Copying Elements Between Databases.

Nov 1, 2007

I wonder wether it is possible to copy elements from one database to another.
I have two copies of the same database. One for development and one for user access. If i for instance would like to copy a form from the development database to the other, how can this be done?

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Copying Queries Across Databases

May 18, 2005

I have nearly 100 queries in an Access database which links to a SQL Server database. The queries are working just fine.

I have created a new Access database, linking to a different SQL Server database which has the same table layouts as the first. Is there a way to automatically copy the queries from the first Access database to the second?

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Hidding All Db Elements!?

Nov 19, 2006

Hello can anyone help me with a code or application example of how to hide all db elements. I have a database and i want only a main form to appear for users and tables, code, etc to be hidden.


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DB Elements Size

Jun 10, 2013

how can I see the size of all elements on the DB, Tables, Queries, etc...

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How To Remove Access To Elements

Nov 21, 2006

I was hoping someone could let me know how I can convert my MS ACCESS database file (.mdb) so that when user(s) run/open the database, they cannot see, nor have access to the tables (which are linked from a separate DB with just the tables), forms, queries, etc... (the elements). Right now, you can open the file, the switchboard runs, but you can still see and navigate to the tables/forms/queries seen in the background.

Is there a quick and simple way to turn this into an executable-type file where you cannot see the elements in the background?

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How To Compare The Elements Of Two Tables

Aug 25, 2004

Hello to all. The problem that I am faced with is that I have a master list with all the current users and an updated list with all the current users and new users. What I have been asked to do is to compare the information in these two tables and have been given the following steps.
1. If name (surname, first name) exists in both lists do nothing.

2. If name exists in Update list but not in Master list then insert a blank row in the Master list and add the following Update list fields to this row: ¨
3. If name does not exist in the Update list then remove the entire row that contains that name from the Master list.
4. If 2. condition ("name exists in Update list but not in Master list") below applies, then insert the blank row with some kind of marker (e.g. "*") in a column on the far left. This will allow us to distinguish between:

So that is what I have to do can someone please tell me what a quick to do this in access would be. Thanks

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Forcing Form Elements To Be Updated

Nov 2, 2005


I have a form with a couple of sub forms, one of the sub forms only has a check box and a txt field and both are required before moving on to another record.

I have this following code that works partly, but it only works if one of the fields have info entered. It doesn't however stop the user from tabing through the sub form without entering 'any' data in either one.


Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Trim(Me!txtContactAgentName & "") = "" Then 'Validate Name Field
MsgBox "Gotta Enter Your Name!"
Cancel = True
ElseIf Me!ynCCContactLogLeft <> True Then 'Validate CheckBox
MsgBox "Gotta Have a checkmark in Logged!"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Also the below throws up an error when I know it's got all the correct information.
Private Sub txtContactAgentName_LostFocus()
End Sub


Can anyone advise?

thanks in advance

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Queries :: Numeric Expression May Contain Too Many Complicated Elements

Oct 31, 2014

Once again I am stuck. Basically I have a query as followed:Current: Sum(IIf([Run_date]-[dbo_GD-AgedDebtors]![BillDate]<=30,[dbo_GD-AgedDebtors]![Outstanding],0))I'm trying to show outstanding bills if the bill date is less than or equal to my date parameter. However, it keeps coming up "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables. (Error 3071)"

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Tables :: Like Function Elements Residing In A Table

Sep 10, 2013

I am trying to find a way execute various "like / is not like" commands on a field within a table. Rather than build 30-40 different "like / is not like" commands to execute on this specific field, I would prefer to have one "like" comand and have it's elements listed in a reference table that I can call into the "like" commend or function.

In this way I can change the "Like" statement filtering criteria by simply adding or deleting filter elements from the reference table rather than have to modify the "like" command's hard coding.How to do something similar, perhaps using a different function or macro?

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Tables :: Creating A Catalog With Elements That Have Different Fields

Oct 4, 2012

I'm creating a catalog that shows all the equipment we use in our company. The problem is that most of these equipment don't have the same properties, or fields. For example, all of them have a code, model, supplier and price.

However, most of them have different properties like size, orientation, or material.My first attempt was using one-to-one tables.

My database is formed by a main table (catalog), a type table (which lists all the types of equipments the table has, e.g. control valves, tanks, field instruments, etc), and smaller tables for each type of equipment (the table for control valves has the size and material field; the table for tanks has connections and orientation field; and the table for field instruments has the fields of dial size and connections).

All of these small tables are connected to the main table using a one-to-one relationship.My question here, any better way to store and access these type of data.

