Convert A Form Into ASP

Sep 14, 2004

I have created a database application using forms and reports as user interface. Now I have to make that database available on the internet. I was wondering if there is a way to convert the forms into active server pages without loosing any event handling code. Or do I have to design the pages from the scratch?

Will appreciate any pointers. Thanks.


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Convert Zero Values To Null In Form

Sep 20, 2005


I would like to convert zero if enter into null value during the data entry phase in a form. This means that zero values will be stored as null values. Is there a way? I am not able to do it in the input mask somehow.

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Forms :: Convert Form To Report

Nov 4, 2013

I have spent some time developing a form which acts as a kind of live dashboard of data (taking information from a variety of tables as they are updated).But now I need to be able to print it in the same format as I've designed it and it appears printing forms is not something which is inherently simple in Access!

So it looks like I have to recreate the form as a report and then use that for printing. Is there a quick & easy way of doing this (the layout of the form is exactly the way I'd like the report to look) without having to go through a rigorous design process?

There is another thread on here which suggests that it's possible to simply save a form as a report but I can't figure out where this might be done? I don't have an option to 'Save As...' in either the Navigation Pane or within the VBE.

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Form Selections To Convert On Table?

Oct 15, 2012

I've created a ComboBox and would like one of my selections: "Met" to be converted into a number value: "10" within the related field on the table.I've come up with the expression: =IF([Initial Review Q1]="Met",0,10)

Control Source accepts the expression, however when I go back to Form View and select "Met" access chimes and states: "Control can't be edited it's bound to the expression =if([Initial Review Q1]="met",0,10)".

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Forms :: Convert String To Number On Entry In Form

Mar 30, 2013

I have a form that takes input to the first, indexed, field from a barcode reader (and keyboard at a pinch). The data coming in has always been numeric so I have several checks in place to ensure it is numberic (field specification) and also that it lays in a predefined range. All works well! I've now been asked to enable this to work with a single letter prefix e.g. T1234567.

As there are many forms which use this same field I'd like to keep it numeric and as the prefix won't change I can add it later using a query. Is there a way to programatically strip the first letter from the string and use CLng() to convert to numeric using the on entry Event Procedure? All my other validation is here but I can't see a way to do this. Failing that, can I use an unbound text box to take the entry and set the index field?

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Modules & VBA :: Query Loop - Unable To Convert To Form Reference

Sep 9, 2013

I have a form with 10 combo-boxes. Once user selects a value in CB1- CB2 becomes visible and active. I am trying to run a dynamic query- where the selection of the combo-box is used to select a column from my table called "dbo_animals"

To elaborate: CB1 contains the following values

Code : elephant, giraffe, bufffalo, tiger, lion

Once the user selects elephant in CB1, CB2 becomes active and I select tiger next. So the query becomes like. The process can go on and the user can select up to 10 animals

Code : **SELECT elephant, tiger FROM dbo_animals**

Problem: I am able to create the query with string manipulation- Unfortunately due to the way the loop through controls is set up- The query is unable to convert the text into a reference. If I hard code it as

tempquery = "SELECT [Form]![Animal Finder]![CB1] FROM dbo_animals" MsgBox(tempquery)

It looks like

Code : SELECT Elephant from dbo_animals

This is how I want. But, since i am looping through CB controls, I have it set up as

Code : tempquery = "SELECT" & " [Form]![Animal Finder]![CB" & i & "] FROM dbo_animals"

and this shows up as

Code : SELECT [Form]![Animal Finder]![CB1] FROM dbo_animals

Thereby giving me an error saying that the reference is not valid and asking me for a parameter value.

This makes sense, since it is unable to evaluate the text as a reference.

How do I correct the text into a reference? Or How do I build a query with adjusting columns based off selections from a combo-box and loop through the comboboxes in the form while auto-updating the query?

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General :: Create A Button On Form To Convert Data To Text File Template

Jul 14, 2015

I'm currently working on a project within access which will allow users to select/input information in a form which will then save to the database.

What I need is to create a button on the form which will allow you to convert the data collected from the form to a custom text file template.

(Or maybe the last row added to the database. - although this may cause errors. Example: the form information doesn't save which will in turn create a text file with the data collected from the previous job)

The custom text file template should have a sentence description followed by the value recorded from the form.


1 configuration type: (data from form)

2 model type: (data from form)

3 Poc: (data from form)

And so on.

So in summary - I would be to use the form to collect the desired information which will save to the database.

Once actioned, a custom text file should be populated with the collected information (with specific data placement as per the example above)....

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Convert XLS To CSV

Oct 10, 2005

Maybe someone could point me in the right direction:

What I am trying to do is convert a XLS file to CSV by the press of a button, how would I go about doing this?



