Country / City Combo Box

Jul 11, 2007

My name is Dana and this is my first post here .
I am a DB newbie , i started to teach my self MS Access with a small project as a start .
I made a simple client data table where there are country and city fields + phone , fax , etc etc ... .
I made 2 tables 1 for the countries and 1 for the cities .
I know that it is a very familiar question :o
How can we do the following
when you select a country in the client table , only cities of this country show up in the city combo box .
I found some answers here and there , but as a newbie , the codes where difficult to understand .
I attached my source file and i will be thankful if someone could help and to give me a simple explanation of the codes concept .
I just want to add the codes in the table not in a form , i found some answers by adding codes to a Form :confused: . Because as i know i can export only tables and queries to sql.

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Combobox Country, State, City

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All!!

I need help with the code for a combobox. The thing is that I've created a form where the user has to select the country, then the state and finally the city. What I need is that once the user selects the country, the combobox of the state shows only the states of that country and then the combobox of the city shows only the cities of the chosen state. I'd appreciate all the help given. Andrew.

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Count City

Aug 23, 2006

I have a problem with counting the people in each city. I will give a discription of my tables first and than explain what I want.



What I want is a list of all the cities in LocationID = 1 and a count of all the people that where born there.

Bazel 12
Belsele 47
Beveren 170
Burcht 1
Daknam 0
De Klinge 9
Doel 1
Eksaarde 6
Elversele 3
Haasdonk 46
Kallo 1
Kemzeke 5
Kieldrecht 5
Kruibeke 13
Lokeren 10
Meerdonk 2
Melsele 13
Moerbeke 12
Nieuwkerken 35
Rupelmonde 2
Sinaai 49
Sint-Gillis 23
Sint-Niklaas 106
Sint-Pauwels 33
Steendorp 3
Stekene 45
Temse 16
Tielrode 3
Vrasene 5
Waasmunster 21
Zwijndrecht 10

My problem is that there are always a few cities missing and I can't seem to get my SQL correct.


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City State Zip??

Aug 26, 2005

Does any one know of a place online where you can get the tables (for free I hope) for a city state zip comboboxes, or at least the tables for all cities in the US.

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Using Country Field To Determine VAT Rate.

May 9, 2007


i have a customer form which includes a "Country" combo box.. the reason i did this is because i have a separate table with a list of countries and their VAT (Value Added Tax, you americans call it sales tax i think :)) rates.

i want this country saved in the customers table.. i need the country table to act merely as a source of data. Now ive spent a good hour tying to fix it messing around with the relationship between the two tables and the combo box itself.. but ive only been able to come to two end results

a) access tells me i cant save the new customer record cause a related record is required in the country table.

b) access enters a new line in my country table with the autonumber of the country selected on the add new customer form in the Country field.

im stumped as to where the problem is:// how can i fix it?

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General :: Country Drop-down List?

Dec 13, 2012

I have a form (Create Guest). Employees can add guests and fill in the details. There is a label Country that Employees can fill in manually.

The problem now is that this is very fault sensitive (people type: "The Netherlands", "Holland" or "Netherlands" for example while this is one country).

How do I create a country drop-down list so that employees won't have to type the country in manually. I don't think adding all the countries in the world in my table is a good solution.

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Forms :: Selecting A Specific Country Its Cities Should Appear

May 1, 2013

i have created tables as provinces, districts and sub-districts in my other forms say member i have create a look up wizard to the provinces, districts and sub districts. every province has multiple cities and every districts has multiple sub-districts my question is how to set properties so that if i select a specific province all its districts should appear in district field and districts of other provinces should be filtered. a good example is on some websites when we select a specific country all its cities or states appear in city field and if we change our option to some other country city drop box also changes to the cities of that respective country...

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Find A City In The Middle Of A Field

Jan 11, 2008

Ok Im having trouble with this, I need to remove cities from an address field but don't know a simple query that does this. Can any body help

heres an example

Address1 City

Now I want to be able to pull Hong kong out of the address1 field but without searching in the address field with *HONG KONG* as this would involve checking every city in a table.

Please help!

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Create A Country Info Database With Display Field

Apr 30, 2013

I want to create a country info database. For example, Qatar (country) and the Driving info required when driving in qatar and the visa info required.

I would like a form with drop down options and when i selected which country and then driving or visa, at the bottom it would display the specific info based on my selection in a memo field lets say.

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Autopopulate City & State From Zipcode Table

Mar 1, 2005

I'm stuck on something that should be simple, but maybe it isn't:

Problem 1:

To speed data entry in a contact table, I want an entry in the Zipcode (postal code) field to automatically populate the City and State fields from the data in a Zipcode table (Zipcode-PK, City, ST (2 letter code)). The Zipcode table has only one city /st for each zipcode, so it can be the primary key (always a five digit number, sometimes with leading zero(s)).

