Conversion Of MS Access Forms/Modules To Visual Studio (VB)

May 29, 2005

Is there any way of converting MS Access Forms(And module behind) to Visual Studio.Net?

I have a pretty comprehensive MS Access DB that has several complex forms. I want to redo this DB App in Visual Studio.Net but don't want to recreate the forms from scratch if there is any way of converting/importing or any shortcuts/tricks to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Side note: Anyone ever added credit card billing capabilities to their db? Where to start? (I know.... Post in another thread....)

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How To Import Database Files From MS Access To Visual Studio

Jul 1, 2013

how i can import database files from ms access to visual studio?

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General :: Import Database Files From Ms Access To Visual Studio?

Jul 1, 2013

how i can import database files from ms access to visual studio?

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Access Developer Extensions And Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition

Jan 1, 2007

I have developed an Access mdb file with lots of tables, forms, queries, reports, and VBA code. I want to be able to distribute this to Access-less users. I understand that the Access Developer Extensions enable this to be done and that the two wizards assist.

My first question is this: Are the Access Developer Extensions and the two wizards included in Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition?

I ask because this is what was recommended by a Microsoft representative and is what I’ve purchased. This came along with something called MSDN Library, but I’m not sure what that allows me so it is possible that this library will contain the elements that I’m searching for, but so far I’ve not found it.

Are the Access Developer Extensions only provided as part of the Visual Studio for Microsoft Office Tool package, as I’ve seen referenced in several forums and articles, including yours, or are these in fact part of other tools, such as the Professional Edition of Visual Studio that I’ve purchased?

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

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Access And Visual Fox Pro

Mar 17, 2007

I got a new job (another one, actually) and though it has absolutely nothing to do with databases, or computer work for that matter, I told my boss that I like building database apps with Access. He sparked up and said that he has a program in Visual Fox Pro, an application that's "more powerful" than access, but someone came in way back when and wrote a "program" that did some calculations to the existing DB, but the PC is dying and when it does, will take the addition with it. He said that he'd be interested in me looking into it and hopefully being able to replicate the work the prior person had done.

Has anyone worked with VFP and worked in Access with it? It doesn't seem very flexible at all and it's not very intuitive. I'm not impresses with it at all, but I have an opportunity here with my boss and would like to "get her done" so to speak.

Any help or links to good VFP tutorial sites would be greatly appreciated.


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Access To Visual Basic

Oct 12, 2005

Greetings to all the experts out there,

Here is something I wonder if it has already existed or been asked before, a program or an add-in feature that can compile an Access database (including forms, reports, tables...) to a stand-alone .exe application, just like Visual Basic does. The reason why I think it's doable is because in Access, we use VB codes anyway and it wouldn't need to be rocket-science for Access to do something like that or this would be an improvement for future versions.

There are plenty of advantages of going from an Access form to a stand-alone app, i.e. we wouldn't need codes to hide background and menu or status bar; we wouldn't need to disable mouse-scroll or prevent users to go back and accidentally delete past records; or we wouldn't need to worry about users seeing your terrific coding techniques and on and on.....Agree that all these can be done within Access but imagine how much time it'd save you from not doing all these things.

Thank you all in advance.

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Access 2007, Visual.Net, ???

Apr 3, 2008


I've been tasked with producing two database systems at work.

1) A job ledger (currently excel)
2) A stock condition survey database


For future proofing:

* what coding should I be investigating (I expected to use Visual Basic, I understand this has now given way to Visual.NET?)
* Should be upgrading to Access 2007?
* Where the best place for sample databases of this kind?
* What's an SLQ system? Should I be using this instead?

All help appreciated

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Access And Visual Basic 6

Oct 17, 2004

hi... i have a form that display things in a table in access. when program the form to delete a query it deletes it but does not do rs.movenext
what i want to do is the form to display the next set of data from the database. i am using dao....
please help me!!

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Using Access Query In Visual Basic?

Sep 18, 2006

I have an access Query(named newSerial) :
SELECT TOP 1 (Productbase.Serialnumber+1) AS Expr1 FROM ProductBase
ORDER BY (Productbase.Serialnumber+1) DESC;

I want to access this new value. Its not a key since an autonumber may be any number. When I create a new product. How do I get this value inside a form?
It works fine when clicking on it. But if I use an unbound box I get 1 as result and not like 76067 which it should be. If I click the query in access it works fine and show 76067.
I tried:
' gives null
' which gives "Access cant find the field "|" refered to you in your expression"

What should I write? Whats the correct expression?

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Visual Source Safe For MS ACCESS

Sep 27, 2004

I am trying to find out how to integrate ms access with source safe and also the cost of source safe. The microsoft website does not give me information on the cost or even how to buy source safe. Can any one help me??


