"Could Not Lock File" Error

Aug 23, 2006

My company has a network with an Access application front end and an Oracle back end. The back end is read only. The folder in which the Access application resides is shared with other departments who have been concerned about people who use our application having any contact with their applications, whatever they may be. Everyone who used the Access application has had Full Control rights on the old folder.

Our application was moved to another folder which is in another folder to which no one has access. To get to it, the complete path must be typed in; the browser can't be used because the forbidden folder can't be opened.

Only a few users need Write access to the application. Everyone else has been given Read Only access to the folder in which the application resides.

We are now finding that when the second person tries to access the application in its new location (it was deleted from the old location), they get the "Could Not Lock File" error message and the applicattion won't open. The Access application has no security on it at all-everyone has full rights to do anything they want in it. At corporate's insistance, the only controls on who can do what are the permissions that are associated with the folder.

We are having a few of them apply for Read Write access to the folder to see if this solves the problem but it will be a few days before anyone gets the permissions changed.

In the meantime, does anyone have any idea if this is the problme or could it be something else? By the way, this only started happening in the last day or two but people have been requesting permission to the new location for about a month.

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Could Not Lock File

Nov 1, 2004

I created a database for one company. So, this database needs to support multiple users environment. One of the users has problem opening the database. Sometime he can open it. …. sometime he has an error message “Could not lock file”. What’s wrong with the database? (I gave him permission to “Read”, “Write” and “Read & Execute”)
Thanks in advance for all your answers.

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Security 'Could Not Lock File'

Nov 30, 2005

Hi all,
We are changing domains and are doing alot of bouncing around with passwords and such.
Now all my users who are not in admins can not open our Db.
We get a message 'Could not lock file'. Any ideas?

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Could Not Lock File Message

Sep 26, 2006

Hi folks - need some help with what is probably very easy but I just can't get it.

I am running an access database on a 2 pc network with shared access etc. I can see all files on both computers but when I try to open the same file on both systems I get error message " could not lock file" I had another database earlier this year working on the two machines perfectly and was able to input data from both and the file was not a froint end back end structiure.

also if is any help the second machine only seems to be able to open in Read only mode. I have tried the user permission on the my computer allow shared access but this has not fixed it.

Any ideas much appreciated



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Lock File Fills Up

Jun 18, 2007


We have manufacturing/shopping software that has an access backend. There is about 15 users access it via terminal services.

From what i know, access only allows for 256 connections, and that number can be viewed with the LDB Viewer.

The problem is that if someone doesn't log out, the database doesn't reset itself. The next day, the lock file will still be a high number, and the shopping software will have errors running reports.

I dont understand how this happens. If there only 15 users, how cant there be so many connections? What makes the count build up? What can i do besides kick everyone out to reset it?


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Create Connection Without Lock File

Feb 26, 2006

Hi there, we currently have a database that users write to through an excel form. Each time a user sumbits a record to the database we open a connection up with the below code, insert the record and then close it. This creates a ldb file for 1-3 seconds depending on how long it takes.

Set dbConn = New ADODB.Connection
dbConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
dbConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
dbConn.Open sConn

dbConn.Execute("INSERT INTO.... VALUES....")


Is it possible to open the connection up without an ldb file being created so more than 1 user can insert a record into the database at the same time?

Thanks for your time,



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Lock File Get Login Names

Dec 19, 2006

In the lock file I noticed I can see the computer names of the people who have the db open. Is there a way to get the login names from this file so I can knock some sense in my co-workers who still have the database on

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File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded

Jul 27, 2005


I have some code which updates an invoice table with transaction numbers. It worked ok until this month when we had to run three months worth of invoices in one go. I recieved a runtime error 3052 "File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded" and Access told me to increase the MaxLocksPerFile registry entry. I thought i'd better check it out a bit first though and found the following on support.microsoft.com

In Microsoft Access 2000, you can take advantage of a feature that allows you to increase the MaxLocksPerFile setting for Microsoft Jet database engine 4.0 by editing the Windows Registry. The default value of this setting is 9500. However, changing this value is not recommended if one of the replicas is located on a Novell Netware server, because the server's maximum record locks per connection is 10000.

