Convert Large Number To Binary For Use In TCPIP Socket Project

Apr 8, 2013

I am working on a project that requires data transfer using TCPIP sockets. I am using a 3rd party Library (Ostrosoft) that handles the wsock32.dll api calls.

The project calls for the creation of a header that logs into a user account.

The first part of the header is a marker, with a value of 4,275,878,552. It is to be supplied in a Binary format of length 4.

My quesion is "How do I create this marker".

What I have tried so far is a string variable - strMarker thus:

strMarker = ChrB(&HFE) & ChrB(&HDC) & ChrB(&HBA) & ChrB(&H98)

Using the ChrB function to convert the Hex version of that number (FEDCBA98)

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Access Novice Taking On Large Project - Need Guidance

Feb 13, 2008

Greetings Access Geniuses,

I am currently in the midst of conversation over at about a large database project I am working on.

I will post the most recent updates here, but if you want to download the database for your own review, you'll have to go over to the other forum. By the way, this is NOT an advertisement. I am a real person with a real, significant, and immediate need of as much assistance as possible for this project.

Before I go on, a few things about me. Though I am in the legal profession, my technological background is very strong, including a high level of proficiency with MS Office apps with the exception of Access. I know my way around the program (the result of its homogeneity with the rest of Office), but have not made a real database in the past. I also do not know any programming languages.

I have recently indulged in an Access crash course of sorts, including some book and online study on things like planning, design, and normalization, but I am still having difficulty wrapping my head around making it work.

That said, the link to the other discussion is: [W W W DOT]utteraccess.[ADD DOT COM]/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1590364&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=all&vc=1

Feel free to gloss over it to see how things have progressed. Below is a paste of my most recent substantive post. Any help anyone can give me is of great value to me and I really, really appreciate it.

Hi Everyone,

Attached is the most updated version of my database project for your review. I have also attached a sample of the output we would like to have for each product. This sample is not based on actual data, but it clearly shows what we are trying to achieve via a form of some sort. More on this in a minute.

The following changes have been made to the DB:

-Changed tblTrustProspectusVersion to include the appropriate data, based on our business model.
-Added descriptions to all non-PK fields.
-Created relationships to illustrate how things fit together. Note that these are NOT the actual relationships, but are for illustrative purposes to help everyone here (including myself) further understand how things fit together.

Our Business:

I am part of my company's legal department. Our team handles a number of different things primarily associated with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). filings. We have two major product lines. Everything that happens with one in this DB happens with the other as well.

Each product within a product line has certain features and other necessary information we need to see when doing our filings (see the attached sample output). These features and necessities include, but are not limited to, various statuses, various numbers associated with the SEC, various important dates, etc.

In addition, each product has a certain "fund lineup" associated with it. These funds are made up of two components: the name of the fund (aka "portfolio") and the name of the subadvisor to that fund.

Futher, each of these funds is associated with a certain Trust. The SEC requires us to send prospectuses to clients based on these Trusts, which, as I mentioned, are comprised of the said funds.

Basically, we need to be able to select a product from a drop-down list and have all of the aforementioned information populate instantly.

Before I close, one question with respect to my "tblProductFeatures". Like I mentioned, each product has a certain set of features associated with it. Each feature has a certain fee associated with it. These features come in four basic categories: Living Benefits + fees, Death Benefits + fees; Maintenance fees (just short list of the possible fees); and 12b-1 fees (another short list of fees).

Since the features can be so easily broken down, should I add them to their own tables?

Please consider this as you give your advice on how to acheive my desired goal.

I hope this makes sense.

And again, thank you all so very much for your help thus far.



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Unable To Convert A Large File Into Ascending View?

Jul 2, 2014

The file was converted from excel. It is in Datasheet view. I select the first column and clip on the Ascending choice under the Home Tab. It works but leaves a large gab of blank rows. I go to the Database Tools tab and check Compact and Repair Database. The file returns to the original unorganized list.

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Number Too Large For Field

Mar 28, 2006

This number is too large [220020220020] for a field in my table. I currently have it set to Long Integer. What's the proper setting for a number this large?


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General :: Importing Txt File With Large Number

Feb 11, 2014

I am importing a delimited .txt file that has a number field. A value for a record coming in is 36,767 and Access is not accepting it. If I redefine the field as long integer or as double, I can manually update the record, but as soon as the file containing the record is imported, the field reverts back to integer.

