Connecting Remote Site (setup Help)

Mar 5, 2008

I just found out that this years project wil be setting up a remote office location. There will be about 5 users at this location. They want complete control over all equipment. What they have in place here is Terminal Services and thin clients.

Our db is Access front end with SQL backend.

My initial thought for the remote office is:
High Speed Internet
Either CAT5 to each desk or Wireless Access Point
5 thin clients.

Using RDP they should have no problem accessing our network unless they can't all use the same public IP address for our main office.

The other thought is Setting up a Point-to-point VPN. My biggest problem is I havn't worked with thin clients until I started working here. I don't know what I would need at the remote end in order to connect the thin clients through the VPN. They don't want any servers or desktops if we can help it.

Does any one have any suggestion or thoughts on this?


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New To Site Need Some Help

Jul 25, 2005

I Work For a school district and have been assigned the project of creating a Campus Improvement Plan Strictly using an access back end. I'm having some trouble sorting my data I designed the Report exactly how it has to look but I cannot get more than one entry per form on the report. So i was wondering if anyone knew a quick fix for appending to the report. Thank you

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Untrusted Site

Nov 25, 2007

I am working on a laptop computer running MS Access version 2002. I'm trying to access a data file located on my desktop computer via my wireless network. (Same version of Access).

I can see the file without any problems, but when I try to open it I just get the following error message:

this file is located outside your Intranet or on an untrusted site. Microsoft Access cannot open this file.

Both computers are running under Windows XP. O/S: MS Windows 5.1 service pack 2

How do I resolve this?

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Web Site And Access

Aug 20, 2004

I want to build a web site that people can access over the internet. I want the user to have the ability to run one of my Microsoft Access databases just as they would if the database was loaded on there PC. Is Microsoft Frontpage the answer or do you have any other recommendations of a web building software package?


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1 To Many Relation, 1-site Is Not Yet Created

Apr 11, 2006

The problem:
I have a table: TBL_INVOICES
and I have table TBL_SHIPMENT_NOTES
One invoice can have many shipment notes, so a created a
One to many relation between TBL_INVOICES and TBL_SHIPMENT_NOTES

However, the shipment notes are created earlier, thus there is no
invoice_ID when I create a shipment note.

How to deal with this problem ? Please, help ...

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To Untwist A Site Traffic!

Nov 22, 2006

Наверняка ниже должна быть масса профессиональных терминов: про регистрацию в каталогах, поисковую оптимизацию, релевантность запросов, целевую аудиторию, продвижение бизнеса в сети, результаты поиска, исследования поисковых систем...

По идее текст должен содержать: Узнаваемость сайта, стратегии интернет маркетинга, контекстная интернет реклама и пр.

Документов должно быть много. Статьи по темам, помощь в раскрутке, советы профессионалов и прочее, что может быть полезно начинающему веб-мастеру самому освоить "науку раскрутки" (а фигли, мы ж не жадные ;) ). Обязательно по всему тексту должны быть расставлены ссылки на самых "вкусных" словах:

Регистрация сайта в поисковиках и каталогах

Уверен, будет текст, призванный окончательно убедить клиента сразу оплатить услугу и получить гору клиентов. Примерно такой: Мы обладаем огромным опытом в оптимизации сайтов, ведьу нас работают только признанные специалисты интернет маркетинга и рекламы. Используйте опыт специалистов в области оптимизации сайтов, знающих свое дело.

Ну вот примерно так. Представили? А теперь к делу!
оптимизация сайта (
раскрутка сайта (
раскрутка сайта (
оптимизация сайта (
оптимизация (
интернет реклама (
создание сайтов (
создание сайтов (
раскрутка сайта (
раскрутка (
поисковое продвижение (

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Site Map Table Design Help

Sep 22, 2006

If you're building a database to represent a web site architecture, what's a good way to design the tables?

Would you make a table for parent sections, and then another table for the first child of those sections, and then another table for children of that child and so on? Sounds clumsy to me. What happens if a parent section can be drilled down into 15 pages deep? You'd need 16 tables.

What I'm doing is building a test plan manager for a site that has varying levels of depth in each parent category and I'm trying to decide how to develop the input/browse form.

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How Can I Publish A Database On My Web Site?

Nov 1, 2006


I need help!!!

I have made a books-database in MS access. I want to publish it on my web site. It should be possible for the visitor that search different books on my database.
I am able to write HTML code (using MS FrontPage) but how make a search form and how would the HTML contact my database (book.mdb) on my web-server?
I have find some HTML code.. for search-form but here it is used kbook.asp what I don’t understand it . I have tried to replace kbook.asp with book.mdb, but it does not working.
I have heard that there are some software that you can easily publish your database on your homesite but which software???

Kind regards, sofi

Code:<HTML dir=rtl><HEAD><TITLE>K</TITLE><META content="text/html; charset=windows-1256" http-equiv=Content-Type><LINK href="kformat.css" rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css><META content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD><base target=kDown ><BODY bgColor=#EDF2EC text=#000000><FORM action=kbook.asp method=post name=SEARCH><TABLE align=center bgColor=BDCEB9 width=420><TBODY><TR><TD width=120>Choose</TD><TD width=220><SELECT name=Kids><OPTION selected value=DIV>Kids<OPTION value=CHD>History</OPTION><OPTION value=CIN>Animales</OPTION></SELECT> </TD><TD align=right width=80><INPUT type=submit value=Show></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></BODY></HTML>

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Using Two Dates To Determine If Someones On Site...

