Convert Excel Formula For Use In Access

Feb 14, 2008

I have an excel worksheet with the following formula


and I would like to convert it for use in access.

I came up with the following:


I get the following error: "The expression you entered contains invalid syntax.

You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounding it with quotation marks."

I am probably missing something very simple here, but I have been unable to come up with a solution.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Forms :: Convert Excel Formula Into Expression Builder - Invalid Syntax

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to convert an excel formula into the expression builder on my form.

the excel formula is this:
IF(AND(E4>=2.65,F4<1.85),"Poor",IF(AND(E4<2.65,F4< 1.85),"Unacceptable",IF(AND(E4>=2.65,F4>=1.85,F4<2 .65),"Generally",IF(AND(E4<2.65,E4>=1.85,F4<2.65,F 4>=1.85),"Poor",IF(AND(E4<1.85,F4<2.65,F4>=1.85)," Unacceptable",IF(AND(E4>=3.45,F4<3.45,F4>=2.65),"H igh",IF(AND(E4>=2.65,E4<3.45,F4<3.45,F4>=2.65),

[Code] ....

In the expression builder I put this:

= IF(AND( [Objective Total] >=2.65, [KSF Totals] <1.85),"Poor",IF(AND( [Objective Total] <2.65, [KSF Totals] <1.85),"Unacceptable",IF(AND( [Objective Total] >=2.65, [KSF Totals] >=1.85, [KSF Totals] <2.65),"Generally",IF(AND( [Objective Total] <2.65, [Objective Total] >=1.85, [KSF Totals] <2.65, [KSF Totals] >=1.85),"Poor",

[Code] ....

It gives me an error 'expression you entered contains invalid syntax, you may have entered a comma without a preceding value.'

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Convert Formula Into Formula Result

Apr 6, 2007

Hi All:running Access 2000.I have a qry with a formula field that performs some calculation (Extension: CCur(([OnHand]*[Price])/[UnitsPer]))and it works fine. How can I update the actual table with the result of the calculation for every record? The problem I have is that there's some null values in the results therefore when I try to get totals on that field, it errors out saying "invalid null use"thanks

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Translate An Excel Formula Into Access

Aug 8, 2005

In my worksheet there are 3 columns; 1. Date Completed (J), 2. New Review Date(K) and 3. Status(L)

I'm currently migrating from excel to access, the finishing tounces are needed, like the status.

The following excel function I want to convert to access


(K1= Next Review Date)

I did do a search, but I couldn't really find anything.

How do I convert this please?

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Excel Formula To Access Query

Jan 11, 2006

Hi does any body no the access syntax to create this excel formula


Into access



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Moving Excel Formula/expression To Access

Jun 1, 2005

I have 5 fields(First,Second,Third,Sum,Sum1). The Sum field is the sum of the first, second and third. In excel I am using the following formula/expression to calculate the Sum1 field =IF(E1<0,E1+10,E1+0 - and it brings back single digit.
First=3, Second=5, Third=8, Sum=16, Sum=6
Can I do this in an Access query, if so how?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Trying To Import Or Recreate A Multiplier Formula From Excel To Access

Aug 9, 2005

Really need help on this one, here is an excel expression:

X Multipliers
$ ValueMultiplier

is less than5then *3.8
is less than50*3.2
is less than100*2.8
is less than200*2.4
is less than500*2
is greater than500*1.8

so if price is less then 5 then multiply by 3.8 and so on. In excel it's in a separate worksheet, and other worksheets linked to it and adjust their Sale Price from the Cost column. Someone else created this spreadsheet, and i couldn't find a multiple discount help in access. I tried creating a query
=([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=5)*3.8 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=50)*3.2 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=100)*2.8 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=200)*2.4 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]<=500)*2 Or ([PriceBook_OLD].[Cost]>500)*1.8
but it doesn't work. Please help!!!!
Thank you very much


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Access Formula Equivalent To Index Match In Excel?

Sep 30, 2012






I have above table in access. I want to use this table in query to find value of any product using a formula (Value A*X)+Value B. The product and X query picks up from another table. The same can be done easily in Excel using Index, Match formula but how in Access.

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Converting Excel Check Digit Formula To Access

Nov 5, 2014

I am calculating the check digit for a 13 digit number in Excel and I need to be able to do it in Access.