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Forms :: Addressing Listbox Elements In Selected Row

Nov 11, 2014

I have an unbound listbox with 3 columns. Call it PeopleBx. How can I address the item in the first row and first column. How can I address the first column in the selected row and how can I address the item in row 3 and column 2. I tried with


and other possible variations but failed.

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Forms :: Daily Data Collection With Constant Elements

Jan 26, 2014

I have a table that is populated everyday, with following columns:

1. ward (linked to the wards table)
2. date
3. number of patients

We have a total of 18 wards, wherein the daily number of patient in each ward should be recorded. The problem we face is that we find it counter-productive if the data encoder selects a specific ward (dropdown list), then puts the number of patients, and then moves to another field repeating the process. (the date is pre-selected using a combo-box and this will fill the date fields, thus the encoder selects the date only once).

I was wondering if there is a way where we can just automatically show all the wards, so that the data encoder would just proceed on putting the figures.

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General :: How To Incorporate Schemes Of Work - Adding Elements To Database

Jun 25, 2014

I am currently exploring the possibility of adding another element to our Database.

Each of our courses has a scheme of work associated with it, and this is completed on a daily basis by the tutor for each student. These are currently just Word documents we print out.

Example : I already have provided provision for recording attendance in the database, see below, (it may look a bit strange, but our training is ad-hoc so slightly different requirements than a college for example).

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General :: Way To Show All Database Elements Tables / Forms / Macros / Modules

Jun 7, 2013

I have a .mdb file (access 2003) which has ballooned in size to 1.2GB and I'm not sure why. I tried deleting some older tables (which were copies and had about 38,000 rows each) but it hasn't made a dent. Is there a way to show all the database elements tables, forms, macros, modules etc and list their sizes so I can see what has caused the size to increase?

There are 3 tables linked via ODBC which have tens of thousands of rows but as these are linked I wouldn't have thought they would have increased the size at all?

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Modules & VBA :: Write A Loop To Make Certain Elements In Access Report Visible / Invisible

Aug 23, 2013

I am trying to improve my code by making it more readible. The following code works, but it is certainly not the most efficient way. I`m trying to write a loop to make certain elements in an Access report visible/invisible, but I can`t address the visibility property of these items while iterating over i.

DoCmd.OpenReport "tblInterval subreport", acViewDesign, , , acHidden
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp1.Visible = False
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp2.Visible = False
Reports![tblInterval subreport]!BoxInsp3.Visible = False


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Access Elements In A Sub Form From Main Form

Jun 9, 2006

I have a form (called DeliverableDescription ) that has the following buttons: close, and save
the main from has a sub form (called DeliverableDescriptionsubform) that is viewed as a datasheet
also I have a table called DeliverableDescription that has three columns (outline number, name, and group number)

the DeliverableDescriptionsubformshows data from DeliverableDescription (only the outline number and name)
this DeliverableDescriptionsubform is used to update the DeliverableDescription table (through copy and paste from another source)

what I need to do is populate the group number column when the DeliverableDescriptionsubform is updated
the group number is just the first part of the outline number (i.e. if the outline number is then the group number is 20)

I want to create a command in the save button that takes the string value of each item in outline number column and do some simple string manipulation to it then populate the group number

my approach is to have a select query that gives me all the outline number then through a loop iterate through each one, performing the string manipulation and update to the table.

my question is how to access elements in a sub form, since the save button is in the main DeliverableDescription form
also is there a better way to do this?

thanks for any help you might be able to offer.

Code:Dim ws As WorkspaceDim db As DatabaseDim rs As RecordsetDim OutlineNum As StringDim queryResult As StringDim returnResult As StringDim SearchChar As StringDim Pos1 As IntegerDim TotalLen As Integer OutlineNum = "SELECT DeliverableDescription.OutlineNumber " & _ "FROM DeliverableDescription " Set ws = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) Set db = ws.OpenDatabase("N:statusReport_Test.mdb") Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(OutlineNum) Do While Not rs.EOF queryResult = rs.Fields(0) TotalLen = Len(queryResult) SearchChar = "." Pos1 = InStr(queryResult, SearchChar) returnResult = Left(queryResult, Pos1 - 1) DoCmd.RunSQL ("Update DeliverableDescription SET DeliverableDescription.TeamLeadNumber = returnResult " & _ "WHERE DeliverableDescription.OutlineNumber = OutlineNum ;") queryResult = "" SearchChar = "" Pos1 = 0 rs.MoveNext If rs.EOF Then Exit Do End If Loop DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

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Copying A Field??

Apr 14, 2006

I didnt know whether to post this here on in the table forum, so sorry if its in the wrong place!!

Ok, so in the frist screenshot the green box is based off of the table labelled 3. The red box is comprised of the InvoiceID from table 1, ProductID from table 2 and name/price is drawn from table 3.

