Crash To Desktop Issue

Jan 21, 2007

Hi all,

Today some of my users (primarily Access 9 users from what I can tell) have started experiencing weird Crash to Desktop issues.

The issue occurs when the user clicks a command button, which in turn should open an unbound form.

All other database functionality is working correctly.

The form is unbound, contains a combo, command button, listbox based on a query and several textboxes.

On open code is -

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.cboType.Value = "Mail"
Me.lstResults.RowSource = "SELECT qryViewMail.ID, qryViewMail.Date_Received, qryViewMail.Customer_Name, qryViewMail.MDL_MVL, qryViewMail.Category, qryViewMail.Type FROM qryViewMail ORDER BY [ID];"
Me.lblStatus.Visible = False

End Sub

This functionality has worked correctly up until now.

Has anyone experienced similar issues before?



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Major Crash - Please Help!!

Jun 14, 2006

Hi all,

Yesterday my database crashed. It is the 'DEV' version for my application - so all of the current fixes/changes are in there and I have forgotten to backup!

It crashes when ever I try to enter the VBA editor, or build code. This occurred after a minor problem running some code (I forget which code).

Here is the error signature -

AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 11.0.6566.0 AppStamp:42cdb33e
ModName: vbe6.dll ModVer: ModStamp:40b29ba6
fDebug: 0 Offset: 0008baa8

The same occurs when I try to get into the code builder in the repaired version access generates...I have also tried using compact & repair to get in - but still no joy.

Can anyone offer any advice workaround to get this up and running again?



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Query Causes Crash

Jun 14, 2007

I am managing a traffic database and have currently constructed a series of queries that list average vehicle speed and total volume in five-minute intervals over the course of several months. From each of these queries, I need to create a subquery that, for each time interval, will simply average all speed values and sum all volumes into one record. Fields are: Time, Avg Of Speed, Sum Of Volume.

I created the subquery like so:
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Speed Weekday (2 SB)].Time, Avg([Speed Weekday (2 SB)].Speed) AS [Avg Of Speed], Sum([Speed Weekday (2 SB)].Volume) AS [Sum Of Volume]
FROM [Speed Weekday (2 SB)]
GROUP BY [Speed Weekday (2 SB)].Time;

When I attempt to switch to datasheet view though, Access locks up every time and I am forced to end the program through the task manager. The query I'm referencing [Speed Weekday (2 SB)] has only 4800 records thus far, so it isn't a ridiculous amount of data. Any advice as to what is going wrong? Thanks in advance for any help!

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Combo Box Crash

Dec 3, 2004

fairly new to access so this my be easy for sum.

have a form that uses comb boxes. Now the combo box is
Label "Tank Size" and looks up it's values in a Table named
"Tank Size" and stores the one you pick say 2500. Now the
problem. In the "Tank Size" table the row also has the price
in the next column. So when someone picks 2500 in the
combo box it will also list the price in say a text box or
something next to the combo box.
I hope i explained it o.k.


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How To Crash Access

Dec 11, 2004

It seems to be quite simple really. Make a form for Orders and add a subform for Order items. Write some VB code to chage values on the Order form when an Order item is added or amended. Add a "Find" dropdown to the Order form to find particular Order numbers.

Run the form and add/amend orders and items. This will work OK. Move to the next or subsequent order using the "Next" button. Add/Amend again - no problem. Drop down the "Find" control, select an order and the correct order comes up on the form. Amend an item. As the code attempts to change a text box on the Order form Access crashes.

The same code (to add up the items, take off discount and add on tax) can be run after a "Find" by changing a "Discount %" text box on the Order form and this works OK. Perhaps the Order form needs to be in focus for the code to work but I cannot see why this should be so.

In fact you don't actually need the "Find" dropdown. Any code that moves to another Order record programatically will cause Access to crash when an item is added/edited subsequently.

Making it crash is simple but stopping it has cost me a couple of days of frustation. Has anybody any ideas?



