Counting Characters In Text Box

Dec 5, 2006

Wise one, I have looked for this throughout the forum but could not fiend an answer. Could you help? I have found a little script to display the number of characters entered into a text box so at to warn the user if they are getting close to the maximum number of characters allowed.
I cannot get it to work. The problem is that I can only enter 1 character. It counts it but then highlights the character I just typed. I then have to click next to it to input the next character. Any Ideas?

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Limiting The Number Of Characters In A Text Box

Jun 13, 2007

I Have Created A Client Reference Allocation Screen Which Makes The Clients Reference From Details In A Number Of Text Boxes.

For Example:

Client Number: 0010, Forename: Andrew, Surname: Bloggs, Year: 2007,
Occupation: Driver.

Client Reference = 0010ab-dr07

I Have Copied The Text Boxes So The Information Is Automatically Displayed To Create The Client Reference, But Rather Than Shortening The Copied Text Boxes To Show Only The First Few Characters Is There A Way Of Limiting The Number Of Characters Shown In The Copied Text Boxes??


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Deleting Certain Text Between Characters In A Cell

Jan 10, 2005

I have a table of 1216 records. The Title fields contain extra notes which I would like to remove. All of the notes have /'s around them. I would like to remove all of the text between the /'s and all of the /'s themselves.


Should be:

I don't know how to do this, but I can do it in MS Excel or Access--whichever one is easier.

Thanks for help in advance.


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Queries :: Extract Text Between Certain Characters

May 14, 2014

I have a field that contains the following data:

FirstName:Pedro LastName:Campos Restaurant:BI Strand Location:North Month:March

I need to extract the data into different fields like this:

Field1: Pedro
Field2: Campos
Field3: BI Strand
Field4: North

How to extract the information I want into different fields

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Tables :: Handling More Than 255 Characters Of Text?

Sep 19, 2012

I am taking a filing index of City Council Resolutions which is currently based in Excel and transferring the index to an Access database I am building. An issue I am having is that the Resolutions being indexed have a subject description that ranges from about 100 characters to +700. The new Access database must hold the complete contents of the Excel spreadsheet.

The direction I have taken is to divide up the subject field into three text fields as needed ([Subject1], [Subject2], [Subject3]) each with up to 255 characters. In reports I will simply combine these fields into one large text box so the user will see them as one large subject description. Memo fields are not an option because in the near future the database backend will be moved to SQL and I understand that SQL does not always play well with memo fields.

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Any Way To Paste More Than 50 Characters In Text Field?

May 1, 2014

I have a text field on a form and I am trying to paste more than 50 characters (and space) into that field and I get the following message: "The text is too long to be edited.". Is ther a way to increase the paste capacity?

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Split Characters And Put Into Text Fields

Jul 30, 2013

How to split characters:

Example: my expression is

I want split this and put it to 4 text field
field1: 2
field2: 12
field3: 1
field4: 10

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Force Entry Of Certain Characters In Text Field?

Jun 7, 2007


I have a DB where I want text entry of the primary key to adhere to a certain format.
I'm already using a mask of >LL000000 to force two capital letter and 6 numbers.
Is there any way I can force extra restrictions, by making for example the first 3 characters to have to be AB1, thus making every entry follow format:

(FYI: Access 2003)

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Search For Specific Characters In A Text Field

May 25, 2005

I have a table with a large text field in it, among other fields.
What I am trying to do, in a query, is to show only the characters that are between brackets "[" and "]" for that field. And, if there is more than one pair of brackets, show only what lies between the last pair of brackets.

What I've tried so far is use InStr() functions to find these brackets and then use a Mid() function to show the enclosed text. But, it doesn't work well and it gives me a very complex query! In fact, I don't think it is a good idea to even use these functions in my query. That would probably slow it down a lot.

Can someone show me a function that I could use to do what I'm looking for? I need function names that could help me make better searches for more informations.

Thank you!

