Converting Lotus Approach To Access

Feb 1, 2005

Is it possible to convert a database set up in Lotus Approach to an Access Database. If so, how can I do it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Lotus Approach To Access

Jan 22, 2013

Is there an easy way to import a Lotus Approach DB back end and front end to Access 2010?

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Having Trouble Thinking Of A Way To Approach This (to Do With Importing Access Data)

Feb 26, 2008

Edit:I just realised i had accidently writted the title as (to do with importing access data) it should read (to do with importing excel data)This is going to be a trick hard to understand question but I will try my best to explain itI have a database set out in the following way way it works is; Let's pretend Access Programmers is a company and working on different forums is a different jobSo on one record it would readJames.90| Access Programmers|Tables Forum| Wed=3= Mon=2Then the record below might readJames.90| Access programmers | Forms Forum| mon=5 tue=6So each record is one unique company,Project and CTR which the person has worked for that week meaning if you only work on one forum you would only write one record out each weekNow the data i am receiving is in an excel file where it's set out in a daily basis Where One Day Date|Name|Company|CTR|etcSo if a person works 5 days a week on 2 companies each day that is 10 records when it should only be 2 recordsSo to sum it up. My database is set out weekly and the excel data is set out dailyMy questionWhat would be the best way to convert this data into the database. Changing the database structure around is not an option and i can't change the format we recieve the excel data in. I can change it once i have the file thorough a converter but i can't change the raw source of the dataWhat would be a way to solve this problem because i am completly stummted and am open to any option of converting or anythingThankyou for your time. Also if you have trouble understanding what i mean Please say so and i will upload a copy of the database and a copy of the excel sheet!

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Access With Lotus Notes

Nov 4, 2005

Noob needs guidance.

I've worked with Access before but I've never had to setup mass mailing using Lotus Notes retrieving the data from Access.

I'm basically working with Access 2003 with a database containing all the clients information with email and personalised messages and it needs to be sent out through Lotus Notes R5 Release 5.0.11

I've done searches on this site and I've found many codes but I was wondering if there was a beginner's guide to this.

If anyone has links to where I can read up on it that would be great too.

Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Access To Lotus Notes

Jun 14, 2007

Hi all,

I have a list box which has several columns. What i'm trying to do is have a button that when clicked takes the values of the selected list box item and put them into a new lotus notes email. It doesn't need the address or any other detail, just the info into a new mail. I have seen some post's here but not sure i understand them (bit of a noob to access/vba).

Is this possible to do and can someone please point me in the right direction?


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Access Standalone For Use With Lotus?

Sep 27, 2006

I currently use the Lotus package for word processing, spreadsheets etc so I do not have any of the microsoft office programs installed on my computer. Can I load just Microsoft Access as a standalone program or do i need to load the full office suite?

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Access To Lotus Notes Email Attachment

Jun 26, 2007

I wish to attach to an email a specified "Shortcut" such that recipients will be able to simply click the "attachment and the Access application will open.

I have searched the forum quite extensively but the perspiration has overtaken the inspiration so any assistance would be appreciated.

Below is the complete code that I am using

Private Sub Combo206_Click()

Maint_Sup_Close = Now()' Update a field
Dim Attachment As String
Dim MailDoc As Object
Dim AttachME As Object
Dim EmbedObj As Object

Dim s As Object
Dim db As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim rtItem As Object
Dim Server As String, Database As String
Dim strError As String
Dim PI As String
Dim Description As String
Dim Work As String

Dim Email As String
Dim Docket As String

PI = Me.PI_No_1
Description = Me.Desc
Email = Me.Created_Email
Docket = Me.Docket_ID
Work = Me.Work_Required

Set s = CreateObject("Notes.notesSession")
Server = s.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", True)
Database = s.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", True)
Set db = s.GETDATABASE(Server, Database)

On Error GoTo ErrorLogon
'see if user is logged on
On Error GoTo 0

doc.Form = "Memo"
doc.importance = "1" '(Where 1=Urgent, 2= Normal, 3= FYI)

'Send an e-mail to
doc.SENDTO = Email
doc.Subject = "Maintenance Request Closure"

