Counting Items On A Form

May 18, 2005


I am trying to count the number of certain items on a form. I have the formula =count([field]) which gives all entries for that field. How can I separate out certain criteria such as count only items that have the number 1 in this field?


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Counting True Items

May 4, 2006

Can anyone help?
I have a table with the following:
Booked with a y/n field
Person Name with a text field
Yes(True) Jim
Yes(True) Jim
No(False) Jim

What I need is to be able to show a query that shows if the checkbox is ticked (True) and the Name is Jim total up how many true items there are. So from the above I can see that Jim has 2 true items. I would then like this shown in a text box is this possible?
Also, it is not always going to be a person called Jim so... (From above)
Yes(True) Jim
Yes(True) Jim
No(False) Jim
Yes(True) Jack

So how would this go on a query in a sub form? So Name Jim would show 2 and Jack would show 1? At the moment is is grouping the name and I dont want that.
Any ideas

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Forms :: Counting Items In Combo Box

Aug 27, 2013

I have a form that has three cascading combo boxs, plus a subform. The third combo has a list of questions, and you put your answer in the txt box in the subform.

What has to happen is that the combo box has a number of questions and each has to be answered, is there a way to know if all these questions have been answered by knowing what listindex or listcount ect that has be used and to have something set to advise the user that there are more questions and what ones are to be answered.

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Reports :: Counting Items And Putting Them In Text Boxes?

Jun 6, 2013

I've got a table with 23 columns. Column 1 is the ID row which has a unique client ID in it. Then we've got a column called 1st_Reason and one that goes with it called 1st_Transfer_Date. This pair repeats for 2 through 10. Each of the Reason columns can have a set value, for example "First Processor".

What I need to do is create a date with months on the Y axis and the 5 different reasons on the X axis. I need to count the number of "First Processor" across all 10 Reason columns for each month. I would need to repeat that for each other reason type, but if I can get one to work I can simply change the reason type.

Here's what I'm using to count May's total:

=Sum(IIf([Current_Reason]="First Processor" And [Current_Processor_Transfer] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,IIf([1st_Reason]="First Processor" And [1st_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,0)))+(IIf([2nd_Reason]="First Processor" And [2nd_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#
And #6/1/2013#,1,IIf([3rd_Reason]="First Processor" And [3rd_Transfer_Date] Between #4/30/2013#

[Code] .....

I get wildly inconsistent results. On one of the types, it's only counting where it's the 1st_Reason. Some of the others return the same value regardless of which month I have selected.

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Queries :: Add Sequential Counting To All Items That Are Part Of A Group

Feb 25, 2014

I have a query where I want to add sequential counting to all items that are part of a group. I have grouped the query on MaterialCode and want to add a sequencial counter for all orders that have been assigened to a materialcode

For Example:

Key MaterialCode Order Counter
abc1 111111A 987654 1
abc2 111111A 687654 2
abc3 222222B 655511 1
abc4 333333A 251544 1
abc5 333333A 555555 2

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General :: How To Manage Items In Set And Individual Items

Jul 31, 2013

I just want to know how to manage items in set and individual item. Suppose my product list are

individual items = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K
and 5 pc set = A,B,C,D,F
and 3 pc set = G,H,K

How should I design the table. Previously I designed the table for individual items and whenever orders for set is placed user had to enter individual items with quantity.

E.g. order is for 5 pc set = 3000


Now I need to just say 5 pc set and it should be automatically populated. And also if order have combination of individual and set items.

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Values Of Selected Items From First Form Until Third Form

Aug 12, 2013

I would like passing values from first form until third form.

In the first form I have a list box after selecting items (For each selected item in first form I have 4 values) and pressing button (or right click of mouse) the second form will be open, then in the second form I have 2 option (inserting, deleting), when I select inserting or deleting in the second form, third form will be open, in the third form there is a "OK" button, when I press that, passed values from first form will be used for inserting or deleting records to the table.

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Counting Of Cases And Counting No Records

Jan 26, 2007

I have a report due the first of each week in which I need the cases open and cases closed for the previous week, the week two weeks prior and the 2007 and 2006 year to date on two different types of cases. I have a case management table with a field for Type of Case, date assigned and date closed that I uses in my queries. Presently I have two query, one that generates only Type 1 cases from the Case Management Table and another for Type 2. I then use the Type 1 Query in another query that limits the results for Type 1 cases to those opened last week, one for those open two weeks ago, one for 2006 YTD and one for 2007 YTD. In these 4 queries I have one field [Type of Cases] and I have the query count. I then do this for Type 2 cases and then go through the whole process to do Closed Cases. All my queries have criteria to automatically filter the dates to the time periods mentioned above. I then have one report query that I put all the number in for my report. This query has 16 fields with the numbers for each period, last week open and closed, 2 weeks open and closed, etc. I then generated a report that takes these numbers from my report query and puts it in a report format automatically. As you can imagine this takes some time to go through each query to generate these numbers, so I was wondering how I may do this differently. Also, I have experienced a problem when a field produces no records I get a blank sceen with nothing under the Count of column and get the same thing for my report. How can I fix this.

