Continuos Form And Summing.

Mar 20, 2006

Hi All,

I have to admit that I have been staring at this this problem for some time now and can't seem to solve it. Hopefully someone from this form will be able to help...

The attached jpeg of my continuos form has the "traditional" access #Name? error in it. The text box's contain the formula to sum each column they are under i.e: =sum([txtamount]) , =sum([txtFinalForecastCost]),
=sum([txtCostToGo]). They are located on the form footer section. If I delete the last text box the other two text box's sum ok, but all three generate the #Name? error. Any ideas on how to get around this so all three sum?

This continuos form is a sub form of the main form and the last column is a calculation of: Forecast - amount = CostToGo

Access 97

Thank you.

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Buttons On A Continuos Form

Mar 31, 2005

is it possible to only have the last button visible on a continuous form?


currently on my cont form, i have a series of fields and a submit button

for each record a submit button appears i only want the submit button to be visible on the latest record

can this be done?

or should i just move the button on to the main form?

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List Box Update Problem On Continuos Form

Jun 9, 2005

I have a list box on a continous form that dynamically pulls it's information by why of a query where a field in the query is equal to the value of a field on the form.

The problem is it only does it for the first record and every record after that has values based on the first record. Is it possible for the list box to show different values for each record or is there an alternative method of pulling the information.

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Modules & VBA :: Summing Multiple Queries And Summing Time

Oct 4, 2013

I have a sales form. The sales form has many Call, Meetings and Emails linked to each sales record. I want to total all the number of calls, meeting and email records related to the sales record to give a total- Touches.I've created 3 queries;

1 - Counts Calls
2 - Counts Emails
3 - Counts Meetings

These all work fine however when I combine them to attempt to count the results it doesn't produce the correct results.I have a second query as well (no pun intended).

I am trying to sum together a column that has values in Time. The results displays as a decimal. How can I have the result display as a Time i.e. 1:20 (1 hour 20 minutes).

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Continuos Subform Problem

Feb 15, 2006

I am working on modifying a database that has a register that shows all the relevent information from the main table.

There are date text boxes as follows, for each record:

Short Term Date, Changed Short Term date
Long Term Date, Changed Long Term Date
Evidence Target Date, Changed Evidence Target Date

I have attached a pic of the register form. It's a bit messy, because I wanted to get all the relevent data on the register before I started playing with it.

What I am trying to do is display only the latest date as detailed below:

If [CxdShortTgtDate] > [ShortTgtDate] Then
txtShortAction.Visible = False
txtCxdShortAction.Visible = True
End If

Doing this hides every Short Term Action Date for every record and not for each single row. The idea is to eventually layer each date on top of each other and display only the latest date.

I am still a novice with VBA, though I have learnt quite a lot off my own back and I am pleased with the results. I would be very pleased if one of you gurus out there can put me in the right direction.


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Continuos Forms Height

Dec 5, 2006

I have a form which is set to display continuous forms - just like a table but a bit nicer to look at! is it possible to make the forms height vary depending on how many records there are?

thanks in advance!

Dave C

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Summing Fields In A Form

May 1, 2007

I have run into this problem with several databases I have created. I have my tables all set to store my information. I create the form to enter the information. I try to create the field to calculate a total and every time I enter the amount in the form, I get '?name' or '#name'.

With this particular database, I am looking to track expenses. Expense categories on the left, dates across the top, amounts in the middle, totals across the bottom for dates and down the right for categories.

If there was a way to attach a document, I would send the expense report. If you want to look at it, let me know and I will send it. It's a small xls file.



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Summing Values On A Form, Then Further Entering In Table

Sep 1, 2005

Hey there, Im currently making a form so users can enter project information. For this particular project, the user must choose from a variety of options, and each option has a number value assigned to it for a rating. Now at the end of this form, I want a sum of the ratings, and then entered into the table. I am using a text box for the sum of ratings, and can get the sum of ratings to work on the form, but this data is entered as a 0 in the table. If anyone could help me find a way to put the actual sum in the table, that would be excellent.. thx a lot.

