Control On Form Problem

Sep 11, 2007

I have a database with a 'Projects' table with 148 records. One of the fields is named ‘Current’ (a y/n field). I also have a table named 'Printing' with a lookup field named 'Project' based on the 'Projects' table. I have a data entry form set up based on 'Printing'. The combo box for the 'Project' field on the form is based on a query that finds only projects that are marked as 'current' in the 'Project' table. I've come up with a glitch though - if a record in ‘Printing’ has a project that was current at the time it was entered but subsequently has been marked as non-current, the ‘Project’ control on the form goes blank. The 'project' data remains correct in the ‘Printing’ table, but the form doesn't display it correctly. The form is used as a 'job log' so when a job is logged in, I want the ‘Project’ control pull-down to display only current projects but I also need the form to always display that information no matter what the status of a project. I’ve tried playing with the ‘limit to list’ property with no luck. I’m not a coder at all so please be gentle with me.

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New Field Does Not Show In Control Source For Form Control

May 28, 2015

I have table that I had to add a new field to which we update with a form. I tried to add a control for the new field but the field does not show up in the list for the control source. I am trying to add a list box to the form with a blank and 5 options.

I have attached screen shots of the table design and the form. The table has the field in datasheet view and I have manually entered a few entries in it but it still will not show in the control source for the form control. The top section of the form is where we enter and select the data for the new records. The bottom section (circled in red) autofills the matching record, from separate tables, for updating with the new entries.

I have added form controls for modified fields in the past so I am confused about why this is happening.

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Forms :: Setting Focus To Control On Single Form Side Of Split Form

Jun 24, 2013

When I right click a row on the data sheet side of a split form an select "New Record" I want the curser to go to the first field on the single record side. I've placed this in the OnCurrent but it did no good.


If Me.NewRecord Then
End If

Any way to set the focus to the single form Side of a split form?

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General :: Modal Form - Open Concrete Form And Pass Value To Control

Jun 21, 2013

I have modal form - frmZlecenia

I would like to copy one control, then close this form, open concrete form and pass value to control.

My code is

Private Sub Menu_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"
Forms!frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD.Form!Imie = Me.Imie
DoCmd.Close acForm,
End Sub

The problem is, still opens the previous form, not form "frmZlecenia"

e.g If I open form x then from this form I open my modal form "frmZlecenia" and then I will click "menu" button - now form "x" is open :/, but should be "frmZleceniaMarzenaNawigacjaPD"

There is some way to open concrete form from modal form?

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General :: Day / Month In Date Form Control Reversed After Update Of Form

Sep 11, 2014

I have a data entry form which have a date field.This field retains the existing date after the record is saved with vba after update event.

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Me.ProductionDate.DefaultValue = Chr(35) & Me.ProductionDate.Value & Chr(35)
End Sub

Almost after a year of perfect working i am facing a problem.When i save the record , in date field my date and month values are reversed if date is between 1-12.although my database stores perfectly valid date. for example if date is "10-09-2014" (dd-mm-yyyy) after saving form date field becomes "09-10-2014". but if date is "13-09-2014" The date form field retains this value .

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Forms :: Filter List Box On Form By Using A Control On Form

Jan 14, 2015

On a form I have a:

control called "FilterListBox"
list box called "lstCustomer"
option Box called "optCustomerType"

When the user selects an option in the option box, "FilterListBox" is updated to either "1", "2" or "1 or 2"..One of the fields in the query for "lstCustomer" is "CustomerType" and its criteria is set as follows:


if "FilterListBox" = 1 the query for "lstCustomer" returns the correct records
if "FilterListBox" = 2 the query for "lstCustomer" returns the correct records

But if "FilterListBox" = 1 or 2, no records are returned.

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LIKE -using A Form Control

Dec 26, 2007

I have a form where the user types in a part of a name and then he can view the details of all the people that their name has that string.