May 3, 2007


I need a little help with my Query design.

I have an Arrival Date and a Departure Date for campers checking in on a campsite. I need to produce a report for the warden to have to check who's on site.

So far, the best way I though was using a new field in the query for "On Site" (which isnt in the control table) and then using an expression such as...

[Date of Departure] < Date()

However this isnt working, probably for some silly oversight on my behalf.

Any help?

Thanks, Adzi.

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How To Add A Site Or Publisher To Trusted List

Oct 22, 2011

In 2007 how do you add a site or publisher to your trusted list.

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VBA Access To Gather Info From External Site

Dec 29, 2006

Hello All

I am doing an assignment, which is fantasy football database and instead of entering the data i thought could i import the data from say another site which is updated regularly. Can it be done with VBA Access also wanted to link the database to a apache server. Any pointers on how to do this would be appreciated or if it is feasable. Have to have assignment in before Aprial.


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Looking For Good Tutorial On Feeding A Site With A Database.

Oct 25, 2004

I am very new to ASP and Access. I need to learn how to create a database full of images and text to feed dozens of webpages for a new site I am doing. I have googled many times and can't really find what I am looking for. I've come across ADO several times. Is this similar to what I am looking for? Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Get XML From A Site And Import Data To Access

Dec 4, 2014

I get XML's from a site and want to import the data to Access. If I use the native import then I get multiple tables and the data is a little jumbled. For instance: I get 1 table with track names and a different table for track numbers with no way to relate the to accurately. I would like to be able to parse out the XML and have it update my table as it goes so I have less "junk" in my DB. I just can't figure out how to call out the XML tag and tell it to copy that info to the correct field.

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Mdb On Remote FTP

Jul 11, 2006

I've been looking around and it seems to be impossible to connect to an mdb file on an ftp (for Access 2002 and below). I'm using Access 2003 so does anyone know if it's possible in this version?

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General :: How To Split A Database For Uploading To Sharepoint Site

Dec 14, 2012

Is there a tutorial on how to split a database so that it can be uploaded to a sharepoint site and one part of it allows updates and the other part only viewing?

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Remote Access

May 18, 2005

We have an Access Database split between front and back-end. The BE is 50Mb and the front about 60Mb. We have a requirement to provide access to the database to our other branches all of which have broadband.

I have been trying to find out the best way to achieve this over IP as we do not want the considerabe expense of leased lines. Originally we tried VPN but access seems to be very slow and appears to prohibit that route.

We were advised by our PC support company for one branch to use Terminal Services. However we do not currently have a powerful enough server to support these. We have a price for a server upgrade and it seems OK. I have since been advised by the PC support company at another branch that because of the upload speed on broadband (256Kb) Terminal Services would not be sufficient especially if we were using HTTP and VoIP over the same connection.

Looking at the various posts on this site it would seem that VPN and TS are suitable for some. Is there an easy way of calculating whether or not TS will work at our site? Has anyone gone down this route and found it not to work?

I'd be grateful for any feedback.


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Link Access Form To A Table Stoed On An Intranet Site

May 24, 2006

Dear all,

Does anyone know if ti is possible to link an access table to one stored on an intranet site? This is used for logging help desk calls and various locations need to look at it at the same time.

I have tried it and seems to work but I get a "Not a valid file name" message

thanks for looking

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Queries :: Count Can Be Displayed From Collection Table Next To Correct Site Name

Sep 12, 2014

I have a master table with all of my Site Names in it. I have a collection table that when a barcode is scanned it records the site name as being received. I built a query that counts the number of times the site name has been received.

What I want to do is list all of my sites from the master then display the count next to the corresponding site name. This will identify those sites that did not send in an item. Is there criteria in the query I could use so that 1) I could list all of my sites from the master table and then the count can be displayed from the collection table next to the correct Site Name?

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Creating Unique Id On Remote Pc

Aug 21, 2005

Hi all,

Got my job database going quite well, at the moment, it generates a job number form the first 4 letters of the customers name, and the ID (autonumber), so for example mr smith's job number would be SMIT0012 (assuming the 12th entry in the database)
Now this works fine, tables are linked and the database access the tables via a mapped network drive for other pc's (2) to use. But the problem is, if the database user were to be at a remote location with a laptop, how could this work? I could use a local copy of the tables but then of course the ID's wouldnt match! Can anyone offer any ideas on this?


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Remote Access Through ADODB

Nov 8, 2005

Hi everyone, I'm just a newbie in DB programming and I'm having a trouble:

I have a database located in my IIS server: "c:inetpubwwwrootwebapplication1dbs1.mdb".

I'm also developing a VB6 app in another computer which will access to my IIS server to get data in my database. I'm using ADODB, but I don't know how to establish the connection as well as to get the data from the server (remote machine).

