Convert A Txt File To A Table

Jun 28, 2005

I have a txt file that includes X and Y variables like below, with a comma seperating the x from the y.

..... up to an unspecified number

how can I import the txt file data and place that data into a table.

A GPS device creates the txt file that will be placed in a folder.

thank you in advance

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Convert CSV File Received From UPS To Simpler Table

Jan 29, 2013

I am trying to convert a CSV file that I receive from UPS to a simpler table. I have over 3000 entries from 25 different locations and I need to evaluate the shipping cost. Is there a way in Access to convert the file as attached or should I be trying to use Excel?

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How To Convert .MDE File In To .MDB File In Access 97

Jul 18, 2007


I want to make some changes in .MDB file and i do not have it. I have only .MDE file.. Could you please let me know how i can convert .MDE file into >MDB file so can change tabelsa nad reports...

Many Thanks


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Convert Access File To Exe File?

Dec 30, 2011

i want to convert accdb file to an exe file that not display any design view in other words i want the user watch only the forms and handle with the application as a program.

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Convert File Before Importing

Mar 12, 2008

All, I have code to import multiple text files into multiple tables in access 2003 There are about 15 tables It works but I have two problems. 1st I was converting the files from another source to text and placing them into a folder where I created import specification files. The problem is I need to automate the conversion part. How do I use VBA code to look at the file and add the extension .txt so that the program can find the file in the code. Here's part of my code. I didn't list all 15

'Import Text files into corresponding tables

DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "PhoneNoProblems Import Specification", _
"PhoneNoProblems", "X:DB_Working017_ErrorsTextFilesPhoneNoProblem s.txt", True

DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "StrangeZipcodes Import Specification", _
"StrangeZipcodes", "X:DB_Working017_ErrorsTextFilesStrangeZipcode s.txt", True

In the textfiles folder, before the filename with .txt exist I have to add the .txt How do I add it automatically before the import?

2nd I need a cleanup routine to remove the additional lines in the text files like: list and sort which can appear randomily throughout the text files.
I hope I've explained this so you can help me

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How To Convert .mde File To .mdb File?

Jul 18, 2007


i wnat to convert .mde file into .mdb file as i want to make some changes into tabels and reports..

please let me know how to do this.

Many Thanks.


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General :: Convert Web Access File To A Desktop Application?

Oct 21, 2013

How can I convert a web Access file to desktop aplication? I've created it from a model from, but I need create code in vba and it don't permit.

The use of file is only in desktop.

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Unable To Convert A Large File Into Ascending View?

Jul 2, 2014

The file was converted from excel. It is in Datasheet view. I select the first column and clip on the Ascending choice under the Home Tab. It works but leaves a large gab of blank rows. I go to the Database Tools tab and check Compact and Repair Database. The file returns to the original unorganized list.

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General :: Create A Button On Form To Convert Data To Text File Template

Jul 14, 2015

I'm currently working on a project within access which will allow users to select/input information in a form which will then save to the database.

What I need is to create a button on the form which will allow you to convert the data collected from the form to a custom text file template.

(Or maybe the last row added to the database. - although this may cause errors. Example: the form information doesn't save which will in turn create a text file with the data collected from the previous job)

The custom text file template should have a sentence description followed by the value recorded from the form.


1 configuration type: (data from form)

2 model type: (data from form)

3 Poc: (data from form)

And so on.

So in summary - I would be to use the form to collect the desired information which will save to the database.

Once actioned, a custom text file should be populated with the collected information (with specific data placement as per the example above)....

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General :: How To Cleanly Convert A Linked Table To Local Table

Apr 1, 2015

I have a database that is designed with a front and back end, with the FE linked to the BE. Some potential customers want to play around with the database, and the easiest way for me to get them access to it would be for me to combine the FE and BE and just give them a copy of that. how to link a table, and I know how to import a table. What I'm unsure of is how to cleanly convert a linked table to a local table.

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General :: Forms And Queries In One ACCDB File - Path Setting To Linked Table File

Oct 5, 2014

I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.

One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.

Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?

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Convert Query To Table???

Nov 8, 2005

I have a (crosstab) query that summarizes information in the way that I need for a module that I have written. However, I've noticed that the each time the module tries to pull a value from the query (every step of a Do loop) it takes seconds, compared to a "real-time" pull from a table. I have had a program running for about 2 days now, whereas a similar program that pulled data from only tables took only 15 minutes. I don't forsee needing the data in its original form.

How do I convert a query to a table? (Export the query to Excel and then import.)

I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks.

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Form Selections To Convert On Table?

Oct 15, 2012

I've created a ComboBox and would like one of my selections: "Met" to be converted into a number value: "10" within the related field on the table.I've come up with the expression: =IF([Initial Review Q1]="Met",0,10)

Control Source accepts the expression, however when I go back to Form View and select "Met" access chimes and states: "Control can't be edited it's bound to the expression =if([Initial Review Q1]="met",0,10)".

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Convert An Entire Table To Lower Case?

Sep 24, 2007

I need to convert an entire table to lower case..

The table happens to only have one column in it, so each record only has one field..

How do I convert the entire thing to lower case?

I can not just convert the display info to lower case, this table is used as a cross-reference data table and I need to physically convert all the data in the entire table to lower case.

Oh, and I need this to be a macro of some sort, since the data is re-imported on a regular basis, and will re-convert to upper case on the import.



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Convert Expression Calculation Into Data Table?

Jan 1, 2006

Hello all, I'm quite new to Access. I've read many Access tutorials and site but I have yet to found the solution for my problem. So here it is (pardon my english):

Field AmountTotal is

I manually input AmountSubTotal, AmountSH and Discounts. I expected an automatic calculation for AmountTotal.

