Our Contacts database holds records relating to individual clients. As these clients are visited in their homes, I have put a "Lone Worker Caution" yes/no field on the form to alert staff of potential risks prior to visiting.
To have a more visual signal to staff, I have placed a label (label202) on the form with it's visibility properties set to NO. With a lot of help from other forum users, I have put the following code behind the yes/no check-box, to activate the label and cause it to "flash" in red & black colours:
Private Sub LoneWorkerCaution__AfterUpdate()
If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = True Then
Me.Label202.Visible = True
End If
If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = False Then
Me.Label202.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Contacts()
If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = True Then
Me.Label202.Visible = True
End If
If Me.LoneWorkerCaution = False Then
Me.Label202.Visible = False
End If
Me.TimerInterval = 300
Me.Label202.ForeColor = vbBlack
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
With Me.Label202
.ForeColor = (IIf(.ForeColor = vbRed, vbBlack, vbRed))
End With
End Sub
Everytime I click the yes/no check box to activate the warning message, VBA opens up with the message "Compile Error: Method or Data Member Not Found".
What does this message mean? What do I have to do (in Plain English please, I'm new at this!) to fix it?
I have made severa databses before but im trying to make this one perfect and im curious, when defining tables should you include atributes about an entity that are static?
Its kind of hard to explain what i mean but for example in a shoe shop a staff member gets commision on what they sell (ie 5%) so when producing the table should a coloum be reserved for commision or should this be left out as it will be calculated later on in a querie and if so should i state this in the design section of my database?
any opinions would be greatly received as i have been reading books on sql and ERD's for days and havent been able to obtain any answers
I was wondering if a kind sole out there can help me or give me some advice.
I'm creating a DB (I have attached a simple copy) but I'm having real problems with it. On the Roleprofileform I want to give the users the ability to choose what applications they need. I've done this by double clicking the text box will produce a list box from which they choose their apps. On closure this will then update the text box with the respective ID's. This solution was supplied through help received on this forum.
The trouble is I still don't under stand how I can ever run a report with this information without have mountains of code.
What I would like to happen and I'm all ears to any suggestions is to somehow have the ability for users to choose say their drives and it be reflected in the table tblRoleApps as I can then run reports easily. My main aim of engaging you help is to help me with A. How to allow users to choose their apps B. How this is displayed on the form (would prefer the names of the apps but it is not that important if the reports reflect this) C. How to reflect what apps match up to what roles for the purpose of reporting.
Hello, after browsing many, many forums on the net for access help, this one seems to be the most active, so im really hoping someone can provide some quick assistance.
Quick run down of the project: Im working on an access database that has a simple login form with usernames & passwords set into a table. Once the user logs in, a global variable (declaired within a module) is set within to the username for reference throughout the life of the project.
The whole reason a user is required to log into the database is so that every new transaction entered into specific tables will have a username attached to the transaction (basically, so I know who to talk to when data has been entered incorrectly, or there is a questionable entry in a given table).
My problem here is that most of you know that you can not assign a variable to a default value of a field in a table. Since my users will only be working within forms and not the tables, the only logical place to force this value would be within the form code.
Now the problem: Through debugging, I know that my global variable strAccountName$ maintains the proper value as required, but I can't for the life of me get the results I require.
When a new row is inserted, I need the value of strAccountName$ to be automatically filled into the AccountID text box, but having terrible results:
Assign the default value for AccountID control when the form loads results in empty value upon new record.
Assign the default value for AccountID control when the forms BeforeInsert function is called also results in empty value upon new record.
Assign the text value for AccountID control when the forms BeforeInsert function is called works, but im forced to change focus from the initial control in which the user was originally working with, making the user return where he/she was and force re-selection of data within a combo box (which is was initiated the BeforeInsert call in the first place).
I can't believe that such a simple thing would turn out to be such a frustrating experience!
Is there any alternative that you guys can suggest? It's vital that I have the ability to track entries made by my users.
