Conditional Locking Of Form Field

Feb 17, 2005

I am developing a simple database in Access 97, where users have to enter values manually into a form. There is one field called product. Depending on that entry, either field language or country would have to be blocked to avoid invalid entries.
Do you have any ideas on how to approach that problem?

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Modules & VBA :: Conditional Form Formatting Depending On Field

Jul 2, 2013

I created a form that applies conditional formats depending on a field. It works fine, until you enter data into one of the conditionally formatted fields, then all hell breaks loose. Conditional formats totally go away and the cells go to #error.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Of Currency Field In Entry Form

May 26, 2015

I have some Conditional Formatting of a Currency Field in an Entry Form. The cell is conditionally formatted with a yellow background when the value is zero.

I now wish to add an additional condition to the expression such that even if the value is zero it will not be formatted if a specific check box is TRUE.

I have tried modifying the expression such that it reads;

[currency field]=0 AND [check box]<>TRUE.

It correctly turns off the conditional formatting if the check box is ticked, but does not turn it on again when the check box is unticked.

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Locking Field Once Changed In Access 2000

Mar 30, 2005


Im a relative access newbie, and am updating an already created form. I want the user to be able to change the value in a field , then when they exit the field, for it to be greyed out, so that no more editing of the field is possible.

I know how to lock the field in design view, but I want the field to lock after the user has amended it. Is this possible?

Many Thanks!

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Tables :: Permanently Locking Date Field

Nov 23, 2013

I have a table that has two date entry fields.

DateCreated [ Default Value =Date() ]

DateUpdated [ free data entry ]

I need to lock the DateCreated field as a permanent record which cannot be altered.

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Forms :: Conditional Format One Field To Alter A Second Field

Jun 26, 2015

Have a continuous form with 2 date fields in each record .

If dateField1 is empty ,Then I want a way to make DateField2 Take its Place .

I know how to make things happen with conditional formatting on one field by UsingIsNull ,I have tried sending datefield2 to back.But cant work out how to bring it to front If DateField1 IsNull.

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Locking Fields In A Form

Apr 29, 2008

Hi All,

I am really new to all of this and used to use excel for this stuff.... yes I know... I can hear the screems already .......... :):eek::rolleyes:

What I am trying to do is lock some fields in a form when they are entered so the data can not be changed after they move onto the next record. I think this might be done in the table but can not be sure.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? or some pointers please. Any help would be good.

Many thanks

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Locking Some Records In A Form

May 12, 2005

I can't seem to find any answers to this maybe i am asking the wrong question, or its so easy nobody asked.

I am viewing / editing some records in a form, I want to view all of the records but only allow edits to records with forms with tblData.Locked = false.

How do I achieve this.



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Locking Records In A Form

Feb 9, 2006

I have 4 users entering data via aform. The database is located on a shared drive. They are getting errorsthat the record is locked. I believe this happens when 2 or more people open the form and are trying to enter data at the same time. Is there a way to have each person lock a new record on open at the form? or is there a better way to handle this? I'm new at this and am working my way through.



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Locking Records In Order Form

Apr 21, 2005

I have and order entry/lookup form with a subform to view the line items on the order.
Once an order has been saved and status is ‘placed’ I want the records for that order to be locked.

I would also like to display a message box with a yes/no answer to confirm that they want to issue the order and if they confirm then lock the record otherwise return them to the open order.

I can't find out how to do this, but I'm sure it can be done.

Any help will be gratefully accepted.

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Form Opening And Record Locking

Oct 5, 2006


I am opening a form, from another form, that is based on a table of 20000 records.

I am using the WHERE criteria to do this, code is included below. I need to provide database access to several users on a network (and only want to lock the record that the user has searched for), and was wondering if this mode of data access will lload and or lock all 20 000 records on the users sytem, or if it will just load and lock the specific record that has been opened using the WHERE condition to open the form...

Advice appreciated.



stDocName = "frmCONTACT"
stLinkCriteria = "[contactID]=" & Me![ContactID]

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, , stLinkCriteria

End Sub

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Locking Individual Controls On A Form

Oct 12, 2006


I want to set the On Click Event of a button to unlock the current control a user is on. I know the code to set the property of a named control, but I don't want a button for every control I want to unlock. Is there a 'Me' option for controls?



