test the result -

select sku & “ “ & supp_sku as [my_sku] from inventory_master;

The result is
My_sku = 198756

I do not get ps1-98756.

Could you please help?

Thanks - Prabir

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Help With Concatenating Fields

Jun 11, 2006


I want to produce some UPCa bar codes which require 11 digits of TEXT for the barcode function to work.

I want the bar code to be made up of several fields
Make 3 Chars (Text) (eg 021)
Model 3 Chars (Text) (eg 103)
Serial_Number 5 Characters (Numeric) (eg 00025)
(I need to keep the Serial_Number field numeric so that it increments in modulo 10 format (ie get Numeric only results))

So i need to produce a field that looks like this 02110300025 after the 3 fields are concatenated

However I am getting 02110325

I'm sure that the answer is simple but I seem to be having a mental block. Does anyone have any ideas? Your help will be very appreciated.

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Concatenating Instead Of Adding

Jan 9, 2005

I am trying to create a basic query that adds four numbers, but when I try '[Mark1]+[Mark2]+[Mark3]+[Mark4]' it concatenates it instead of adding.
e.g. I have '58+96+13+45' and I get '58961345' instead of 212.

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General :: Formatting Text To Date Not Working As Expected

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to get a text string from a table to convert to the proper date format in access 2003.

The text string is formatted as 140930 for Sep 30th, 2014 for example.

I have tried using the formula following formula: Format([PCCSDTA_DCSDIU]![DTEAVL],"mm/dd/yyyy") but this format returns the date 11/06/2285 instead of the desired 09/30/2014.

I am still relatively new to Access.

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Queries :: Return Date Of Next Monday - Routine Not Working

May 13, 2014

Today is 13 May and this code is supposed to return the date of next Monday (19 May)


but it returns 1/5/2014 (Thursday May 1), when "Date" = 13/5/2014 (Tuesday May 13)

My begin week is Sunday (1) ,

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Date Formula Not Working?

Apr 7, 2014

date formula that I was using in access 2007 doesn't seem to be working in 2010.

The formula that I had was

Between DateSerial(Year(Date())-IIf(Month(Date())<4,1,0),4,1)
And DateSerial(Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>3,1,0),3 ,31).

The calculation allowed me to count holiday hours taken between 1st April and 31st March. The problem is that it was working up till 31st march but is not now showing holidays taken since 1st April.

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Concatenating Data In A Table

Sep 15, 2005

Hi folks,

New person to the forums here. I've had a scroll through the FAQs and can't see an answer to a problem I need to solve. I wonder if there's anyone could offer some help?

My db has three tables: table_a, table_b and table_c. Each table has the following fields:

a_id (PK)

b_id (PK)

c_id (PK)
a_id (FK (many to one))
b_id (FK (many to one))

I would like field c in table c to be a concatenation [table_a].[a]+"-"+[table_b].[b]. I'd like this field to automatically generate and be constrained as unique. Creation of value c in table_c should be by selection of value a & then value b in a form based on table_c.

Can anyone advise me how I do this?

By the way - editing to add this - I am using MS Access 2000 & can't upgrade to a later version.

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Concatenating First 3 Records Then Stops

May 6, 2015

I'm trying to concatenate several fields from a set of tables/subtables. But for some reason, it concatenates the first 3 records, then stops. I should clarify that the concatenation "skips" a subtable. Here's the structure of the relationships (not sure if this pic is working so I'm adding the link to the screen shot)

[URL] ....

and the concatenation itself

As you can see, I'm looking to create a concatenation of (Vendor_Code)&(Vendor_Item_Code)&(Item_ID) which runs through the subtable Items_Child, but doesn't use any field in Items_Child

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General :: Datasheet View - Date Picker Not Working In Subform?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a subform that is in Datasheet view. If I open this subform on it's own, the Date Picker works for the Date field. However, if I open the main form with the subform on it, the date picker doesn't work? Nothing happens when I select a date on the calender.

I am using MS Access 2010.

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Forms :: Calculating Working Days Based On Date Range

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to calculate the working days Based on all web searches I am unable to find the specific scenario I am working in Auto industry, which means auto industry usually close twice a year for any reasons, let say in July for one or sometime two weeks and in December depends upon the Christmas date usually from December 20 till Jan 01

Now my question is when i am enter the holiday details in table do I have to enter line by line date e.g. july 01, 02, 03 (I am able to understand, how this works but still not yet tried) OR july 01 to July 07 (which make sense, but unable to find how to use date range to calculate working days)...