Sometimes there are several names for a City associated with a particular Zipcode, so I want the City field to be able to be overwritten with a different city name if the data entry person needs to do that. Alternatively, I could establish a separate primary key for the zipcode table, and allow several choices for the rare zipcode that has more than one city name in use.

If I did that I wouldn't have to store the city and st in the contact table (which is better database design, I realize), but I really do want to be able to store the city and state in the contact table because there will be times when the right zipcode isn't known, and the city and state are known, and forcing the input of a possibly incorrect zipcode would be undesirable.

Problem 2: I've got a table with 4,000 records where I have the zipcode, but the city and state information were lost, and I want to be able to re-populate those fields by writing, I guess, an update query that taps the info in the zipcode table.

Problem 3: When entering addresses, sometimes there won't be info about a certain zipcode, and I need some automatically generated dialog that allows adding city and state info for a new zipcode that won't slow down the entry of contact records.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Send an email if you prefer.


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Queries :: Start And Finish Distance Within City - XLS

Mar 8, 2015

I use Access 2003 and want to make a query by specifying the start and finish within the city, I send files. a

Attached file ...

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Forms :: Asset Tracking When Items With Unique ID Transferred From One City To Another

Aug 6, 2014

I have a task of managing hardware assets like desktop, monitor, HDD, routers etc. Each item is marked with a unique ID.

These items could be transferred from one city to another city; so need to track that too.

1. There will be two tables

One (say AssetDetail) will have the following fields
Description of the asset (desktop/monitor etc)
ProductSerialNumber of the asset

Second (say AssetTransfer) will have the additional fields

2. I only want to open a single form :

a) where on the basis of either AssetID or the ProductSerialNumber, I could open a particular record and edit it.

i) if the asset is transferred from city A to city B; then the "City" field value in AssetDetail table should change to "city B"(New City field value).

ii) At the same time, each asset transfer record should get appended to the AssetTransfer table even if the table has an existing record with the same AssetID or ProductSerialNumber.

3. Also need an option to make a new entry to the AssetDetail table from the above mentioned single form.

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Table With Country, ShipCountry, BillToCountry Linked To One Coutries Table

Nov 13, 2007

I would like suggestions on how to "properly" set up the tables and relationships required to do the following.
We have a customers table that can contain a Country, ShipCountry, and BillToCountry. All 3 countries could in theory be different. I want all 3 to store the CountryID from the Country lookup. I am trying top avoid a circular reference or any data contention issues. What is the proper method to do this?
Thanks very much in advance!

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Change Combo Contents Based On Previous Combo Selection

Oct 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have two combo boxes on the same form bound to a table. I want the contents of the next combo box to change based on the previous combo selection e.g

cboContinent cboCountry
Africa Zambia
Africa Congo
Africa South africa
Europe England
Europe Holland

If I choose Africa in cboContinent, I want to see only Zambia, South Africa and Congo under cboCountry and if I choose Europe I want to see only England and Holland


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Forms :: Filtering A Combo Box On A Subform From A Combo Box On A Main Form

Apr 27, 2013

I have a Suppliers database which contains a form that will allow me to place orders with Suppliers.The Main form has a combo box that allows me to select the supplier. The combo box is called SupplierID with the following:

Row source: SELECT Suppliers.SupplierID, Suppliers.CompanyName FROM Suppliers ORDER BY Suppliers.CompanyName;

The subform is called Stock Subform witha combo box called ProductID with the following:

Row source: SELECT DISTINCT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Suppliers.CompanyName, Products.Discontinued FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID=Products.SupplierID WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=0)) ORDER BY Products.ProductName;
Event Procedure - AfterUpdate: Private Sub ProductID_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_ProductID_AfterUpdate
Dim strFilter As String
' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strFilter = "ProductID = " & Me!ProductID


The Link fields are done on the Purchase Order ID (PONoID).What I want to achieve is to select the supplier from the combo box (SupplierID) on the main form and then the combo box (ProductID) on the subform to filter to only show products directly supplied by the Supplier selected on the Main Form.

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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Populate Combo Box Based On Selection In Another Combo Box (Access 2010)

Jul 11, 2012

I'm have quite a difficult time getting a form in Access 2010 to perform the way I would like it to. I have multiple tables that I've created, and a query that contains the data from the various tables. I then ran the form wizard to select the data from the query that I wanted to populate in my form and I've added 2 combo boxes.

What I want to do:
1. I want users to be able to select a category in combo box #1 (example: "Bag")
2. I want users to be able to select a detail in combo box #2 based on the category they selected in combo box #1 (example: Combo box #1, "bag" would populate the following selections for combo box #2: "sandwich" and "tool")
3. I want users to then receive a list of suppliers that provide the product they have selected, either "Bag: Sandwich" or "Bag: Tool"

I have combo box #1 populating a list of categories already. However, I am not able to get combo box #2 to provide choices based on the selection chosen for combo box #1.