My Excel formula; =1&E1&MOD(-SUM(MID(1&E1&0,{1,3,5,7,9,11,13;2,4,6,8,10,12,14}, 1)*{3;1}),10) -- cell E1 holds the base 12 digit number.
My attempt to convert to Access; =1 & [txtBase] & [-SUM(MID("1" & [txtBase] &0,{1,3,5,7,9,11,13;2,4,6,8,10,12,14},1)*{3;1}) mod 10] -- txtBase holds the base 12 digit number

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Modules & VBA :: Convert To Excel Files And Import Into Access Database

Aug 7, 2015

I have files that have extension of TSV which are text files but viewable in exel. I figured out a way for the user to click on a button in Access which does the following

1. Run Macro in Excel: The macro prompts the user to select the TSV file. After selection, macro opens the employee.tsv file in the excel (with excel being invisible) and saves it as employee.xls

Sub SaveTSVtoXLS()
Dim myPath As String
Dim myString As Variant
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)

[Code] .....

2. Imports the Excel file (employee.xls) into two tables: tblEmployee and tblDepartment using the following codes.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "qryDepartment", selectFile, True - 1, "A1:C2"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "qryEmployee", selectFile, True - 1, "A1:AE2"

Everything is working flawless except that the user has to select the file three times:

1 time for the tsv
2 times for the xls file

Is there a way that the user can select the file only once (tsv file) or at least only twice one of the tsv file and the other for the xls file?

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Excel Formula Help

Sep 7, 2004

Need help with basic formula.

In column A, I have a list of dates going down the page.

In column B, I have the number of hours worked on each day.

I need a formula that will give me a total (sum) from column B for only the last 30 days as well as 90 and 365 days.


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Excel Formula Help

Nov 22, 2004


This is my first try at asking for help on the net. I hope I do it correctly.

I have an Excel spreadsheet that has three columns. One column has numbers and two have text. I have about 15,000 entries (records).
The number column is the week of the year. It contains the WEEKNUM formula Sun-Sat (1 through 52 based on the date)
One text column contains event descriptions. One text column contains names.

What I want is a count of each description for each of the 52 weeks. (i.e. week 36 there were 120 "traffic accidents", 300 "traffic citations", 13 "assaults", 1 "armed "robbery", etc. etc.. I have been surfing and tried every formula that seems to say it will do this but nothing works.

I designed a special spreadsheet that looks at the "master" spreadsheet for the data and I had hoped would keep a running total on all descriptions for each week. I am self taught in Excel and need a no brainer. And yes, I now know excel is not a data base program.

Jim the data guy

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Excel - If And Formula

Mar 28, 2007

Sorry to be a pain but I have not used this in a while and need some assistance - eg

I need to create an If And statement to formulate in bonus paid (Cell B8) - if number of new customers greater than 5 (cell B2), and the sales value (cell B5) is greater than 100,000, then return the message, "bonus paid" otherwise return "no bonus"

Can any one help?


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Queries :: Pass A Formula Form A Query To Excel

Apr 5, 2013

Access 2003
Excel 2003

I have a routine that exports the results of a query to an Excel file. Is it possible to input the formula into the query so that the Excel values calculate?

This is the formula I am trying to pass to the "AZ" column of the Data tab


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Modules & VBA :: Add Formula To Code / Export To Excel Table

Sep 25, 2014

I have a report exporting to excel using late binding techniques. When exported into excel i have numbers for 1,2,3,4 tblPreSiteSurveys. PreSiteSurvey Stop TheClockReason entitie and I am trying to either change the numbers here casting from int to string

1 = a
2 = b

looping through the record set, Or i have a blank field in my SQL for the column "P" and adding the formular to that column, but it only goes into the first row of the record set, which is a expandable table.

On Error GoTo Command29_Click_Err
'Utilergy Master Update report
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim UserDate As Date


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Queries :: Turning Excel Formula To Criteria In A Query

Jan 7, 2015

=TEXT(TRIM(MID($A2,5,2) &" "&LEFT($A2,3)&" "&MID($A2,8,10)&" "&RIGHT($A2,2))+0,"dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss ")

Is it possible to replicate the above formula from Excel into criteria in an Access Query.

Assume the cell reference $A2 is a text field which has customized date info in it but is not a recognized date format.

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Tables :: Replicate NETWORK DAYS Formula In Excel

Jul 29, 2015

Is there a way to replicate NETWORKDAYS formula in Excel to Ms Access?