How do I format the field with VBA so that Access will accept the value and not revert to integer?

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General :: Searching Through And Displaying A Large Number Of PDF

Sep 4, 2012

I'm wanting to create a way of searching through and displaying a large number of pdfs. These will be of different lengths and most will have images embedded in them. Each pdf will be categorised using a variety of fields to enable fairly sophisticated searches. I then want to link this database to a Joomla CMS website.

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Modules & VBA :: Fill In A Large Number Of Records

Jul 23, 2014

I need to fill in 200000 records counting from 100000,100001,100002.... and so forth, just one column (and maybe the auto numbering).

make a new DB with these columns: ID, counter
set counter to 100000 where ID=1 (in the first record)
move to next record (or make a new record)
if ID < 300000 then set counter = 1+ (the value of counter in the previous record)
continue until ID=300000

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General :: Get The Next Large Number In Access Field

Feb 19, 2013

I have a data where I want to create a query fulfilling the below conditions. Suppose I have two table: Table 1 and Table 2 If a value ex.98 (Table1) matches with the value with 98(Table 2),it should pick up my second higher value 103. suppose 103 is the next high value of 98 . Please see the data value.

misprepaid.asmvalue from Table2 Required Result Con 989898 then 103
if value of table1=98 then 103 from table 2 (next large number) 103103103 then 149
if value of table1=103 then 149 from table 2 (next large number) 149149149 then 175
if value of table1=149 then 175 from table 2 (next large number) 175175175 then 198
if value of table1=175 then 198 from table 2 (next large number) 198198198 then 199

[Code] .....

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Convert Positive Number To Negative Number

Nov 22, 2011

This has to be a simple way to convert a positive number to a negative number. For example, convert 5 to -5. The field is quanitity and I wanted to convert to negative number. I tried to use negative = "-" & [quantity] but it doesn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Record As New In Large Number Of Tables

Jan 20, 2015

I have "Master" table with fields "Job No" and "Revision No". Both together is a primary key, so that combination of both cannot be duplicated. I have 100 other tables to be related with referential integrity(+update&delete) to Master for both fields. Apart from Job No and Revision No, all 100 tables have different set of fields which is why I had to come with so many tables.

Due to 32 limit rule, I had to come up with workaround method to have all 100 tables in the relationship. So, I created 5 other SubMaster1, SubMaster2, ...., SubMaster5 which are related to Master with relationship with referential integrity (+update&delete). Then I assigned 20 tables to each SubMaster so that 20 tables are related to each SubMaster table.

Whenever I create new record in Unit, the new record is generated in each SubMaster using update query for each SubMaster table. I have all the forms and necessary query laid out. The only missing part is being able to duplicate a record. I have limited knowledge in VBA, but I should be able to modify it to address to my requirement.

I want to copy a given record in Master, SubMasters and 100 tables as a new record. I need this feature so that I can select certain Job No and Revision No and copy that as a new Job No(assigned manually in a form) and 0 as the revision number. Possibly a button which will ask for new job number and copy everything from the active Job No and Revision No to a New Job No and "0" Revision No. The existing record may not be there on all 100 tables for the given Job No and Revision No. If it is there, then copy otherwise ignore for each of the tables.

I have a table "ItemList" which lists all the unique name of the 100 tables.

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Table Structure For Large List Of Number Fields

Jul 30, 2015

Have a look at this screenshot from excel.

Basically I would like to capture the quantity in stock for the above list of phones at many stores.

I started out by adding each phone model as a numeric field in tblStock, because I need to obtain the quantity value for each and every model, for each and every store.

Is there a better way to do this? I was thinking of creating just 2 fields, Model and Quantity, then adding each model as a record, then using that record as a sort of template. I wander what would be the drawbacks of this, since with the first method, if a user needs to add a phone not on the list he would have to modify the table design.

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Send A Large Number Of Reports (actually 1 Page Invoices) As Faxes?

Aug 8, 2011

I need to send a large number of reports (actually 1 page invoices) as faxes. A few years ago I used to use a version of WinFax Pro with command line parameters to accomplish this. I would actually print each invoice to the WinFax Printer with a command line that contained the fax number for that client and using this method I was able to send each invoice to a different fax number (customer).WinFax is no longer available.