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Filtering Combo Box Based On A Value From Another Combo Box (in Multiple Items Form)

Mar 11, 2012

Let's assume we have 3 tables:

Order_Category (Order_Category_ID, Order_Type_Name) with 2 records:
1, Minor
2, Major

Order_Type (Order_Category_ID, Order_Type) with 4 records:
1, Book
1, Pencil
2, Car
2, House

Orders (Order_Category_ID, Order_Type, value) with 2 records:

I want to create a Multiple Items form presenting Orders table with two Combo Boxes:

1. A combo box to select Order_Category_ID.
2. A combo box to select Order_Type. When 1 (Minor) is chosen in the first combo box it should show Book and Pencil, when 2 (Major) is chosen it should show Car and House.

Examples in the Internet show how to do it on a 'single row' forms using the RowSource property. I tried to use a query like:

SELECT Order_Type
FROM Order_Type
INNER JOIN Orders ON Order_Type.Order_Category_ID = Orders.Order_Category_ID
WHERE Order_Category_ID = [comboBoxOrderCategoryID]

But it sets same values for all records in the Multiple Items form and it should return different values in each rows based on value in the first combo box (Order_Category_ID).

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Combo Box Performs Query, Update Combo Box With Only Result?

Aug 4, 2006

Here's the deal:

I'm an extreme newbie, I do not know access very well, nor do I know VBA, I do know PHP.

I have a for in access that has 2 user input fields, one for prodid one for shipid. I have a combo box that upon entering data into the previous 2 fields, it does a query against an MsSQL database looking for a record that has both. In any case there will only be 2 outcomes, either 1 record, or null. I would like to have that same combo box automatically use the result as it's value so that users don't have to check the box, because they won't, and so that the rest of my VBA will be able to function properly.

Can anyone assist?


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Constraining Combo Box Values Based On The Value Selected In Another Combo Box

Sep 7, 2006

Thanks in advance for your help.

I would like to set up rules/constraints such that the value selected in combo box A determines the available values in combo box B. For example, "Combo box A" is bound to the [PartnerType] field and "Combo box B" is bound to the [PartnerRole] field. Let's say that the two choices in Combo Box A are "LLC", "LP", and "Corporation". There are 5 possible choices in Combo Box B: "X", "Y", "Z", "Q", and "U". If a user selects "LP" in Combo Box A, I would like Combo Box B to only show choices "X" and "Y". And if a user selects "LLC", only choices "Y", "Z", "Q", and "U".

Similarly, I would like to set this up so that Combo Box B is not initially visible--it becomes visible when a user selects "LLC" or "LP". If a user selected "Corporation", Combo Box B would remain hidden.

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Problems Using A Combo Box To Filter Records In Another Combo Or A Sub-form

Nov 8, 2004

I have seen a few articles here and there on using a combo box to filter records in a sub-form and to filter records in another combo box, but I am not getting anywhere. I hope someone can belp

Exercise 1

For this exercise, I have the following tables:

tblClients containing client names
tblProjects containing some project details

I want to set up a simple form, so that the user can select a client name from a combo box on the main form which filters the project detail records in the Projects sub-form.
Once the user enters project details, I want this info as well as the selected ClientID to be fed back to tblProjects.

Exercise 2

I have the following tables:

tblProjects as above
tblWorkstream containiig names of workstreams and some other details.

Every project has one or more workstreams

I have a form where users will enter hours worked on each workstream. They will first select Project from a combo box on the main form. This should then filter records to be displayed in the Workstream Combo box, before they can then enter hours.

Please let me know if you need me to explain any part of this better.

Thanks in advance.

ps. I am a novice, so I'm hoping to do the above using default MS stuff, not with complex programming!!!


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General :: Subform Combo Box Restricted By Form Combo Box

Mar 28, 2014

I'm an Access newbie and I'm having trouble restricting a combo box on a subform based on the selection of the combo box on the form.The combo box (Combo1) on the main form (FrmOrganisation) gives a list of companies, I want the combo box (Combo2) in the subform (SbFrmEmployees) to list people only from that company. I then have a subform within that subform that displays information about the employee.

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Forms :: How To Filter Combo 2 From Table After Select Value From Combo 1

Nov 5, 2013

i have a table with three column Named


on a form i m placing 3 combo box for each column how can i filter combo 2 from table after select value from combo 1

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Combo Box Multiple Colums As One Colum In Combo

Mar 28, 2006


I have had a look through the forum and I am not sure if this can be done. I have a table. i.e. with columns Decsription 1, Cost 1, Description 2, Cost 2 Description 3, Cost 3 description 4, cost 4 etc.

I am looking to try and gave a combo box show this information as follows. I.e

Colum 1 on Combo; Column 2 on Combo

Description 1 Cost 1
Description 2 Cost 2
Description 3 Cost 3
Description 4 Cost 4

I want to be able to auto fill some fields on a form based on the combo box selection.
Has anyone done this before and can it be done.


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