Set rtItem = doc.CreateRichTextItem("Body")
Call rtItem.APPENDTEXT("Maintenance Request " & Docket & " for " & PI & " " & Description & " This request was created by yourself and has been Completed. Please confirm Completion")
Call rtItem.ADDNEWLINE(1)
Call rtItem.APPENDTEXT("")
Call rtItem.ADDNEWLINE(1)
Call rtItem.ADDNEWLINE(2)
Call rtItem.APPENDTEXT("Request Details were")
Call rtItem.ADDNEWLINE(2)
Call rtItem.ADDNEWLINE(3)
Call rtItem.APPENDTEXT(Work)
Call rtItem.ADDNEWLINE(3)

Works fine down to here

next line gives error 13 Type Mismatch

Set AttachME = doc.CreateRichTextItem.Add("file:\absmanuf_serverabsmanuvMaintManagReposit oryEmail_Cell_Mcs_Maint.mdb.lnk")
SetEmbedObj = AttachME.EmbedObject(1454, "", "\absmanuf_serverabsmanuvMaintManagRepositoryE mail_Cell_Mcs_Maint.mdb.lnk")

doc.SaveMessageOnSend = True
Call doc.Send(False)

Set doc = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set s = Nothing
Set rtItem = Nothing

MsgBox "Message Sent"

If Err.Number = 7063 Then
MsgBox " You must first logon to Lotus Notes"
Set doc = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set s = Nothing
Set rtItem = Nothing
End If

End Sub

I am a bit out of my depth and would appreciate a guru correcting the error of my ways



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Simplest Way To Send An Email From Access Using Lotus Notes

Jan 3, 2008

does anyone know what's Simplest way to send an email from Access using Lotus Notes
(no attachment required)

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Modules & VBA :: Import Lotus Notes Mail Into Access Database

May 28, 2015

Reading all mails from a Lotus Notes database, a view, a collection is not that difficult.

What I Need, but no where found is HOW TO Import the actual marked or opened mail, so only ONE mail, the current mail.

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Modules & VBA :: Using Array To Specify Email Recipients (Access 2007 - Lotus Notes)

Aug 7, 2013

I've got a form which emails out a report when a new record is added to my database but I'm stuck when it comes to making it send it to more than one recipient.

I came across this on the web... which suggests I should be using an array but I don't know anything about arrays.

For multiple email addresses you just set MailDoc.sendto to an array of variants each of which will receive the message. So


Dim recip(25) as variant
recip(0) = "emailaddress1"
recip(1) = "emailaddress2" e.t.c

maildoc.sendto = recip

My problem is I'm not sure how to implement it? My 'recipients' are being pulled from a query... how do I get that into the array of variants?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Formatted Rich Text From Lotus Notes To MS Access

Sep 10, 2013

I have a VBA code to import mail from Lotus Notes into Access. The database user is able to read his email inside Access, similar to any email program.

Unfortunately, when I use the GetItemValue (lotusscript) method to read the body of the email message, Notes will render the Rich Text information as Plain Text, and I end up with no formatting information (bold letters, underline, text color, etc.)

How to import messages from Notes to Access and keep the text formatting? I am storing the data in a Rich Text Memo field in a table. I have found code to write HTML (MIME) messages, but not to import them into Access.

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How Do I Approach This?

Nov 28, 2006

Say I have a piece of lumber in inventory that's 20 ft. long. I cut it into 2 pieces, one 13 ft. and the other 7 ft. Now I need to remove the 20 ft piece from inventory and replace it with the 2 pieces I just cut. Is there any way to automate this in Access? I'm have trouble visualizing and approach to this problem.


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Don't Know How To Approach

Feb 27, 2006

I've been tasked with modifying an Access97 query. Currently the query has a single contraint on the field titled jobtitle. We are interested in maintaining this constraint but in the event of null values defaulting a new contstraint to field called contacttype. Thus if there are no results returned for positiontitle = 'dtbc' return all rows where contacttype = 'prim'. It would seem an if then is the only option and I'm not sure how to approach this in access.