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Locking Fields In Access Form

Jun 4, 2012

I have 4 questions (4 fields) in a form. 2 are drop down menu type and 2 are open text fields.I would like to limit the user from entering data in the fields if one has been answered. for example: if Question one is answered, question 2, 3 and 4 should be locked and should not allow the users to fill in anything. How do I create that Locking system?

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Locking Fields For One Record On A Continuous Form

Jul 22, 2005

How can i apply the following code to the immediate record in my subform. I would like when the assigned check box value = true, then the fields for that record become locked.

Ive written the following code to an onclick event for a check box labeled "assigned" on my form, the problem is it executes on all the records in my form.

Q. How do i apply the code to only the immediate record?

Private Sub Assigned_Click()
If Me.Assigned.Value = True Then
Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = False
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = False
Me.TypeID.Enabled = False
Me.Description.Enabled = False
Me.Status.Enabled = False

Me.Serial_Number.Enabled = True
Me.Component_Group_ID.Enabled = True
Me.TypeID.Enabled = True
Me.Description.Enabled = True
Me.Status.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

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Forms :: Allowing / Locking Edit In A Form

Jul 21, 2013

I'm using Access 2003.I'm trying to create a command for a form that will allow editing or lock all fields, so that records are protected from accidental edits.AllowEdits in the form is set to False by default.I've used the below code to allow a user to unlock the form:

Private Sub cmdEditRecord_Click()
If Me.AllowEdits = False Then
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
End If
End Sub

And this works without issue.However, I want to create a second button to lock the form again.

Private Sub cmdLockRecord_Click()
If Me.AllowEdits = True Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowEdits = False
End If
End Sub

Seems logical that I should just be able to reverse the true/false but this does nothing!I've also tried the below code:

Private Sub cmdEditRecord_Click()
Me.AllowEdits = Not (Me.AllowEdits)
End Sub

To toggle between editing/locked, with the same results - ie, can switch to editing, but can't then turn it off.

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Query To Calculate Conditional Field

Feb 5, 2007

Dear all,

I have a query that is based on orders table and contains "Qty", 'UnitCost', and "ctualUnitCost", in addition to yes/no control to indicate if "SalesTax" is applicable.

I want an expression in the query to calculate total cost in one of 2 conditions:
if no sales tax then TotalCost = Qty*UnitCost
if sales tax is applicable then Total cost = Qty*UnitCost*1.1

how can I write this expression


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Conditional Formatting Based On Another Field

Mar 28, 2006

Is there a way to apply conditional formatting on a field based on the contents of another field?

For example, lets say I have the following fields


The DAYS_OPEN field is automatically calculated in the query and is not a stored date.

My criteria is that if CAT# is 3, my days open should not exceed 30 but if my CAT# is 1 or 2, my days open should not exceed 60. I want to apply conditional formatting so that it turns yellow at approximately 80% of the date limit and red at approximately 90% of the date limit, otherwise the conditional formatting is green.

I know how to do conditional formatting, but no sure if it can be modified based on the content of another field.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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Average Of Calculated Conditional Field

Jul 4, 2007

I have a calculated field on the detail level of a report which is calculated as follows:

=Iif([BREAK]>1200 AND [LUNCH]<>0),1800-[BREAK],IIF([BREAK]<>0,900-[BREAK],0))

This calculates correctly, however when I put the following calculated field in the Group footer section of the report, I receive a "statement too complex" error message:

=1800-Avg(Iif([BREAK]>1200 AND [LUNCH]<>0),1800-[BREAK],IIF([BREAK]<>0,900-[BREAK],0))

The calculation for the Group footer works in Access 97 so I know that syntactically the statement is correct.

Can anyone tell me why this will not work in Access 2003 and provide a work around so I can get the Average of the calculated Detail section field.

Thank you.

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Conditional Formatting On DateTime Field

May 6, 2015

I have a form that pulls in open project information that has a datetime field called "Duetime". What I'm attempting to do is that when this datetime field is less than 1 hour away, to turn the field background orange. Also, if less than 30 minutes to actually being past due, then it would be red.