If it would be any help, here are the names of text boxes that I'm adding:

Health and Safety Rating, Maintenance Rating, Equipment Rating, School Size Rating, Student Enrollment Rating, SD Priority Rating, Project Requested Previously Rating

Those ratings must be added into "Total Rating"


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Summing Totals In A Form - ? Table View

May 1, 2005

Would someone be kind enough to look at the following two attached mini databases. I have this recurring problem when I set things up that I cannot get some figures to appear in the table - only on the form.

In Example 1 I am trying to get the Total Score to show up.

In Example 2 I am trying to get the corresponding score to the description to show up.

I think it is something to do with me referencing the field not the look-up table but I really don't know any more.


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Summing Multiple Fields From One Table In A Form

Apr 1, 2014

[AR&R Hours]+[PTO # of Hours]+[Meeting/Calls # of Hours]+[System Issues # of Hours]+[BAU Training # of Hours]+[Exception Processing Hours]+[AIG Related Activities]+[Admin Work Hours]+[Migration Hours]+[Project Hours]

Need the fastest and easiest way to auto calculate the above in a field on a form. i can get it to calculate in a query but need it to do in the form as well.

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Forms :: Access 2007 / Summing Columns To Populate A Form?

Aug 13, 2013

Im working in Access 2007.

So i have query based on 1 table that populates a Form. The primary key for that table is Entity ID. Therefore once the query has been run I have multiple records that i can scroll through in my form distiguished by their Entity ID.

I have a second table that has a Entity ID column, AFE Available column, and many others. The primary key for this table is called Match ID. This table contains records that have the same Entity ID.

My goal is to display on the form the Sum of the "AFE Availible" for each Entity ID. so as you scroll through the records the Entity ID is changing and you are able to see a the Specific "AFE Availible" Sum related to the current Record showing on the form.

I couldn't figure out a way to have a query based off both tables where the records are only uniquely defined by the Entity ID in Budget Info. What was happening is the query was displaying all the records that had the same Entity ID because of the AFE Spent table. That way when you scroll through the records the form shoes records with the same entity id.

Maybe im doing it all wrong and you dont need the tables attached to the same query. That would make it easier i think. So you would have two queries populating different text boxes on a form. Is that even possible?

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Forms :: Summing Up In Continuous Form - Total Sell And Cost Value

Sep 8, 2014

I'm adding to a DB which has been working well for a while.

I have a continuous form which has a query behind it. The query takes two values: (For example)

[LineCost] and [LineQTY]

Inside the query, we use the expression TLC: [LineCost] * [LineQTY]

I need to sum this so a Sale with several lines gives me the total sell and cost value.

If you look at the sfrmEditQuote - you'll see the exact same method - working. sfrmEditSale is direct copy of this form, with some changes here and there. But can I get past the dreaded #error? Nope.

I've tried renaming the fields and text boxes, checking the query, but I keep getting #error on the sfrmEditSale form footer.

I have attached the DBs in old and new format.

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Summing Queries.

Jul 14, 2005

i'm going to start this by telling what i am working toward in the end as it is where the problem obviously stems from.

i am trying to create a report which will tell me how many times 'hcapp' is in a table. there are three different fields where 'hcapp' can be placed...i can easily create three different queries which return how many times 'hcapp' is mentioned in one field, but i have yet to figure out how to look through all three fields in one it possible? if not, how can i have a report call all three of these queries and then sum the total?

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Summing Queries.

Aug 3, 2005

i've a question that hopefully has a simple answer.

i have a query that returns three different numbers (each in its own column)...anyway, how can i make it sum the number of these three numbers...the best case scenario would be if i could have a fourth column appear in the results of the query with the sum...

it would look something like this

num1 num2 num3 sum
1 2 3 6

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Summing Query.

Aug 18, 2005

hello there...ive a question...i have a summing query which searches for the word "processed" in a specific column of a table...currently if "processed" is not found within the column the query will not return there a way to have the query return a zero instead?

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Query On Summing

Feb 15, 2007

When i'm summing up values in a column like "Hours:[production]+[nonproduction]" how can i have access treat blanks as zeros? I tried
"Hours: IIf([nonproduction]="",0,[nonproduction])+IIf([production]="",0,[production])" and it just gave me a #value error

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Summing Many Yes/no Fields

Jan 9, 2008

Hello, I am a newbie access user, so this might be a stupid question, but here it is:

I have a lot of yes/no fields labeled "10/1", "10/3", "10/5", ... (dates)
They are to record attendance on particular days.
I want to make a query that gives me the sum of a student's attendance and I have no idea to go about that. Any help is much appreciated.


