Contact Table - Filter Set For Field Not Saving

Dec 17, 2011

I Have a Contacts table, when I use the filter on the field that I want filtered I get what I want, no problem, however when I save that filter and close the table and then reopen it it the filter is gone, how can I save the filter that I set up?

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Forms :: Add A Command That Changes Contact Status In Archived Field Of Table

Jun 18, 2013

I have a query that gets it's data from tblContacts. In this table is a yes/no field for archiving and the query gets only those records with a No in the field. The default is no. Next I have a form based on this query, which I am using to hold a set of command buttons which act on a contact chosen from an unbound list. So far so good but now I would like to add a command that changes the contact's status in the archived field of the table to Yes, so that I can use the form to view/edit, or email, or archive.

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Saving A Form Field Into A Table

Aug 15, 2005

I have a form created on a query. I created a field to add up the cost of all components on the form and now I need to save it to a field in a table so that I can run a report (my invoice)! Any suggestions??

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Tables :: Saving Space In A Field On Table

Jan 27, 2015

I want to be but to save a space in a field on a table but every time I do it appears to be a NULL and therefore fails a validation rule that I wish to preserve.

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How To Add Contact With Field Notes (Memo) In MS Access To Outlook

May 31, 2012

How to I can to add contact with field "Notes" (Type: Memo) in MS Access to field "Notes" in Outlook contact

Is it below ???

item.Notes = varNotes & ""

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Pulling Contacts From Two Tables Into Third Contact Table

Apr 29, 2014

Ok, I have 3 tables. One lists a contact in conjunction with the branch of the company and the trips that contact takes. The second lists a contact in conjunction with the branch of the company and which team they work with (may work with many). The third should list their email address and their phone number. Is it possible to pull the contact name and branch of company from tables 1 and 2 into 3 automatically, such that all I have to input into table 3 is additional contact information? If that is possible, is it also possible to only pull each contact/branch of company pairing once (I don't want four entries for Joe Shmoe/Sales, even if he's taken 4 trips)?

Table 1
Branch of Company
Trip Dates
Trip Location

Joe Shmoe

New York
Jane Doe

Table 2
Branch of Company
Company Team

Blue Devils
John Deere

John Deere

Joe Shmoe

Jane Doe

Table 3Contact
Branch of Company

Jane Doe

Joe Shmoe

John Deere

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Queries :: Calls Table - Finding Last Contact Date

Aug 7, 2014

There are three tables. An [Action Register] table, a [Calls] table and a [tblContacts] table. The Contacts are common to both.

The Calls table records calls to customer by date

The Action Register table records issues that Customers send in by Open date.

I am trying to make a query where we see the latest date the customer was contacted regardless of which table.

I created two queries.

qryLastCallDate finds the max date from the Call table:

SELECT Max(Calls.CallDate) AS MaxOfCallDate, tblContacts.ContactName
FROM Calls LEFT JOIN tblContacts ON Calls.ContactID = tblContacts.ContactID
GROUP BY tblContacts.ContactName
ORDER BY Max(Calls.CallDate);

qryLastIssueDate finds the max date from the Action Register table:

SELECT Max([Action Register].Open) AS MaxOfOpen, tblContacts.ContactName
FROM tblContacts RIGHT JOIN [Action Register] ON tblContacts.ContactID = [Action Register].Contact
GROUP BY tblContacts.ContactName
ORDER BY Max([Action Register].Open);

The problem I am having is that if I use Left Join I can see all the records from the Calls table but not all from the Action Register table. And vis versa if I use Right Join. This is because sometimes we have calls but no issues in the Action Register table and sometimes issues with no calls.

This is my Left Join query using a Min Max Module I found here: [URL] ....