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Forms :: Locking Form Controls After Input Added

Aug 15, 2013

What's the best way to lock down form controls after the user has entered data into them? I will have a button that reads "Save Record" that will make it so the records cannot be accidentally (or intentionally) changed after the button is clicked.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Code For Conditional Default Field Value?

Jan 17, 2014

convert the following into VBA code for an Access 2007 field on a form. It is needed to create a conditional default value based on another field's category: (Note: TransType, MembershipYear and Dues are field names and are all on the form). Based on the TransType (which is really a category of membership) I want the Dues field to have the applicable default value automatically entered.

For MembershipYear > 2008
If TransType="Individual" or TransType="I" Dues=35.00
If TransType="Family" or TransType="F" Dues=50.00
If TransType="Founder" Dues=100.00
If TransType="Student" Dues=10.00
If TransType="Lifetime" Dues="" or is Null
If (TransType is Null or TransType="") and TotalPaid >0, Dues=35.00

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Forms :: Subform Conditional Formatting If One Field Has Value?

Apr 10, 2015

I wanted to use a conditional formating when in a subform the field "Field_Name" has the value "Case Status New" and then the field "New_Value" should become orange color.

I guess it can be put togheter like a formula (expression) in the Edit Formating Rule.

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Field Color

Apr 16, 2014

I would like to have a conditional formating colour of green if the field contains a value like 10%..If the field has no value and is blank there will not be any background color change

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Conditional Formatting Dialog Won't Pop Up For Selected Field?

May 3, 2013

Using Access 2013. I'm trying to do some conditional formatting on a field. I select the field in design or layout mode. I go to the Format menu, and Conditional Formatting (which is NOT greyed out). When I click on the Conditional Formatting option, nothing happens. What the heck? Where is the dialog?

I've rebooted my system, and tried every database I have (even created a new one), and I can't get the conditional formatting dialog to appear. Is there something stupid I'm overlooking? Do I need to have something in place before I can bring up the dialog?

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Forms :: Locking Main Form Controls Causes Data In Subform To Disappear?

Dec 12, 2014

So I am creating a Complaint Tracking Database with Access 2013. In my 'complaint entry form' I have added to ability to "Open" and "Close" the complaint. While the complaint is open the user is able to enter/edit data in the complaint (new or old). When the complaint is "Closed" (done so with a button on the form that prompts the user to enter a date of their choice) the user should not be able to enter/edit data in the given complaint. In my original thinking, I placed checks on various events (on load, after update, on click) that checked to see if the current complaint had a date in the "Close date" field.

If the close date field was null then that meant that the complaint was open and the the controls would NOT be locked. If the close date field was NOT null (i.e. a date was present) then the complaint was closed and the main form fields were locked but the data was still viewable and unless they "re-opened" the complaint they could not change the data.

Now, in the complaint entry form, I have a subform that acts as a action tracker that is used by the user to keep track of the actions taken on the complaint (i.e. they requested documentation from such and such on this date..etc). My problem through all of this is upon closing the complaint and locking the main form controls, my subforms data just vanishes! At first I figured the problem might be with the linking of master and child fields, so I made sure that I left the ID in the main form unlocked when I loop through my controls during the locking process. This did not solve my problem. Code below:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ctl As Control
If Not IsNull(Me.close_date) Then
Me.FormHeader.Visible = True
Me.btnClosed.Enabled = False
Me.btnOpen.Enabled = True
For Each ctl In Me.Controls

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting On A Lookup Field List

Mar 5, 2014

My table fields are as follows:

1. Issued? (This is a lookup field with the following lists "Yes"; "No"; "NA")
2. IssueDate

I created a subform bound to the table.I wish to accomplish the following on the form:

1. If "No" is selected on the [Issued?] field, I want the [IssueDate] to gray out.
2. If "Yes" is selected, I want [IssueDate] to be required.

I set Conditional Formatting as follows:

Expression is ([Issued?]="No"), condition is disabled.

When I tested it, [IssueDate] grayed out when "No" was selected. However, when I select "Yes", it still remained grayed out.

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