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Form Items Missing

Mar 27, 2008


why do ALL form items disappear if certain records are not there? my mainform is fed by a people Qry and the people have payments however, if you delete the payments, all of the items on the mainform disappear. if i go into the table and manually add a payment, everything re-appears.
the mainform is exclusive to "peopleQry" and there are 2 subforms which show different data at different times. when the form loads, these subforms have a sourceobject set to "" so it couldnt be them. the mainform doesnt display any payment information unless asked and then, it is shown on a different form. this is a bit of a problem now.

can it be prevented?



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Check Off Items In Form

Jun 21, 2005


I have a form that users type in a part number and a due date. I then run a
report that prints the part number, the components needed and the processes
needed. For example:

------User Form-------

Part 1 6/25/05
Part 2 6/28/05
Part 3 7/1/05


Part 1 6/25/05

Component 1--------SAW-----WELD------SMOOTH
Component 2--------WELD-----PAINT
Part 2 6/28/05

Component 1--------DRILL-------WELD
Component 2--------SMOOTH-----PAINT
Part 3 7/1/05

Component 1--------DRILL-----PUNCH
Component 2--------CUT-------PAINT

What the users want the ability to check off (and make dissappear) the
processes each day, so they can see what processes are left.

For example, after day 1 with SAW and WELD done:

Part 1 6/25/05

Component 1--------WELD------SMOOTH
Component 2--------PAINT

I'm confused about how to go about this. I don't want the users to have to
manually type in anything. I want the components and processes to show up
when they type in the part number. I want the user to be able to check off
processes as they go, but I want all the processes to show up when they type
a new part in the form. I would appreciate it if someone would point me in
the right direction.

Thank You,


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Form Items Placement

Nov 6, 2006

Suppose you have 10 fields on a certain spot in a form. And you want to place these ten controls, say command buttons) to line up under each other with an even spacing of about 0.2...Up to now, for a whole lot of controls, I've been selecting them one by one (or "line" by "line"), and manually entering the correct numbers in the left and top property setting fields so they line up the way I want them to. In the beginning I've tried selecting multiple controls at once and then using align but this actually never does what I want it to do.Do you guys and gals know something I don't concerning this which could make life easier?

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Counting The Number Of Records On A Form

Dec 7, 2006

How would i count the total number of records on a form

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Forms :: Cannot Select Any Of Items In Form View

Jul 7, 2013

I have created a form with a 2 column list box. This is populated using vba but when I open the form in form view I cannot seem to select any of the items.

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Counting Text Box In A Form (by Date Ie Monthly) Help

Aug 3, 2007

Hello there !
I had a few problems yesterday with Dcount in a text box in a form but with your help I cracked it
Below is the function I used
=DCount("[PFP Number]","MAIN Table Do not delete","[PFP Number] = '" & [PFP Number] & "'")

The form is based on a table called Invoice PFPs
The Table contains a list of PFP Numbers (bit like part numbers) there are no duplicates in this table
I also have a "Main Table do not delete" with 26000 claims in it each of which has a PFP Number.
The form has a text box in that matchs the PFP Number in the form with the same PFP Number in the MAIN Table and counts them. his works fine with the above function

What I now need is it to count if the PFP Number matchs only if the date specifyed in the function matchs the claim process date (e.g 01-Dec-06 or 01-Jan-07 etc..) in the Main Table
Hope this makes sense ?

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Forms :: Counting A Field In Form If Other Is Empty

Oct 2, 2013

I would like to count a field if another is empty. I have 2 fields "registered" and "Started" and "closed"I would like to count all the fields "registered" if the field "started" is empty. I also want to do it with "started" if "closed" is empty.

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General :: Counting Group Records On Form

Jun 18, 2012

I'm having a problem trying to have my query place the group record count on my form. The scenario is this: I have the query name (SPED Main Query Count) group the School Name field and then count the school name which in turn gives me a count of each school. but for some reason the field in the table name School Cnt will not build a relationship with the Countofschool Name in the query in my relationship.

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Tables :: Select Multiple Items In Combo Box In Form?

Mar 6, 2015

I have a form with a combo box named 'Venue'. The combo box values comes from a Table with a list of about 200 countries. As of now a user is able to select only one country. However, I want users to be able to select more than one country.