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Date Difference Query Based On Excel Formula

Aug 24, 2015

i want to write a ms access query for date difference.i have the excel formula for attachment i have shown wot i really want as output.i want to make a IIf query for these conditions.

in excel i did this like:
=IF(J13="",IF(INT(B13)=INT(AE13),C13-DAY(I13)+1,C13),IF(INT(AA13)=INT(B13),IF(MONTH(J13 )=MONTH(I13),J13-I13+1,DAY(J13)),IF(INT(AA13)=INT(D13),DAY(J13)-E13,0)))

how to do it in access query.

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Convert Rows To Columns In EXCEL. Thanks A Lot.

Nov 18, 2004

I don't know if it is the right place to post this question, but I know many people here are good at both Access and Excel. The question is:

In an excel sheet,
A1: Smith, John
A2: 111 Pine St.
A3: San Diego, CA
A4: (555) 128-549
A5: Jones, Sue
A6: 222 Oak Ln.
A7: New York, NY
A8: (555) 238-1845
A9: Anderson, Tom
A10: 333 Cherry Ave.
A11: Chicago, IL
A12: (555) 581-4914

2. Type the following formula in cell C1:


3. Fill this formula across to column F, and then down to row 3.

4.Note that the data is now displayed in cells C1 through F3 as follows:
Smith, John 111 Pine St. San Diego, CA (555) 128-549
Jones, Sue 222 Oak Ln. New York, NY (555) 238-1845
Anderson, Tom 333 Cherry Ave. Chicago, IL (555) 581-4914

This is exactly what I want. And I can do step 3 manually to copy that formula to each cell. But,
My question is in step 3. If I have thousands of lines, how can I fill that formula to thousands cells? from C1-C1000, F1-F1000.

I really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Formula In Access

Jan 10, 2006

Ok so I'm kinda new to access. What i want to happen is for there to be a textbox on a form that changes depending on what is in the other text boxes. Eg 1st box = 1, 2nd box = 2. I want the third box to equal the ammount of the first two added together (textbox1 + textbox2 = textbox3) how do i do it? Where do i put the formula. Thanks.

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Average Formula On Access

Jan 28, 2012

I was wondering if I could be able to use the average formula on calls in forms. I have begin date, end date, agent name, and I would want to take the difference between those dates and returns the average of calls. I was successfully able to return the difference dates, but I can't get the average calls to work. Here is what I use for the average formula:

=IIf([End Date]>[Date],DateDiff("d",[Date],[End Date])=Sum([Average wrap]),0). I put this formula inside TEXTBOX inside the form.

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Entering Formula Into Access Fileds

Apr 24, 2007

I am completely new to Access, so thanks to anyone who does not think my questions are dumb :)
Ok, say for example I have a table that has my income information and my tax rate and I want to compute the income tax I need to pay by simply modifying total income with tax rate, how should I do it? there does not seem to be a function like formular bar in Excel in Access.

Thanks a lot!


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Trying To Use A Formula In Access To Update A Table

Jan 22, 2005

I have a form that has 3 fields each representing a different table. I want the sum of 2 of the fields to update the third field. The third table has an existing value in it, but I need it to change when the formula is executed. I have a formula embedded in the form and can make the formula work, but it doesn't update my table. How can I make it do this? :confused:

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Queries :: Sumif Formula In MS Access

Apr 21, 2015

My Dataset:
ColunmA ColunmB Value
a b 1
b d 2
a q 3
c a 5
b e 2
d e 10
f q 1
q m 8
. . .
. . .
. . .

In Excel, I would do sumif( ColunmB,a2,Value), which gives me a result:

ColunmA ColunmB Value Result
a b 1 15
b d 2 2
a q 3 15
c a 5 8
b e 2 2
d a 10 2
f b 1 0
q c 8 0
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

So based on each string in ColunmA, it would search all ColunmB and return an aggregated value.How can i get the same result by Access/SQL query?

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Queries :: Use Formula In Access Query

Mar 14, 2013

How to apply the formula, IF (COUNTIF (O:O;O3)> 1; K3/SUMIF (O: O;O3; K: K), 1)from an Excel spreadsheet into an Access query.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Save A Formula In A Access Form

Jan 21, 2015

I put the formula in the Text box field in the control source in the property's tool box and i don't know if it will save that calculation to the table. I was wondering if i can do VBA code to save the the calculation in the table.I have a field called CA Weigt and i put the formula in there as =[Weight] * 0.4536 and it works. How would i put it in a vba code.

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