SELECT qryLastCallDate.ContactName, qryLastCallDate.MaxOfCallDate, qryLastIssueDate.MaxOfOpen, qryLastIssueDate.ContactName, DateValue(MaxOfList([MaxOfCallDate],[MaxOfOpen])) AS [Last Contact], ([Last Contact]+21) AS NextCall
FROM qryLastCallDate LEFT JOIN qryLastIssueDate ON qryLastCallDate.ContactName = qryLastIssueDate.ContactName;

How do I get to see ALL the records from both queries.

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How To Export Access Table As Outlook Contact Group Without First Using Excel

Aug 6, 2012

I have an Access 2007 SQL database with 20 users. The DB has a list of about 3,000 email addresses that I want to export to Outlook for mass mailing. I've already got the services of an SMTP mail service that allows 1000 mails at a pop to be sent, and I've already written in the logic to separate the list into groups of 1k.

The problem I'm having is that I'm currently exporting from Access 2007 to Excel 2003 format (for some unknown reason Outlook 2007 does not directly interface with Access 2007), and then I have to manually go through the import steps within Outlook to bring the data from each 1k name group spreadsheet into a contact group for mailing.

It all works fine as it is, but it's clunky as hell. I want to automate that process, but I'm not very familiar with Outlook. I'm not even sure what the file format is for a group. Surely it must have its own format, like, or something. My ultimate objective is to export straight from access to the .xxx (whatever it is) format, direct it straight to the appropriate folder within Outlook and in the process eliminate the need for the more tedious steps required to import each Excel file within Outlook that I'm currently using.

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Forms :: Linked Table - Filter By SubForm Date Field

May 10, 2013

I have a form that is based on a linked table of students eligible to complete a online survey. Within that form, I have a sub form (based on another linked table) of students who have completed the form and at what date and time.

Only about 1 in 10 eligible students complete the form.

I'd like to filter by students who have completed the form, and sort by date submitted.

So I have the main form called "students" and the subform with the date submitted is called "New - BasicInfo subform" and they are linked by student ID. The date submitted field in the subform is formatted like "5/6/2013 3:07:32 PM".

I've tried adding this to me "filter" field in the STudents form properties:

Between [Students]![New - BasicInfo subform]![05/06/2013] AND [Students]![New - BasicInfo subform]![10/01/2013]

No luck, I get syntax error missing operator.

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Forms :: Filter Values Available In Combo Box By Empty Field In The Table?

Jan 25, 2015

I'm working on a table for work which will serve as a database of bins and the products currently in those bins, as follows:

ID Bin Amt Product
1 34 25 110001
2 33 15 200005
3 32 23 110003

Basically: employee A will use a form to update "Bin 34" (ID=1), with information (Amt, Product) until it is emptied by employee B and cleared using a separate form. No new records will be made or deleted, just the adjacent fields (Amt, Product) cleared and filled in and cleared again over and over.

What I'm trying to figure out is, when employee A clicks on the combo box on his/her form to select a Bin and enter information, how can I filter what is listed in the combo box to display only those bins which have no values under Amt & Product. The real-world risk of overwriting a bins fields before it has been cleared by employee B (who physically empties the bin) can be extremely high monetarily so I am trying to reduce that risk by eliminating it from the combo box until employee B has cleared those fields.

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Saving A Calculation Field

Aug 12, 2005

Having some problems with a calculated field on a form. The field came from my table but I typed in the calculation (=[cost_price]+[sale_price]) and it works fine but it wont save to my table so when I run a repot off it doesnt have any of the calculated values because they arent saved in my table??? Can anyone help?


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Forms :: Field Not Saving

Dec 29, 2014

On a form there is a sub form.On the form I can only cycle through the records that have been created since the last time the form was opened. I cannot cycle through all records. Is this normal for a form. I assume some code might change this behavior.

More importantly when I look at the sub form in datasheet view I notice the first field of each record is not displayed (saved?) unless it is the very last record created. (This field has a SQL statement as a row source). Is this normal - or are the last 2 paragraphs descriptions of the same thing?