Thank you,



Currently here is the query with the constraint only on contacttype = 'prim'
SELECT [Edition Header File].edition, [Edition Header File].instant, [Edition Header File].[page_#], [Edition Header File].franchise_page, [Edition Header File].subedition, [Edition Header File].subedition_page, [Edition Header File].supplier_name, [Edition Header File].supplier_line, [Edition Header File].sup_page, [Edition Lines File].product, [Edition Lines File].sup_style, [Edition Lines File].imp_style, [Edition Lines File].discount_code, [Edition Lines File].sup_disc_code, dbo_DistSup.Company, dbo_DistSup.LineName, dbo_DistSup.AD1, dbo_DistSup.AD2, RTrim$([CITY])+", "+RTrim$([ST])+" "+RTrim$([ZIP])+IIf(([St]) In ('LB','NT','AB','YK','PQ','BC','MB','NF','NB','PE' ,'ON','NS','SK'),"CANADA",IIf(Len(RTrim([St]))<3," USA")) AS city_to_zip, Trim([emailaddr]) AS tEmail, Trim([webaddr]) AS tWeb, [FName] & " " & [LName] AS contact, dbo_DistSup.Phone, dbo_DistSup.TollFreePhone, dbo_DistSup.Fax, dbo_DistSup.TollFreeFax, dbo_Alternate_ID_1.IDNumber AS asi, dbo_Person.ContactType, dbo_Person.ContactType
FROM ((dbo_Person INNER JOIN dbo_Jobs ON (dbo_Jobs.PerNbr = dbo_Person.PerNbr) AND (dbo_Person.EntNbr = dbo_Jobs.EntNbr) AND (dbo_Jobs.OrgNbr = dbo_Person.OrgNbr) AND (dbo_Person.USTOID = dbo_Jobs.USTOID)) INNER JOIN (((([Edition Header File] LEFT JOIN [Edition Lines File] ON ([Edition Header File].[page_#] = [Edition Lines File].page_no) AND ([Edition Header File].instant = [Edition Lines File].instant) AND ([Edition Header File].edition = [Edition Lines File].edition)) LEFT JOIN dbo_DistSup ON [Edition Header File].instant = dbo_DistSup.Instant) INNER JOIN dbo_Alternate_ID ON [Edition Header File].instant = dbo_Alternate_ID.IDNumber) INNER JOIN dbo_Alternate_ID AS dbo_Alternate_ID_1 ON (dbo_Alternate_ID.EntNbr = dbo_Alternate_ID_1.EntNbr) AND (dbo_Alternate_ID.OrgNbr = dbo_Alternate_ID_1.OrgNbr)) ON (dbo_Person.USTOID = dbo_Alternate_ID.USTOID) AND (dbo_Alternate_ID.EntNbr = dbo_Person.EntNbr) AND (dbo_Person.OrgNbr = dbo_Alternate_ID.OrgNbr)) INNER JOIN dbo_PositionTitle ON dbo_Jobs.PositionTitle = dbo_PositionTitle.PositionTitle
WHERE (((dbo_Alternate_ID.IDType)="inst") AND ((dbo_Alternate_ID_1.IDType)="asi"))
GROUP BY [Edition Header File].edition, [Edition Header File].instant, [Edition Header File].[page_#], [Edition Header File].franchise_page, [Edition Header File].subedition, [Edition Header File].subedition_page, [Edition Header File].supplier_name, [Edition Header File].supplier_line, [Edition Header File].sup_page, [Edition Lines File].product, [Edition Lines File].sup_style, [Edition Lines File].imp_style, [Edition Lines File].discount_code, [Edition Lines File].sup_disc_code, dbo_DistSup.Company, dbo_DistSup.LineName, dbo_DistSup.AD1, dbo_DistSup.AD2, RTrim$([CITY])+", "+RTrim$([ST])+" "+RTrim$([ZIP])+IIf(([St]) In ('LB','NT','AB','YK','PQ','BC','MB','NF','NB','PE' ,'ON','NS','SK'),"CANADA",IIf(Len(RTrim([St]))<3," USA")), Trim([emailaddr]), Trim([webaddr]), [FName] & " " & [LName], dbo_DistSup.Phone, dbo_DistSup.TollFreePhone, dbo_DistSup.Fax, dbo_DistSup.TollFreeFax, dbo_Alternate_ID_1.IDNumber, dbo_Person.ContactType, dbo_Person.ContactType, dbo_Alternate_ID.USTOID
HAVING ((([Edition Header File].edition)=[forms]![data entry header file].[form]![edition]) AND (([Edition Header File].instant)=[forms]![data entry header file].[form]![instant]) AND (([Edition Header File].[page_#])=[forms]![data entry header file].[form]![page_#]) AND ((dbo_Person.ContactType)="prim") AND ((dbo_Alternate_ID.USTOID)=1))
ORDER BY [Edition Header File].edition, [Edition Header File].instant, [Edition Header File].[page_#]