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Access Crash Rant

Apr 19, 2007

My Access 2000 project crashed and the computer dutifully asked to report the error to Microsoft, so I let it run. I then looked at the subsequent screen and was surprised. Well - silly me, maybe I shouldn't have been.:mad:

This screen simply said that Access 2000 was in "extended support" and my "solution" was to upgrade to a newer version. This was a bit irritating since the purpose of reporting feedback is to provide an opportunity to fix program bugs. So why ask the user to provide an error report if that report will simply be ignored and only used for a sales pitch.

While Microsoft has every right to discontinue product development, I would hope that they would still try to fix bugs that cause a program to crash. I guess Microsoft's quality control department has been outsourced to the same company that Dilbert works for. Additionally, I find euphemisms, such as "extended support" for "You are out of any help options, tough luck" to be quite irritating. Why not directly admit that we are on our own.

Also I am still on a slow boil over over the last six years by the fact that help for DAO/ADO disappeared from Access 2000 help which was in Acess97 help and Microsoft never got around to making it available as an update.

Back to work now.

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Modules & VBA :: Access To Crash

Aug 21, 2013

So, my database appeared to be working OK yesterday however I occasionally saw an error in my "Update Event" script on one of my combo boxes.
today, now when I try the combo box, I get a immediate crash.If im assuming its the same combo box, here is the code for that box:


Private Sub MCAcmb_AfterUpdate()
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [tbl].Record, [tbl].Model" & _
" FROM [tbl] WHERE Record = '" & Me.Recordcmb.Value & _
"' ORDER BY Model"


I recently added a header...just tried it again and got the error:"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:Object or class does not support the set of events."however I got it to work by entering VB, adding a space, removing it and then saving and entering the form view the form worked as normal. when i close and reload, i get the error again

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Access 2000 Crash & Burn

Mar 8, 2006


I have a DB which has been up and running with no problems for a couple of months.

A couple of users have recently had new machines installed. These are XP SP2 with Office 2000.

The Database FE is on the PC and the Backend is on the server.

When FE is first downloaded and opened it runs fine. The second time you go in the DB gets by the Splash screen but then crashes on the Title Menu. If you then recopy the FE to the machine it opens fine the first time then crashes again on the second attempt.

I have checked the references and all ok. I have full error trapping on the Splash screen and the Title Menu yet I just get the error "Access has encountered an error and needs to close..."

It runs fine on my machine which is XP SP2 with Office 2002. Has anyone any suggestions that I can check or repair this?


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Database Crash With Access 2007

Feb 29, 2008

I have built a database with Access 2007, and intend on sharing the database amongst two users.

I am running Vista, and the two PC's or on a peer to peer network. Both with Vista.

I have split the database, and put separate copies of the front end on each of the PC's.

The backend of the database is on the public drive on my PC.

Access opens and functions correctly on both PC's with 1 User logged in.

However, if both users are logged in, my collegues PC crashes when it tries to open forms. This does not happen on my PC.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to change. Thanks in advance.

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Inserting Pictures Making Access Crash?

Nov 14, 2006

focking pissed off. i want to add an image to a some forms, the database is all working and that. but when i put a picture in in the design view and then go to view it the whole thing crashs. i nearly lost the whole data base from putting one on the home page, thank fock i had a back up and now ionly have to redo one form as the other one wont open anymore it will just crash every time i try to open it. i have no idea whats going on, i have other images that i put on it before, but i cant put any on now. anyone every encounted this and how do i over come it!

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Performance Issue Causing Access To Crash And Burn

Nov 2, 2005

Hi folks!

I've been experiencing a very frustrating problem recently.

One of my databases crahes randomly, and I'd like to know if some of you have tips to helps me.

The database is splited in front-end and back-end, both on the server. I know keeping the front-end on the client PC will improve performance, but due to a high number of users (about 60 to 80) and the need of doing frequent updates, installing the front-end on each machines is not an option for now.