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Updating Project Id Number For All Tables

Aug 26, 2005

I'm working on a database that is quite large. I foreign key that connect all the table is project_id. When I start a new project there a certain table that will not be used for quite some time. I would like them updated when I start the project with the same autonumber that is created for the project table.

There is an input section to add to the project and a view section to navigate through to view all sections of the project ir budget, financing, schedule. The navigate function wont work properly unless I have all project_id's updated.

Any ideas


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Forms :: Combo Box - Project Number To Display After Selection

Dec 18, 2013

I have a combo box that display three columns but I want the middle column to be the value that displays on the combo box after the selection not the first column. How do I achieve this ?

Project Name
Project Number
Project Description

I want the Project number to be displayed in the box after selection.

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Convert Number

May 27, 2005

i have data stored in my paid field as negative ex: 000000460p which is $40.00. how can i convert this into $40.00?
I know i have to make a query but how can i make access pick up all the negatives that end in P and transform them into a negativ e number?

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Convert String To Number

May 31, 2005

I have a field on my Report called Revenue. It is used in a calculation and there is a calculated field called Profit. Revenue-Cost=Profit. That all works.

The only thing that is wrong is that the Revenue field displays its numbers like this:



i.e. not formatted for currency. But I don't get the currency option under Format. It is based on a Query and this Query is based on a Linked Table.

Any suggestions on how to get it formatted as currency while still having the calculated field working?

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Convert Number To Hour

Jan 2, 2006

Hello Everybody...

I have a Question.
How do I convert a number (26) to 26:00 Hours.

The thing is.
I have a database that calculates the hours of overtime.

for example.

I work from 7:00 to 19:00.
Then I get 12:00 hours of total time.

The above is no problem.

But no I want to deduct the number 2 from 12:00 hours.

I hope to hear from u guys soon

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Convert Date To Number

Aug 9, 2007

I would like to convert a date field to a number in a query. What I am trying to do is take 2 date fields and see how many days they are apart. For example if one date is 3/1/07 and the other is 3/1/06 I would like 365 days to be returned. Thanks for any help!

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Convert Number To Date

Aug 9, 2007

I am importing data from a text file that contains dates in this format: 08012007

I am trying to convert the number to a date 08/1/2007 so that I can run date related queries.

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Convert Text To Number

Aug 2, 2005

I have a table with the following fields:
Tool Text
Tool_ID Text
Description Text

The Tool_ID field holds a number if the tool provides a tool id. However, if the tool doesn't provide a tool id, the text "No tool ID given" is automatically placed into the field. Therefore, it needs to remain a text field for this reason and others that are too long to go into.
Anyway, I created a query that pulls only one specific tool which always provides a tool ID. Therefore, the results of my query will always have a number in the text field "Tool_ID".

Question: Is there a way to convert the text field to a number field within the query?

Thanks in advance!
~ Greg

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How To Convert Number To Date

Feb 28, 2008

I have a number, 20080101, that I need to convert to 01/01/2008.

How do I do this? I am not familiar enough with access to know.


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Convert Month Name To Number

Apr 9, 2008

Hi All - I would like the user to be able to import a month name (April for example) and then have access convert that name to a number (4) so that I can search for records that were opened before the month entered. I have been using:

MonthName(Month([CompletionDate])) = [Enter Month]


MonthName(Month([CompletionDate])) <= [Enter Month]

does not work.


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Convert Number To Month Name

Feb 4, 2008

I am struggling to get a number to change to a month name.
When the user chooses a month from a drop-down:

Value List

I use the month number to run the query, ie: 1, 2, 3 etc.,
But I want the Month Name to use in the subsequent report.

I have no other data in the query other than a month number to use so I thought about an invisible text box that get's the month number and I could reference it from the report, but I just can't get the text box to get the month name from the drop-down.


Maybe there is a better, easier way?


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Forms :: VBA - Whole Number Convert To Hh:mm

Aug 14, 2013

I have a textbox that I put in minutes as whole number. What i want is to put in AfterUpdate Event to convert that whole number to hh:mm....

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Currency Convert From Digits To Number

Nov 7, 2007

dear frnd,

i have a access program for printing cheque. i want to use a text box which automaticaly convert number ito digits from user input text box.

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How Can I Convert A Week Number To A Month?

Sep 29, 2005

I have 2 fields in a table one for a year and one for a week number that data is being collected against.
I need to change these to a month and year for the report. Is there a way to do this??

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