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Convert Db

Oct 15, 2005

Ineed a Db converted to 97 can some one do it for me.
I only have 97 on my machine at home

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Convert To Yes / No

Aug 7, 2006

I have the following SQL Expression :
SELECT tblDeal.DealCode, UCase([HirerForename] & " " & [HirerSurname] & " " & [HirerBusinessName]) AS FullHirerName, UCase([DealerName] & " ( " & [DealerTownCity] & ")") AS FullDealerName, tblHirer.JointHirer, tblDeal.DateDealIn, UCase([CurrentStatus]) AS FullCurrentStatus, UCase([CurrentFinanceCo]) AS FullCurrFinCo, UCase([LastUser] & " / " & [LastUserDate]) AS FullLastUser, tblDeal.InUse, tblVehicles.VehicleRegNo, tblDeal.DealType, tblDealer.DealerName, tblDeal.LastUpdatedDate, tblDealer.DealerName, tblDeal.DateDealIn, tblRep.BrokerCode, tblHirer.HirerCurrPostcode, tblDealer.DealerTownCity, tblDealer.DealerFranchise1, tblDealer.DealerFranchise2, tblDealer.DealerFranchise3, tblDeal.LastUser, tblDeal.LastUserDate, tblHirer.HirerSurname, tblHirer.HirerBusinessName, tblHirer.HirerForename, tblHirer.ProposalType
FROM tblVehicles INNER JOIN (((tblBroker INNER JOIN ((tblRep INNER JOIN tblDealer ON tblRep.RepCode = tblDealer.RepCode) INNER JOIN tblDealerContacts ON tblDealer.DealerCode = tblDealerContacts.DealerCode) ON tblBroker.BrokerCode = tblRep.BrokerCode) INNER JOIN tblHirer ON tblDealerContacts.DealerContactCode = tblHirer.DealerContactCode) INNER JOIN tblDeal ON tblHirer.HirerCode = tblDeal.HirerCode) ON tblVehicles.VehicleCode = tblDeal.VehicleCode
WHERE (((tblDeal.DateDealIn)>=[Forms]![frmSearchCustomer]![Text110]) AND ((UCase([CurrentStatus]))<>"Deleted") AND ((tblVehicles.VehicleRegNo) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearchCustomer]![Combo96] & "*") AND ((tblDealer.DealerName) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearchCustomer]![Combo92] & "*") AND ((tblRep.BrokerCode)=[Forms]![frmIntro]![BrokerCode]) AND ((tblHirer.HirerCurrPostcode) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearchCustomer]![Combo100] & "*") AND ((tblHirer.HirerSurname) Like "*" & [Forms]![frmSearchCustomer]![Combo29] & "*"));

What I would really like to do is tell the query to dislpay YES or NO instead of 0 or -1 in the Joint Hirer field. Can anyone help please


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DO NOT Convert

Oct 26, 2006

We have both Access 2003 and Access 97 users on our network and i have a database that is written in 97. But lately we've been getting unrecognized format when we open it. So my guess is someone out there is opening it in 2003 and converting it. Is there a way to tell the database to ONLY run on 97 and DO NOT convert to a different version?


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Convert Hh:mm:ss To Seconds

Jun 1, 2005


This is my 1st post so please be gentle

I am running an Access Database for a large uk companys call centre.. I use many diffrent systems which allow me to show our centres productivity...

I have hit a wall

When i first developed the DB i used the time formatting hh:mm:ss but later down the line i found if you *the time by 86400 it converts the hh:mm:ss into a workable seconds format....

One of my old extracts that i feedinto the DB are in the old format therefor i do this calculation within an access query which *the time by 86400

however i have found an probelm.. if the time is over 24hrs it seems to double the time there or there abouts in seeconds


01/01/1900 01:42:00 which is basically 25 hrs should be around 92520 seconds

when is do this calculation in an access query it is coming out 178920 all the other times are correct so this rules out how i link 2 querys ....

any ideas???

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Splitting Db - Convert Or Not?

Aug 17, 2006

Hi, hope someone here has experience with this issue.

Our system was recently converted to much tighter secured network environment and moved to Office 2003 (still Windows XP).

Within the next couple of weeks we expect to split/secure our new db for shared use across a network (approx. 6-8 users at any one time).

I want to keep the db in 2000 as long as possible because I'm doing lots of the work at home and that's what I have. After deployment there will be lots more changes but in managed releases. (sounds official, eh?...)

Does anyone know of any risks I'm running by keeping it in 2000 within Access2003?