The green box is used to view products, the red is an invoice. How do I add the currently viewed product (in this case, a case) to the invoice? I need to copy the product ID from table 3 to table 2. How do I go about this?

Many thanks! :D

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Trouble Copying DB From CD

Mar 13, 2006

I have an Access DB I have to put on numberous laptops. The DB is being transported via a CD. When i try to copy the DB from teh CD to a new folder on the laptop I get messages that the DB may have a virus and it cant be copied, or I need to install a microsoft service bulliten...xxxx ( I am not sure what the number is). The DB does contain VBA code and I am certain it is virus free. Is there some setting in access which enables this file to be copied on laptops which do contain virus or firewall protection or must I disable virus protection on these machines before instlaling the program or is it another issue altogether. Thanks.

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Copying Database

Mar 14, 2007

I'm new at all this so i'm sorry if it's a silly question, but i've split my db into a front and back end on a server but need to copy them and put a copy onto a laptop for my boss to take somewhere. How do i copy them so that they dont look for the other one in the server folder but on the hard drvie.

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Copying Data

Sep 30, 2005

im creating a fault logging databse, i have a form that shows all the "machines" details, (including its previous faults in a subform)
i have another form for inputting new faults.
what i want to be able to do is when you click on the "log new fault" the form will open up with some of the same details as the machine i was just looking at. e.g. it will auto copy over the "machine number" and "machine serial"

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Copying Record

May 23, 2006

I have a db (sadly Access '97) for annual software renewals. Against each year there is a set of licences (can be up to sixty records), can anyone please tell me how from a form I can copy the licences from the previous year to the current year with the click of a button

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Copying Value From One Textbox To Another

Jul 27, 2006

Hi all, I'm hoping there is a simple solution to this one.

To keep it simple, I have a continuous form showing a list of records. I have added an unbound textbox to this list.

I would like to copy the value of one of the fields for each record and paste it into the corresponding unbound textbox. I have tried this code:

txtJobPrice = txtCustomerPrice

but that simply copies the value of the record that has the focus and pastes it in ALL the unbound textboxes.

Can anybody help me with the code/solution to this problem please?
Thank you for your help if you can.

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Copying A Form

Nov 29, 2006

I am a beginner and I am having difficulty doing the following.

I have created a form from a query, (by agent)

The form took a little while to design, and I know how to copy the form, but how do you change the agent that is being referenced without having to go create the whole form layout again.

thanks for any help


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Copying Decimal Value Using VBA

Nov 19, 2014

I have a form containing two text boxes (1Average, Average1) that the first one is containing formula typed in form and the result of that is in decimal data type. I want to copy the result in [1Average] to the [Average1] text box for this i used the following VBA code:

Private Sub Text151_AfterUpdate()
[Average1] = Me.[1Average]
End Sub

But this code copy the value with full rounding the decimal part and doesn't copy the real decimal number for this i need to edit this code to copy the decimal value without any change and rounding.

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New To Databases: I Need Some Advice

Jun 2, 2005

I'm creating a database that keeps track of printing jobs at a printing company... I started my project by drawing out how I want the databases to be configured.

I was going through a book that was made for access 2000, but I need to create this in access 97 because that's what the company has on their computers. One of the features in Access 2000 thats not in 97 is subdatasheets...

Basically, what I want to do is for each printing job, there can be a bunch of different tasks that need to be completed and billed for. For example, on one printing job, they need to design a logo, and then they need to print it out and send samples across the globe, and then they need to create a pdf, etc. This is going to be different for each job.

What I figured I would do is create a separate table to take care of all of the different tasks that are related to each job. This table would have the primary key of the job from the main table for each individual job, and then they would be related in a one (MAIN entry) to many (tasks) relationship.

Is this correct in how I want to do that? How will I do this inside a form, I want them to enter the information in table that expands as they put more tasks in?

This might be a very simple question, I just want to know if I'm going in the right direction.

Thanks much!

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MDE/Splitting Databases

Jul 14, 2005


I have been reading a lot about splitting databases on this forum. I still have some questions.
1) Will the FE (Front End) still show the tables?
2) Will users still be able to edit the forms, reports, etc.?
3) Will my code be hidden
4) Will all the users have up to date data showing when they open the Database?
5) Can more than one person open and input data in the database at the same time?

I also want to make an MDE copy, do I split first or make the MDE and then split?

The whole point is the following: I want the people (maximum 10) that will be using this database to only be able to do enter and view data. They should be able to generate the reports but not create new reports. I only want ONE person to be able to edit the forms, code, and reports. How would I do this.

Your help is much appreciated

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