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How To Approach This Task Any Ideas More Than Welcome Thanks

Jul 30, 2007

Hi, ive been asked to provide a solution, for an electronic spreadsheet be sent out via email then returned by customers, once filled in for all the data to be collected onto one sheet that looks like the attached sheet. the easiset way i can see is to not use a spreadsheet but to use a datbase instead and just put it in the desired format, how easy is it to import mutliple spreasheets into correct fields on a dbtable thanks for any input or ideas


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Different Approach - FAQ Search Engine

Oct 15, 2004


I have tried to do a search on this but i cant seem to find something similiar. And I did a post of what i wanted to do here:
Click Me (

This is my table structure:

** I have keep this structure the simple. In actual of what i want to do, its more section under the 3rd lvl. as in more section under tblNAMe and tblRELATIONSHIP.

-> My structure:




tblMALE (Question related to Name - Male will be here)

tblFEMALE (Question related to Name - Female will be here)

tblMOOD (Question related to Mood will be here)

tblNEAR (Question related to Near Relation will be here)

tblFAR (Question related to Far Relation will be here)

So what am i trying to do? People would put in a question and an answer into a box. After that, the person can choose which category does the inputed question belongs to which category(male? female? .. ).This is actually a FAQ search engine.

So ppl will have an option to search for keywords and match questions. There should also be an option weather it should search from tblQNA or tblName or tblGOOD. So it has different level of searching. This is why it has such tree. So after searching, it will display the possible matched question (display question only). then the user can click which question to view the answer (together with the question).

Hope to get some advise. Is this how the best way to implement? OR is there a better method? pls advise and thanks in advance. ill be trying to do the access now. ill post as i goes along.


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Service Record Database Design Approach

Dec 15, 2005

I'm trying to build a table structure for this database. Heres some background information about the business:

The business is a service business. We visit the customer's location and run tests on whatever water systems they have. Each customer is unique in that they could have any combination of systems at their site. They can also have more than one of the same type of system. The test results are the data that I need to record and store for future access. Each customer is visited on average once or twice a once a month. So there should not be more than 1-2 entries of data for each system for each customer per month.

For example
customer RUTGERS might have two systems labeled HWS and CHWS.
customer BMSQUIB might have three systems labeled HWS1, HWS2, and CHWS.

What I need to do with this information is go into the records of service visits, and retrieve for example, the last 4 visits of a specific system and prepare that information to be printed in a report along with their contact information.

I have come up with three tables to do this:

Customers Table contains:
Customer ID (pk), contact information data.

Systems Table contains:
System ID (pk), Customer ID, System Name

Service Records Table contains:
Record ID(pk), Date, System ID, Data

My thoughts were to have a table to contain customer information(each customer with a unique ID), a table to contain system information for each customer (each system has a unique ID), and a table to store the results of every service visit for each system(each individual visit has a unique ID)

Please critique this table design. If you think its sufficient, perhaps you could lead me in a direction pertaining to how to retrieve data on the most recent 4 visits (last 4 entries) for a specific SINGLE system from the Service Records table. I would assume that you would need to use a query and then get the data from that and put it into a form.

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Converting Access 2003 File To Access 2002

Nov 19, 2006

I have created several files in Access 2003, and sent them to a collegue, but he is using Access 2002 and cannot open my files.

What do I need to do so he can access my files? My experience with Access is very limited.
Thank you in advance for your help.

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Converting Access To Access Project Query Problem

Sep 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a project that was started in access, but needs to be moved into an Access project so that It can be integrated with other forms. When I did this I realized that my database queries needed to be changed from Access to SQL code. for example instead of representing a date as #DATE# it needed to be represented as 'DATE'.

However I have one issue that I am having issues with.

I have a query that determines a few collumns by running information through a vb function and returning the result.

The issue is I do not know how to convert this code from Access to SQL so that it will work.

The code is

SELECT Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]) AS [Action], TESTSTAT.*, Action_date([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER])) AS Action_Date_Field, IIf([DUE]<[WAIVER],[WAIVER],[DUE]) AS Later
ORDER BY Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]);

Can someone provide me with a sutible sql equvalent to this code

Thank You

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Converting Access To Access Project Query Problem

Sep 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am working on a project that was started in access, but needs to be moved into an Access project so that It can be integrated with other forms. When I did this I realized that my database queries needed to be changed from Access to SQL code. for example instead of representing a date as #DATE# it needed to be represented as 'DATE'.

