Copy Values To Multiple Fields

Jun 20, 2006


I am running a database in which end users input values into a table via a data access page. The problem is that there are usually lots of records in this table which requires the same value for a particular field.

I was wondering if there is a way to implement something so that the user can input the value once and the value is then copied to all the records?

Many thanks in advance

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Forms :: Copy Fields To Multiple Records?

Jul 17, 2015

I have this access "Database" that contains only one table that I'm trying to make a form for. I want it to allow the user to enter a value for field A and a value for field B then a list of values for field C (which is the key, so each would be a new record all with the same values for field A and field B). I tried to make a multiple item form but when I click on the new row for field C, fields A and B both disappear.

Disclaimer: I know that the creation of a one table database is a mortal sin but that's what my boss gave me and there are already >8000 records with a million mispelled words, so I don't think there's much I can do to make it a relational database without entering each record in again.

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Copy Button In A Form To Copy Fields To Other Fields In The Same Record

Sep 23, 2005

Hi there,

Can someone help me on this issue?

I want to copy Postal Address Information to Visit Address Information wthin the same record, in my Contact Database that I am building at the moment.

I want to copy 4 fields to 4 other fields within the same Record.

This the current code I use for the Copy-button:


Private Sub cmdCopyFields_Click()

Dim v1 As Variant
Dim v2 As Variant
Dim v3 As Variant
Dim v4 As Variant

v1 = Me!Field_a.Value
v2 = Me!Field_b.Value
v3 = Me!Field_c.Value
v4 = Me!Field_d.Value

RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew

Me!Field_e = v1
Me!Field_f = v2
Me!Field_g = v3
Me!Field_h = v4

End Sub


The underlined part (acCmdRecordsGoToNew) is false part of this code, because it copies the Adress Info to a new record, instead of copying it in the same.

-Is there someone that can help me with this problem, to make the copy-button in the Form run properly?

-Are there other options to achieve te same?

I have put in a attachment, to give you guys a visual example of what I mean.

Thanks in advance,


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Forms :: Button To Copy Values From 5 Fields In Current Form To New Form

Sep 30, 2013

I would like to create a command button on my form that copies values from 5 fields in the current record into a new record leaving all the other fields blank except for the new record ID.

The fields that contain the data that I want copied into a new form are:

1. Member_Name
2. Member_ID
3. Account
5. Assigned_WRCA

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Forms :: Single Column Combobox To List Values From Multiple Fields

Apr 8, 2013

I have a data base with names, email IDs, phone numbers of 5 types(example quality, security, IT,finance etc) of person from ten different project teams. I created a basic form for the end user to enter values and created fields for each of the person's name, email ID etc based on the personal type( liek quality, IT, finance etc) on each team. The background table contains records of almost 200 people now.

All of these people will be trained for one task and some will be trained for multiple tasks. I know how to make the combo box allow multiple values/selections but, i cannot list out all 200 personal names in the combobox's rowsource/value list. Is it possible to combine all different name fields and list out all personal(of one team), so that the end user can just select multiple names for that team who have been trained and so on. i need to set the rowsource of the combobox to the values of all personal from one team so the team leader can just go select who has been trained and who has not.

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Copy Contents Of Fields To Other Fields, With Macro?

Nov 30, 2004


I hava a small dbase in which we store address information. Now you have a visit address, a mailing address and billing adress.

I want to use some buttons which trigger macro's to fill in these "Secondairy" addresses FROM the visit adress.

So a buttun that says: copy billing address from visit address. and then the street, Number, PO box en city will be copied from the visit address to the billing address.

It's probably possible through a macro but I'm having a hard time coming up with the syntax. Or it there an easier way? :confused:

I hope you guys can help me out. THANKS!!

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Copy String Of Values From Form

Dec 22, 2006

I have a form which displays contact details for customers. I want to add a button to the form which concatenates name and address fields, adding spaces and line breaks, and then copies the full name and address so that it can be pasted into other applications (e.g. into a letter).

To do this requires that I implement some code to perform the following actions, but I can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone help?

1. Check Title field. If it is not null, take it's value and add a space after it.
2. Check First Name field. If it is not null, take it's value add it to the output of step 1 and add a space after it.
3. Check Surname field. If it is not null, take it's value and add it to the output of step 2 and add a space and a line break after it.
4. Check the Company Name field. If it is not null, add it's value after the line break and add another line break.
5. Repeat this for every field until the end of the address is reached, then copy the result.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help.


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Copy And Pasting Values From One Form To The Next

May 28, 2013

I currently have two forms both usedfor adding new records into two different tables. The problem I am having was first that I could not simply bring the value in the ID field over from one form to the next. Now all I would like to be able to do is copy the value in the first ID and Paste in the second ID field on the second form.

I am currently getting an error possibly because the ID field on the first form in the Primary key for the table that form is linked to, on the second form however ID field is not the Primary key, I also can't make it the primary key because their are duplicate records that I cannot delete.

