Conversion To .mde Causing Trouble!

Sep 26, 2006

I have a DB in .mdb format which works perfectly and when all the code is compiled it results in no problems. However. When I convert this to a .mde file, it doesn't work at all and it suggests that there are compile errors where there weren't any before! Please can anyone suggest what the problem might be as I don't particularly want to run this as a .mdb. Thanks

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Having Trouble Woth Type Conversion When Importing From Excel To Access

Feb 16, 2005

I have getting type conversion errors for numeric and currency fields when importing an Ecxel spreadsheet into a Table in Access. I have tried changing the data type to text in Excel, and that is what it says I have done when I examine the field formats in question. How can I force this to be text, it keeps reverting,
i.e. the fields in question, to numeric and currency. Can anyone help? Thank you.

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Causing A Headache

Sep 28, 2006

I have a main form [mainform] with several subforms on it, two of which are on a tab.

On the second tab [page79] there is a subform [subformlist] which has like 25 checkboxes on it, any combonation of which can be picked by the user.

I need there to be at least one pick required of this subform, else the record won't show in a general query I have, since the table the subform is based on is linked to the record.

Is there anyway to make making a choice of one of at least one of these checkboxes checked a manditory thing before the user can close or move on to the next record?

I've tried making an "Other" box that on the Table has a default value of "True" which I thought would cause it to show in the query no avail.

The only true way to make this work is to have it mandatory that the user pick from AT LEAST one, usually more before the record is complete.

Any help? Other than writing a MASSIVE If...Then statement...?

Or is there a way to make it so the choice isn't required for the record to show up in the query?

I'd post...but my db is too massive, even zipped.

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Coding Causing Confusion - To Me

Apr 20, 2006

Yesterday I posted a question and rec'd good advice but as usual I don't think I explained myself very well.
As the attached picture of my Form shows, I have a checkbox for each Age Group under each Team. I originally had a query that would come up for each Team's particular Age Group and then the required data copuld be input. This leads to too many querys clogging things up. I tried to copy the SQL code of one of the query's to the On_Click event of the checkbox but as I have been informed SQL is different to VB.
All I would like to know is how to convert the SQL to VB coding so that I can continue to do the coding for each Checkbox.
The SQL code for the first checkbox is:

SELECT tblPlayerRegister.Surname, tblPlayerRegister.[First Name], tblPlayerRegister.Age, tblPlayerRegister.[D'n], tblPlayerRegister.G1, tblPlayerRegister.SP, tblPlayerRegister.Age2, tblPlayerRegister.G1A
FROM tblPlayerRegister
WHERE (((tblPlayerRegister.Age)<11) AND ((tblPlayerRegister.Club)="Beaconsfield"))
ORDER BY tblPlayerRegister.Surname, tblPlayerRegister.[First Name];

If there is an easier way, by all means let me know.
Any assistance would be greatfully appreciated.

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An Apostrophe Is Causing Problems While Inserting!

Mar 24, 2008


In my database if the user wants to change a record, I make them store the old record in another table. I am using the following code.

Private Sub cmdArchive_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim sSQL As String

sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblNamesArchive ( txtGivenName, txtSurname )" _
& "VALUES ( '" & txtGivenName & "', '" & txtSurname & "');"

Debug.Print sSQL
Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection
conn.Execute sSQL
GoTo ThatsIt
Select Case Err.Number
Case -2147217908 'command text not set
Case -2147217865 'cannot find table
Case 3021 'no records
Case Else
MsgBox "Problem with cmdArchive_Click()" & vbCrLf _
& "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Select

End Sub

I have no problems making the following code work except if there is an apostrophe " ' " in either the txtGivenName or txtSurname . For example O'Keefe it shows an error but not O"Keefe! How do I fix this?


Raghu Prabhu

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Date Format Causing Problem

Aug 4, 2005

I have got the following query but when it actually inserts the date, the dates will be "08/01/2005". Month and day will be swapped if date is less than 12. I don't know it's happening. It's driving me crazy.

INSERT INTO P_Timesheet ( WeekNo, StaffID, StartTime, FinishTime, TotalHours, ADate, StaffActivityID, DateFilled, NotesByStaff )
VALUES (0, 'S24', #10:00:00 AM#, #11:00:00 AM#, 1, #1/08/2005#, 158, #21/08/2005#, '');

It will insert "8/01/2005" for the first date and "21/08/2005" for the second date. my date format is set to australia and i have set the same in my asp page as well. it is giving the same result even if i try direct from the query.

