Connect Criteria In Query With Textbox In Form?
Oct 28, 2011
I have a query, one of fields have a criteria. On other hand i have a form. User entry a value in textbox an click on a button then query run. criteria is value in textbox. What i must write in criteria?
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Nov 2, 2012
I have the following function which works well except when I want to run a search using date range and any other criteria on another text/listbox or combo box.
This is work i get in the immediate window (Where Status, TypeID, PurposeID are the other criterias used with the date range.):
WHERE ([Incident_Date] Between #02/06/2012# AND #02/06/2012#)[Status] LIKE '*Active*' AND [TypeID] Like '*1*' AND [PurposeID] Like '*2*'
And the Build Function is as follows:
Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant
Dim varWhere As Variant
Dim strField As String 'for the date field
varWhere = Null ' Main filter
[Code] .....
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Apr 10, 2013
I am trying to use a textbox value as a query criteria using the code [Forms]![Home]![mtdDateBox], following the standard structure of referencing a form item. However, I am not returning any records, when it should be giving some. The data in the textbox follows the date format "DD.MM.YYYY" but is used as a string.
Is there something I am missing out? I am using MS Access 2010
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Jun 3, 2013
I'm trying to build a query to use as a filter in the DoCmd.OpenForm function.
I have done this several times before, referencing values from forms e.g.
Point To
Field: LeadID
Table: Lead
Criteria: [Forms]![GridDisplay1]![LeadID]
This filter is used in the procedure:
Code : DoCmd.OpenForm "LeadDetails", acNormal, Point_To", , , acDialog, """"
And it works great, I click a button next to the record I want to select (records displayed on continuous form) and it opens the Lead Details form on that particular record.
However now I am trying to accomplish the same thing, except instead of a continuous form I need to draw from a continuous sub-form. The form "BrokerMgmt" contains a sub-form named "BrokerSearch." The RecordSource for the sub-form is set once the user enters data into a few textboxes on the main form and clicks the search button:
Private Sub brkSearch_Click()
Dim argCount As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
If IsNull(brkFirstName.Value) And IsNull(brkLastName.Value) And IsNull(brkCompany.Value) Then
MsgBox "You Need To Select Some Values", vbCritical, "Lead Tracking"
[Code] ....
The sub-form then displays basic info such as Name, Company, State, and the "BrokerID" which is the primary key of the "Broker" table. This "BrokerID" is displayed in "Textbox 20" so I set a button next to each result to on_click perform the procedure:
DoCmd.OpenForm "BrokerDetails", acNormal, "Point_To_Broker2", , , acDialog, """"
"Point_To_Broker2" is set up in the same style as "Point_To":
Field: BrokerID
Table: Broker
Criteria: [Forms]![BrokerSearch]![Text20]
However instead of the BrokerDetails form opening to the appropriate record I get a msg box asking for a parameter. Why is this? Even if I enter the correct BrokerID as the parameter it still gives me an error saying you can't go to the specified record.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a simple report which i open from a navigation form, i have a textbox in the report i wish to use as criteria, on start the report will be blank until i enter a name into the textbox and requery. However im not sure how to link this and how to stop access asking for this information before the report is opened?
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Mar 14, 2013
I have a textbox on a form. I am using
Code: =DCount("*","suspend_time_lapse",[Days from Target to Planned End dates]>5)
as the text box source. I get name? or error no matter what i do.
I want to count all records in the [suspend_time_lapse] table where [Days from Target to Planned End dates] is greater than 5.
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Jul 13, 2013
Is it possible in access 2010 to create a a query that only shows a text box if a combo box criteria is met?
Example: On a form there is a combobox (Result) that can either be negative or positive. If the value is Negative then a query is already setup that populates a mailmerge with some text. If Results=Positive can a query be created that will show the textbox (Data). It only needs to show if the positive criteria is met.
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Apr 20, 2015
Is there a way in access, through vba or any other means, which would allow me to either enable or disable criteria in a query based on the value of textbox??