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Memo Field Limits Text To 255 Characters

Dec 20, 2003

I'm new to forum and can't find an answer to this problem. I am using Access 2002 and have a memo field in a form that I want people to be able to type in as much text as they want. This is then displayed in a report. The form accepts the text with no problems however when I view it in the report it has been cut to 255 characters as if it is a text box. I have set the properties to 'can grow' to no avail. I have searched the MS Knowledge base for a solution with no luck. I admit I'm not an expert in Access and would really appreciate some help as I have been trying to overcome this problem for days.

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General :: How To Import Specific Characters Of Text

Oct 12, 2012

I need to import circa 900 .txt files into a dbase (yet to be built), they are all of a standard format/layout. I need to import the top line into about 9 columns. So not sure how, but it can be mapped to pull the same digits per column every time.

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General :: Date Conversion From Text Value (5 Characters)

Mar 1, 2013

I have a date value in text format that is 5 character and want to convert it to a proper date format. Here is a sample of the data:

07301 actually represents 7/30/2011. How to actually convert that value to the date format of mm/dd/yyyy?

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HTML Characters In Plain Text Field

Sep 25, 2014

I have a table field defined as Plain Text. On a form I have a memo field set up also defined as Plain Text. When I enter data into the memo field on the form and save it, I see HTML characters in the field on the table.

I attached some screen shots of the table definition, form field properties and a look at the data saved to the table with the HTML characters.

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Counting Text Selections

Oct 3, 2006

I have a table with four columns, each textural - boiler type, insulation type, build type, survey type. Of each coumn there are only a handful of options to select e.g five types of boiiler etc, 6 types of insulation etc. I'm trying to build a query whereby these data are summarised thus: Numbers of each boiler type, numbers of each insulation type etc. I've been messin around with 'counts' and 'sums' but my ultra-novice skills are lame here. Help!

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Counting Occurances Of Text

Dec 21, 2004

Dear all:

I have created a form with a bound combo box with 3 selections: OFFICIAL COPY, STUDENT COPY and ADVISEMENT COPY.

From there I want to be able to keep a running total for each selection in separate textboxes.

Any ideas will be grealty appreciated.

Thanking in advance,


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Counting Occurances Of Text

Dec 22, 2004

Dear all:

I need to count a specific expression in a text field in a table. I desire totals that says "copies" which is selected from a combo box. The total appears in a separate text box. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can count a non-number field?

Many thanks,


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Counting Text From A Query

Jan 5, 2005

Heelo all:



I am using this code above to count occurances of "GRADUATE" and "ENGINEERING" from a query called "Query1"

The word graduate and engineering are in different columns.

It returns a # error........

Any ideas on how to fix?

Any help is welcome.


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Counting Text Fields

Mar 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to count (sum) text fields. My current query will search for:

1) Name

2) Ticket Number (ww*, beginning of one type of ticket)

And it works fine except that after running the query I have to manually add up how many of the ww tickets each person wrote. Is there a way to make it change the ww* tickets to a number, like 1, so that it can be added up or to add up by the persons name how many tickets they wrote. I'm using Access 2000.

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Counting In A Text Field

Mar 15, 2007

I am working on a report that has a text field with "YES" or "NO" in it. This is not a yes/no field. Is there a way to count the number of "YES"'s and "NO"'s? There will also be some records that will not have anything listed. See example below.

Failed Patients

Item 1 - YES
Item 2 - NO
ITEM 4 -
ITEM 6 -

Total Failed Patients - 4

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HELP! Counting Text Boxes

Mar 20, 2007

I've asked this in a previous post but only got confused. Please forgive me, I'm a newbie at this. I have a table that I need to count a text field.

Table Name: ACE/ARB Table
Field Name: MR# (houses a 8 digit patient number)
Field Name: Failed Patient (houses a "TEXT" field with possible entries of "YES" "NO" or left blank.

Each MR# may have may different entries such as:

MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: YES
MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: NO
MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: NO
MR# 12345678 Failed Patient: (blank)
MR# 87654321 Failed Patient: NO
MR# 87654321 Failed Patient: YES

I need my report to count distinct MR#'s:

From the example above, I would need my report to show/count "2" medical records.

Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated, I'm going crazy here. Also, if any suggestion has to do with SQL do I type what you would send me directly into the SQL statement from a query?