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Query Causing Problem With Dates

Sep 26, 2005

ok i have a query with 2 fields,

Endtime: AccountTime

both date input from another query, if i run without any criteria it works and get some results:

Endtime Starttime
9/6/2005 6:24:09 AM9/6/2005 6:23:53 AM
9/6/2005 6:24:16 AM9/6/2005 6:21:20 AM
9/6/2005 6:24:34 AM9/6/2005 6:24:22 AM
9/6/2005 6:26:06 AM9/6/2005 6:25:51 AM
9/6/2005 6:26:15 AM9/6/2005 6:25:00 AM

and i have some inputs on a form (type - genreal date) with the values:
09/06/2005 00:00:01
09/06/2005 23:59:59

and the condition is on starttime field:
Between [Forms]![Main]![startdate] And [Forms]![Main]![enddate]

but i get no results....????

any help?
thanks in advance.


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Pass-through Query Causing An Error

Jan 4, 2006

I have a VERY simple select statement that I am using in a pass-through query: "SELECT * FROM dbo_vReturn;", but I cannot get this to work. Each time I run the query it generates an error: "ODBC call failed - Invalid object name "dbo_vReturn" (#208)".

The dbo_vRteturn is a view in the backend. I can open this table/view from Access using an ODBC connection but when I try to run the pass-through query it falls over!

Does anyone have any idea what is causing this?:confused:

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Trim Text Box Causing Error?

Jul 6, 2006

Hi all, this is my first post, I'll try and make it a good one :-)

Windows 2000
Office 2000

I have a small network of PC's here which have access to our central database. I have a simple form created using the label wizard which is used to print address labels for mailing lists.
On most of the PC's here it works fine but on one or two (which have no obvious difference in thier setup) I get an "ODBC--Call Failed" error and it won't run the report????
I have puzzled over this for a while when I decided that I would remove the Trim function from the lines of the address fields on the label, these are put in automatically by the label wizard. This stopped the error message and the reports now run.
I don't know why this is happening but I am hoping someone will.



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DSNless Connection Causing Error....

Dec 15, 2005

I am forced to switch from a DSN connection to my database to a DSNless connection by my hosting company. I changed my connection string from this:

strConn = "dsnname"
set MyConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.Open strConn

to the following:

set MyConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.Open = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=d:pathtodatabasemydb.mdb;"

I connect fine. But when I run a certain query, I get the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'

The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.

The SQL statement in question here is:
SELECT MAX(week) AS LAST FROM Schedule WHERE Result <>''

If I change my connection back to the original DSN connection, everything is fine once again.

How would a different connection produce an error, and more importantly, how do I fix it?


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Compact And Repair Causing, Not Solving, Problems!

May 10, 2007

I have a large application in Access 2003 which comprises a main program file and 4 linked data files which between them contain around 50 tables. The prog file sees the data files through linked tables. Everything works well until I do a compact and repair on the data files then unpredictable problems arise. The compaction is only ever done when all users are off the system and one file at a time. Having done a compaction this week I found that one of the tables appeared corrupt when I browsed it via the program file (the table comes from one of the files which contains other tables working OK after the compaction). The data was garbled and what could be recognised was not in the right place - appears to be moved a couple of columns out of place. There were some fields which reported errors also. However when I browse the table in its native file it is perfectly OK. I can solve the problem by re-running the Linked Table Manager in the program file but that is hard work for 50 tables! This has happened previously when I compacted and I would be better understanding the problem than just fixing it! Can anyone help please?

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SELECT Clause With LAST Function Causing Problems

Jul 19, 2005

Hello all,

I have the following data, that was queried and sorted to columns PROBLEM_ID and then by STATUSDATE (ascending):

--------- ---------- ----------

I now want another query which returns the row which is always the latest STATUSDATE. This is what I have done so far:

FROM qryFirst

However, when I want to add qryFirst.STATUSDATE to the SELECT clause, I get an error „You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression <name> as part of an aggregate function. (Error 3122)“

I need to see what the STATUSDATE is for each of the records returned in the second query. How do I do this? Please!!!!

Kind Regards,


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Dashes Are Causing Problems Retrieving Data

Aug 2, 2006

I have a database with a series of fields, all set to a String datatype, that I want to be able to fill and then use with MS Word as a mail merge data source. This function lets you query a MS Access db and use the results to fill in predefined spots attached to the various data values in the table. This is great for my needs however a large percentage of times that I have a dash in the value being queried it does not return any results. For example, 01-01 would return no entry found even though I can clearly see it in the database, however it would work fine if I queried for 0101 or any other value in the given field.

