Crazy Data Problem “I Am Stumped”

Mar 27, 2008

When I try to run any query that contains a specific table I get a message a Not enough memory error. I can open that table which, contains 47 thousand records and view that data unless I get to one record then the entire database crashes. I have tried to Compress and Repair and the database crashes. When I say crash I means it completely disappears and I get the send error to Microsoft Message. I can not select record due to it crashes when I get to it. I have also tried selecting record by going to one above the quickly scrolling to a record way below it and it errors and crashes. I have tried to delete it using a delete query and it only returns “Invalid argument” when I try to select or delete.

ANY suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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I'm Stumped..

Aug 2, 2006


I m trying to find a way of automatically inputting the progress of my project.. it's confusing so i'll try ot explain more. I have a project plan broken down into weeks . Each element of this has a schedule and complete date for various different milestones which indicate what week my project is sitting at:- eg: I have reached this milestone therefore my project is at week 10 and so on until completion.

Is there some query I can run that can do this automatically?

I'd be grateful for any help on this.

Thanks K

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I'm Stumped

Feb 17, 2005

hi all - i know there are many threads relating to linking pictures to records etc, but forgive me for asking one more time:

I have managed to get pictures into my dbase - using Microsoft KB help - by linking them in a table to an external source.

However, I want the dbase to know which picture is for what details. eg. I have a cars sales dbase. I have all the pictures in one folder of all my cars which are linked to the dbase. When I pull up car details in the form, I want the picture to come up aswell - the correct picture.

Pls let me know if this has been done. Sorry for extending this topic; however, I could not find a "simplish" soln. to this.
Thank you once again :o

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Stumped With Dates

Apr 25, 2008

I’ve developed a query that produces a list of forms and an effective date where the form may be applicable. But now I am stumped. I need to reduce the results to a specific state (which I’ve done and it works) and for a specific date (the stumped part). Let’s say user needs 2/15/2005. I think I can eliminate forms with effective dates greater than 2/15/2005 (not quite sure how yet) but I am perplexed how to eliminate certain forms that are no longer valid because they’ve been superceded. In the sample table for CA, I would expect the following forms retuned and no others: CG0001 1204; CG0002 1204; CG0009 1204; CG0033 10 01; CG0034 1204; and CG0035 1207. The expected results for the CT column would be different (though some would be the same).

Any advice to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.

FormNumForm_vdt CA CT
CG00010798 09/01/1999

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This Subform's Got Me Stumped...

May 18, 2005

I have a form with two subforms. One of the two subforms works perfectly. The other just gives me a grey screen (like there's no recordset).

The two forms are very similar and I've checked everything I can think of... Here's what I've done. If you can think of anything else to try, please let me know - This is driving me crazy!

1) The subform works independent of its parent
2) The source object for the subform is set properly
3) The child and master fields are set properly. Data types are the same.
4) The record source for the form (used as subform) is set to the correct query.
5) The query used has been run independently with no problems
6) The form has a bound text box with the proper control source
7) I've tried placing a breakpoint at the first line of form_current.. never gets hit.

I don't know why it's not working and there's nothing that tells me what/where the problem is. I'm out of ideas on this one.... Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Dlookup / Dcount ? Stumped!!!

Feb 10, 2005

Hi all,

I have a form with the following fields:-

StartTime = Format dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss
ExpFinishTime = Format dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss
Dentist = Number

StartTime is bound to my table, ExpFinishTime is calculated in the forms underlying query.

Before the record updates I am trying to check if anyone already has an appointment scheduled in during that particular time for that particular dentist. So if the record being added has a starttime between those two times for that dentist, throw up a message box.

Thanks for any help.


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Stumped. Table Relationship / Normalization

Apr 25, 2005

I am having trouble visualizing how to break out the following info into functional Tables

I have a table to hold Items


I then have a detail table


Here is where I get lost.
Each item has a variable for each month
So item 1
January = .01
February = .03
Once set the Variables rarely change, at most once per year.