Thanks very much,

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Convert 0 (zero) To Null

Apr 23, 2007

I have a db with a numeric field called Eur_2.
This field is populated with data imported from an excel file.
When the Eur_2 excel field contain Null, in the correspondent Access Field the value inserted is 0 (zero).
I have necessity to put in the Access field Null value.
The VBA code that I use for import is:

Eur_2 = XL.Application.Cells(indriga, indcolonna + 10)
If Eur_2 = 0 Or _
Eur_2 = Empty Then
Eur_2 = Null
End If

but when i open the Access table, the value inserted is 0 (zero).
There's something to do for change 0 (zero) to Null?


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Convert Access

Feb 16, 2008


It been a while since i have been on the forum. I developed a database last year and since then i have moved to a MAC.

I would like to know if there is a quick and easy way of converting a database to application which works on any PC or MAC which does not have access?

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How To Convert XLS To MDB And Add An Index?

Feb 21, 2008

When I load a spreadsheet I can't add an index because it is a linked table, so I want to save it in MDB format so that I can add an index and then export it to SQL. However, when I save the file as an MDB file the data is all still linked as a spreadsheet and I still can't add an index. (I would add the index at the last step in SQL, but Pervasive SQL is very temperamental.)

Basically I just want to export an Excel spreadsheet into SQL and add an index.

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Convert To Currency

Jun 3, 2005

Hi All.
In my calculation in a query:
Cost: Sum([Cost]/12*(DateDiff("m",[StartDate],Now())))
Cost is Currency;
StartDate is Date.

The result look like Numeric format I would like to have Currency format. Is it possible?

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Convert Date

Apr 4, 2006

I have a query in which I am splitting a long integer into Month, Day, Year and then putting it back together using Date Serial in another query. When I originally set this up, the date was coming through as 5 numbers. Now it is coming through as six. However, Access will error out if I try to set it as a date.

So, how can I redo the fields below to get 2 digits for the month instead of one. The date now comes through as 041706

CInt(Mid([Field1],1,2)) AS iMo,
CInt(Mid([Field1],2,2)) AS iDay,
CInt(Mid([Field1],4,2)) AS iYear

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Convert To Date

Nov 8, 2006

Looked through DateSerial but possibly not the way to go. I have a text field, "Month", with the dates in this format: Jan-06, Feb-06. What do I use to convert these to date format? 1/1/06, 2/1/06.



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Convert To Datetime And Right()

Nov 14, 2006

Hey Guys,

Having some trouble doing a couple of things using both Data Definition Language and a Right() Query.

What I am trying to do is convert this field:
August 17, 2006 3:56 PM
into this

Using this:
Right([Travel Date/Time To],InStr([Travel Date/Time To],",")-1)

Now because the time part in my first field can vary from being 3:56 PM to 12:56 PM Right() is only getting those where the time has two digits.

I tried to use DDL to convert my field to DATETIME but cannot convert two columns in one SQL statement.

Can anyone help me out with this? Sorry if the details are sketchy but I'm being kicked out of the office (after 5:00pm you see!).


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Convert A Row To One Column.

Dec 16, 2006


I have a query that outputs results as follows:

Expr1 Expr2 Expr3 Expr4 Expr5
1 2 3 4 5

I want to write another query to output the above result as follows:


Does anyone know how to do this please? Thanks!

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Convert Num To Date

Apr 6, 2007

Hi all,I'v been at this for awhile nowI did a search and tried out some of the examples but for some reason they didnt work.Heres the format i have it in. D| O | B04 | 30 |1967 all in a text fieldI need to convert it into 4/30/1967I tried creating a new field called DOB and setting it to date/time and then using a concate query but it said it could not convert it.UPDATE Table1 SET Table1.DOB = [D] & "'/" & [O] & "/" & [B];UPDATE Table1 SET Table1.DOB = "#" & [D] & "'/" & [O] & "/" & [B] & "#";Please helpTake care

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Jul 12, 2007

My query is...
SELECT tblExtensions.Extensions AS 'PIN', tblExtensions.Budget AS 'LIMIT',

tblExtensions.Extension is text
tblExtensions.Budget is number

I would like to convert the tblExtensions.Budget to a text/character filed for further manipulation.
In SQL it all works, how do I change this in MS Access?

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Convert Null To 0

Dec 20, 2007

Hi Guys, i have a problem in converting NULL to 0 , i wrote a query which gave me a Null value, But i would like to know if there is any way i can change the NUll value to 0.

SELECT Sum(xxxx) AS yyyy FROM zzzzz WHERE******=#####;

i got NULL.
I need to get 0 instead of Null.

Plz help

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Convert Access To Web

Mar 11, 2005

Can anyone tell me the best and easiest way to convert an
existing ms access database to run on the web.

I am just a beginner at this so please tell me in simple terms.


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Convert Number

May 27, 2005

i have data stored in my paid field as negative ex: 000000460p which is $40.00. how can i convert this into $40.00?
I know i have to make a query but how can i make access pick up all the negatives that end in P and transform them into a negativ e number?

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