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Forms :: Sum Line Items From Subform On Main Form

Jul 28, 2013

I have an Orders form (frm-Orders) that includes a subform (frm-Order Details Subform). The subform has line item totals.I want to be able to sum the line item totals and show the result on the main form, but I can't get it to work. Seems like it should be an easy thing to do.

Someone suggested I try this but it didn't work:

In the footer of the subform I created this expression - =SUM([Line Item Total].

Then in the main form I created a textbox with this -- =[Forms]![frm.Orders].[Form]![frm-Order Details Subform].[Form]![txtSum].

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Forms :: Cannot Open Next Form Which Shows Detail Of Items

Jul 31, 2013

I have a bound form which shows list of items in the stock. When i click on a button it should open another form which shows the details of item which we choose from the first form.the code which i have in click event of the form is :

Dim strCrit As String
strCrit = "PkID=" & Me.RadStocks
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmIssueRadItems", , , strCrit

It works sometimes but most of the time it gives error saying " syntax error(missing operator) in query expression 'PkID=Airmux 200E DC".

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General :: Database For Supermarket - Form For Selling Items?

Mar 14, 2014

I want a good describe about how to create database for supermarket specially how to build a form for selling item, what is a structure of tables ........

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General :: Unbound Main Form - Manage Items In A List Box

Feb 20, 2014

I have a list box on an unbound main form, which contains a rowsource consisting of files in a certain folder. The listbox is unbound

when I change an item in a subform, the listbox should update to show different items from the same folder.

Now it is updating correctly, so the rowsource appears to be correct, , but then the listbox behaves strangely - with the first item being sort of permanently selected - or at any rate - strange selection behaviour

out of interest, changed it to a combo box and it works correctly. so there must be some difference between the two?

After investigation, it might be this : [URL] ....

The appearance is similar to what is described in the thread.

although I have played with the strings to get them shorter without getting it work correctly. very strange

if I run the code to update the listbox from the subform, either directly, or by running as sub IN the main form, it produces this strange behaviour. If I run exactly the same code directly IN the main form, it seems to work properly.

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Forms :: Filtering Records On Multiple Items Web Form Not Working

Nov 26, 2014

trying to enable database users to filter records based on column names which i have in a combobox. They enter the required value in a textbox and click the "Find" button.The code (linked to button click event) is not throwing any errors but the records are not being filtered.

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Forms :: Bound Form - Items Not Appearing In Alphabetical Order

Aug 2, 2013

I have a report that generates 100 items in alphabetical order. All of the items are also displayed in a table. I have a bound form attached to the that table, and when the items appear they are not in alphabetical order. Therefore, it is a hassle typing in the data when the form will not appear in order, because instead of going in order I am flipping through pages. What is causing this to happen? And what can I do to fix this?

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Will Display Specific List Of Items - Form Asking For Parameter

May 5, 2015

I have the below code behind a form so that a combo box will display a specific list of items based on the data in another combo box on my form.

I have two copies of this same form for two different departments. One of the forms works like a dream. However, when I copy that form, change the name, and update the code as pictured below, the form is asking for a parameter FROM MY ORIGINAL FORM and will not requery the combo box. I can't figure out why...there is no reference to the original form in my VBA as you can see below. I tried deleting the form and re-creating it, I tried deleting the code and re-typing it to no avail.

Private Sub cmboType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmboAction.RowSource = "SELECT tblStatusList.Status FROM tblStatusList WHERE (((tblStatusList.Department)=[forms]![frmInquiryFraud]![cmboType]));"
End Sub

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Cascading Combo Boxes - Open A Form And Add Multiple Items To A Table

Mar 12, 2011

I have been trying to modify a sample database to suit what I want to do but I am getting stuck on the very first part cascading combo boxes i want to open a form and add multiple items to a table - first i want to select, from a combo box a department - then select a supplier from all the suppliers/manufacturers related to that department then select a stock item based on the description from all the items available from that supplier

I have attached the database I am using to modify and my database.

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Counting Results Of Multiple Queries And Displaying The The Reults On A Single Form

Apr 17, 2007

Im making a database about past bid results. In one table i have a list of bidders and which place they came in (along with some other information). I have 20 positions (1st place, second place and so on...), so i made 20 queries that search through the table for my company's name so we can see how many times we came in first, second, third and so on. Now i would like to bring the number of records in each query to a single form. I tried making another query to using the count feature on the other 20 queries but it keeps returning 0 as the number of results per query. But when i open each query up there are obvisouly more that 0 results in each. Is there a way i can bring up the number of results per query all on one form?

Thank you


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