I will need to be able to pull an item and based on what month it is pulled uses the variable to multiply several other factures.

My first Thought was,

--And so on--

It just does not look right.
Any Suggestions on what might work Better. :confused:

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Mildly Stumped League Tables,

Jun 3, 2005

I've been asked to collate some information based on a kid league, I am trying to sort out how precisely it works

the data I have is this

finish position, name, club

I need to calculate the best kiddie based on 3 of a possible 6 races

So tbls



SELECT tblResults.fldSeries, tblResults.NAME, tblResults.CLUB, Sum(fldScore.Points) AS SumOfPoints
FROM tblResults LEFT JOIN fldScore ON tblResults.Pos = fldScore.Pos
GROUP BY tblResults.fldSeries, tblResults.NAME, tblResults.CLUB, tblResults.Pos
HAVING (((tblResults.fldSeries)="220-2005") AND ((tblResults.Pos)<51))
ORDER BY Sum(fldScore.Points) DESC;

I need this to be changed to only pick up athletes with only the best three scores?

any hints?


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I Am Stumped As To Why This Simple Code Won't Work...

Nov 2, 2006

Form: frmProduct
Field: unitprice.

I have some simple validation that unit price is greater than 0. The code is this:

If Me.txtUnitPrice.Value <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a value greater than zero", vbOKOnly, "Alert"
Me.txtUnitPrice.Value = Null
End If

However, when I run it, the setfocus doesn't work. It jumps straight into the next field. I can make it run to any other field (productname, productID). But not back to UnitPrice.

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I Think I'm Going Crazy....

Feb 17, 2006

I am redesigning an old database. There is a form that has an unbound combo box field that gets its values from a query. Basically, someone will choose a value from the combobox and a subform will display all records for that value.

Here is my dilemma...

In the old database, if I typed an N in that combo box, it would immediately go to the "N"s in the combo. However, in the new database...nothing happens when you start to type in the combo box. You either have to type the whole thing in or actually use the dropdown button. I have checked every setting imagineable...and I can't find how to get it to autofill based on the letters entered. It is driving me nuts!!!


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Crazy Thing

Aug 30, 2005

I've been ask to think of some solution to this problem but i'm no way near of it. I have a txt file (ascii) with aprox. 1845000 lines.

The code is something like this:

"++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Date:02-12-2004Time: 11:06:24

Job Number:2542
Job Name:al

User Name:msescudeiro


Original Filename:C-0884_Vers_E.TIF

recycled paper
Used Area:0
Plotted Area:0

Used Area:4977
Plotted Area:4977

Used Area:0
Plotted Area:0

Used Area:0
Plotted Area:0

Operation Count

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I need to have a table like this:

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Relations Driving Me Crazy

Mar 3, 2007

I'm trying to build a mdb which holds customer details, which insurance they have, who sold them this and which Insurance company provided this.
The relations I have to make are driving me nuts !
When I try to enter a new customer in a Form, there is a advisor added, the package the customer wants is added. But this shouldn't happen for the advisor and the package allready exists !

Who can help me with the proper relations ?
Attached is screendump of the current relations.

Thanks a lot !

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Yes/No Field Making Me Crazy

Nov 14, 2007

I posted this in the wrong thread yesterday

I just started learning Access and I have created a database with 53 records, 3 tables and 1 Split form. I creared a new yes/no field and I am attempting to display "Completed" in green for yes and "Not Completed" in red for no. I used the correct code in the format field:

"Not Completed "[Red];" Completed "[Green]

This worked for different field before I created the split form but now I cannot get the new field to display anything but check boxes regardless of what code I use. It won't even let me use the default yes/no, true/false or on/off options.

I've been studying this for about 2 weeks and I've figured out quite a bit but this one thing is really iritating me....

Any comments would be appreciated

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Relationships... Driving Me Crazy!

Oct 18, 2006

Hehe... and since me and my girlfriend just broke up, that seems applicaple both in the dbase and the real world ;)

I have one Access Database. For now containing three Tables:

KlantNAW (customer adress data) with one primary key, Klantnummer (clientnumber) which is an Autonumber Data Type, Long Int, Increment, Indexed: Yes (No dupes).