Basically I'm trying to figure out why dashes would cause problems. They are obviously fine for being stored in the access database and don't cause any troubles until they are queried for, also retrieving data containing dashes is fine so long as that value is not the one being queried for.

I basically can't avoid the dashes in the data for this setup and as such hopefully can figure out why this happens and how to get around it. Thanks for any help offered.

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Referential Integrity Causing Problems On Only 1 Table???

Jun 16, 2005

My db is an inventory of printers in use at our company. It is to tell us where they are, and what maintenance is done on them over time.

I have the following tables:


The ones with stars are "type" tables. All possible IP's are in the tblIP, models in tblModel, office's in tblOffice etc.

Maintenance types are just like "fuser replacement", "toner replacement", "turned on computer" (IT joke)

anyway, On my main form. If I open the form and click the button I made to go to the previous record or next, I am fine.

If I choose an office, or start a record, I get a message that I have to have a record for IP chosen, that it can't leave this new record until it has an IP because of referential integrity.

If I choose an IP and nothing else, I can leave the new record. If I don't choose IP, but choose everything else, I cannot leave the record. AHHH!!!

The thing is, all my combos on the main form are (as explained above) FK's to lookup tables, and all set up the same: all with referential integrity, 1 - many, cascade updates and deletes.

This 1 table is the only one acting this way.

I am including a print screen of my form, as a visual sometimes helps.

If anyone can help me to fix this, I would really appreciate it. I have never had this problem before.


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Multiple Subform Causing SLOW Loading

Oct 25, 2005

Hey firstly im at the end of the project ive spent months on and thats a MIS datase software. with all the bits and pieces and expert advise ive managed to learn a whole lot of things through this forum.

This is the problem i am having though;

i have a form that has two subforms embedded and since i have to use link tables because i placed the database file over a network somehow the loading seems to take forever, "it actually makes access inactive for about 50 seconds"

i would like to prevent the subforms from loading with the main form until after the main form is up and then i just click a button that makes both of them "appear" and load.

Can u advise. Much thanks.


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Queries :: 3-way Relationship Causing Duplicate Entries

Dec 4, 2013

I know my way around Access reasonably well but am by no means an expert. I have created a system that I use in my business for hardware/software requests, and was told to do it in Access. I did ask that we do it on SQL Server with a Web Front End, but we are where we are.

Now, I have been on a SQL query training course so I know the basics, but am a bit confused on this one since Access has been added to the mix.To make matters more frightening, this is Access 2003!

My tables are as follows:

AT Reference (primary key, autonumber)
UserID, etc etc

ID (primary key, autonumber)

AT Reference

[Request] is inner joined to [UserHardware] on the AT Reference column.
[UserHardware] is inner joined to [Hardwarelist] on the ID column.

The select query I have is basic and does just what it says on the tin; it shows who has what hardware.The query:

SELECT T_UserHardware.[AT Reference], T_UserHardware.ID, T_HardwareList.Make, T_HardwareList.Model, T_HardwareList.Type, T_HardwareList.Description
FROM (T_Requests INNER JOIN T_UserHardware ON T_Requests.[AT Reference] = T_UserHardware.[AT Reference]) INNER JOIN T_HardwareList ON T_UserHardware.ID = T_HardwareList.ID
WHERE (((T_UserHardware.[AT Reference])=[Forms]![F_Request]![AT Reference]));

However, when it comes to adding NEW hardware to the requestI have a form called F_Request.I have a sub form called SF_Hardware.The SF_ Hardware subform runs the aforementioned query, and shows what hardware is assigned to the parent request.If I add new hardware via a dropdown on the form, it adds it in to [T_UserHardware], but it also adds another value on the [T_Hardwarelist] table. E.g. if I add a "HP Compaq 8200 Elite" (which is stored in [T_Hardwarelist]) it adds it to the [T_UserHardware] table correctly, but creates a second (third, fourth, fifth) entry on the [T_Hardwarelist] table for the same kit.

I think its confusing because of using a select query and might have to run a 2nd query on save or something like that, I had a working version before that had the make, model etc in both tables and didn't have a 3-way relationship. It'd be nice to have the request table with the high level info, a hardwarelist table with our catalog of kit, and a userhardware table just containing the ID and Reference for the hardware/request rather than duplicating the information.

