Conflicting Requirements Between Popup Forms And Main Form's Fields
Jan 23, 2006
I have set certain fields on my main form to be required to protect from accidnetal skipping which has occured in past. However, in middle of form, there are a group of checkboxes, which opens their correndsponding popup forms for more details.
Right now, I get an error if it try to pop up a form because not all required fields are filled in.
How do I make Access suspend the requirments whenever the checkboxes are checked and additional info are being inputed?
Edit= tried setting it as dialog boxes, but to no avail.
I'm not sure how to search on this, even in the advanced search. If this has been answered, could you point me in the right direction?
I have a main form AddNewCompany (the infamous tab control that now works - thanks to your combined efforts). On it I have a command button that pops up a form of continuous forms with all the companies in the table (the query calls the CompanyID and CompanyName fields only). I have attached an image of the interface.
This means the user can see if the company already exists and doesn't enter it again. (I'm sure there are more effecient ways of doing this, but this is simple and it works. I also know key fields should be autonumbers instead of text, but I have reasons for doing it this way).
What I would like to be able to do is click on the CompanyID field and have the companies information show up in the main form.
I have a main form that has a tab control on it. The main form is called frm_AddNewCompanyContacts. It is opened in edit mode. To see if a company exists I use a command button to call a popup form with a list of all companies' IDs and names. I then want the user to be able to click on a commad button on the popup form to take the main form to that record. After an intial post, and subsequent search, I found the appropriate code. This is what I am using for the onclick event of the command button on the popup form:
Private Sub cmdGoToCompany_Click() Dim rst As Recordset Set rst = Forms![frm_AddNewCompanyContacts].RecordsetClone rst.FindFirst "[CompanyID]='" & Me![CompanyID] & "'" If rst.NoMatch = False Then Forms![frm_AddNewCompanyContacts].Bookmark = rst.Bookmark End If
End Sub
When I click on the command button I get an error message:
"The expression On Click you entered as the even property setting produced the following error: A problem occurred while Microsoft Office Access was communication with OLE server or ActiveX Control (I don't have an ActiveX Control).
*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Even Procedure]. *There may have ben an error evaluating the function, event or macro."
I have a 'main' table with a Project_Number that links all the data in my db together. I have another table that uses that Project_Number as a lookup field to connect that tables data to the main data. I created a 'main' form that has the ability to enter data for the 'main' table. I want to be able to press a button and have the second tables form pop up and add that that specific Project_Number. I added the button and went through the wizard process. I then added the linking info through the builder. It works fine if there is already data entered for the project_number in that specific field. but if the field is empty, the popup window doesn't recognize a project_number and doesn't add it to that record. below is what I am using. The project_number in the 'main' table is text and the Project_Number in the 2nd table in a number since it is a lookup field.
Private Sub CongressionalDistrictCmd_Click() On Error GoTo Err_CongressionalDistrictCmd_Click Dim stDocName As String
This is an employee timekeeping database. I have a main form "frmTEMain", with a tab subform named "frmGridsub" with a tab named "Grid" on the lower half. On the tab page is the "frmGridsub" a continuous form that looks like a datasheet, many horizontal rows of data. The subform works correctly with several combo boxes that auto populate. There are many different employees listed in the Grid subform. "Employee" is the name used for the field that holds the unique ID number in the tables that feed the subform. The subform populates another table "dbo_BCRC."
When I click on a row in the subform I want fields to update on the Main Form with Employee, LastName, FirstName, that come from the table that was populated when data was entered into the subform. As the person clicks on the various rows in the subform, the main form fields need to synch with the row.
Do I use "Got Focus" event? Do I need to create another subform and place it on the top half of the Main Form?
I have built a form that holds details of training records. What I want is when a drop down is selected in the main form, that it will populate some of the fields in the subform. I have this working at the moment, that for example, when a certain course is selected, that their modules will appear in the subform. Where my problem arises is that I have a relationship between two tables that I want to appear on the subform, so that details can be filled in on the subform against the list of modules that automatically appear.