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Saving Default Value To Field

Jan 7, 2012

I have a List box set to YES and default value set to YES.I would like to hide this field and when I click SAVE in my form, I would like to save it to my table.I did set the control source to the field that I want but somehow it is not working unless if I click on to YES then save.How do I set it in such a way which will save even without me clicking on to the LIST BOX?I want the default value to be saved when I click SAVE command button.

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Why Is Currency Field Not Saving Pennies??

Mar 16, 2005

I have a currency field that is not saving pennies. (cents if you're Americian i suppose) :confused: if i put in pence it rounds it to the nearest pound.

I have tried setting the decimal places to "2", but that makes no difference :mad: :confused:

the table is called invoice

this also happens with the invoice form :mad: (i suspect for the same reason)

The database can be downloaded from: (996KB)
or if you can unzip (who can't?!?) (86.1KB)

Cheers for any help


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Saving A Form's Sort Field

Sep 16, 2005

I have a form that has a bunch of project information and scrolling buttons at the bottom to browse by next/last.

Right now the form is sorted by the ID associated with the project, which kinda sucks because they were and are not put in alphabetically.

I discovered if you right click on a field and click "Sort Ascending" or the opposite it works fine but when I open the database it is right back to normal ID sort

I have checked the Data and Other tabs but can't find anything with regards to this as well as I have tried sorting the actual table by name and that changed nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Field Calculation Not Saving To Database

Aug 26, 2005

I have the calculation =DateDiff("yyyy",[DOB],Now()) in the Data/Control source properties of a numeric field in a database/form which correctly calculates age in years from a date field DOB. How do I get this field to save to the database?

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Saving Previous Unbound Field Values

Oct 5, 2005


i have a form (A) with some unbound combo boxes which generate a subform (continuous) recordsource and the records output

after i filter the subform, i click on a subform record and open another form (B), and close form (A)

i do a bit of editing on form (B), then i click a button to go back to form (A).

is it possible to open the form (A), with the unbound combo boxes values at the same value as when form (A) was last closed, and as such the subform records output as per when the parent form (a) closed

if this is possible i can then have a button on form (B), to go to the next or previous record on the form (A) subform

apologies if this sounds confusing, many thanks in advance

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Saving Long Text To A Memo Field

Oct 21, 2004

I'm trying to save the contents of a text box into a memo field in a table, but after my code runs i look in the field and it is cut off after a hundred characters or so, and the last few characters are garbled. This is the code:

Code: DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE orderheaders SET orderheaders.Comments = [Text127] WHERE orderheaders.OrderNumber = " & GlOrderNumber & ""

orderheaders = table
Text127 = text box
GlOrderNumber = integer variable

Is there a way to do this with only code? (I dont want to do it by binding the text box to the field)

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Relationships Table Not Saving.

Nov 15, 2005

Hi. I've been trying to create a link between two different tables which i've put on the Relationships screen. Any type of link made between RepairScheduleID on the one table and RepairScheduleID on the other table disappear when I reopen the database after closing access. This happens if I save, if i don't save it requests me to save then doesn't store the changes anyway.

Ideas? What on earth is wrong?

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Problem With Saving Changes On Table

Oct 26, 2005


I've put a button on a form (lets say form 1), that when clicked opens up form 2.

Both forms are connected to ONE table each.

There is a sub table on form 2 that displays records with the same Id as on form 2.

The Problem is when I open The table that feeds the subtable. If I change the A to Z ordering on this table, whenever I close form 2 (not from design view, from user view), it asks me whether I want to save the changes to the design of the table feeding the sub table (the subtable that is on form 2, that is)?

When form 2 is closed there are calculations that are made and data is updated on form 1. I don't know if this is part of the problem? or perhaps I have set up the subtable incorrectly?

Please help!