However I have one issue that I am having issues with.

I have a query that determines a few collumns by running information through a vb function and returning the result.

The issue is I do not know how to convert this code from Access to SQL so that it will work.

The code is

SELECT Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]) AS [Action], TESTSTAT.*, Action_date([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER])) AS Action_Date_Field, IIf([DUE]<[WAIVER],[WAIVER],[DUE]) AS Later
ORDER BY Action_Indef([DUE],IIf(IsNull([WAIVER]),[DUE],[WAIVER]),[LOG_NO]);

Can someone provide me with a sutible sql equvalent to this code

Thank You

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Converting A TXT To ACCESS

Sep 7, 2007


I'm trying to get a way to creat a database of my phone messages (SMS).
I have them on a .txt file and I would like to create on ACCESS (or other program) the fields "Date:" "From:" "Message:", etc.
So, everytime I introduce a day, all sms sended on that day appears, or, when I introduce a Name, every message from that person, appear.
Is that possible? Of course that I want to convert it, not introduce one bye one because I have around 2000 messages...

Thank you very much

This is a example of the .txt file I have:

================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 15:33
Hum que bom então. Tou com a minha amiga na praça da república. Vais ficar aí?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: Figueiredo 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 14:59
Tas em casa?a mariana foi aí?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: Figueiredo 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 14:52
Já tá?
================================================== =========
================================================== =========
Message type: SMS
From: 0: Maria
Date: quinta-feira 03 Maio 2007 12:47
Desce tou no carro em frente ao mc donalds..
================================================== =========

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Converting Omniform To Access

Oct 10, 2005

Hi, all!

I have been informed by an off-site program of ours (out of state) that they need to convert an Omniform application to Access.

I did an initial search on the web on Omniform but I really don't know anything about it.

Has anyone every converted an Omniform application to Access? Is this something that can be done in an automated way or would the Access db need to be made from scratch?



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Converting CD Database From Access

Apr 2, 2007

I have a question relating to Access, which I'm hoping that someone here can help me with. We currently have a large CD library, and a few years ago we had a database created in access which allows us to catalog all of the CD's in the library. Fields include information on artist, track title, publisher, composer etc. We're at a stage now where we'd like to rip all of our CD's, and have a searchable database which allows us to port across all of the existing data from access, but also to locate and audition the tracks themselves. I'm not an access programmer, so please avoid overly technical responses, but does anyone know of any software which would allow us to do this? Essentially we're looking for fully searchable mp3 ripping software with the ability to import data fields from access. Thanks

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Converting Access 2003 - 2000

Nov 27, 2006

Hi, I have a few Access 2003 databases and I need to open them on my computer which has Access 2000 on it. Can anyone please tell me how to convert it so it is compatible? I have looked into "databse utilities" "convert to" etc but can't figure it out.

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Converting Data From Excel To Access

Jan 8, 2006


I am in the process of converting data from an excel sheet into Access 2000. I know the import procedure, however some of the fields in the Excel sheet have multiple data.

Is there a way to sort out this problem, short of cutting and pasting or re-entering the data? For example one field has the following: Mon, Jan 10,2006, 9AM to 11AM. I want to eliminate this field and create a field each for the day, date, start time and end time.

Thank you

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Converting Unix Dates In Access

May 4, 2004

hi all,

i'm importaing a table through a mysqlserver, it contains a field (call_time)
and its a long integer, i suppose it's an unix date format that can be converted

into DD:MM:YYYY HH:MM format, only problem is i cant find a way to do it on access
i've tried creating a query with all the fields and adding my one fields with commands such
as valdate([call_time]) but it dosen't seem to work.

can anyone help me please

Thank you

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Converting From Access 2003 To Future Versions

Aug 26, 2005

I've been hired to clean up and convert a flat filemaker database into access 2003 and I've spent the last two weeks learning the ins and outs of access and doing preparations. Well, today some high up database guy in another department told me not to use access because in the future when a new version of access comes out we will have to recreate the database from scratch because there are lots of problems converting between versions. I'm aware there might be some hiccups but I don't really agree with him. Plus once the database is up and functioning I don't see why we'd even have to upgrade it to a new version. It's just a small health centre patient database with info about patients and their treatments. Does anyone have any opinions about this. Thanks.

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