I am stuck trying to figure out this problem. I have a main form "frm_tirelog_600" which has 4 combo boxes "cboleg", "cbocar", "cbopos", "cboserial" on it. The first 3 combo boxes are used as criteria on 1 of 3 subforms that I have. The fourth combo box "cboserial" is used for the criteria in a query on another subform that I have called "frm_mount_600_subform", which is independant from the main form, I hope I have explained that clearly enough. What I need to be able to do is have the subform fill in 3 of the fields on it "leg", "car", "pos" with the value from the 3 combo boxes on my main form. I can get it to show in the fields but not write to the table. I have searched the forum and have not been able to locate anything that would work and really need any assistance with this. Im not real strong in the coding department which is where I beleive this could be done.
I have attached a copy of my DB which I hope will better explain it. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I have a main form bound to a query. Within that form, I have a button which calls up another form (pop up form). I simply want value of the "claim#" field-control to display in the "claim#" field-control of the pop-up form.
I am having issues with a split form which modal and emergent (pop-up) properties are set to yes. When I open it, it is maximized or out of the size I had setup; although I saved it trying to "freeze" the height and width.
I have a continuous Form [Letter Log - All] with "LetterNo" field as the primary key. What i want to do is click the "LetterNo" and a filtered pop up form with subform should appear based on what has been clicked. But i don't have luck doing that. The name of the main form is "LetterLog" and its subform control name is "LetterLogSub"
here is what i did.
Private Sub LetterNo_Click() 'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLogSub", acNormal, , "LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog <-- this one works but without the subform 'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, , "Forms!LetterLog!LeteterLogSub.Form.LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog 'DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNo", "me.LetterLogSub.Form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormReadOnly, acDialog DoCmd.OpenForm "LetterLog", acNormal, "LetterNoFilter", "Forms!LetterLog!LetterLogSub.form!LetterNo = " & Me.LetterNo, acFormEdit, acDialog End Sub
I had a subform to enter payments. It worked well. The master and child fields linked well and all the necessary data appended to a new record in the payments table.
Now to make it more user friendly, I changed the subform to a popup form (The 2 forms took up too much real estate on the screen).I deleted the payments subform and created a command button to open the payments form as a popup.
I need 3 fields on the payments form to be populated from the edit sponsor form (sponsorID, MemberID, SponsorTypeID) and then payment details to be entered and posted to a new record in the payments table.Since I've changed the payment form from a subform to a popup form, the master/child relationships are gone and the 3 fields I need for the payment record no longer appear.
I'm working on a database that has a subform which pulls its data from a table and I'm trying to use a popup form to enter the data in the sub form. For example the table is called student debts. The form is called student debt. The pop up form is called student debt entry from. I want the inform that's in the student debt entry form to be recorded in the student debt form which is a subform on the main form. I know i have to create a add new records button to do it but not sure of the code.
I have two tables - Interviews & Placements.these tables have multiple foreign keys which pull information from other tables (CandidateID,ClientID etc). I have designed queries and forms (datasheet view) which display all the values that I need, For example:
The interview form shows the following fields: CandidateName;Company;consultant;1stInterviewDate; 2ndInterviewDate;Offer;Accepted
the placements form shows the following fields: PlacedCandidate;Company;Consultant;PlacementDate;F ee;
This query "qry_Interviews" populates these forms using the foreign keys:
CandidateID from candidates table CompanyID from companies table consultant from consultants table
Ideally what I'd like to happen, is when the "accepted" field is updated on the interviews form, the placements form opens as a pop up and is auto populated with the values (CandidateName;Company & consultant).So far I have tried setting the value directly, i.e on the "on Open" event of the Placements form I entered:
This does not work. Should I be populating the placements form with the actual Foreign key values rather than the resolved names? Ideally I'd want the pop up placements form to display the actual names rather than just ID numbers.
I have a form linked to a subform by an activity field, Both have a UID field also. I want to store the UID from the main form in each record in the subform. How do I link the two? I've done it before but cannot remember how and have been trying now for AGES! Any help would be much appreciated :)
I have a table with about 3800 records and about 150 fields. It also has 4 tables with related data that each have only one field. I am going to create a query to base my from from. Should I just take the star * and get all the fields for each table or should i manually specify them. There are only about 5 fields out of the 150 that I dont need and I need to see the rest.