Like i have a query that displays bookings customer has made between two dates, so i made a query and in the starting and ending date fields i get the value from form. In case if the use does not enter ending date, i would like to run the query with starting date only that displays booking made after the starting date.
Currently the starting date criteria is set to a textbox of form, and so is ending date. So if customer selects 1st April 2015 as starting date and 30th April 2015 as ending date the query should display the bookings between 1st and 30th of April. And if the user enters only 1st April in starting date it should display bookings starting from 1st April onward.
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Jul 12, 2013
Is it possible to insert text from a textbox on a form (Data) when a combobox on (Data) meets a criteria?
Example: Test: IIf([Results]="Positive" text207)
So if the Results combobox is Positive then the text from Text207 is inserted.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have an unbound form (named frmReportSearch) with unbound text & combo boxes providing the criteria for a query (named qSeqStreets). The form / query utilize 4 optional fields as search criteria plus date from / to. The results are returned via a report (named rptSeqStreets). The whole operation worked perfectly, however I realized I needed to change one of the criterion to a multivalued field. The change in the table (named Tasks) worked perfectly. I used three checkboxes (named chkA, chkB and chkC) to allow the user to select any combination of the 3 choices, including none (to be treated as no filter on [fldShifts]).
The three options in the field (named fldShifts) are "A" "B" and "C". I am able to manually run the query from design view by typing in the criteria "A" Or "B"... "A" Or "B" Or "C"... and any combination of the three options in the criteria box and running the query. I am using the following code under the OK button's OnClick. The Code below has other items related to all the options .... I didn't want to give partial code so you may understand better:
Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Dim strShift As String
Dim strA As String
Dim strB As String
Dim strC As String
[Code] .....
My problem is that the query criteria needs to be entered into the criteria box with quotes and separated by "Or" depending on if multiple checkboxes are selected.
I can get the results to show correctly in the textbox, however I imagine the query is adding an extra set of ""s to the string so rather than "A" Or "B" .. it is getting ""A" Or "B"". My query Sql and even design mode are pretty complex, so I wouldn't know how to use the sql in VBA without blowing some fuses.
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Aug 6, 2006
We are struggling with the following thing. We already tried to explain it in this thread ( but we still don't get it :(.
We have a table, named "Tblapa".
This table contains: ID, UK, Area, Tf, Tt and Number
We have made a query, named "Qrychoosearea"
This query gets his input from the "Tblapa"
(and thus, the query results in: Area, UK, Tf, Tt and Number)
Now we would like to make a form, named "FrmArea" with a combobox.
This combobox lets people choose an Area of their interest out of the list of given Areas. Then they have the press an "OK" button
Upon clicking on the "OK" box we want to generate a REPORT based only on that specific Area (and the related UK, Tf, Tt and Number ofcourse) and thus not showing all Areas.
How do we have to do that?
As we are just beginners in Access and have no feeling for VBA (yet), a detailed explanation or a link to a website who explains how to do this (with images or so) would be much appreciated.
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Sep 25, 2006
I have a table of customers and have table of stuff they can buy. Those two tables I use in the next table where their ordes get registred. I have and order form where I have a listbox. When I create a new order I want to have the customersname in a listbox but I want the customersID(primary key) returned in order table. How do I do that? :confused:
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Nov 22, 2005
Hi all
I'm making an Access front-end for an existing app based (I think) on SQL Server 2000. (The Access thing makes labels... the "label wizard" supplied with the SQL Server program isn't very good.)
I can use it fine, but eventually it's going to be used by non-techie people. As it uses linked tables, when you first run it you get a message box similar to this popping up:
On some machines it tries to create a trusted connection automatically, and fails, and then gives you this box with "Use Trusted Connection" ticked - thus making it even harder for people to use.
Ideally I don't want anyone to have to bother with this. Is it possible to put something into the form's OnOpen event that passes the server, database, user & password details to SQL Server, so it all happens invisibly? I've already tried creating a file DSN on the machine it'll be used on (doesn't seem to do much) and also putting this code in:
Set objConn = New ADODB.Connection
objConn.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=[server];Database=[db];Uid=[blah];Pwd=[blah];"
(I must admit this was a bit of a stab in the dark... it didn't work anyway)
I also found this thread ( and tried the code but it didn't seem to work (got one of those "You entered an OnOpen expression that can't be evaluated"-type errors).