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New To Visual Basic Coding In Access

Mar 31, 2006

I am not new to Access, however I am just starting to get to the point where I need visual basic to complete some things I want to try. My question is, how do I code a button (or modify an existing one) in my form that will email the same output I get when I use a Print Report button. Here is what I have from my standard buttons:

Private Sub Save_Svc_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Save_Svc_Record_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Save_Svc_Record_Click

End Sub
Private Sub Prt_Svc_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Prt_Svc_Record_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Prt_Svc_Record_Click

End Sub
Private Sub Add_Svc_Record_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Add_Svc_Record_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Add_Svc_Record_Click

End Sub

Thanks in advance for any help I can get.

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FMS Access Visual Agent Backup Tool

May 12, 2005

Have you guys ever used this scheduling tool from FMS Software that will do a nightly archive and compact/repair.

I tried it out on our live database (not so smart I guess) on a Friday and when I came in Monay it was corrupted. It seems to point to the FMS software corrupting my db.

I wanted to validate and use this software but ain't sure it I will now.

I like the nightly compact/repair. Is there another way to do that with Windows Scheduling or something?

Take a look:

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Microsoft Access And Visual Web Developer 2005

Mar 7, 2007


When I view my orders page, there is nothing displayed.

I have to query this by Orders.aspx?CustomerID=Sam to display Sam`s orders.

Is there a way that Sam can view all his orders as Sam is the username and the CustomerId?

I specified this query string, but to no avail:

SELECT DISTINCT [OrderID], [CustomerID], [OrderDate], [TotalPrice] FROM [Orders] WHERE ([CustomerID] = ?)


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Tables :: How To Rename Access Table In Visual Basic

Jul 20, 2013

i need to auto rename a table and for each new time to create date in table name and after that to use query into i am asking if that is possible.

my 1 table name is kalktbl and second table name is kalkulacija.

query is select * into kalkulacija from kalktbl and i am renaming kalkulacija.

i am using visual basic.

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How To Open Access 2007 From Visual Basic Program

Nov 22, 2014

I have a fully operational Visual Basic program that uses MS Office XP and it's related MS Access. Because of security concerns, I recently upgraded to MS Office 2007 and MS Access 2007. I can open MS Access 2007 using the shortcut on the desktop and run any of the database queries. When I try to run the Visual Basic program (called prjPathfinder) and open Access 2007, it says "Error 5: The type initializer for prjPathfinder.Upgrade Support threw an exception". It then shows the first form in prjPathfinder but does not open Access 2007. What am I missing?

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General :: Rounding To Two Decimals Via Visual Basic (Microsoft Access)

Jun 12, 2014

In my database (access 2007) I have code similar to this

Dim Ulaz As String, Izlaz As String, UkKol As String, UkFin As String

and at the end of the code I have this

Me.NC = UkFin / UkKol

Me.NC respresents avaerage price.

If for result I have 0.498 value, I would like for that value to be shown as 0.50. In another words, it must be rounded to two places.

How can I do that in VB? That value will be passed to NC field on Form, however..

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Modules & VBA :: Text To Number Conversion

Sep 12, 2013

I have some vba that dump an access table into a recordset and then into an excel spreadsheet. When the data is exported Columns I:Q (which are numbers) appear as text (with the green triangle in the upper left corner). I have a pivot table that refreshed however it can't do anything with text.

I've tried just to change the cells format and it doesn't work. The only way I've been able to change it to a number is to click on the green triangle and select "Convert to Number" How can I do this via VBA? The # of rows will change but the columns will always stay the same.

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Modules & VBA :: Conversion Table And Update Query

Dec 4, 2014

I am building an access database to manage a data conversion from multiple legacy systems (62) to a new non access database, and plan on making my Conversion Database reusable and functionally simpler.All data is imported to one common Table structure, with the source system identified against each record.In my legacy systems values are not coded the same ie

Title: Mr Miss Ms Mrs Record Type: Active, Inactive
System A: 1, 2, 3, 4 a , i
System B: a, b, c, d 1 , 2
System C: x, y, z, w ACT, ,INA

This applies to sooo many fields.I want to avoid having a mapping table for each field as I will quickly have an unmanageable number of mapping tables, and complex relationships in Queries..I would like to get to the point where I could have a single value mapping table something as follows

System, Field, Old Value, New Value
System A, title, 1 Mr
System A, title, 2 Miss
System A, title, 3 Ms
System A, title, 4 Mrs
System B, title, a Mr
System B, title, b Miss
System B, title, c Ms
System B, title, d Mrs

And some how call this in VB to go through all fields and records in a table if Old Value is found for a specific "System" and "Field" Change to new value, if noting found on Mapping table keep existing data.

