Count On Query And Displaying Result On A Switchboard

Jul 31, 2006

Hi Folks

More questions from the newbie :eek:

I have a very simple table with a field that will have only the values open or closed

I created a query based on this table and used the count function (to count open or closed cases) and in the next querie field I used the group by open.

This gives me a count of all open cases

I can do the same for closed cases.

I want this count to be displayed on a Switchboard form but i cant get my nehad round how to get it there.

Can anyone help me out ?

Many thanks


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General :: Adding Count To Result Of Query Depending On Month And Result

Aug 18, 2013

I want to add a number to my results within a query depending on the month and how many results. For example I have 10 results in my query 3 from January, 5 from March and the rest from April. The 3 from January would be 1,2,3. The five in March would be 1,2,3,4,5 and so on. Is it possible to do?

I'm using access 2003.

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Queries :: Displaying Only 1 Result In A Query Column?

Jun 2, 2013

1 I have a delivery method column and I want to only show 1 type for each method. How would I do that? Is it in expression builder?

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Queries :: Displaying Query Result In Textbox On Form

May 19, 2013

Have a query which looks up an address using the text input into a textbox by the user.

What I'm now struggling with is getting the query result into the textbox.

Am still new to access and am hoping this is something fairly simple.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Count Number Of ROWs In Query Result With Variables

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to count rows in the result of one of the queries and I am having a bit of trouble getting it going.

The current code - this is executed as on-click event when clicked on List Box feed with query below.

What I want to add is simple if that when number of rows produced by the querry is 1 it will enable a picture item in the different part of the form, however it does not want to count the rows for me.

Private Sub search_items_Click()
Me.OBSFullFilledOrdersHolder.Enabled = True
mysql = "SELECT orders.[order id] , STUDENTS.[first name]& ' ' & students.[surname] AS Name, students.[contact name] AS ContactName , ORDERS.[Online Bookshelf order] AS OBS , STUDENTS.[Delivery Address 1], STUDENTS.[Delivery Address 2], STUDENTS.[Delivery Address 3], STUDENTS.[Delivery Address 4]"

[Code] ....

The query itself works when tested but when used in code with DCount function will return error: Run-Time 2471 the expression you entered as query parameter prouced this error

'[Forms]![FULLFILL ORDERS]![search items].[Column(0)]'.

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Queries :: Running Count In A Query By Group - Error In Ranking Column Result

Mar 16, 2013

Query is based on 1 table" tblTimeCnv_AgeGroups

AgeGroup Time Ranking
30-& under 11.22 1
30-& under 10.41 2
30-& under 9.22 3
30-39 11.32 1
30-39 9.53 2
30-39 9.34 3
30-39 9.30 4

See attachment

My Ranking field is:
Ranking: DCount("*","[tblTimeCNV_AgeGroups]","[AgeGroup]=" & [AgeGroup] & " and time <= " & [time])

In the Ranking column the result is: #error in the first 3 rows then zeroes

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Problem Displaying Search Result

Dec 16, 2005

Hi all,

First timer here, so please forgive any daftness on my part. I'm a novice to access setting up my first database. This forun has been brilliant and helped me a great deal. However despite lots of searching I've not been able to sort out this problem.
I have a Form (New Client Details) with a primary key (ClientID), bound to a table (Client Details) and a Subform (Episode of Care Subform1) with a primary key (EpisodeofCareID) bound to another table (Episode of Care). They have a Master/Child link e.g. a client can have multiple episodes of care.
Using a search method I found on this forum I have created a search form (Client Search) which searches on First Name, Surname and Date of Birth. The search is operated by a command button (CmdSearch) with results shown in a Listbox (SelectSearchClientInfo). So the list could contain a number of entries for the same client if they have had multiple episodes of care.This works fine, however I also wanted to be able to select from the list and display all details for that selected record on the 'New Client Details' Form. I've used code found on this site but when I run it the form opens but will only display the first record for that particuler client. This is the code I've tried.
Can anyone help me out and show me whay I'm doing wrong?

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "New Client Details"
stLinkCriteria = "[ClientID]LIKE" & "'*'&" & "'" & Me.[ClientID] & "'" & "&'*'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , "[ClientID] = " & [Forms]![Client Search]![SelectSearchClientInfo], , acDialog

Many Thanks, This is such a good site!!


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Forms :: Displaying Result Of A Calculation In A Form

Jun 17, 2015

I am creating a driving school database and have four different tables. Student, Instructor, Lesson and Lesson Type.

In the footer of my subform which works out what lesson type the student has taken and from which instructor, I have created a calculation to multiply the number of hours a student does to what type of lesson they take.