Finally... I briefly investigated redoing this whole thing as an Access Project, but haven't ever used them before and don't really have the time to learn!
Any tips would be really, really gratefully received...
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May 17, 2013
I currently have two froms, "add record" and "add record cont." The reason I have two seperate forms is because when clients create a new record information needs to be saved to two different tables and when creating one from with fields from both tables I ran into many problems. The two tables are named : tblMain, tblFileLoc Currently there is a textbox on both forms named "fileID" the FileID in the first form is from tblMain and is the primary key for that table, the FileID on the second form "Add Record Cont." is just a normal field. When clients enter in the new FileID in the first form "Add Record" and then move onto the next form "Add Record Cont." i need access to bring the entered FileID from the first form and Fill it in the FileID field in the second form. Currently I have tried making the control source for the textbox on the second form = the textbox on the first form but it brought up an error.
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Apr 17, 2015
How to update unbound textbox on main form from unbound textbox in subform afterupdate.
that is when amount paid is updated it automatically updates total paid, balance etc.
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Jul 31, 2013
I'm trying to tie a from into the results from and AD Query. I'm not that experienced with doing this kind of thing so I may be going about this the wrong way. Anyway here's what I've got so far:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
With cn
.ConnectionString = "Provider=ADSDSOObject;Trusted_Connection=yes;"
[Code] .....
When stepping through the code, it all goes well until it hits the line that actually connects it to the form "Set Me.Recordset = rs".
When this line is executed, Access crashes and attempts to restart.
PS: Access 2010, Win7 64bit
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Feb 19, 2008
Hi all,
I have a query that is basically loading values from a open form.
Im using the format of Product: Form!form1!products to assign the value of products to product in my query... Now all this works with straight text, however this technique does not appear to work with dates or yes no check boxes. I have used the builder but still wont work with dates. any ideas? thanks
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Jan 24, 2015
I have a database for billing. In my database, I have a form that consists of a main form "Order" and 2 subforms "OrderDetails" and "Customer" OrderDetails are to enter the products to be connected to the Order. All function super, but I want to have some information from one of the forms "copied" over to on of the others.
Here is what I would like
In the subform "OrderDetails" I have made a textbox that summarize all prices to a total, his tekstbox i called "Tekst31". I would like the amount in this textbox to appear in a field "Bel�b" in the main form "Order".
I have tried some different commands, but nothing has worked, also I have made a query which dose the same ting as the tekstboks, as the information in that tekstbox it not stored anywhere.
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May 19, 2013
Have a query which looks up an address using the text input into a textbox by the user.
What I'm now struggling with is getting the query result into the textbox.
Am still new to access and am hoping this is something fairly simple.
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Nov 26, 2013
how do you take a date from a textbox on a form into an Append query and increase the date entered into the textbox by 1 day.This is what I have so far but not working??
MealDate: [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtweekend]=DateAdd("d",1,Date())
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Jan 7, 2014
I have a form with a date field, when the user creates a new record, I would like the date field to automatically fill with the most up-to-date date from the Orderdate table.
Basically I need the code to do the following when a new record is created;
Search the Orderdate table for the most recent date and then auto fill the date field on the form with that date!!!!
My thinking so far...
Private Sub Command34 - where would you set this event on the properties i.e. Before update or On Got Focus ?
Docmd.OpenQuery "QryFindMaxDate"
I'm not really sure how to pass the date to the text box on the form,
End Sub
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Jan 2, 2015
I'm using a very simple unbound textbox on a very simple form, with the following Expression to find me data in a query and sum the last 30 days, based on a combo-box on my form...
Only thing is, it's showing me only the data from the last 30 days...regardless of the value in the combo.
=DSum("Credit","qryIncVsExp","TransDate>=#" & Date()-30 & "#" And "AccountID_FK="""&[cboaccount].[column](1)&"")
I'm sure it's something to do with the number of "'s I have, but I'm probably more than likely ever so wrong.