But I am having trouble writing the query that will do this...I have tried using:
WHERE fieldname LIKE '*[forms]![formname]![controlname]*'

Hoping that if instead of the string I would give the control that has the string it will work.
But of course that doesnt work (the simple solution never works :o). and I guess that the syntax is different when using a control.
What do I need to Write in order to make it work?

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Tab Control On Form

Aug 8, 2005

I have created this form and I want the user to tab thur the fields and when the last field is tabed move to the next (tab) page on the form? How can I make this happen?

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Add Control To Form Using VB

Mar 7, 2006

Is it possible to add a control to a form using VB?

What I am trying to do is simulate an unbound continuous sub-form. My idea is when the source of the main form changes, I will query for the sub-form records associated with the new main form data, and insert on to the main form enough subforms for each detail record.

The sticking point is how to add that control to the form.

I've searched the properties and methods of the forms object but found nothing that looks like what I need.

Anyone have any ideas how I can proceed?


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Can Variables Be Used In A Form Control??

Mar 5, 2008

hi all, Newbie to access and am making an asset tracking database for work. I have written a sub that opens a hidden form and queries it. I want to get a value from that hidden form and stick it into a combo box on my origianl form. I have got most things to work. The problem i am having is using a variale in a control form i.e. [forms]![ & strVar & ]![Field] here is the code i have so far
Private Sub Form_Search(strFname As String, strField As String, strFField As String, strWhere_Next As String)
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = strField & " = " & "" & strFField & ""
strWhereA = "[Forms]![" & strWhere_Next & "]![ALLOCATEDTO]"
DoCmd.OpenForm strFname, acNormal, , strWhere, , acHidden
Me.ALLOCATEDTO.Value = strWhereA
DoCmd.Close acForm, strFname

the strWhereA shows the correct field but is shown as [Forms]![Formname]![ALLOCATEDTO] in my combobox, not the actual value of that form. Please help. I know this is probably a simple syntax error but am now at my wits end!!!

Thanks in advance!

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Control The CheckBox In Form

Mar 22, 2005


Here I want to know how can i control the checkBox

when i enter ID in form i got the related feilds too so when i want
to edit the record i wnat to check if the checkBox is TRUE i get
messege that i cant edit this record?

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Control Data In Form

Mar 23, 2005

Hi i want to know how can i control CheckBox

*- If i have record for and the primiry key is the ID

*- When i type the ID i get the an other data for that record

*- If i change address in that form and the checkBox is True i want to stop update that record and get messege for that.


Checking all address in that Form if it equals to the new address entry Then get Messege.

Why I need it?
I have FORM to Borrowing Books and i don't want any one to Borrow Book two times.

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Referencing A Sub Form Within A Tab Control

Apr 11, 2005

Hey guys,

a quick question.

I have a form called "FormA"
within that form i have a tab control
and one of the pages is called "Page1"
inside that page1 i have a subform named "subform1"
and finally inside subform1 i have a field named "field"

what would be the correct syntax to reference the value of the field???

been messing with this for awhile and am getting a headace, was hoping someone can help

thanks alot


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Form With 2 Different Control Sources?

Dec 14, 2005

I have just split up a table into tables so that has interfered with the form I had created for it. I have 2 main tables:


Drawing num

I split them up because there was alot of dublication. One drawing can have many different revisions. So I think it was better to split it up like this?

Anyways the form allows the user to add this information so some of the controls are bound to one form and the others to another. I know that I could do a query to combine the two tables but is that the best way to do it from an optimisation/ good database design point of view?

From a layout point of view I would prefer not to use a subform.

Thanks for your time,

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Form Control .Enable

Jun 9, 2006

Sorry to bother everyone with something that is probably real simple....

I would like to disable one control if another does not equal a certain value.

Do I set the control to enable=No and then use OnCurrent and afterupdate?

As always, I am confused and could use some assistance.

Tim E.