The invoice table had about 20k lines but as I am on a netware server i'm not gonna be able to squeeze more than 10k lines out of my recordset so I was wondering if there is any way I can open it without record locking? The table that is being modified is never edited apart from in this one process so there is no risk of complications there.

Here is how I opened the recordset

Set rstInvs = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType], [LineNum] FROM [tblInvoices]" _
& "WHERE [LineNum] Is Null ORDER BY [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType]")

Any help would be much appreciated.

thanks, Tom

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General :: Lock Down Application By Saving As ACCDE File

Sep 29, 2012

Trying to lock down an application by saving as ACCDE file. Saves OK but when you load application none of the controls work. I.e. button clicks do not launch "Open Form" or " Print Report" commands.But in ACCDB format application works flawlessly.

When I tried on a different machine I get an error message that says too many Table IDs. Odd since I only have 3 forms, 3 tables and 3 reports. Lots of DoCmd's and switching between the 3 forms but not sure why this would create "too many Table IDs"?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Create New Lock File Within Current Database

Apr 7, 2015

What I'd like to do is have an "export button", where the OnClick event, exports a single table into a new accde file. This would allow the end users to zip this file up and send it to me.

Because of all sorts of stupidity, I have no network capability and must send data back and forth via email.

I have digressed to a replication table that needs to be uploaded, once data is entered by the users...

Because the files can get relatively large (for emailing purposes), I am trying to figure out how I can get just one table from them vs. sending the whole application file back to me... It's pretty vital that they not be able to edit the table because that could really mess up the process.

So any way to create a new lock file from within the current Db?

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Error: Could Not Update; Currently Lock By User

Jan 17, 2008

Hi All,

I am running a access db within a company with about 40 users. I have split the db for multiple users. The only way I have found to fix this problem is to ask the user to close it and reopen it but this is just a quick fix.

Is this cause by our Microsoft servers or is it cause by access. Any help would be great :D

Here is the complet error msg

Could not update; currently locked by user "Admin" on machine 'XXXXXX'

please note that the user is not logged on as "Admin" but as normally user without admin rights.

Thanks in advance.


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General :: Lock File Shows Admin User Active For All Clients

Jul 2, 2013

We have a split ACC2010 database, with the back end on our server and 5 front ends on 5 client PCs. I hadn't run a compact/repair on the back end for months. When today I tried, I got the 'database is locked' error. The lock file showed 'Admin' logged on at all 5 clients. The front-ends had been closed on all 5 clients. We do not have a user called 'Admin'. Because my issue occurs for all clients, it might be caused by some sort of programming error in the front end.A VBA bug (implicit comparison to a control in an If .. Then construct) caused this type of behaviour but was resolved in Access 2007.

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Table Lock - Run-time Error 3211 ????

Aug 1, 2005

I have a form with a combo box that contains a list of customers. Select a customer from the combo box and the form fields populate with general customer info. The form has a subform on it with a combo box where you can select products. Select a product from the combo box and the subform populates with customer-specific product info.
If I open the main form and select a customer, then without doing anything else I select another customer, everything works ok. It’s when I select a product on the subform, and then try to select a different customer on the main form that I get “Run-time error 3211: The database engine could not lock table tblCustomer because it is in use by another person or process.”
Can anybody shed some light on this? I’ve been confounded by it for days.