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Jun 4, 2014
I am using a DLookup to default a value in my TextBox. This text box has an event attached to it that updates a table when a different value is entered.
I am having difficulty in getting the default value to reappear when I change my criteria.
For instance Manufacturer is Ford
Colour is default Black
I Change the colour to red
now I change Manufacturer to Audi
I need Default colour to go back to Black
The Lookup Table says Black its just that the default value only seems to run once, first time in and never again unless i exit the database and reopen it.
I have tried adding
to my afterupdate query
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May 22, 2006
Right what im after sounds complicated but its quite simple.
I have a client database, in this database each client has 3 skill fields, i also have a form with a listbox and an unbound textboxes that are linked to the query so when the textbox is typed in the listbox updates.
Now ive sorted out the problem of not all fields showing it some of them are blank now the problem is.
When input text into one of the boxes the listupdates, now if theres text in two boxes. and theres data in one of each that matches it will show neither, because the query is looking for data that matches in both fields, now i need partial matches so it will give results of data in both fields.
not understanding fully what i mean?
i have zipped my db, if you open the db then open the form 'MainListRecTrades2nd' and fill in data in both primary and secondary trades that matches from the list you will see.
The solution i was thinking of would to have 1 textbox that searches all the fields and displays data from any of the fields in the list
Thanks for any help
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Aug 7, 2013
I have a database in Microsoft access 2010. The database has a table that stores prospective customer records, and a form that is used to input a search criteria(s) via textboxes, which then queries prospective customers table and returns the records that contain the inputted search criteria(s).
An Example of Textboxes values on the search criteria form:
Textbox - name: bob
Textbox - address: Left blank
Textbox - category: car,boat,truck
I Have tried creating a query with the following
field: name
criteria: like “*” & name & “*”
field: address
criteria: like “*” & address & “*”
field: category
criteria: like “*” & category & “*”
SQL code:
SELECT customerName ,address,category
FROM prospectiveCustomers
WHERE customerName LIKE “*” & name & “*” AND address LIKE “*” & address& “*” AND category LIKE “*” & category& “*”;
That works, but only for one value in a textbox. Once there is more than one value in a textbox (e.g name: bob,smith), the query returns no records.
I have also tried splitting the values using the comma as a delimmter, then inserting the values into a new table. That is fine until one of the search criteria textboxes has been left blank. So the query I created will run, but returns no records.
SELECT, prospectiveCustomers.address,prospectiveCustomers. category
FROM prospectiveCustomers, [SearchCriteria-name], [SearchCriteria-address],[SearchCriteria-category]
WHERE Like [SearchCriteria-name].name AND prospectiveCustomers.address LIKE [SearchCriteria-address].address AND prospectiveCustomers.category LIKE [SearchCriteria-address].category;
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Nov 24, 2014
I am building a Inventory Management Application for Tyre Shop. I have SaleMainTbl and SaleDetailTbl both used for preparing daily sale summary. I have Mainform based on SaleMainTbl with TxnDate and Total Amount (Sale) and the TxnDate is in one to many relation with SaleDetailTbl. FormSaleDetail is multiple row(continuous) form that makes billwise summary of each day having -TxnDate--BillNo--ItemSold--Company--Qunatity--Rate--Amount fields. I have inserted this form in FormSaleMainTbl.
So FormSaleMainTbl is Main form and FormSaleDetail is subform. TxnDate in FormSaleDetailTbl is automatically taken from SaleMainForm. I have further added text boxes in Main Form to show company wise sale for each day for which there is a query build one for each company that takes the currently loaded date from FormSaleDetail and calculates the Sale (Sum) of each brand (Company) of Tyres. All these objects are working very fine. However I have to close the MainForm and reopen it for result of query to appear in the appropriate text box in Main form.
Is there way to do this as soon as record is entered or at least at the end of completing the entry of each days sale transactions without closing the form. So the gist of the problem is realtime display of query result in text box on a form or updating the form screen immediately on updating any record or at the most after completing the updating of form but without having to close the form.
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