Users are not all directly connected to the server. Those who are directly connecte4d to the server (in building A) have no problem. Those who don't (building B) have extensive lags on opening (about 30 seconds), and on about anything that calls an heavy query, most often leeding to a crash. Access display the message telling that the datbase needs to be repaired and restart.

I tryed several thing to improve my queries, like eleminating most of GROUP BY and UNIQUE clauses and avoiding the use of functions.

I have a lot of conditional formatting in the forms, but I don't think this is the problem, since it is executed on the local machine (as far as I know).

My theory is that the lags cause some call to the DB to timeout. I just dont know how to fix that. Is there an option to higher the timeout delay?

My other theory is that the problem is caused by dropped packets during the connection to the DB. I tryed downloading large files (100Mb to 250Mb) from the server several times and never had a problem. Although the connection is quite slow, the ping is very small, like below 10ms to 20ms. Is there better ways to test a network connection, if possible without installing software (limited rights on the machine)?

Would using Replicas be a solution? What are the pros and cons of it? I never used them and know very little about it. My idea would be of putting a back-end on both servers, but I guess the data would not be as live.

BTW, I am using Access 2002 (2000 file format) on an XP SP2 PC.

Thanks to all of you patient enough to read all of this! I Hope some of you have some awnsers, tips or tricks!

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Forms :: Loop Through Continuous Form Recordset Crash

Jun 27, 2014

My application crashes when trying to change the value of a text box in a continuous form. Here is the code:

Private Sub cboPoCurrency_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim rst As Recordset


If I replace .txtUnitCost by MsgBox .txtUnitCost, it loops correctly through each record and returns the value. But if I try to change the value as shown in above code, MS Access crashes! (This is a desktop application with tables linked to SP lists - not a web app)


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General :: Combo / Text Box Link Causes Access To Crash

Oct 30, 2013

I've got a bit of a problem with linking a text box to a ComboBox. I have an employee name in a field [EmployeeName] that sits in the Header of a Form. (This is so I can show multiple records for that employee without having their name repeated at each one). I also have the name of contact [ContactName] that sits in the Detail area of the form.Both names come from their own tables that have all their contact numbers and e-mail addresses in columns I have linked the name to text boxes [ContactPhone] & [EmployeePhone] with their relevant phone numbers in within the Detail area of the form.

The ContactPhone that has the ContactName within the Details part of the form works well with no problems by putting =[ContactName].Column(1) in the Control Source

However when I put =[EmployeeName].Column(1) in the relevant Control Source (and / or EmployeeEMail in a second text box), once I have saved the form in Design view and returned to Form view, Access crashes and shuts down!If I remove the wording from the control source Access doesn't crash.

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Modules & VBA :: Network Crash - Any Way To Reconnect Objects Without Closing And Reopening Database

Oct 23, 2013

I have a database that runs a macro/report every 2 hours, however our network has been up and down lately. This causes the macro to fail when trying to log into the system because the table that is storing your username is no longer in the database. When I check, all tables, linked tables, forms, reports, macros and modules are all gone. I find the only way to get them back is to close the database and reopen.

What I want is a way to reconnect the objects without closing and reopening.

Is there a way to do this?

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Desktop Shortcuts

Jul 11, 2006

I hope this is the right forum for such a question, if not I apologize in advance.

I have an application that is being used by six people. When the newest version of it was built, I altered the desktop shortcut on everyone's PC to point to the newest version. Four of these shortcuts still work, but two are behaving somewhat erratically.

In the case of these two, clicking on the shortcut sometimes opens the older version of the application. I have recreated the shortcuts and they work for a while, before reverting to the older link. Going to the application via Explorer works fine.

While I am getting more comfortable with VBA, this area is outside anything I know. Could someone advise me on what affects whether shortcuts work or not? Do they automatically 'refresh'? If so, when?

In case it's relevant, everyone here is using the same versions of both XP and Access and everyone has access to the same drives.