Table 2's Customer Name field is a lookup field back to Table 1 (so the name is always spelled the same)
Query 1 contains the fields of the Job Record table
Form 1 contains fields from Query 1, and is used to update/edit Table 2
Query 2 contains the fields of Table 2, plus a calculated field that will assign an invoice amount based on who the customer is. I'm using an IIF statement to make this determination. The statement reads IIf ( [Customer Name]="ABC", 120, 180)
The above scenario results in Error# returned as value.
Recently I've been charged with the task of setting up a database for the company I work for. Not a big problem I thought, I sat down and started playing. I've figured out most all of what I wanted to do with one glaring exception.
I have 3 fields of data that I want added together and automatically spit out into a 4th field. If the 4th field was also unable to be altered by the user, that would be all the better.
For exampled I'm looking to add [Field1] [Field2] and [Field3] and have them spit out into the field [Output].
My coding knowledge is limited, and my access experience is almost as poor. Surely Access is capable of doing this, without having to build some elaborate script or macro or whatever it's called.
I've been working with this access database for a professor for about a month. Each time I try to do totals, I always get a larger value than it is suppose to be.
Say, I'm suming three fields that have 3, 4, 5 in them, instead of getting 12, I get 50. This happens all the time and I've had to redo the output data several times because the result I got was always outrageously wrong.
I am trying to figure out how to have a field work like the auto number (automatically fill in the next number) but I need it use a prefix that doesn't change. IE: IN82806*** with the *** being the auto fill numbers. I have read that I can make a macro to do this, but have been unable to figure out how. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I have written the following query for use with my Automatic Weather Station
10 Min Wind Direction: Val(IIf((([Date]="11/07/2006") And ([Time text]>=1600) Or ([Date]>"11/07/2006")),[CR10X AWS]![Field6],""))
Basically I had some data from 1300hrs on 7th July until 1600hrs 11 July that was wrong and I needed to 'null' the data reading - the above works fine showing a value of '0' for the incorrect data between these times / dates and all the correct values are displayed since then however, since 01 August the field nows shows 0 again - any ideas why ?
I have several queries in access that are linked to excel and when i update the excel worksheet the query information appears in a tabular format, which is fine. I also ahve a master table in excel which is supposed to update using the info imported from access. This table is based on fixed cell refernces but whenever i update excel with the access info, the majority of the excel fixed cell refernces change to random numbers? Any ideas?
My question is essentially about the saving of information into the underlying database. I have been searching the forums and havent had any luck in finding what I wanted. There were a number of similar threads but I couldnt find any replies which could really point me in the right direction.
1. I am trying to prevent the underlying data from being changed until I click the save command button. It cant seem to work since even before I click the save button, the record is already written.
I tried using Before update cancel = true but that prevents me from moving away from the control. Also, I tried using edit locked but that still records the changes once i made it on the form.
What is the most common way of people saving records upon confirmation? And how do you prevent automatic recording? Any advice would be very much apperciated.
I have done a bit of reading and research on the 'tag' property in forms and tried to set some code. Now I am all muddled as to how to do it and what comes first?
What I am trying to do is if the condition in one field 'time required' is yes then I would like a whole lot of bound controls (fields) not to appear so that the user cannot enter any information by mistake.