=([LengthOfLesson]*[cost]) (This works ok)

I then want to add all of these options together. I have tried:

=sum([OverallTotal]) in the footer (This doesn't seem to work)

and then

=[Booking].[Form]![OverallTotal] to show it in the form

The name of the subform is correct (booking) and name OverallTotal is also correct but I keep getting #error message.

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General :: Textbox Displaying Result Of Sum Function In Scientific Notation

Apr 3, 2014

I am maintaining an Access 2003 application that is running on Windows 7 64Bit Enterprise OS setup.

I have a form in the application that displays a number of records with each record having a unique id and a field called ClockHrs which is stored as a Number (Long Integer) type.

I have a textbox that displays the sum of the ClockHrs field.

The textbox contains no code behind.

The Control source property of the textbox is set to '= SUM([ClockHrs])'


The textbox displays the result of the sum 115 in scientific notation as 1.15 +02 .

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Displaying Records And The Count

Jul 17, 2012

I have a continuous form (frmEmployeeVis) that displays the records in the form's Record Source (SELECT (whatever) FROM dbo_EmployeeData). One of these fields, NotActive, can be edited for each record and affects how that record displays elsewhere in my DB.

I have a query (qCurrentHC) that counts all of the records in dbo_Employee data where NotActive equals False (SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo_Employee Data WHERE (dbo_EmployeeData.NotActive="False")

Right now, I have a List Box that displays the result of the qCurrentHC query, where the row source simply selects the only value

It all works fine. The records display, the query runs, and the list box displays the number. However, if I change any of the NotActive values and hit update (Me.Requery on the frmEmployeeVis), the qCurrentHC query obviously doesn't update since it isn't the form's record source. If I open any of my other forms with qCurrentHC displayed in this manner, or reopen this form it will update since it'll rerun the query then.

How do I get the query to rerun when I update this field on that form?

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Queries :: Conditional Query To Post Result In Field And Filter Result Records?

Mar 5, 2014

I am working with Access 2010, on vista. What I have is a query made up of two tables, one product the other inventory. (see below) query.jpg

In the product table i have a field called "minimum reorder level". In the inventory table i have two fields one called "number in stock" and "number on order". What i want to happen is "number on order" to be filtered by the result, if the "number in stock", is less than "minimum reorder level", if it is, have the result placed in the "number on order" field. EG. if the "number in stock" = 2 and the "minimum reorder level" = 5 then 3 would be placed in the field "number on order" and only the second record from the query would be visible (see below) Query result.jpg The result of this would mean that the field "number on order" would be populated with the result and the and query would also use this to filter the record.

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Count Blank Fields Then Output Result To Form

Mar 18, 2007

Hi Have scoured the forum and have found people with a similar problem, but I just can't seem to get my head round this.

Basically I have a table with various fields, one of these fields is a sign off field where the user enters their name once the record has been reviewed.

I want to count all the records that do not have a name entered in this particular field thus are null/blank. I then want this figure to appear on a form thus representing the total number of records still to be reviewed.

I have tried doing this with various methods with no joy.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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General :: Count Number Of Record With SQL Result In MS Access

Jul 21, 2013

I want to return the number of record with the SQL search in MS Access. I am using the following code, the expected result will be a value. But somehow, it does not give any result.

StrSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 WHERE [Condition]='A' "

How do I return the count value with the search?

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Modules & VBA :: Displaying Count In Unbound Textbox On A Form

Mar 10, 2014

I have a form, which is bound to a table, with an unbound textbox.

I am trying to get the number of months an employee has/had worked.

In the table are two dates, Company Start Date, and Resignation Date.

There are three scenarios in which I need to calculate the months:No Resignation Date

A Resignation Date in the future
A Resignation Date in the Past

See attached PDF

The Employees are under a one-year contract which ends the day before the one-year anniversary.

I originally tried using DateDiff in the Control Source, but the IIF seamed too limited for my needs.


If [Resignation Date] = "" Then
If Month([Nichii Gakkan Start]) = Month(Date) Then
If Day([Nichii Gakkan Start]) < Day(Date) Then
MIS = DateDiff("m", [Nichii Gakkan Start], Date) - 1

[Code] ....

MIS = The name of the textbox in question.

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Queries :: If There Is No Result In Query Need To Have Default Result Zero

Oct 12, 2013

I there is no result in query, I need the default result zero in my form field. I only use query wizard to create queries.

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Switchboard Query

May 3, 2005

Hi guys,

I've got a form that shows the result of a query in datasheet mode.

However if I use a switchboard to open the form (and hence run the query) the results aren't in datasheet mode but in column mode.

How do I get the this query to display in datsheet view?


