Corrupted Mdb

Oct 27, 2005

Hi i have a small issue with a few databases a friend has asked me to help with. let me explain then you will know all that has happened.

4 days ago my friends server crashed .. hard drive failure .. so he thought

he brought the machine to me to see if i can get it fixed .. turns out the raid firemware on his dell server was flakey and needed updating over a year ago which he hasnt done. anyway it crashed same day his tape back up system his tapes he had to wipe clean and start a fresh so he has no backups ... and the raid on his server failed so now he has no data.

i used easy recovery professional to pull all the files back which it has i have repaired all the exel files but when i have tryed to do repaires on the mdb files it just says failed so for the last 2 days i have been hunting the internet for access repair tools and everything i have tryed has failed.
Some of these mdb files are over 1gb in size is there anyway to view the raw data like some other databases allowing me to pull all the tables and back?

when i try to open the files in access it comes up with an error saying unable to open un recognised formate. i have used advanced access repair tool i found on the net and that after spending an hour analizing the file said it failed.

this has been a real evil favour i did for a friend and i wish i never did it but i need to finish it can any one help im not a software guy as you may have noticed im a hardware guy myself so my knowledge on access is very limited.

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Corrupted Data

Oct 23, 2007


I'm relatively new at Access and not quite sure where to post this problem. Anyway, I have a complaint database with multi-users. Twice now, I've had the data in two of my records change to what looks like a foreign language. I'm wondering if this has happened when a user tries to filter records within the database. Has anyone had similar problems such as this? If so, is there anyway to correct the text, or to prevent this from reoccuring?


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Corrupted Database?

Feb 5, 2008


I have just got back from leave and found out my contacts db has corrupted whilst i have been away. Unfortunately during this time the automated backup has copied the corrupted file so that is now useless as well.

When i try to open the file it says 'Error cannot find object 'Database'. I have tried doing a compact and repair on it but get the same message. Is there anyway i can get this back?


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Help!! Database Corrupted!!!

Aug 13, 2006

Hope you can help guys. Here's what happened.

I saved a form as a different name so that I could work on it. I made some changes to the new saved form then tried to save it to the name of the old form, to overwrite it. It came up with an overwrite warning, i said yes and suddenly the database went crazy and had to shut down.

When I restarted, the form I tried to overwrite was gone from the list, but the one I had worked on was still there, so I thought, "thats ok, I'll just rename it".

Well, it won't let me rename it either, and comes up with error messages all the time now saying that the form that was overwritten no longer exists. What have I done!!!!

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How Can I Tell If FE Is Corrupted? Error With JET Utility.

Apr 12, 2006

The FE of my database has been crashing during the last week and there have been a few other problems. I got errors saying that the BE was an 'unrecognised format'. I remember getting a 'not a valid bookmark' error also.

Another odd thing that was happening - when I put breakpoints in my code it was not breaking and stepping through it. It was like they weren't there. I realise now that editing the code while it was in break mode may have caused problems.

I didn't realise these issues were signs of corruption (until I started reading up on the subject and searching this forum) so have no idea when it started or what could be corrupt.

I used the compact and repair facility and it seemed to work fine. I can open all the forms and reports. I also decompiled the FE and it hasn't crashed since but I don't know if the problem is completly solved. From what I've read the problem could get much worse if I don't deal with it now.

The reason that I think that there may still be a problem is teh fact that the JEt compact utility will not work. I just get an error saying 'Error compacting database' straight away.

Is there a way to tell if something is corrupt or am I worring unnecessarily?

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Corrupted Records After Linking Table

Dec 3, 2004

Attempted to link to a table on an SQL Server, which included customer records & various contact dates, after the importing the records became corrupted in that they repeated the initial date over & over e.g.

Customer Date
AB1111 16.11.04
AB1111 16.11.04
AB1111 16.11.04
AB1111 16.11.04 opposed to listing same account number but with 4 different contact dates...also when the Access database was opened on a different PC (also Office 2K) the table was displayed correctly?

Has anyone else come accross the same issue, any advice/guidance much appreciated. :rolleyes:

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Tables :: Corrupted Auto Number

Feb 17, 2015

As part of a larger multi-user system there is a time recording part with a simple table called tblTime with an autonumber field. Today at 11:45 users started reporting receiving a 3022 error. On looking at the table I noticed that if I tried to manually add a record then the ID field number inserted automatically was not the next number in sequence, but one that already existed, hence the error.

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JetComp Won't Work - Have Corrupted Table That I Cannot Delete

Aug 29, 2005

Have a multiuser front and back end database.
Apparently 2 records (without memo fields) got corrupted. I could not delete the records so I tried compact and reair without being able to do either. I tried JetComp but it said it could not fix it. I cannot even delete the offending table.

Help! I have major reports due.


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Tables :: Recover Data From Corrupted Table?

Dec 5, 2012

recovering data from a corrupted database. I have a huge table with almost 600K rows and 140 columns. I went to Database Tools, Visual Basic, Tools, References. There was a broken utility file. I removed it by unchecking the box and closed and returned to my db. I did make table query from the corrupted table and then imported it into a fresh db.... but still I cannot run an append or update query successfully.

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