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Table Not Saving Data

May 22, 2007

I have a form that stores its data in a table called Participants. Within that table is a field called Payment Due Date. On the form, this field is populated via the following:

Private Sub PaymentDueDate_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Bi-Weekly" And Me![SentenceLength] < 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = Me![StartDate]

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Bi-Weekly" And Me![SentenceLength] > 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = (Me![StartDate] + 14)

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Monthly" And Me![SentenceLength] < 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = Me![StartDate]

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Monthly" And Me![SentenceLength] > 30 Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = (Me![StartDate] + 30)

ElseIf Me![PaymentSchedule] = "Paid" Then
Me![PaymentDueDate] = Me![StartDate]

End If
End Sub

My problem is after the field is populated in the form, the data does not store in the table. Have I written something wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Saving Query Data Into Table

Mar 18, 2008

Ive created a query that asks the user to enter data (month and year) before it can be processed. This is causing a problem for me as i need to produce a chart from this data and access isnt letting me (access doesnt like me asking the user to enter data). So i thought if the data could be stored in a table then the chart could be drawn from the this possible.Below is a screengrab of the design view fro the query.

and this is the sql for the query

SELECT Shift.Shift_ID, Shift.Shift_Type, Sum(Main.Shift) AS SumOfShift, Format([Date],"mmmm") AS Expr3, Year([Date]) AS Expr4
FROM Shift INNER JOIN Main ON Shift.Shift_ID = Main.Shift
WHERE (((Month([date]))=[Month]) AND ((Year([date]))=[Year]))
GROUP BY Shift.Shift_ID, Shift.Shift_Type, Format([Date],"mmmm"), Year([Date]);

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Saving Calculated Fields To A Table

Sep 14, 2006

I have a small Database that produces invoices, Each invoice could have 5 items on it which are compeleted at different Dates. (cutting hair in an OAP Home) Invoice to be produced at the end of each month which shows what happened each week. This will be generated for each person in the home. I can display all the information in a form when inputing the invoice information. I want a button to copy the invoice number the client name and the total of the invoice to a new table. The total of the invoice is calculated control on the form.

How do I do this??? can anyone help

I need a total in a table to substract payments from.

All Help will be much appreciated.

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Saving A Result From Form To Table

Nov 19, 2004

I'm creating a database to enter Tests that have been done. I am recording the date that the test was performed and now I need Access to tell me when the next test is due (i.e. 5 years from the latest test date). I used the expression dateadd("yyyy",5,[NextTestDue]). But when I put this under Control Source, it only displays it on the form but does not save it in the table. How do I get it to save the info to the table?

I need the NextTestDue field to automatically populate when I enter a test date (The date the test was performed). Please help.

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Saving A Linked Table Locally

Jun 1, 2005

I just got set up with access to a bunch of linked tables with information from our catalog--I work at a library. Most of the library will be using this to run reports, mostly premade reports. I, however, want to take the information from the tables to fill in the gaps in my own access database. I really couldn't care less about their premade reports.

I have been unable, however, to figure out how to save those linked tables locally. Because they're linked (with the green globe icon), I can't delete the records I don't want. I want to delete them because otherwise the file includes all of our books--I only want our journals--a MUCH smaller number. I have tried copying the table and pasting it, but it simply pastes another linked table. I also tried to copy the structure of the table only thinking I could cut and paste the records I wanted into the new table, but that didn't work either--the full data is still there.

I wrote our IT people, and I got a response suggesting that I not delete anything, because deleting records would mean the reports I run would be inaccurate. That is exceedingly frustrating, because I've talked to him several times about my wanting to just take the information to make my own database complete. I don't care about running reports. I don't need to run their reports for my job--and when I do need reports, I make them myself from my local files.

The reason I need to have my own local copy is because I need to match up fields with my local database, and the fields need some minor editing first in order to match up. A simple matter--if only I could get a local copy.

So, does anyone know how to do this?



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Modules & VBA :: Saving A Table On Certain Day Of Every Week

Jan 21, 2015

I am trying to find out what VBA Code I should use for a way to save a main table name: Master_Template on a certain day of the week (weekly) to happen automatically on close of the database - of course on that certain day of the week.

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