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Refering To A Control On A Sub Form

Jul 11, 2006

After checking on the validity of data entered in a contol on a sub form using the beforeupdate event focus is moved to a password field on the main form. After entering a valid password I would like the focus to be returned to the control on the subform. How would I do this. There are a number of controls on the subform that would be validated in this way so writing the code once with a variable that holds the name of the referring control would be best.

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Tab Control In A Continuous Form

Sep 26, 2006

Hi I have a problem that has been messing my head up. I want to be able to change the way the tab button works in a continuous form, instead of the tab tabbing across/through a single record first I want to be able to tab down/through the fields. I know this may seem strange to some but that is how I would like it to work. I could change the form to something else but that would require too much alteration and make life harder in the long run.

I currently have some VBA code set to ensure that the field that is select on open has a TabStop and all other fields do not. Is this the correct way of doing it or is there an easier way.


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Navigation Control Of Form

Oct 22, 2004

Hello all,

I am in dire need of Access expertise. Basically, I have a form with many customer records. What I want to accomplish is to have a text box at the bottom of the form whereby I can type in a client's name which would change the record on the form to display that clients information. It would be nice if what I type into the text box doesn't have to match a clients name exactly (maybe use some sort of wildcard?). I have but a clue how to acheive this. Any suggestions would be sincerely appreciated.

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Form And Control Backgrounds

Jan 9, 2006


does anyone know where I can find some different backgrounds for my forms and controls?
I have Office 2003 and would like to personalize my forms without using the limited colours provided by MS Access.


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Forms :: Tab Control Within A Form

May 21, 2015

I am trying to create a form where there will be information entered. The information being entered needs to be on two different pages, as they belong to two different tables. I would like to use the tab control. The problem I am having is that I want to be able to lock the second tab until all of the information on the first tab is correct and the employee entering the information verifies it. Is this possible and if so how?

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Forms :: Get Value Of A Control On A Form

Jul 25, 2013

I have a form that has many calculated fields(hidden and shown) based on the data in the source table. The calculated values roll up to a textbox(txtAward) that shows an award(Gold,Silver,Bronze) based on the total calculated points.

There is no inputting in the form. Its just used to display what was input and what the final award is.

txtAward isn't part of the source table but can be added.

How can I get the txtAward value into the table so I can do some reporting?

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Pop Up Form/dategreater Than Control On Form

Apr 14, 2005

=[Combo34]>(Sum([A/T Duration Min])/60)+Sum([A/T Duration Hours])

I have this on a subform. Combo 34 is the hire date of employee.
I want to show total of hours greater than hire date.
With the above in sum field, I get: -1.00.
How to get this please?

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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Web Browser Control Inside A Tab Control Display

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.

Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.

This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.

I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.

See the attached image ...

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Selecting Control To Link To New Form

Feb 13, 2006


Have been developing an Employee DB which includes sickness records and interview information. Have mangaged to sickness records but now I need to link interviews to these specific records which is where I am having a problem.

All sickness records are shown on a sub form and I attached a button at the end of each record so that I can can add interview information that is linked to the sick record through SickID but just cannot get it to work.

Have attached relevant forms and tables and could really do with some help as am pulling my hair out here.


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Concatenate Form Control In A Table Name

Jul 21, 2005

Is it possible in Access SQL to concatenate a control into the select statements table or fields? Such as:

SELECT fldtotal & [Forms]![frmTest]![lstYears] & fiscal
FROM tblTotals & [Forms]![frmTest]![lstYears] & Archived

The statement would normally be:

SELECT fldtotal2003fiscal
FROM tblTotals2003Archived

Unfortunately, I am querying somebody elses tables. They archive the data yearly into a new table to control bloat. Instead of yearly having to create a new query for the new year, I was wanting to just have a form that had a list box of years. Then the user can just select what year they wish to query, and the query is automatically updating the field, table, where condition, etc.

I do not know if this is available in Access as it is in Oracle / Coldfusion. Thanks for any help though.

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