Continuous Form -> Different BG Color

Oct 4, 2005

Hi everyone.

I've searched the forum, couldn't find an answer. Is it possible to give each record in a continuous form a different backgroundcolor?

For example:

Record 1 has a light yellow bgcolor
Record 2 has a light blue bgcolor
Record 3 has a light yellow bgcolor
Record 4 has a light blue bgcolor
And so on...

Thanks in advance!


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Color Alternate Rows In A Continuous Form

Oct 25, 2005


Does anyone know how to color alternate rows in two different colors in a continuous form?

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Forms :: Text Box Background Color Depending On Its Value In Continuous Form

Jul 13, 2013

In Access 2007 (or 2010 , 2013), in a continuous form, I want to change the background colour of a text box depending on its value. Obviously, for each record, the color can be different.

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Change Color Of Single Record

May 1, 2014

I have a continuous form based on a orders table and a details sub form.I list all the records in a continuos form in date of order.i need to change the colour of a single record based on the condition of a tick box on the original orders form

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Forms :: Continuous Form - One Field Change Background Color / Current Record

Jul 28, 2014

in a continuous form i want to click on one record and have the one field change the background colour to highlight it. When I use the code: Field. BackColor = vbYellow it changes the background on all the records. Is there a code to say only for the record with focus?

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A Continuous Form And Continuous Subform, Possible?

Aug 9, 2005

What I am trying to do is put a subform within a subform. The trouble is I want both forms to be continuous forms.

when I put the subform within a subform, access comes up with the following message:

************************************************** ********************
A form with a subform object cannot have its DefaultView set to Continuous forms.

You tried to add a subform to a form in design view.
MSAcess will reset the property to Single Form.
************************************************** *********************

which it does my higher level form becomes a form only showing single records at a time whilst the subform is a continuous form.

does anyone know of a way around this?

what about Access2003 does it allow this?

help much appreciated.

Steve Ferry

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Form Problem - With Color

Aug 18, 2005

I have a Form with a List Box containing several options - with defined fore color (blue) and back color (white). However, when I click on an option to select it, the background color becomes black and the font color yellow (YUK!). How can I change this - ie. how can I select these colors? Thanks.

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Form Area Color Changes

Dec 8, 2006

Is it possible, and if so, how, to change the colors of the background area where the navigation bar is?
(Area marked within included image)

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Changing The Color Of An Image In A Form

Jun 9, 2005

I have a form which uses a query for entry to the table. One of the fields in the query is a calculated field which shows in the form. The calculated field returns a number from 1 to 5. Rather than showing this number I would like to show a round stoplight that changes color for each number. I have inserted a OLE object OLEunbound235 into the form. The colors I want to use are
icolor = RGB(255, 204, 0) 'Gold
icolor = RGB(192, 192, 192) 'Silver
icolor = RGB(216, 129, 0) 'Bronze
icolor = RGB(255, 255, 0) 'Yellow
icolor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'Red
and icolor = RGB(255, 255, 255) 'White for any other value.

The text box that returns the calculated number is labeled Text1 and I have hidden this box so it can not be seen. Does anyone know how to write this code that would change the OLE object color automatically so when the user enters data into the form and the return number changes the color of the OLE object changes. I know very little about VBA and I am not sure where to begin or where to even write the code.


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Changing Background Color Of Tab Form

Apr 5, 2005


I have design a form using the tab control. I need to add in color to make it more professional. Is there a way I can do it. I realised the filled /Back color icon is faded in color in design view.

Appreciate any help in this. Thanks.

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Can You Color A Form In Datasheet View?

May 2, 2006

I have a form that displays inventory using a datasheet format..

is there a way that i can make it so that if that record has a sales order number (because it is sold) then highlight that record...

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How To Change Font Color In A Form

May 16, 2014

All I want to do is change the font color and weight of a couple of columns in a form. No conditions or change when button is pressed or anything like that. Just be blue and stay blue.

I've tried making it a memo, rich-text field and it didn't work.

It works fine in the "member details" form, but not the "member list" form.

Member Details:

Member List:

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On Click Change Form Background Color?

Apr 30, 2006

I searched around but i couldnt really find or atleast understand how to do what i want to do. I want upon the user clicking on a checkbox for the background of the form to change to a set color?

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Datasheet Form How To Change Single Row Color

Jan 14, 2007

I am running Access 97 and I was wondering if it was possible to change the colour(background or text) of a single record based on an attribute

I was hoping that my subform viewing all of the records (datasheet) would look like this based on Task Des column
eg Condition = red, Awaiting = Blue
(Below is ment to look like an access datasheet view)

Property No | Task Des | MCU/ROL
PN1234/DA1 | Condtion | MCU
PN1235/DA2 | Condtion | ROL
PN1994/DA1 | Awaiting | MCU

I have read you can do this quiet easy in access 2007 but was wondering if possible in 97

Thanks heaps for your help


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Forms :: Use Buttons On A Form To Change Sort Order On A Continuous Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to use buttons on a form to change the sort order on a continuous form. In the buttons click event I am using a public function (named Sort_1) to change the sort order. The first element of the event call is the name of a generic query (named Sort_1_Query1) and the query field to sort (LAST_NAME OR FRIST_NAME, depending on the button.)This is the Click Statement.