The code is below;
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If Me.TimeRequired.Value = "-1" Then If Me.Tag = "Fermyesno" Then
I am trying to populate a record in a table "M_Paint" using an unbound form. I cannot get it to work. I am posting the code below for reference. I can post the database if any one will like to see. The complicated part is that I am trying to generate a text value for one of the fields in the same record based on some of the selections made in combo boxes in the same form... (it does sound complicated, doesnt it!) Please feel free to ask questions; Thanks a ton! Quote: Private Sub cmd_ip_catcode_Click()
'Error Handling On Error GoTo cmd_ip_catcode_Click_Err
'Declare Variables Dim db As DAO.database Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim DAOrs As DAO.Recordset 'Variable to collect selections from list boxes Dim strcataloguecode As String Dim strnumber As String Dim srtcolor As String Dim strbasemetal As String Dim sSQL As String
' Identify the database and assign it to the variable Set db = CurrentDb t = "M_Paint" Set DAOrs = db.OpenRecordset(t) With DAOrs .AddNew .Fields("Catalogue_Code") = strcataloguecode .Fields("Base_Metal") = Me.cmb_ip_basemetal .Fields("Paint_Type") = Me.cmb_ip_painttype .Fields("Color_Family") = Me.cmb_ip_colorfamily .Fields("Metallic") = Me.cbx_ip_metallic .Fields("Surface_Quality") = Me.cmb_ip_surfacequality .Fields("Number_of_Coats") = Me.txb_ip_numberofcoats .Fields("Supplier") = Me.txb_ip_supplier .Fields("Product_Name") = Me.txb_ip_productname .Fields("Color_Name") = Me.txb_ip_colorname .Fields("Color_Number") = Me.txb_ip_colornumber .Fields("Top_Coat") = Me.txb_ip_topcoat .Fields("Pre_Finish_I") = Me.txb_ip_prefinish1 .Fields("Pre_Finish_II") = Me.txb_ip_prefinish2 .Fields("Finish_Comments") = Me.txb_ip_finishcomments .Fields("Size") = Me.txb_ip_size .Fields("Number_of_Samples") = Me.txb_ip_numberofsamples .Fields("Compilation") = Me.cbx_ip_compilation .Fields("Location") = Me.txb_ip_location .Fields("Date_Received") = Me.txb_ip_datereceived .Update End With
' Getting the initials from base metal table strbasemetal = "SELECT L_Base_Metal.Paint_Code FROM L_Base_Metal" & _ "WHERE (L_Base_Metal.Base_Metal) LIKE [Forms]![F_Input_Paint]![cmb_ip_basemetal];" Debug.Print
' Getting the numbers from record Number strnumber = DAOrs("Record_Number")
' Getting the color number strcolor = "SELECT LP_Color_Family.Paint_Code From LP_Color_Family" & _ " Where (LP_Color_Family.Paint_Color) LIKE [Forms]![F_Input_Paint]![cmb_ip_colorfamily];" Debug.Print
' Inserting the Catalogue Code into the table strcataloguecode = " & strbaasemetal & '-' & strcolor & '-' & strnumber & "
I'm in the Military, and I have a form that shows everyone's personal and training information, and also shows if they're deployed to another part of the world. If they are deployed, it will be shown in a drop down box... I have another drop down box that needs to show where they are deployed to. Here's the problem, I need for this one to be self populating so that if the location is not currently listed, then it can be added. Here's where I'm at so far: I have a table named "Location" and it has the fields "Location Name" and "Auto number". My field where I want this to be displayed is named "Where?" (as if asking the question, Where is this person deployed?) This is the code I'm using:
SELECT [Location].[Location Name] FROM Location AS [Where?] ORDER BY [Location Name]
It keeps giving me the error message: The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing or the punctuation is incorrect.
Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I need to query information from a table. I need to work with 2 fields. One field is Customer Number the other Field is Notes. Each time a note was entered a new record was created. I want to list the customer and all the notes. I will then use this in another query and report. Is there any way to convert the many records to a record for each customer with many notes. I hope this makes sense. Jeri
Right, i have access 97 on my pc, yeah i know its old skool and ishould really upgrade, but thats expensive, and im only a student.
Basically i wanna create a stockfile/invoicing/sales log/purchase log for my business, but im getting completely lost. i figured best way to start out in the database was to get a stock file sorted out. but thats proving to be problematic before i even start!
what i would like to do is have several categories and then further sub categories and sub sub categories.
____drink >>>>____soft >>>>>>>>____water >>>>>>>>____pure fruit juice >>>>>>>>____squash >>>>>>>>____fizzy/soda >>>>____alcohol >>>>>>>>____beers >>>>>>>>____wines >>>>>>>>____spirits
but when entering data , say im entering product details of a beef spare ribs, if i select "food" in one column i want it to only allow me to select the subcategories within "food" (i.e meat, bakery or dairy) and then once ive selected that i then select what type of meat, as opposed to having a whole list of dairy, bakery, meat, soft and acohol all coming up. and same with the sub-subcategory.
cheers for all your help, if u wanna chat further you should find me on msn!