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Concatenating Various Values From Multiple Columns

Nov 25, 2005

I am trying to concatenate values from seperate columns. Which is fine, however if there are no values in any of these columns I wish to include a dot (.). I also need to add a dot (.) inbetween values.

So for example

Column1 Column 2 Column 3

B11 Europe

would concatenate as:


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Concatenating 2 Table Fields To Form Another

Dec 31, 2004

Hi all,

Ive got a table called tblClientCar, this is its structure:


I want to use an append query to concatenate ClientID and CarID together and putting the concatenated value into ClientCarID. How would i do this?

Ive tried using a form a two combos so when i select the clientID from the 1st combo and then the CarID from the 2nd combo, then run the append query to write the concatenated value into ClientCarID of the table. But it says writing 0 rows to table and the ClientCarID isnt concatenated when i check the table. This is the query sql syntax i was using:

INSERT INTO tblClientCar ( ClientCarID, ClientID, CarID )
SELECT tblClientCar.ClientCarID, tblClientCar.ClientID, tblClientCar.CarID
FROM tblClientCar
WHERE (((tblClientCar.ClientCarID)=[Forms]![frmClientCar].[Combo6] & "" & [Forms]![frmClientCar].[Combo8]));

I also tried another way. The 2 combos add the selected values into ClientID and CarID in the table tblCar. So i made the append query slightly different to concatenate ClientID and CarID to form ClientCarID. This is my query sql syntax:

INSERT INTO tblClientCar ( ClientCarID, ClientID, CarID )
SELECT tblClientCar.ClientCarID, tblClientCar.ClientID, tblClientCar.CarID
FROM tblClientCar
WHERE (((tblClientCar.ClientCarID)=[ClientID] & "" & [CarID]));

I get the same result as the 1st query. What am i doing wrong?
Is there another way of doing what im trying to do? Whats the correct sql syntax for doing this?


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Concatenating Text Fields From Different Records

Jul 13, 2005

We use two different systems in our office that have notebook facilities. One of them stores only a limited number of characters in the note field per record and as such, some notes actually span several records.
The other system stores the whole note in one record.
We want to transfer all the notes from the first system (1 note over several records) to the second system (1 whole note in 1 record).
I have a table with the notes from the first sytem which looks something like
Note1 - Line1 - Text
Note1 - Line2 - Text
Note2 - Line1 - Text
Note3 - Line1 - Text
Note3 - Line2 - Text
Note3 - Line3 - Text

What I want to do is, for each note, combine the separate lines into one record.
I have been able to do this in Excel with some formulas (see attachment) but am wondering if it is possible to do this in an Access Query (i.e. GroupBy the note number and have a calculated field combining the individual lines of the note, or something similar)?

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Concatenating Fields Ignoring Blanks

Jun 4, 2006

In a query, I'm using concatenation to join multiple address fields (organisation, building number, street address, etc) into one field. I'm also inserting line breaks to create a formatted address and then creating a form on the query so the formatted address appears in a text box and can be copied and pasted straight into my label-writer software to print address labels.

This is the concatenation code I'm using:

Expr1: [Organisation] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Building Number] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) etc.

However, one problem with which I am now presented is where a field is blank. E.g. if one of my contacts is retired, then they don't have an organisation listed in the "Organisation" field. This means that a blank line is left between their name and the rest of the address.

When running a mailmerge there is the option of skipping blank fields so that a blank line is not inserted in such cases.

How can I achieve this within the above code?


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Concatenating Fields Based On Criteria?

Sep 20, 2006

I have a query that is set up to join two name fields...for example:


The issue is that this is perfect for names that are entered in the table like this:

Lstnam: ABC HOSP Fstnam: ITAL

They are entered like that for groups, but when individual doctors are entered, the data entry folks are entering them like this:

Lstnam: SMITH Fstnam: BOB Titlcd: MD

So when I join them the first displays correctly as ABC HOSPITAL, the second displays as SMITHBOBMD and I have to manually go in and add a comma.

Is there a way to do an if/then statement or something to tell the query to display results If the titlecd is NOT NULL, display as [ELIGVENDORS.FSTNAM] & [ELIGVENDORS.LSTNAM]&", "&[ELIGVENDORS.TITLCD], else display as [ELIGVENDORS.LSTNAM] & [ELIGVENDORS.FSTNAM]

I'm sure there is, I am new to IF/THEN statments though and was hoping to get some help setting it up.

Thanks in advance and I hope my description is clear enough.


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