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Modules & VBA :: Assigning Value To Variable Causing Error

Jul 19, 2013

Is the following possible? If so - how?

I have a series of several hundred variables being assigned values.

If the value assigned to the variable results in an error, I would like to assign a default value to the variable which caused the error.

How do I reference the variable, or line (or any info I can work with), which caused the error?

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Performance Issue Causing Access To Crash And Burn

Nov 2, 2005

Hi folks!

I've been experiencing a very frustrating problem recently.

One of my databases crahes randomly, and I'd like to know if some of you have tips to helps me.

The database is splited in front-end and back-end, both on the server. I know keeping the front-end on the client PC will improve performance, but due to a high number of users (about 60 to 80) and the need of doing frequent updates, installing the front-end on each machines is not an option for now.

Users are not all directly connected to the server. Those who are directly connecte4d to the server (in building A) have no problem. Those who don't (building B) have extensive lags on opening (about 30 seconds), and on about anything that calls an heavy query, most often leeding to a crash. Access display the message telling that the datbase needs to be repaired and restart.

I tryed several thing to improve my queries, like eleminating most of GROUP BY and UNIQUE clauses and avoiding the use of functions.

I have a lot of conditional formatting in the forms, but I don't think this is the problem, since it is executed on the local machine (as far as I know).

My theory is that the lags cause some call to the DB to timeout. I just dont know how to fix that. Is there an option to higher the timeout delay?

My other theory is that the problem is caused by dropped packets during the connection to the DB. I tryed downloading large files (100Mb to 250Mb) from the server several times and never had a problem. Although the connection is quite slow, the ping is very small, like below 10ms to 20ms. Is there better ways to test a network connection, if possible without installing software (limited rights on the machine)?

Would using Replicas be a solution? What are the pros and cons of it? I never used them and know very little about it. My idea would be of putting a back-end on both servers, but I guess the data would not be as live.

BTW, I am using Access 2002 (2000 file format) on an XP SP2 PC.

Thanks to all of you patient enough to read all of this! I Hope some of you have some awnsers, tips or tricks!

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Blank Spaces After Data In Field Is Causing Problems

Aug 30, 2006

Hi Folks,

I am creating an IF CASE statement in SQL that basically takes the 2 last characters in a field and if they happen to be 'HX' then a special rate is used to calculate the cost whereas if their is no 'HX' as the last 2 characters of the field then a different rate is applied.

(Right([BOARD SPEC DATA],2)) has always worked flawlessly in SQL to render similar solutions. However, unfortunetly the weekly extract that comes into us permits for massive amounts of blank but real spaces after the data in [BOARD SPEC DATA] field so what ends up happening is that (Right([BOARD SPEC DATA],2)) yields a (SPACE SPACE) value even thou many of these values should be 'HX' as they are the last 2 real non-space values at the end of the field.

If there any easy way to fix this keeping in mind that this is how we get the extract everyweek so a search/replace on spaces won't work ... is there any way I can use a Right command but ignore spaces so that it simply renders the 2 real characters at the end of the field as oppossed to blank spaces?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,


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Changing Subform Source Object Causing Problems

Aug 30, 2005

I'm trying to change a database that consists of a sequence of subforms held individually within different tabs on a subform. There seems to be a bit too much going on, so I've decided to leave the subforms unbound, and set them when the appropriate tab is selected, and unset them when the tab is changed. For most of the subforms, this works fine...

However! There's always an exception!!!

On one of them, when I set the sourceobject, it automatically populates the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields properties with an inexplicably crazy number of fields, most of which aren't even on the forms in question. I've tried to get around this by setting linkchildfields and linkmasterfields after changing the sourceobject. This does not work!

The first thing that happens is it returns error 2335 (relating to an imbalance between the number of fields) when I set linkchildfields. I try to get around this by trapping and resuming to the next step so it sets linkmasterfields and restores the balance, but, despite the fact that the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields are showing the correct fields, the form acts as if it has been bound with the screwy list of fields, and starts asking for fieldnames which are on neither form as parameters. When I hit cancel the subform control is empty.

I'm at a loss as to what the problem is or how I should sort it out! Any suggestions gratefully received.

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Large Table Causing Slow Opening Form

Mar 21, 2006

I have a database with a table that contains 360,000 rows. I built a form with four boxes where a user can specify values to limit the result set. And instead of having a new window open with the results, I built a subform and placed it on the main form to display the results.