So... is it possible to get around this somehow to be able to copy and paste from one form to another?

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Modules & VBA :: Find And Copy Values Between Sheets

Aug 20, 2013

I have this Sheet1 which is a manual input, I need to copy the values from Sheet 1 to Sheet 3, then I have Sheet 2 where there is data auto generated, How can I vlookup values copied from Sheet 1 and find it in Sheet2 ??? Is it possible using the vba code?

I should find the values copied from Sheet 1 in Sheet 2 and copy the values seen to sheet 3?

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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Multiple Copy Reports

Oct 4, 2007

I have a custom Access application that handles my companie's Inventory and Invoicing. We are in the process of converting the Invoice report from a dot matrix to a laser printer. This invoice also is used as a delivery ticket which is signed by the customer requiring the laser invoice form to be carbonless. I found a 5 part carbonless laser form that works great and I have been able to use code to print the 5 copies and non-coallated using the PRINTOUT method. I am trying to go with a completely blank invoice form. I have ran into an issue with trying to print on the bottom of the report what each five copies are designated for. For example on Page one copy one I want to print "Original" then on Page one copy two I want to print "File Copy" and so on till all five copies of page one are complete. Then continue this process on page two until all pages have been printed....

Can anyone help me with a programming approach to accomplish this. You help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Copy Fields To Another Table

Nov 12, 2014

What I need to do is copy some fields from one table to another after updating via a pop up form.


Form [frmWorkItem subform] and [frmReactiveWorkPoList] are located on a tab control (Tab110, pages 0 and page1) and are linked by [ClientID] to the main form [frmReactiveTracker]. The functionig of this set up works fine.

The process of entering data starts with [frmWorkItem subform], here i use a popup form to enter a new record and when the popup closes the new record is seen in [frmWorkItem subform]. Unfortunately there are five duplicate fields in table frmReactiveWorkPoList which can't be changed now (the result of bad normalisation and now too much work to change it).

The duplicated fields in the newly entered record in [frmWorkItem subform] need to be copied to the respective fields in frmReactiveWorkPoList either when the popup closes or some other more efficient method.

I have attached the sample stripped down database. To start open frmReactiveTracker and pick the third name from the drop down list.

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How Do I Copy The Design & Fields Of A Form?

Sep 11, 2005

I have a table and a form that I designed. Now I need to copy all the fields and the design of the form I just created and give it another name so my partner can use the same design and fields, but put in his own information. Is it possible to copy just the design and the fields. If so, how do I do that? Thanks.

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Copy Text Fields On Form

Jan 28, 2006


I new to VBA and having a few problems with a database I'm working on.

I have a form that contains customer details. The are two sections one for the Registered Office Address and one for the Trading Office Address. I want to be able to allow the user to auto fill the Trading Office Address fields if the Trading Office is the same as the Registered Office.

I'm not sure how the event code should look. I was just going to add a button that will copy the text from the Registered Office Address fields and add them to the Trading Office Address fields. I've tried a couple of other groups but the replies just contain use this code....

TOName = ROName
TOAddress = ROAddress
etc... for all your fields.

I need a little bit more info on how the event code should look.

Any suggestions on the best code to use would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


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Copy Existing Fields To New Records

Dec 12, 2006

I have a database and I wish to be able to copy 10 out of about 20 fields into a new record automatically using a command button on a form. Similar to the way the Duplicate button or the Create New button would work but only with these selected fields. None of the fields I wish to duplicate are the primary key. The primary key is an AutoNumber field. After clicking the Save button, the primary key would increment one to confirm the save record.

Any help or suggestion would be appreciated!


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Forms :: How To Copy Fields From 1 Record To The Next

Aug 6, 2013

I have fields on a form for the Date, the Start time and the Finish time. These won't change for the next 120 records. So, upon opening a new record, I'd like the Date and times to appear there already. But here is the crux: After about 120 entries, the date and Time changes, for the next 120 entries. So, once the 'batch' is finished, or I close access, the values do not need to be remembered until I enter a new record.

I copied something like the following from a book and tried running it with various modifications, just for the Date to start with, but no luck. (It did strike me as too simple for something, clearly, as unbelievably TRICKY as my problem...) I did find quite a few posts on this here but none seemed to work for me, or made sense to me in the slightest. (I did mention that I'm a complete rookie, didn't I?)

Private Sub Acquired_date_AfterUpdate()
Me!Acquired_date.DefaultValue = "'" & Me!Acquired_date.Value & "'"
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: How To Copy And Resize Multiple Pictures

Nov 25, 2014

Any way to copy files from a camera, to a new location using the dialog window and then resizing them before they reach there new destination. The selecting and copying them works fine, but I cannot find a way of resizing them in... or after the copying process.

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Copy / Paste Multiple Rows In A Table

Sep 12, 2011

I am trying to copy multiple rows (150+) and then paste them into the same table below the original 150 rows.I can only seem to get 1 row at a time.