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Access To VB Conversion

Mar 24, 2006


I have been tasked with updating an Access 97 database with several forms that would take me a good while to recreate.

I wondering if there is a way to convert them from 97 to either VB6 of VB.NET that is free of charge to me. All the solutions I have come across thus far cost money, and it is not possible for me to do this.

I have tried exporting the forms to an external file but it won't let me save them as a file type that my VB6 installation can open.


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Access To VB Conversion

Feb 11, 2007

Considering the difficulties in packaging Access software, I am wondering about the feasibility of converting my Access project to VB and distributing that instead. Has anyone done this and if so how difficult would it be. Does it mean a complete rewrite or can I use existing forms, reports and coding etc.

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Access 97 To XP Conversion

Oct 14, 2004

I have an Access 97 database that I’ve converted to Access XP. The font end database is on each user’s computer and the backend is on a network server. The database is updated with data from a mainframe db2 databases. I have 87 queries that pull the data from the db2 data base and import the data into an Access database that resides on a net work server. All these 87 queries are append and update queries that clean up the data and set it up in Access.

In the Access 97 database it takes 9 minutes to run all these updates but in the Access XP database is takes about 32 minutes. Both the front end database and network database are converted to XP. I have found that if you link a 97 table to an Access XP database, you slow everything down in the XP database ???, so I’ve made sure that all linked tables are XP. I’ve looked at my queries and tried to optimize as much as I can but nothing has worked.

I have several parameter queries that really seems to run extremely slow. I’m updating fields in on table with data from a field in another table. I using the query execute method with a loop to set the parameter each time and then execute the query This works well in 97 but in XP it’s extremely slow. I’ve changes indexes in the tables and at one point and at one point removed all indexes except for the index on the joining fields in the table.

All of the forms and reports in the database also run much slower.

My company has also upgraded. When I was using the 97 database I was using windows NT. With the XP database I’m using Windows XP.

If anyone has any advice or ideas, I would appreciate hearing from you.

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Modules & VBA :: Automated / Transparent Conversion In Text Box Control

Jun 10, 2014

I have a text box control in a form that is bound to a table field. The field is of numeric format that stores time duration in minutes. I would like to apply sort of transparent / automated conversion. It would work so follows:

- when someone read records, the text box would convert a integer number stored in the filed into text so that the text box would show the time duration in this form "HH:MM"
- when someone clicks on the text box to change the value, one would input the value in this form again "HH:MM" but the text would be converted to minutes and then stored in the database.

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Access 2000 Db Conversion To SQL

Nov 10, 2006


I've got a fairly complex access 2000 database that's split into front and back ends.

There's 32 back end tables and a whole host of complex front end queries and forms. The whole thing's around 25,000 lines of code so not a 5 minute job to rebuild! (sorry but i just can't stop tweaking it!!)

I hate the idea of all that data moving across the network, and having to make the front end machines work so hard so I'd like to get the server doing it's fair share of work because it's got dual 3Ghz Xeon processors which aren't earning their keep! I was thinking about converting the mdb to SQL and although i could pay someone to do it for me, i do like to learn! (so when it breaks i'm not at anyone's mercy!!)

I assume there isn't an upsizing tool on the planet that will let me do this by clicking a button so can anyone point me in the right direction with regard to something decent that can automate as much as possible. PLUS a good source of information on the differentces between access and SQL so that i can start seeing how to accomplish with SQL what i'd do in Access?


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General :: Access Db Conversion

Oct 29, 2014

What steps do I need to take in order to convert a 2007 database into a 2010 database

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Issues Related To Conversion Of Access 97

Mar 9, 2005

If a company has a hundreds of databases and they want to know which databases have conversin issues such as DAO to ADO conversion because Modules and codes behind the forms refers to DAO code and not to ADO. Is there any tool which can tell this or some other ideas?

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Access 2000 Conversion From 97 Problems

Dec 15, 2004

I have few problem with my current Access 2000 application.
I create blank, new Access 2000 and import all objects from my Access 97 instead of going thru conversion process. I have several problems with my current 2000 version. I am new to Access 2000. I'd appreciate any help...

1/ The application once in a while have message "The database is read-only. You can't make any changes to the data-definition of the databases..." when I open it occasionally. Then I can not update or add anything. How do I prevent it from happening??

2/ In Access 2000 all my reports format changed to "portrait" orientation and the margin. So I open exclusively, even after I spent time to change to "landscape" and the margin I desired, saved it . Next time I open, some reports format saved, some change back to "portrait" and margin is 1''. Why don't they saved??

3/ My application is on the network server for multiuser environment. Everytime I click design view of forms, it has message saying "You don't have exclusively open..., so your designed changes may not be saved..." but in Access 97 is OK. How do I turn off that feature?

Thank you.

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