In "Form view" I get the result of AmountTotal that I wanted. But the calculation result doesn't get recorded in my field data table AmountTotal. It just shows blank.

How do I record this automated results into my original table?

Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: Import And Convert A Pivot Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I need to import data in this format:The top row of numbers are AttributeIds .In order to import it into my DB I need to convert it into the following fields and records.Any fields that are null should not get a record in the conversion.

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Variant To Access Table?

Aug 20, 2013

Creating a recordset from an Access table

Copy that recordset into a Variant variable, similar to a matrix

Run a Heuristic Algorithm on the matrix to populate values

Delete * from the orginal Access table

Input new data into the Original Access table by looping through matrix with an INSERT INTO statement.

This method works but I do not like the loop in step 5 as I am calling an INSERT INTO statement 800+ times and can be slow. Any way to view the variant as a whole and not have to loop through the entire matrix. Maybe possibly converting the variant to an Access tabledef.

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Table To Specific Text Format

Feb 17, 2014

I have a problem in converting the content of a simple table to a text format I need for an other program. The table is containing 3 columns


How do I convert the table to a text format with below format.?

ITEMTYPE is all ways >P<

How is this text shown. Do I make a kind of report.?

I have attached the two document (Text format and DB)


[Code] .....

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Queries :: Convert String Back To Hyperlink In Access Query From SQL Table?

Nov 10, 2014

I am in the process of building a new database in SQL to replace my MS Access database. However, I will continue to use the Access forms, queries, and reports. The new tables will house much of the same data. In multiple tables I have hyperlinks that were created and added in the original Access tables. To import these hyperlinks into the new SQL tables I have converted them to 'Long Text' before exporting, thus changing them into strings.

For example:

Hyperlink - Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) has been changed to:

Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010)#ServernameServerfolderDocumentationRea dy to GoOutlook TemplatesEmail - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010).oft#

The obvious issue that I am running into is that after the SQL database table has been linked to the Access database it still displays the entire string when I open the table. The form has a textbox and search button that is used as a search function. This runs a query that returns all "search results" for the desired information. Is there a way that the query can convert the string back into a hyperlink so that the query displays just Email - Add Additional Mailbox to Outlook (2010) as a hyperlink and not the entire string?

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Tables :: Convert Positive Number To Negative Based On Another Field In A Table

Jun 1, 2013

I am trying to create a table for income and expense [catergory] and would like the amount being entered into the [amount] field to have a negative or positive value on entering based on the category chosen.

so in my table I have

[catergory] which is chosen from a look up table ( which is either an INCOME or EXPENSE )
[amount] which is entered in the next field ( which has to return a positive or negative value based on the catergory choosen upon entering the data)

I would like to go one step further and indicate this negative value in red is possible in my FORM.

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Convert Text To Number In Multivalue Table Field Without Data Loss

Oct 21, 2012

I have a multivalue text field called "Groups" that is generated through a relationship with another table called "Comments". When I set this up I left the field as a text field when it should have been a number field, and now I can't use the database with sharepoint, because the field needs to be a number field.

My Question is there a way to convert it without loosing all my data, as there are over 5000 records?

My Table with the multivalue field is called "Contacts", the field is called "Groups".

I tried update and append queries but I must be doing something wrong....

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How To Get The Names Of Table In A .mdb File?

Mar 16, 2007

Hello All,

I ma using a .mdb file in a program and want to get the list of all tables and all the columns of the respective tables in the .mdb file.
In Oracle we use 'select * from table' for getting all the tables in the DB. But how it is done in MS-Access?

Pls help.


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MDE File - Set Password For Table?

Jul 25, 2012

I created file .mde

How I can set password for table????

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Link Table From .mdf (sql Srv) File Into Access Db

Mar 8, 2006

i have a pc which doesn't have sql server installed. is it possible to link tables from .mdf file sitting on the pc into access database?

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A Tough One - Importing A File Into A NEW Table

May 25, 2006

I work for a company that has a mainframe application that produces "outgoing" files. They are downloaded to a server and converted to ASCII (all at one time) and then ftp'ed to various clients. We are converting to a client server application and I am in charge of verifying that the mainframe application files (converted) are EXACTLY the same as the server application files. I came up with a process of loading the files to access databases and then with a series of queries and reports produce a list of exactly what doesn't match, which record, what positions and display the two fields that are mismatching.

My problem is that when I try to load the Mainframe file (note that it has already been converted and "eyeball to eyeball" the files are alike) using the "new" / import functions, Access rejects the file because it is greater than 65000 bytes. If I cut the file down to under 65k bytes it loads fine. I can load a 500,000 byte file that was created on the server in the first place.

Any suggestions? I can't change any of the processes that create the files. But I can change copies of the files so that I might be able to get them to load so I can verify that the data inside is the same. I'll let the geeks figure out how to fix the file/record control stuff.

(wouldn't have this problem if I was back on a mainframe!!!!)


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Need Help Creating Table From Excel File

Nov 20, 2006

I am stuck with a problem where I need to create a new table from an excel file. In detail my problem is;
The excel file contains an order from a customer, like below,
BOM Component Qty
123 abc 2
123 def 2
234 ert 1
234 qwe 1
234 uio 1

I need to create a table from this data like;
Qty Partno
1 123
4 abc
4 def
1 234
2 ert
2 qwe
2 uio

NB! In reality the components are numbers not letters.
The qty for BOM is always 1 and the component 2xqty.

It is important that the BOM number is listed first and thereafter its components.

So I need to somehow associate the BOM number with its components and list them together as a group.
I just cannot figure out how to do this.

ANy help is greatly appreciated.

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