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Sum Function Not Summing?

Mar 17, 2005

Can't believe I'm posting this :o Have tried every permutation I can find, including the previous requestes from other members, but it still won't work.
I have a subform on whose footer I've placed a text box to sum a valu, [SubTotal]. On the main form I've set the control source of a text box to the text box on the subform, and it just won't work :mad: Can someone please have a look at this and put me out of my misery?

Thanks, Lol :D

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Summing #s In A Query

Sep 8, 2004


I'm trying to sum numbers in a query. The table that Im summing from is set up as follows. The 1st column is just an autonumber. The 2nd column is an individuals. The third column is a date. The fourth column is a transaction (Buy or Sell). The fifth column is an amount (in $). and the 6th column is an Account (RRSP or RESP).

I would like to sum all the buys for each individual for each account. However I'm finding this difficult to do. Here is what i have so far. It sums all the 'buys' for the entire table.

SELECT Transactions.[Customer ID], DSum("Amount","Transactions","Transactions.Transaction=1") AS Expr1, Accounts.[Account Type ID]
FROM Transactions INNER JOIN Accounts ON Transactions.[Account ID] = Accounts.[Account ID];

Thanks very much,


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Summing Rows?

Nov 13, 2006

Hello All

I am making an attendance program for my college. When a user swipes their ID a record is set in an Access database. The column headings are the users name, classID and so forth followed by a column for each week of class. What I need to do is write a dynamic query that will sum the the values through the weeks for a particular student. Any suggestions?

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Summing One Field Value To Another

Aug 6, 2012

I have 2 field in a table - CourseMarks and ExamMarks. I am making a query to sum these two values. My code entered through the expression builder is Total: [CourseMarks]+[ExamMarks].

When the query is run there are no results if both fields have a score, but If there is a score in the CourseMarks field and none in the ExamMarks field the CourseMark is returned.All the field value data types are interger.

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Summing Fields In A Record

Aug 23, 2005


Not sure if this is possible (sounds simple hopefully) but I was wondering if there was a way to sum certain fields in a record on a continuous form.

E.g. Field1 and Field2 in record 1.

Is it something simple like summing columns, i.e. Sum(Field1)?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Summing A Calculated Field

Jan 17, 2005


I want to sum a calculated field on one of my forms. The field is calculated by multiplying the cost of a good by its quantity. So far I have been unable to sum it. Does anyone know how I can do this?

Here is a link to what the field is related to just so you people know what I am talking about: Project ( ...basically I have fixed all the problems mention in that thread. All that remains is this field. I will attach my project in case that helps. (the calculated field is in the Treatment Form) Thanks in advance :)

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Summing Up 3 Fields In A Record

Nov 12, 2007

I am trying to figure out the best way to design a table. The table is going to contain data concerning checks that have been given to a church. Each check could be broken down into 3 different categories; Tithes, Offering, Other. In other words one check for $100 dollars might be Tithes $40.00, Offering $30.00, Other $30.00. I need to be able to enter these three amounts into the record and then have them totaled in another field.

Is it best to do this all in one record or should I have two tables? If I have two tables how do I get one form to enter the break down into one table and the total in another table. Fyi, if I do this in one record I don't want them to have to enter in the total. I want the total that is entered to be calculated by the three previous fields.

Thanks for any help you can be on this.

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Summing Totals In A Query

Sep 22, 2005

SELECT Commissions.TransactionID, Commissions.OriginatorID, Commissions.AmountPaid, Commissions.DatePaid
FROM Commissions
WHERE ((Commissions.DatePaid)> DateAdd("d", -32, Date()));

I want to add up commissions paid in a month using a simple query and im not sure how to proceed from here. This example will pull records for the last 32 days, but now how do I do the sum commissions.amountpaid to work?

Thanks for any help.


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Summing Other Fields Per Record

Jun 28, 2006

Is there a way to use a query to sum totals of several fields per record? In the db I have designed, I have 5 seperate fields for estimates from different departments. There is also a field for Total estimates. What I would like to do is have the Total Estimates field autocalculate the total sum of the other 5 estimate fields. Is this possible to do through a query? If so how? If not - is it possible at all?


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