Here is how it flows:
Main Form -> user enters search criteria
Search Criteria -> feed as criteria in query
Query Results -> display on subform
Subform -> shows on main form

The query is setup to take the values from the main form and either use it if it's not null, or return all values if the field is null.

The problem I am having is that on opening the main form, Access is taking the four null values from the main form search fields, feeding them to the query, which is then feeding the subform. So 10 minutes later when the main form finally opens, I have 360K records displaying in my subform.

What I would like is to be able to open the main form instantly, specify my search criteria, then run the query, then have the query results populate the subform.

What do I need to do?

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Reports :: Sum Function In Report Causing Re-sort Of Query

Aug 6, 2014

I have a report that runs off a query that is sorted in descending order the price of something. This price column is in the middle of the report. Every time I try to add a function (sum or count of a column for example) in the report footer or header however, my report is then immediately resorted in ascending values of the first column.

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List Box Causing Database Engine Could Not Lock Table

Jul 12, 2014

I've added a list box to my form that displays a table. This table is completely independent and gains it's data from an Append query. There is also a Delete query, which clears the table for a new set of data, and an Alter query which resets an AutoNumber column in the table (so that new data sets always start numbered at 1).

Here's the problem: Since I've added the listbox and set the RowSource to the table, whenever I run the Append query I receive the error: "The database engine could not lock table 'tblLineSheet' because it is already in use by another person or process." I've made sure to close the table, but to no avail I still get this error. Without the List Box I don't encounter this error.

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Intermittent Generic Error Messages Causing A Major Inconvenience

May 26, 2006


I am absolutely puzzeled with a problem we are having with an Ms Access 2000 application, which is the front end to a SQL Server database. We have a database which was working fine for over 6 months. And now all of sudden users are intermittently getting the error messages:

"Error Executing this command"
"You cancelled the previous operation."

I removed the error handling code from the application to get more detailed error messages and we got the following error message:

The expression On Click you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: .

The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [Event Procedure].

There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.

This is only intermittent and when they close the database and open it again it works fine for a little while and then the error occurs again. As you can imagine this is a major inconvenience for users.

I have searched the web and forums and there just seems to be 101 reasons why this could happen. Nothing has changed on our system which might cause this occur so I don't know why this is happening.

Could anybody provide any ideas on how I might go about trouble shooting it. We are thinking of opening a support call with Microsoft but the error messages are so generic that I'm not sure what help they could be.

Any help / ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

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Queries :: Numbering Column Causing Query To Stop Responding

Aug 5, 2013

I ran some code to number old records in a column to order items in a datasheet subform however after updating the column in the inventory transactions table when opening the main form that relies on it. It runs a query to determine the customers balance due and the query for that is taking forever to run like 2-3 minutes or more however reverting to an old copy of the data it runs fine and all I did was renumber records in one column most of which had 1s in them the code to re-number the records:

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Long
Dim OID As Long
Dim stringSQL as String
i = 1

[Code] .....

I continued playing with this today and the query that is breaking the 2nd level subquery that actually references the inventory transactions table that I changed runs fine but go up a level to subquery1 which references subquery2 and a sum of payments query and it chokes however sum of payments only refernces the payments table.

I did some more testing today Subquery2 and sum of payments query both run faster than what I can time with a stopwatch but when combined they take approximately 1:45 there are only 5 columns in subquery1 four from subquery2 and 1 from the sum of payments 3 of the first 4 are sum and the last is group by and then the one from sum of payments is group by

Subquery 2:

CLng((nz([UnitsSold])*nz([UnitPrice]))*(1-nz([Discount]))*100)/100 AS [Line Total],
CLng([Line Total]*(1+nz([SalesTaxRate]))*100)/100 AS [Line Total With Tax],
[Line Total With Tax]-[Line Total] AS [Line Tax],
[Inventory Transactions].*

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Multiuser Split DB - Code Causing Occasional 3049?

Dec 2, 2014

I have a multiuser split db with this code on a listbox:

Private Sub lstsearch_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

' The following is the variable definition for the error handler
On Error GoTo lstsearch_DblClick_Error
Dim ErrorForm As String
Dim ErrorControl As String

[Code] ....

The error function sends me an e-mail listing the error, user, form and sub. Ocasionally some users get error 3049 when running this sub. It is generally one user out of about 10 or so and the db keeps working fine for everyone else. I have reviewed the back end several times and I cannot find any obvious corruption signs. I have compacted and repaired it several times with very small changes is size.

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