I have a popup called by a subform to add a new record or edit a selected record. I keep getting "Runtime error 32502". The value you entered isn't valid for the field "|"
I have no required fields and all the drop down related fields have the right value type in them (That I can find)The only "|" reference I can find is in the OpenArgs content below when I load the form. If I'm adding a new record I pass two fileds via the OpenArgs
Private Sub Command52_Click() DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", , , , acFormAdd, OpenArgs:=Me![DebtorId] & "|" & Me![MatterId] End Sub
or if I'm modifying a record from the subform on click I
Private Sub Text38_Click() DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", acNormal, , "[Transactions].[TransId] = " & Me.TransId, acFormEdit End Sub
Below is the Popup Load code
Private Sub Form_Load() If Me.DataEntry = True Then Me.VariableHeading = "Add A Debtor Payment"
I have a popup form that user will select for updating 4 fields in table. I have a update button that has code behind it that verifies the record is complete before closing the popup form. That works well.
However, I want to add an abort button that will close the form and save nothing entered however, I getting incomplete records and blank records. How can I code the button to not update the table and just close the form?
I am designing a transactions database for some of my clerical staff. I've inserted a data entry subform into the main transactions form (which also has a subform that summarizes all the selected company's past transactions). This data entry subform actually has as it's record source a table that simply stores that one record temporarily.
So when the user is finished entering their current transaction, I have a Save button that actually just opens a popup form which displays the data they entered into the data entry subform, giving them a chance to verify their entry is accurate. This form has a Save button which runs an append query and a delete query, adding the record to the permanent Transacations table and also clearing the temp table.
The problem I have, I think, is that when the popup form opens, the main form data entry subform still has that record locked as exclusive. I believe this is the case because while I am indeed able to make changes to the fields on the popup form, none of these changes appear in the temp table. In other words, the user is not actually able to use the confirmation pop up form to make any necessary edits to their entry. This makes the form sort of useless!
I have one main form with 3 tabulated sub forms. My main form consists of two fields. When the user clicks tab 2 (subform 2) or tab 3 (subform 3) the main fields should hide
I tried to achieve this by using the on click event at the tabbed forms. I referenced the two main fields and used the visible property followed by a form requery. It didn't work.
I'm trying to sum up the hours of a sub-form on the main form. I've followed the instructions in Access Help so far. I've created a text box in the footer of the sub form with the following control source:
which should sum up all the hours in HoursMon fileds.
Then I've created a text box on the main form with the following code in the Control Source
=[frmTshtProj Subform]!SumMon
But it doesn't work. I get a #Name? appear in the box instead of a total. Any ideas?
currently i'm trying to implement a right click menu which will show a simple messege box.
My problem is that the list box is on a pop up form which opened up maximized. Now when i'm right clicking on the list box i see the right click menu but when i'm clicking on one of the menu options, nothing happenning (it seems that it don't go to the function as it should). i've also putted breakpoints on the function but it never tips.
It's important to mention that if i'm setting the form popup option to no the right click menu works perfectly (when i'm clicking on one of the options i see its matching messege box).
I'm running the following vba code:
This is the mouse up event handler for my list box:
Private Sub Song_List_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Call the SetUpContextMenu function to ensure it is setup with most current context ' Note: This really only needs to be setup once for this example since nothing is
[Code] .....
setting up the "SetUpContextMenu" sub:
Public Sub SetUpContextMenu() ' Note: This requires a reference to Microsoft Office Object Library Dim combo As CommandBarControl ' Since it may have been defined in the past, it should be deleted, ' or if it has not been defined in the past, the error should be ignored
I have a form (Access 2010) in which i insert contracts; each contract has a start and an expiry date, but instead of dd/mm/yyyy i would like the user to be able to insert just the year, while the day and month are predefined values and they are automatically inserted (i.e. 01/10/yyyy; the year being the only value that changes, and it is manually inserted by the user).
I would like to set a pop up remainder (on form load) x days before the expiry date, but, because too many of them have the same expiry date i am wondering if the reminder can be set on different days, based on another field (i.e. partner location [country]).. i.e. reminder for contracts with Austria to pop up 60 days before expiring, for UK = 67 days and so on.. or even a specific day for each, i.e. for Austria = 01/08/yyyy, for UK 01/09/yyyy).
I have a database with a Main Menu Form, containing a Button that loads my main data entry form. When the Button is Clicked portions of the data entry form that is loading shows through the Main Form Background (e.g. portions of the navigation bars, and portions of the boarder on the form that is loading.)
I've got Access 2000 and was wondering what I needed to upgrade to Access 2007. By this I mean, front page of manual, ID code, etc. And is it something I have to present at purchase or something that Microsoft validates online. Does anyone know?