Can anyone in here help me by showing an example in VB6 code?
Thank you very much, any sugestion is welcome
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Speed Up Remote Access

Oct 4, 2006

I have a database on a server that is accessed by mobile clients using laptops (broadband)
when out of the office. They use'virtual private network service' to do this.
(I did not set this up, I just design and program the front and back ends)
However some report a slow response time when retieving data from the database file.

Would 'Active desktop' be any quicker?
Any suggestions on how they might speed things up, would be most welcome
'Replication' comes to mind but I think their data must remain up to date at all times.

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Set Linked Tables On Remote PC

Nov 6, 2007

I have an Access database which we inherited and it has linked tables (2 database files, one with data tables and one with forms, queries etc) - the links being set to a path on our local company server. We are in the process of opening another company office in another part of the country and we want to use the same database system. I have taken a copy of the database, cleaned out all the existing data out and now need to send the blank database to the new office. Is there a way of forcing the database to reset its table links when it runs in the new location (or pre-defining the paths before it is installed)...rather than my physically having to go to the new office to use the Link Manager when in situ.
I wondered in fact whether was a way of holding the required path statement in one of the tables so that the links could be easily reset on any future installation. I do not know how to code anything like this or set it up - I am new to Access databases
Could anyone advise please.

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Local Query - Remote Db.

Oct 10, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm sure you gurus have an answer for me.

I have a MDB (MS Access 97 db) on a shared drive. All my data resides here.
I have a local MDB (MS Access XP db) on my hard disk. Currently, I have queries located on the shared MDB that puts out a table. I then execute queries on my local DB, linking to the table I have on the shared db.

My requirement is this.
1. I want to be able to run queries against the shared db from the local db.
2. When the create table query is run, I would like it to create the table in the local db. I can live with creating the table in the shared db, but local would be better.

I'm sure that this can be done. I've seen it. But, that has always been a client/server system.

Thank you.

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Remote Close After Countdown?

Oct 13, 2004

I have two databases; a server and a client. The server houses all of the tables, while the client has the tables linked and serves primarily as a form for users to enter data to the main table. Periodically I update the form, so I would like to be able to shut down each client while I upload the new files to update the client. Here is my thinking:

I have a table in server.mdb called admin with 3 columns and one record.

The fields are:

closex (text) - This will be populated when I want to send the close countdown command.
message (text) - The string I want to display in a warning popup box.
Timer (integer) - The time in seconds before the program will close.

Right now I have a hidden LIST box in the form (closemsg) that is bound to column 1 and column count=3.

Me.closemsg.column(0) is closex
Me.closemsg.column(1) is message
Me.closemsg.column(2) is timer

The box is requeryed every 2 seconds to check and see if the table has been updated along with another line of code that keeps the time current until someone starts to enter a record.

I have a macro that will perform the close operation. Here is the code I have thus far....any help would be greatly appreciated.


Private Sub Form_Timer()

'Updates the Time to Current
If (IsNull(Agent)) Then

Me!Call_Time = Time()

End If

'Checks for updated values in Admin Table

' -------------
'| Force Close |
' -------------

'Message Variable from T.Admin
Dim message As String
'Timer Variable from T.Admin
Dim timer As Integer

'Macro Variable to Close App
Dim macroname As String

macroname = "Closeapp"

'Check to see if T.Admin has changed
If (IsNull(Me.closemsg.Column(0))) Then


message = Me.closemsg.Column(1)
timer = Me.closemsg.Column(2)

'Set Timer
timer = timer * 1000
'Notify User
MsgBox message


timer = timer - 1

If timer > 0 Then

GoTo Count


DoCmd.RunMacro macroname

End If

End If

End Sub

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Navigation Remote Issues

Jan 9, 2005

So im starting to have a lot of the same buttons to search and go threw records in in diffrent forms.

Ifigure to save space i can make ,or a form that cotains all the buttons or a personalized menu bar on top with access.
But i rather have it on a form,
First things first i am having a lot of trouble with the mos t basic part of it all. i cannot seem to control the simplest
GoToRecord , , AcNext

I have an error that always says you cannot go to that record.
i have an open form called "Calls"

Forms("calls").form.apllication.docmd.gotoRecord , , AcNext 'is the buttons on_click event.

And i figure with a combo box on the navigation window i can add witch form i should be controling Like a tv remote that has vcd, tv , dvd. but i cant even get the simplest thing working any addvise would be apreiciated.

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Linking Tables To Remote DB

Aug 8, 2005

Hey all,

I'm trying to set up a database in Access which, in the end, I'd like to be a copy of the master DB, but with all the tables linked. the goal is so that it is smaller in size and less volatile (since it detaches the users from the original db).

The main DB is currently located on a server where we host our website, and I have mapped a network drive to the directory that holds the database. In the client database I'm trying to build, I've attempted to link the tables via the network drive, and then import the rest of the database. Doing it this way just gets me a broken database application.

I've tried creating a system DSN, but all that seems to do is map the network drive. The original way this was done is using a SQL Server driver to a different server. Should I be trying to set up our master DB this way, as a SQL Server? I'm almost completely new to database programming and I apologize for the hand-holding questions.

Thanks for any help you can give!


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