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Forms To The Desktop

Apr 12, 2005

:rolleyes: I know there is a way of placing a form on a desktop to an icon which only allows the user access to the form only! Help pleeease

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Is There A Way To Protect Shortcut On Desktop ?

Dec 6, 2005

Hello,I need to know is there any way to protect a shortcut on desktop ?Bcz someone is deleting (I dont know by mistake or intentionally) shortcut of database shortcut. I thinking about its protection from deletion only unless you have to supply a password or code something like that.Any idea..?With kind regards,Ashfaque

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General :: Accessing SQL From Desktop Via Php?

Mar 28, 2013

My server provider is telling me that my server is Linux and I would have to upgrade to windows to be able to connect my database to the i figured, if there was a middle man who could collect the information and pass it along?Is there an add on of sorts to allow access to behave this way?

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Modules & VBA :: Allow ACCDE To Be Open On Desktop Only

Aug 4, 2015

In my frontend code, I include a table with a version #. In my backend, I also include a version table. The front end will compare wih back end, and if it's different, it will force to get the updated version that it's stored in the LAN.

However, I do not want the user to open the file directly from the LAN because it might cause slow performance problem if multi-user,etc.

So I want to implement a code to force the application to be open only from desktop.

So far, I have a strUsername which detect the user network environ. Then, it will check the application path to determine if it was opened from:


If not, then an error message will prompt to alert the member to copy the file in the LAN and save on their desktop.

It works on my laptop, all fine. Today I didnthe test in my user desktop, but the message saying that the file has to be opened from desktop keep appearing.

I double check the user folder and the Username environ is (cd98) but the user folder was setup as "CD98" capital letter. Does that affect the coding?

How can I make my code to not distinguish between lower or upper case either for username and folder user as well?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Access A Folder On Desktop

Feb 7, 2014

I used to have a code that we used to copy data from a folder that was on the desktop using the code below.

DoCmd.CopyObject "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDesktopWetcleans

This does not work with windows7. I have tried the C:USERSPUBLICDESSKTOPWetcleans but that does not seem to work either. How to access a folder on the desktop ?

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Possible To Change Desktop Icon For ACCDB

Nov 15, 2011

I'd like to have a custom icon for the accdb file for the users. I recall doing it for pre-2007 databases, but I can't figure out how to change the 2007 db. Is it possible with 2007?

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Desktop Time And Billing Template With VAT

Nov 12, 2013

I have a very simple database using the MS template 'desktop time and billing' for MS Access 2007.

[URL] .....

Any new template with the option for VAT or Sales Tax for each Billable Hour and each Billable Expense?

If this is selected or overwritten at time /expense input stage and then automatically added to the invoice.

Not sure why MS omitted Sales Tax from their design?!

Can Access Master add Sales Tax /VAT and then post as a new template?

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Changing A Desktop Database To A Access Project

Dec 17, 2007

I built a database application, and I need for more than just myself to use it at the same time. I have just learned that I should have built a project instead. Can I change my application "Maintenance.mdb" to a project or do I have to start over?

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Zipping File Of Desktop With MS Access 2007?

Feb 24, 2014

I want to zip my file of my Desktop with MS Access 2007.

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Desktop Services Template - Add Items To Invoice

Jan 26, 2014

I am using the Desktop services template as a starting point for an invoicing app. I would like to be able to add a product and/or service after the invoice is submitted so I can add a finance charge for invoices that haven't been paid yet. The template is setup to prevent items from being added once it is submitted. Looking for macro / rule that is preventing this action?

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Forms :: Button To Go To Desktop From Form - Runtime Error 490

Mar 7, 2015

I was trying from a button on my form that will go to and bring up the desktop. I want it so I can put this database on anyone's computer and the button will work.

I am using this and it works but only on my computer.

Application.FollowHyperlink "C:UsersBryanDesktop"

I also tried this

Application.FollowHyperlink "C:Show Desktop.scf"
Application.FollowHyperlink "C:WINDOWSSystemShow Desktop.scf"

Both gives Runtime error 490 cannot open specified file.

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