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Problem With Counting Text Fields

May 18, 2005

I'm trying to build a query that will count items in a text field.

How do I do this. I know the statement should read something like this - SELECT COUNT([fieldname]) FROM [tablename] WHERE [fieldname]=yes;

Is this statement correct and where do I place it? Does it go in that specific column. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Forms :: List Box Should Be Filtered As Readable Characters Entered In Text Box

May 26, 2014

I have a table with a huge master list (some hundred thousand) of unique bar code tags, which either have 8 or 12 digits. (Valid characters are "012 345 678 9ACEFHJKLMNPRYXW"). I created a form, which is automatically looking up valid records as the string is entered position by position from left to right. This is working fine and sufficient in 99% of the cases.

Sometimes characters are not readable on the original document, so I need a tool/form, were I can enter only the readable positions of the code and the tag list is then filtered accordingly. For that, I created a separate form with 12 text boxes for each possible position of the bar code and a listbox. This list box should be filtered as the readable characters are entered in their respective positions/textbox.

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Custom Input Mask Using Both Text And Numeric Characters For A Form

Feb 19, 2015

I am trying to create a custom input mask using both text and numeric characters for a form.

Example would me ABCD-12345678. However the first 4 letters would would need to be able to change.

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Counting Text Box In A Form (by Date Ie Monthly) Help

Aug 3, 2007

Hello there !
I had a few problems yesterday with Dcount in a text box in a form but with your help I cracked it
Below is the function I used
=DCount("[PFP Number]","MAIN Table Do not delete","[PFP Number] = '" & [PFP Number] & "'")

The form is based on a table called Invoice PFPs
The Table contains a list of PFP Numbers (bit like part numbers) there are no duplicates in this table
I also have a "Main Table do not delete" with 26000 claims in it each of which has a PFP Number.
The form has a text box in that matchs the PFP Number in the form with the same PFP Number in the MAIN Table and counts them. his works fine with the above function

What I now need is it to count if the PFP Number matchs only if the date specifyed in the function matchs the claim process date (e.g 01-Dec-06 or 01-Jan-07 etc..) in the Main Table
Hope this makes sense ?

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Reports :: Counting Items And Putting Them In Text Boxes?

Jun 6, 2013

I've got a table with 23 columns. Column 1 is the ID row which has a unique client ID in it. Then we've got a column called 1st_Reason and one that goes with it called 1st_Transfer_Date. This pair repeats for 2 through 10. Each of the Reason columns can have a set value, for example "First Processor".

What I need to do is create a date with months on the Y axis and the 5 different reasons on the X axis. I need to count the number of "First Processor" across all 10 Reason columns for each month. I would need to repeat that for each other reason type, but if I can get one to work I can simply change the reason type.

Here's what I'm using to count May's total:

=Sum(IIf([Current_Reason]="First Processor" And [Current_Processor_Transfer] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,IIf([1st_Reason]="First Processor" And [1st_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,0)))+(IIf([2nd_Reason]="First Processor" And [2nd_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,IIf([3rd_Reason]="First Processor" And [3rd_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#

[Code] .....

I get wildly inconsistent results. On one of the types, it's only counting where it's the 1st_Reason. Some of the others return the same value regardless of which month I have selected.

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Queries :: Counting Text Values Based On Their Status

Jan 25, 2015

I have a question regarding counting of text values base on their status and using that result to a calculation.

Say, I have a table of Demand of Positions, wherein, I have a specific Job Title for a certain Department that have number of workers needed (demand quantity) and a table of candidates for that job title and their status, say, Arrived, Visa Processing, Visa Applied, Visa Issued, and With Ticket.

What I would want is to make a summary out of the two tables, where the query will count how many candidates are there in that specific job title and have a field of status say, field of Count of Arrived, Count of Visa Processing and etc., and a field where I can add all of the count of candidates per status and deduct the result to the demand quantity where that field would be named Balance.

The problem is that the status varies on every candidate on that specific job title because the status field is used to track the progress of each candidate and this scenario will make the query blank because there would be no such record due to their status.

I tried making a summary following my requirement and you will see that in the attached file together with the SQL code of that query that the balance field value is blank.

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