Converting Forms Into A Report

Jan 6, 2005

I read somewhere that I could right click on a form that I designed and convert it to a report. However, I have yet to figure that out. I don't have that menu option when I right click on it. Is there another way to do this so that I don't have to duplicate effort here?

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Converting A Null To Text In A Report

Feb 7, 2005

I have a date field in a form which is not compulsory.

I then pull this date field into a query to create a report.

If the date is not entered then is it possible for "Date not entered" to be written into the report automatically. I have tried playing around with nulls but have had no luck.

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Reports :: Converting A Check Box To Yes Or No In Report?

May 8, 2014

I have a check box in a form (set to yes/no in the table) and when I generate a report I would like the check box value to show up as yes or no in text box, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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Converting Minutes Into Hours In Report

Apr 1, 2013

I have a tracking database I have been working on and so close of being done just held up on this last part. What I am trying to do is have the totals = Ex. 1.25 + 3.50 would give Grand total of 5.15 not 4.75. The table has a field called time spent which stores the time. I have attached an example database. So whenever the minutes = more then 60 for it to add 1 to the hour.

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Converting An Abbreviation To Full Text In A Report

Feb 21, 2005

In a table called Appointments and the field called Plastics we enter the initials of surgeons.
However in a report i want the initials converted to full text - in the example below the initials are HJC

The expression below doesn't work - it just returns everything in the Plastics column.

Any ideas?

Expr1: IIf(HJC([tblAppointment]![Plastics]),"Heather Cleland")

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Forms :: Converting Month To A Value

May 9, 2013

I have a txt box on a form in which I type the month of the year e.g January, February etc. What I am having problems with is in another field I need to convert this month to it's corresponding value e.g. January will be 1, February will be 2 and so on.

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Forms :: Characters Converting To Symbols

Oct 17, 2014

Is there a way to prevent special characters from being converted into symbols when copying and pasting text into a textbox control on a form?

For example:

If I copy and paste the below bullet item into my textbox, Access will convert the bullet into some weird symbol. How can I fix that?

. SET Key #12, #13 and #14

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Forms :: Converting 2010 32 Bit Access Form To 64 Bit

Apr 7, 2014

We recently updated to 64 bit Office 2010, however there is a form created by an intern who has since moved on, anyways the form was created in 32 bit. SO hence we cannot open it. We get any error message that it was created in 32 bit and cannot be open in 64 bit Office. I have tried to resaved the form on a different pc with 64 bit office. But it will not allow me to save, possibly because the form is locked down from changes. The file extension is .accde.

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Converting Minutes From A Query To Hours:Minutes On A Report

Jun 12, 2013

Basically I have a table setup where Time Fields are stored. What I need to do is in a Query, have the difference of two Time Fields calculated, and then displayed on a Report. Here's what I have so far...


- Start Time
- End Time


Difference Time: DateDiff("n",[Start Time],[End Time])

All that works fine and shows up on the report, except for the fact that the time is showed in straight minutes, so for a difference of 1:30 minutes, it just shows 90 minutes. I need to make it so that on the report in the Difference Time Text Box, it's showed as 1:30 instead of 90.

I tried putting the following in the Control Source for the Difference Time Text Box on the report, but it returns an error.

=[Difference Time] 60 & Format([Difference Time] Mod 60, ":00")

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Forms :: Converting Old Flat Buttons To Newer Rounded Style

Aug 15, 2013

I have Access db's that were originally created in Access 2003, I have upgraded them no problem to accdb and am using them in Access 2010.

When I create a new form and add a button it is rounded/shaded/white/blue etc - looks good.

When I add a button to an existing form, or reformat the existing form buttons (back colour Accent 1, Lighter 40%, Use Theme Yes etc) it remains an old style button (unrounded, solid colour etc).

How to convert old style buttons to new style buttons ..

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Forms :: Converting Accde File To A Normal File

Apr 22, 2013

I saved my database as ACCDE file which is executable now the problem i am facing is i can't edit my database since i can not view it into design view.

How can i change it to its normal file format

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Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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Forms :: Auto Numbering Access Report Forms

Dec 11, 2013

Is there a way to auto number a report form.

I have attached my database for a better understanding of what I am trying to do.

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Converting To An Exe

Jun 29, 2005

I have created a database but I would like it to be an exe. is this possible? if so, how???

I would like to lock the design and the code for the database. I will be holding about 2000 entries, will this be a problem?


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Converting .MDB To .EXE

Jul 11, 2005

Hello Everyone,

First of all thanks alot for investing your valuable time in reading my query, I wonder if someone can kindly educate me on how to convert an access database.mdb file to an executable .exe file. Also is there a way to create an installation package to install the database to many Computers.