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Add A Query To A Switchboard

Nov 8, 2007

hi i have a query that is connected with a form. Now i want to add that form to the switchboard, but i have to add the qry as the form doesnt work without the qry. so i was wondering if anyone knew how to add a qry to a switchboard??

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Can I Access A Query From A Switchboard?

Apr 14, 2007

I am trying to access a query from a switchboard. I see that the Switchboard Manager shows you only reports and forms - no queries. How can I run a query from a switchboard?


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Running A Query From A Switchboard

Jan 21, 2008

I have an SQL query which simply deletes any blank records from a table. I want to put it on a switchboard menu, but cannot see an option to do that. How do I do this? Perhaps create a little form and put a button on it to run the query?


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Access Switchboard Command To Run Query

Oct 31, 2004

I'm working on an Access file. I know how to create a swtitchboad and have it appear when the file opens. The switchboad will have three commands. The commands will be:

1. Open a form called "FORM1" in add mode.

2. Run a query named "Query1" so that it will run a query that is the only query in the file. The query only lists ten items of information entered in the ONE most recently completed entry in ONE table.

3. Close the switchboard and then close the file.

I know how to do the first and third commands. Does anybody out there know how to write the code, or the macro, or whatever it's called that will do the second one?


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Re-opening 'switchboard' After Closing Crosstab Query?

Jan 12, 2006

I have a 'switchboard' form called Menu (not created by access wizard). One of the buttons down the navigation tree opens a crosstab query for the user to examine a data summary; but the 'Menu' form is still visible right in front of the query. Now, I could close the Menu form easily enough when the run query code is triggered, but that would leave the user loose in the database window when they eventually close the crosstab query window.

All that I have read on database navigation says that this is bad thing.

I can't place the crosstab query into a form or report because the column headings/fields don't appear when I try. (The field headings of the cross tab query are likely to change based on the underlying select query parameters so I can't hard-code the field names).

So, any thoughts on how to reactivate my Menu once the user closes the crosstab query or else puts the focus on the database window? (I achieve this using vba code in the on_close events of other forms and reports but I don't see an equivalent option for queries!)

Please note that I'm a vba newbie!


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Combo Box Query To Post Result To A Seperate Query

Sep 27, 2006

Hello, I have a combo box on a form which lists some names generated from a table.

I would like the selected name to be inputted into the 'critera' of another query called 'qryPBCustLevel' and for that query to be run.

I have tried to code this, but it is crashing at the point it trys to add the name into the query.

Can anyone help? Code listed below.

Sub cmbPB_AfterUpdate()

'Set the Dimensions of the Module
Dim strSQL As String, strOrder As String
Dim dbNm As Database
Dim qryDef As QueryDef
Set dbNm = CurrentDb()

'Constant Select statement for the Query definition

"FROM tblTempPB"

strOrder = "tblTempPB.PB_NAME;"

' Find the record that matches the control.
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[PB_NAME] = '" & Me![cmbPB] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark

'Pass the QueryDef to the query
Set qryDef = dbNm.QueryDefs("qryPBCustLevel")
qryDef.SQL = strSQL & " " & strOrder

'Open the Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryPBCustLevel", acViewNormal

End Sub

Thanks, Steve. :confused:

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I Want The Name To Appear Only Once In Query Result

Mar 1, 2006


I'm designing this system in which each employee has different area of strength (i.e. Math, Languages,..)

if an employee has 2 or 3 area of strength his name appears in the query more than once. I want his name to appear once.

I tried "group by" but it gave me an error. I think I'm doing it wrong.

Please Help!


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ADO Query Result Set

Sep 5, 2011

I am trying to create a VB script to automate a mailing based on several query result sets from access. I have gotten to the stage that the output is correct but have a problem with the 5th and 6th record set query as they only return one record (When in fact there should be at least two for each).

I don't really understand why this is happeneing as the SQL is exactly the same as in the 2nd record set - which works perfectly. Also I've tested the SQL directly in an access query & there are no errors in the formatting that I can see... correct number of records returned.

Public emailaddress, ccaddress, Subject, body1 As String
Public baserow, toprow, countnumberofrows, emails As Integer
Public tempdir, projectlistdir, WBPATH As String
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit


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Displaying One Value Or The Other In A Query

Oct 4, 2004

In a Query, how can I display in one column a value that can come from 2 different fields based on a selection.

Say I have two date fields (Date1 & Date2) they can both be blank, or one or both of them could have a real value. To make it simple here is the logic I want to employ.
If Date2 > " " display Date2, otherwise display Date1. I want the value to appear in the same column. Can this be done in a query or must it be done in a report?

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