This is the Public Function
Public Function Sort_1(SortName As String, FieldName1 As String)
DoCmd.ApplyFilter SortName, FieldName1 & "between 'A' and 'Z'"
End Function

I think the problem is in the use of quotation marks or trying to pass the query field name to the Do Command or the use of an ampersand.

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Command Button On Each Record To Open Another Form

Jul 30, 2014

I have a continuous form in which I put a command button for each record called "detail". I would like to click on the "detail" button and make it open another form containing all (and only) the info on this record.

At first I refused to use an "id" to link both forms, but finally I added the "id" in the table... however still does not work.

continuous form: "04 - GASTOS_BUSQUEDA"
id field on continuous form: "Gastid"

pop-up (details) form: "GASTOS_EDITAR"
id on pop-up (details) form: "editar_id"

This is what I have tried on the "click" properties of the "details" button field (called "btn_editgs"):

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", acNormal, , "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , "[editar_id]=" & Me.Gastid

stLinkCriteria = "[editar_id]=" & Me![Gastid]
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , stLinkCriteria

Private Sub btn_editgs_Click()
On Error GoTo btn_editgs_Click_Err
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , strWhere
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume btn_editgs_Click_Exit
End Sub

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Click On ID To Populate Single Form

Oct 4, 2013

I have a continuous form that displays all my customers .I want to be able to dble click a customers ID and go to there customer details form.

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Forms :: Linking Form To Subform Set To Continuous Form View

Aug 22, 2014

How to populate the parent form's PK to multiple records in a child subform set to a default view continuous form?

In other words, how to auto populate the primary key to multiple records displayed the subform?

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Form Background Color To Signify Record Status

Jul 20, 2006

I have a form that contains a toggle button. When a record is complete and considered closed I click the toggle button. I want to make the form background turn red if I enter into a record that has been closed. :confused:

If this is not possible, is there something similiar that would stand out:rolleyes:

Can someone tell me how to do this? Thanks!

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Change Background Color Of Form Based On Data

Mar 6, 2008

Just wondering... is this possible.

I have a database with 200 clients. If a user pulls up a record and the customer's insurance has expired, is it possible to change the background color of the form so that this automatically alerts the user that this customer needs to be contacted and the record needs to be updated?

Or are there any other suggestions that may serve the same purpose?

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Continuous Form Problem: All The Form Records Are Affected

Aug 17, 2007

I have a continuous form bound to a recordset that has the following fields:

- Ignore: Boolean
- OverTime: Boolean
- AnnualLeave:Boolean
-ExtraValue: Double

The Ignore, OverTime, AnnualLeave fields are bound to a I, O, A checkboxes respectively in this continuous form. The ExtraValue bound to a EV textbox in this form.

What I want is that when the user check O or A checkboxes, the EV textbox is enabled only for this form record NOT all the form records, when the user check I checkbox, the EV textbox is disabled only for this from record, NOT all the form records.

The problem is that whenver the user check, all the form records EV text box is affected by this action.

Is there any way to achieve this?

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General :: Access 2010 - Can Field (Color) On A Form Be Set To Combo Box

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to have a field (Color) on a form be set to a combo box. A drop-down box appears with Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Other. When other is selected a dialog box prompt appears asking the user to enter the color. The response is then what appears in the Color field.

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Continuous Form

Mar 31, 2005

I have a continuous form which I have placed a unbound text box. For some reason when I place a value in the box it duplicates the value in all the correponding records! Any ideas why!!

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Continuous Form

Aug 27, 2006

Hi, thanks.

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Forms :: Change Font Color And Appearance While Entering Data Into A Form

Mar 13, 2013

I would like to be able to change font color and appearance while entering data into a form (example: italicize a word). Is there any way to activate the font format while in a form?

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Continuous Form Question

Jun 19, 2005

The problem is that I have a recordset Rosters.
Fields are ShftDay, A, B, C
The ShftDay is distinct field.
I have continuous form mapped to this recordser.
This continuous form have 4 text boxes, each is mapped to one of the recordset fields.
The user can edit these fields.
What I want to do is when the user enter the value "Na" in one of A,B or C textbox, I want the backcolor property of this textbox to become pink.
What I face is that for example if I enter the "Na" value in the A textbox, all the cells of the A textbox are converted to pink. What I want is only the cell in the edited record, not all.
Please Help Me.

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