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Database Engine Could Not Lock Table .... Etc Error Message

Feb 14, 2006

I have a live db running on a VPN network (FE/BE both centrally located on a main server , users 'view' their own personal front end through the VPN tunnel) ) and have recently provided a new updateto the FE. Until this time , most users were problem free but one persisted in getting the above error message. Now the new update is in place , they all get it, and this is when no one else is using the db and a single user logs in and tries to use the system. I guess it must be an internal fault ( ie my fault ) but then why does it work for some and not for others?. It also works no problem on my system at home. The user runs Access 2000 and the db was developed in 2003 ( default file format 2000)
Any help most appreciated
Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 3211 - The Database Engine Could Not Lock Table XXXX

Oct 20, 2014

I have a DB with multiple import processes to take in information and populate various tables. This has been in place for some time and works with no issue.

The import process involves the creation of a local staging table, to which I import the received data, normalise it according to my own table structure, remove any duplication (i.e. same data imported repeatedly) and append the cleansed data to the main tables.

I've just added a validation step to check for data integrity. In other words, for duplicate data, rather than simply purge it as I was doing previously, I now check to see if the data has changed in any way and prompt the user if necessary (with the option to either ignore the change or update the existing record)

However, since I added this extra step, I am getting the following error message during my import process :

Error 3211 : The database engine could not lock table 'tblStaging' because it is already in use by another person or process

It only appears a) when a data change is detected and b) when the option to update is chosen, and seems to occur after the update has taken place (i.e. I can see the records suitably updated)

But I can't replicate the error while debugging so it seems to be a run-time issue. It's definitely not another user as the staging table is deliberately local (specific to that user's front-end)

I suspect I can probably solve the problem by adding some kind of DoEvents call or brief pause somewhere but the problem is, I don't know where the problem is occuring, so I don't know where to add the line? Or if that would even solve the problem at all?

Is there an easy function I can call to check if the staging table is locked? Which I could then use to debug and identify exactly where the lock is causing a problem? Or even apply the DoEvents to release the lock? (It must eventually get released as if I step through the code, I don't get the error?)

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Forms :: Opening A Report - Error 3211 / Database Engine Could Not Lock Table

Jul 25, 2013

I have a form that contains a subform. The subform is a datasheet which calls the results of a query of 4 tables (tbl_companies, tbl_deals, tbl_products, tbl_vl).

In the main form there is a button which opens a report with a historical record of dates of value changes of each product up to a chosen date. This chosen date is determined by inputting a date into a text box.

This report also sources (tbl_companies, tbl_deals, tbl_products, tbl_vl).

When I try to open the report, I get the run-time error "3211".

'The database engine could not lock the table "Tbl_companies" because its already in use by another person or process.'

I'm guessing that because the query for the subform is already calling the table, the query for the report can't call the table at the same time?

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Lock And Un Lock A Text Field Through A CMD Button

Jun 13, 2005

I need to lock and unlock a a few text fields with a CMd Button.

and i do know about the allowedits thing, but i only need to apply this to a few fields on my form.

can some one throw me a clue?

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Exporting Error To .csv File

Feb 6, 2006

Wondered if someone could assist me.

I am exporting a query into a .csv file using the following:

Private Sub Output_To_CSV_File_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_export_Click
Dim AString As String
AString = "Export_Occupancy_"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", "ChildCare Vouchers For Accor", "\uk.michaelpage.localdfsGroupDataNSCHElite Database ReportsChildCare.csv" & AString & Format(date, "YYYY_MMDD") & Format(Time, "-HH_MM") & ".csv", True

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_export_Click
End Sub

This works fine, however the date format within my output file appears as:

13/05/1963 00:00:00

I wish this to be just 13/05/1963. I have formatted date etc. Is there something else I have overlooked?


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Error When Zipping File

Sep 26, 2006

I have an 18Mb DB, which needs to be zipped up in order to distribute it.
I used the standard WIndows zipping function by right clicking on the file and selecting Send to compressed zip folder.
All works fine until you open up the DB directly from the ZIP file and none of the references work, the file opens up with multiple errors etc.

If you extract the DB from the zip file and run it, all works correctly.

Now, the problem I have is that many users may not know to do this or remember to extract it so is there some setting that I need to change or is this functionality not available. I suppose I could create a self extracting zip file but that would need winzip, which other users might not have ?