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Forms :: Command Button To Copy Certain Fields?

Apr 10, 2013

I currently have a form for a handover process and am looking to have a button to ideally take a section of inputted information from the form and place this into an email.


Are my fields, this goes up to 4.

I want to copy all these fields from my form, ideally into a new email but if not possible then atleast just to clipboard, is there any way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Between Unbound And Bound Fields

Apr 21, 2015

I have 2 fields in an MS Access form "BTKForm" sending and picking up data form a bank terminal.

Code is executed by clicking a Button on the form.

Field 1, "IssuerID", is an Unbound field picking up a code from the bank terminal. It's numbers between 0 and 100, representing the Card provider.

Field 2 - "IsID", is a value field linked to a table.

I want to take care of (save) (copy) "IssuerID" in to "IsID".


Public Sub TransferAmount_Click()
Set BAX = CreateObject("BankAxeptSrv.BankAxeptAutomation")
If BAX.Connected And BAX.LicenseVerified And Not BAX.BankMode Then
Dim amnt As Long
Dim cashb As Long
amnt = Round(Amount.Value * 100)

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Copy Certain Fields To Another Field In Same Table

Sep 8, 2013

I am using MS Access 2010 and I am trying to figure out how to copy a field(s) to another like record. For example I have simple split-form that contains detail items purchased (product number, item purchased, cost, etc). I have a check box call "chkApproved" and date box called "Approved Date". The user have a choice to select the invoice number, once selected the invoice number (there maybe anywhere from one or 2 to 4 rows based from the same invoice number).

The manager will go to the first record and check the "chkApproved" and date is automatically updated as today's date (Approved Date). This is fine if there is only one row, but when you have the same invoice number with 2 to 4 rows the user has to go to each row and check the box. I want to somehow automatically populate the rest of the rows within the same invoice number I don't need to create a new record only updating the existing records.

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Forms :: Loop Through Records And Copy One Of Fields For Each Row Into Another Subform

Apr 12, 2013

I have a subform for which I want to loop through all the records and then copy one of the fields for each row into another sub form.

I came up with the bellow code but i get an error when I run it.

The error is an "error 438".

Code is at follows and I am copying the field called price:

Do Until Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].EOF
[Roll Out - Sign items added].Form![Price] = [Roll Out - Sign items pick list].Form![Price]
Forms![Roll Out - Site Form]![Roll Out - Sign items pick list].MoveNext

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General :: Find Specific Row And Copy Its Fields To Array

Feb 16, 2014

I'm new to Access but comfortable with Excel and VBA.I'm trying to transform a VBA-heavy form from Excel into an Access database, as multiple accessing is required, as well as data analysis. The situation is I have a form where users enter data (name, account number, date, etc). The account number is unique, and I have a table of approximately 14000 account numbers which contains the company name, address, and other details for each account number. I've set the account number as the primary ID on the accounts table.

What I would dearly love to be able to do is: when the account number is entered on the form, it is searched for (e.g. by the user clicking a button) from the accounts table. If it is located, the 7 fields in the relevant row are displayed in 7 textboxes on the form. I do not want to record the address, just display it on the form so the user can choose whether or not to use it.

So far, I have found GetRows, which seems to be able to convert the fields into a 2D array... this could be usable. But how can I do the first bit - find the correct row in the accounts table based on the account number entered into the textbox on the form? Is it possible to do this behind the scenes? In other words, Access finds the right row and displays each field in its textbox on the form, without producing a report form first.

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Tables :: Copy And Paste Text Field To Multiple Records

Aug 10, 2015

I have been unable to find a simple way to copy a text entry from a Table Field and paste it to multiple records in Datasheet view.The Toolbar 'Paste' procedure copies to the selected record only and I am unaware of how to select multiple records, as per a spreadsheet procedure.

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Adding Fields Based On Values In Other Fields

Jun 6, 2007


I am creating a small database to house results of certain tests. Is there a function in access that allows me to add fields if a result is out of the specification required. In other words I still need to record the out of spec results but I also need more fields to appear for the next lot of results to be entered, for example.

When cooking a batch of product I need to test the pH at the 30 minute mark if the pH is too low I will continue cooking the product for another 30 minutes and then test the product again. The cook time is not a constant so I never know how many samples are required, therefore I don't know how many fields i would need in advanced.

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Automatically Copy Data From One Field In A Table To Other Related Fields In Other Tables

Aug 7, 2014

I'm trying to create a system where if I enter data into one field it will automatically appear in the corresponding field in another table. For instance if I enter the values 10,12,15 into a field called QID in table A I would like this to appear automatically in a field called QID in table B. Both tables are related and I have enforced referential integrity and 'cascade' options but this still doesn't seem to allow one table to automatically update another. My ultimate aim would be to have a form that you filled in data for the field QID once that then propagated to both Table A and Table B.

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