Thanks Again

Warm Regards,


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Converting .mdf To .mdb

Dec 2, 2004

hi guys!

i just wanted to find out how do i convert an mdf to access,
please help!

Kind Regards

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Converting From XP To 2003

Dec 3, 2005

I have a dbase that was created in access XP. We are in the process of upgrading to office 2003. For the most part the database works fine. However, I have 1 form that has a few fields that have conditional formatting
on them and when the form opens those fields flash very fast continuously all most like the tab key is being held down. No matter what I do I can't get it to stop. Has anyone seen anything like this and how do I make it stop?


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Error Converting To MDE.

Jun 1, 2006

This is the error i get...

This error is usually associated with compiling a large database into an MDE file.* Due to the method used to compile the database, a considerable number of TableID references are created for each table.* The Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0 can only create a maximum of 2048 open TableIDs at one time.* Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table, macro, form, report, etc).
There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Jet database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE.* However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as many as 1,000 TableIDs are used.
More information about this error message online.

My database is by no means big, is there any other way i can convert from mdb to mde?



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Converting Format

Sep 1, 2006

Hi All

A simple problem no doubt!

I am trying to convert my Works database into an Access dB (which I have just bought). I cannot find any help on this anywhere?

Any help will be much appreciated



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Converting Backwards?

Jan 2, 2007

For years several agencies have used a database written and maintained in Access 97.
One adminstartor has both 97 and 200 on his computer and no problem. Until now, that is.
When I try copying a revised front end, and opening it, I get 'unrecogized database format' message.
My hunch i sthat said administartor accidentally opned the basck end with 2000 and converted it.

So, can the back end be unconveted/reverted back to 97?
Any other suggestions?


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Workgroups And Converting 97 To 2k+

May 30, 2007

I have a problem converting access 97 mdb files into access 2000. There are multiple access databases that use a mdw workgroup on a network drive. I do have the ability to log on as an admin. Access 2000 is not letting me convert the files to the new format (telling me I don't have permission). The databases do have lots of forms, queries, macros and such.

Would the easiest method be to remove the userlevel security or is it possible to get around that? If I were to remove the user level security is it as simple as loggin in as admin, deleting all user account, granting all permissions to users and admin and removing the password?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Converting To Standalone

Jun 17, 2007

Hi All

I am currently compiling an Access DB to manage my work in progress, Payments due etc.

The DB is starting to work well and have requests from fellow contractors to purchase a copy (there are over 400 subcontractors in the group), with this in mind I have decided that when I complete the DB I will take it to a proffessional programmer and have it converted to a fully standalone programm.

My question: Is there a programm format that is preferable or would C# be the best option or is there a product out there that I could purchase and use.

Thanks in Advance

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Converting 97 To 2003

Aug 29, 2007

I've read alot on this, Tony Toews, Allen Browne and our own experts have put out lots of info.

I've started converting my dog straying database and have a weird result. This is split into front and back ends.


My PC Win XP Access 97 and 2003 works perfectly

PC 2 Win 2K Aceess 2003 ditto

PC 3 Win XP Access 97 and 2003
setup looks identical to mine no missing refeneces etc - No images will display in the image frame on the main form.

I have no hair left. Any ideas??

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Converting A TXT To ACCESS

Sep 7, 2007


I'm trying to get a way to creat a database of my phone messages (SMS).
I have them on a .txt file and I would like to create on ACCESS (or other program) the fields "Date:" "From:" "Message:", etc.
So, everytime I introduce a day, all sms sended on that day appears, or, when I introduce a Name, every message from that person, appear.
Is that possible? Of course that I want to convert it, not introduce one bye one because I have around 2000 messages...

Thank you very much

This is a example of the .txt file I have:

================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 15:33
Hum que bom então. Tou com a minha amiga na praça da república. Vais ficar aí?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: Figueiredo 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 14:59
Tas em casa?a mariana foi aí?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: Figueiredo 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 14:52
Já tá?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 12:47
Desce tou no carro em frente ao mc donalds..
================================================== =========

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Converting Minutes

Oct 12, 2004

I have time sheets from the past I need to enter but have found that some years the time punch minutes are given as if an hour equals 100 minutes not 60. Other years the minutes are given correctly. How do I format this field so that if I type 3.75 it will convert to 3.45 hours? Will I have to add another field to enter this and then convert to my field where hours and minutes are correctly entered? :confused:

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Converting -1 And 0 Into Y Or N On Select

Jul 13, 2006


Could someone tell me is it possible to convert a particular column from 0/-1 to show y/n instead? Its just a simple select statement I'm doing and I need a Y or N instead or numeric!



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