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Error 53 / File Not Found

Jan 2, 2008

I have been using the below code for several months to export to excel. Lately I get a run-time error 53 - File not Found. I have not changed anything, so what could be causing this issue. The debugger stops on the line "FileCopy sTemplate, sOutput"

Public Function ExportRequest() As String
On Error GoTo err_Handler

Dim dbs As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim frm As Form
' Set database variable to current database.
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set frm = Forms!AOSummaryReportForm
' Open QueryDef object.
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs("AOSummary")
' Set parameters for query based on values entered
' in AOSummaryReportForm.
qdf.Parameters(0) = Forms!AOSummaryReportForm!StartDate
qdf.Parameters(1) = Forms!AOSummaryReportForm!EndDate

' Excel object variables
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet

Dim sTemplate As String
Dim sTempFile As String
Dim sOutput As String

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim lRecords As Long
Dim iRow As Integer
Dim iCol As Integer
Dim iFld As Integer

Const cTabOne As Byte = 1
Const cStartRow As Byte = 2
Const cStartColumn As Byte = 1

DoCmd.Hourglass True

' set to break on all errors.....

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Error: Couldn't Use; File Already In Use

Jul 14, 2005

I get the error message "could not use xxx.mdb;file already in use" when trying to run some append queries, but NOT when trying to run some other append queries which use the same linked table.

For example, this query gives the error message:

INSERT INTO DataIntegrityErrors ( Product, Problem, ProductItemNo, ChartPoint, MinDate, MaxDate, Qty, FinalsCell, MfgGroup, Source, ProductNounProblem )
SELECT [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name], "Finals Yields not in FinalsProductInfo" AS Expr1, ProductCodes.Item, [Yield Data All for Tool].ChartPoint, Min([Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date]) AS [MinOfTest Date], Max([Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date]) AS [MaxOfTest Date], Sum([Yield Data All for Tool].QtyTested) AS SumOfQtyTested, [Yield Data All for Tool].Cell, [Yield Data All for Tool].[MFG Group], [Yield Data All for Tool].Source, [yield data all for tool].[product name] & "Finals Yields not in FinalsProductInfo" AS Expr2
FROM (([Yield Data All for Tool] LEFT JOIN FinalsProductInfo ON [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name]=FinalsProductInfo.Product) LEFT JOIN ProductCodes ON [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name]=ProductCodes.[Product Name]) LEFT JOIN DataIntegrityErrors ON [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name]=DataIntegrityErrors.Product
WHERE (((FinalsProductInfo.Product) Is Null) AND (([Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date])>#5/28/2004#) AND ((DataIntegrityErrors.Ignore)=False Or (DataIntegrityErrors.Ignore) Is Null))
GROUP BY [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name], "Finals Yields not in FinalsProductInfo", ProductCodes.Item, [Yield Data All for Tool].ChartPoint, [Yield Data All for Tool].Cell, [Yield Data All for Tool].[MFG Group], [Yield Data All for Tool].Source, [yield data all for tool].[product name] & "Finals Yields not in FinalsProductInfo", [Yield Data All for Tool].Company, [Yield Data All for Tool].Model
HAVING ((([Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name])<>"default item") AND ((Max([Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date])) Between Date()-30 And Date()) AND (([Yield Data All for Tool].[MFG Group]) In ("fnet mfg","fpm mfg","ind mfg","ptool mfg","biomed mfg")))
ORDER BY [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name], ProductCodes.Item, [Yield Data All for Tool].ChartPoint;

And this query does not:

INSERT INTO PD1a ( [Test Date], Division, ModelGroup, [Product Name], SumOfQtyTested, SumOfQtyFailed, ChartPoint, FinalsCell )
SELECT [Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date], FinalsProductInfo.Customer, FinalsProductInfo.ModelGroupDefault, IIf([product name]<>"optiview",[product name],IIf([chartpoint] Like "bull*","OptiviewBHAT",IIf([chartpoint] Like "rocky*","OptiviewRAT",[product name]))) AS Expr1, Sum([Yield Data All for Tool].QtyTested) AS SumOfQtyTested, Sum([Yield Data All for Tool].QtyFailed) AS SumOfQtyFailed, nz([ChartPoint],"unknown") AS Expr6, First([Yield Data All for Tool].Cell) AS FirstOfCell
FROM FinalsProductInfo INNER JOIN [Yield Data All for Tool] ON FinalsProductInfo.Product = [Yield Data All for Tool].[Product Name]
GROUP BY [Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date], FinalsProductInfo.Customer, FinalsProductInfo.ModelGroupDefault, IIf([product name]<>"optiview",[product name],IIf([chartpoint] Like "bull*","OptiviewBHAT",IIf([chartpoint] Like "rocky*","OptiviewRAT",[product name]))), nz([ChartPoint],"unknown")
HAVING ((([Yield Data All for Tool].[Test Date]) Between Date()-180 And Date()) AND ((First([Yield Data All for Tool].[MFG Group])) In ("fnet mfg","fpm mfg","ind mfg","ptool mfg","biomed mfg")));

They both use the linked table [Yield Data All for Tool], and the error message I'm getting indicates that the mdb file containing this table is the one that's "already in use".

So why does one work, and one doesn't???

The one that doesn't work, I can't even view the QBE grid, I can only view the SQL.

Any ideas???

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File Not Found Error

Jul 9, 2014

I've created an application in Access 2010 with a back-end and user-level security via workgroup file. The application has 12 users, the back-end is on a network share, and everyone has the front-end installed locally. Everything has been working great until today, when I made a small change and installed it on users' machines. Suddenly, one and only one user is getting the File Not Found error (53) whenever he opens the database, and all form buttons produce the same result.

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File In Use - Error Message

Jul 14, 2014

I created a split database. The backend went on a shared network drive where all my users have read/write priviledges. Then I gave each of my users a copy of the front end that they put on their local computers. According to all of my research, with this setup Access is suppose to allow multiple users in the database simultaneously. However, if anyone tries to open the database when someone else is already using it they get the error message "file in use".

I've confirmed with IT and the Admin for the folder that all of my users have read/write priviledges to the shared drive housing the backend. There are only 6 users and usually it is only 2 who want to use database simultaneously.

My IT person said that they have heard this type of problem with Access before. Usually, people have to shell out money and get a server because Microsoft's claim that Access can run on a shared drive is usually untrue.There is no way I'm going to get a server so I have to make the database on a shared drive work.

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Help Me! Error When Open Existing File...

Sep 28, 2006

I'm begin study Microsoft Access but have error and don't know how!
(Please see the attach picture)

I'm use Window XP Pro and Office 2003.

I'm already update window and Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8) for Windows XP at link but nothing to change (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2deddec4-350e-4cd0-a12a-d7f70a153156&DisplayLang=en)

Please advise me the way to repair this error!!!

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Error Importing Excel File

Jul 6, 2005

So I have had Access for all of one day now. I am trying to import an excel file into access as a table. I successfully imported the first file but the second file gives me an error that says "An error occurred trying to import file ____. The file was not imported." What are the possible reasons this error has occurred? Both excel files I am importing are in the same format, so I am confused as to why one worked but the other did not. Thanks for any help.

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Message Box - Error Accessing File

Apr 28, 2004

I was working with one access application 2 months ago and I stoped. Now, I opened this access file and try to continue with it.
But I have problem! On every button, when I click on this button (it could be button for cllosing form or any other) there is one message box with followed text:
"Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost."
I have no ideao what is going on! Even, when I create new form, put the button on it, when I click on this button, the same message appears.
Can someone help me? What is wrong with with my Access or with my Windows.
I have Pentium IV, 512 MB Ram, Windows XP, and MS Access 2000.
Please, do send me an e-mail on dculic71@hotmail.com
or contact me on ICQ (101967172)

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