And another table country: id that has the values: 1,4,5
Basically is there a query that can be written for me to check if ALL the countryids from the country table will return an artist, and if not can it let me know. For example obviously there is no countryid with 1 in the video table so Im not interested in that batch in the country table. I know I can just execute the query 3 times to see if a result is produced but what if the country table is massive (btw the country table is generated dynamically using xml). Any help on this would be very mch appreciated
I am very new at doing Access database. I have read stuff on it but I just keep confusing myself. I am trying to build a master database that holds all information on our teachers. Such as staff development workshops attended, keys that have been issued to them and so on.
I have three tables. One has the teachers information such as name, ss#, address etc... The other table will have the staff development title and dates and the third table will be a key database.
I want to be able to open the database in a switchboard, which I have done before and be able to add information in a particular teacher's file such as keys issued or returned, staff workshop just attended.
I have attached a sample of what I have started. Could you lead me in the right direction? Thank you.
I have a database with a table containing drawings recieved. Each drawing can have many actions, first action is sender detail, date, and letter ref. Second action is sender detail, date, letter ref and status (ie acceptable / not acceptable) I can run a query which looks for all drawings with a status of not acceptable but i then lose info on sender letter ref or I can run a query which gives the senders letter details but for all drawings, not jut those not acceptable. What I want is a query which looks at all docs sent by C1 AND not acceptable.
Here's a challenge... i thing that there's a very silly method to prevent this from happening but unfortunately i can't figure out how... there's the challenge...
we have a car that makes a distance from 01/01/2007 and returns 30/01/2007 and the same car makes another distance from 12/01/2007 and returns 15/01/2007 that's not gonna happen if the prog checks the dates... but till now was checking the 1st date (for ex. the from or the to) so if the car leaves and returns during another wayout the drivers gets more money and the truck legaly should be in a certain distance this time and not in a second one... PLEASE HELP ME!!!! MY BOSS IS LOOSING MONEY AND I'M THE ONE THAT I HAVE TO FIND THEM!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :) :)
Form -OrderID ......... and then I want to add a drop-down to select the clients name and have all of their address and phone information populate in separate text boxes automatically. I created a combo box with the Client Query as the record source. Now I am trying to add a text box for the clients company using =DLookUp("Company","[Client Lookup Query]","Client=" & Company) but instead of returning the company it returns the error #Name?. Can anyone see what the problem is? What am I doing wrong...
BTW,.. this would be my first attempt at Dlookup. Thanks
I am a little confused as to when exactly the forms_current event is called. I have a form with a text box called Last_Name, bound to the "Last Name" field in the form's table. I have the following code in the FormsCurrent event: Dim test1, test2 As String test1 = Me.recordset.Fields.item("Last Name").Value test2 = Me.Last_Name.Value
Why is it that when I move from record to record in the form, when this event is called test2 contains the name in the current record, but test1 contains the name in the previous record?
1. list of all countries, with one Bogus "All" representing all countries
2. When i select a Country from drop down list, i should get list of States in that Country. Again with one Bogus "All" representing all States in that Country
3. When i select a State from drop down list, i should get list of Cities in that State. Again with one Bogus "All" representing all Cities in that State
here is my question i have a report that has 5 subreports on it. when i try and add another 5 subreports on it and then click save, it changes the source object of the sixth subreport to the same source object as the very first subreport. and it leaves all the other subreports the way that they are suppose to be. all is fine as long as i don't save my progress. could it be i have to many fields on the report and if that was the case then why does it not tell me that. because just by changing the name in theory it still has the same number of fields on the report, doesn't it?
sa_subreport sb_subreport sc_subreport sd_subreport se_subreport sn_subreport.....(this is the one that changes every time) sa_subreport so_subreport sp_subreport sq_subreport
I have a couple of questions for someone who has a moment...
I'm a recruiter for the Marines and have been tasked with creating a way of tracking "sales" and "returns". I think I need 17 seperate tables (12 months, 4 qtrs and 1 annual) to store the data. How would I update the names and locations of each recruiter from one form? I apologize if this is a newby question, i tried to search but couldn't find anything that helped me.
In case it helps the sales would be in 10 differant categories and returns in 2.