CaseDateTimeInfoTable with one primary key, Casenumber which is an Autonumber type, Long Int, Incremental, Indexed: Yes (No dupes).
Within this table I have included the Klantnummer field from KlantNAW as a Number, Indexed: Yes (dupes OK).

CaseTechInfoTable with no primary keys but with both the KlantNummer field and the CaseNumber field included. Both have a direct relationship to the tables in which those two values are created. Both values are now of type Number, both are Indexed, but Klantnummer is set to Duplicates OK and Casenumber is set to No Duplicates. I don't know if it might be wiser to just not index those values in this table, since they are already indexed in the tables in which they are created, if someone could tell me which is better in this case, please do.

I have created a one-to-many relationship (well actually, access seems to decide whether it becomes a one-to-many or one-to-one relationship) between KlantNAW.Klantnummer and CaseDateTimeInfoTable.Klantnummer with Join Type 1 and I've created a Join Type 1, one-to-many relationship between KlantNAW.Klantnummer and CaseTechInfoTable.Klantnummer.
There is only one extra relationship left, which is a one-to-one, Join Type 1 CaseDateTimeInfoTable.CaseNumber with CaseTechInfoTable.CaseNumber.

So ehrm.... a recap:
KlantNAW.Klantnummer (P-key) with CaseDateTimeInfoTable.Klantnummer
KlantNAW.Klantnummer (P-key) with CaseTechInfoTable.Klantnummer
CaseDateTimeInfoTable.CaseNumber (P-key) with CaseTechInfoTable.Casenumber

If I leave it like that the dbase works perfectly except for the fact that when I delete a customer the related case date/time info and the case tech info don't delete with the client account accordingly.

So, I thought I'd "Enforce Referential Integrity" and "Cascade Delete Related Records". I do not know if it would be wise to also enable "Cascade Update Related Fields". Could someone please tell me if that would be wise to do or not? And maybe even why... I have some beginner and more advanced books but can't be sure, probably because of lack of experience (or maybe lack of brains ;) ).

Anyway, back to the problem: when I make all the relationships to Enforce Rererential Integrity and I add a customer through a form (KlantNAW_InvoerForm) and click the "Create new case for this customer" button, the form I use for entering the case date info pops up nicely, but when I try to close that form I get an Error stating: "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table "KlantNAW"". So, I click ok, then get a messagebox stating I can't save the record at this time. Do I want to close anyway? .... well, ok. Let's do that. And now the strange thing is that after that, when I do absolutely nothing other than pressing the create new case button again, enter the date/time info into the form and close it again, no errors or messages come up. Wel... that should happen the first time around right? What's wrong?

Now... I'm really lost. I'm new at this. I made some tables, queries and forms, set all options for all values, that which I didn't understand mostly tried solving or finding out on my own but now I'm hitting a brick wall.

If you guys and gals could help me out I would really be very grateful for that.

EDIT: I even tried making it more simple by removing all relationships and creating just one new one between KlantNAW.KlantNummer and CaseDateTimeInfoTable.Klantnummer (type 1, enforce referential integrity and cascade deleted records) but still, the same problem arises.

EDIT2: made sure it was not a form thing by just putting in data in the table data views directly. Same thing occurs.

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Yes/No Field Driving Me Crazy

Nov 13, 2007

I just started learning Access and I have created a database with 53 records, 3 tables and 1 Split form. I creared a new yes/no field and I am attempting to display "Completed" in green for yes and "Not Completed" in red for no. I used the correct code in the format field:

"Not Completed "[Red];" Completed "[Green]

This worked for different field before I created the split form but now I cannot get the new field to display anything but check boxes regardless of what code I use. It won't even let me use the default yes/no, true/false or on/off options.

I've been studying this for about 2 weeks and I've figured out quite a bit but this one thing is really iritating me....:eek:

Any comments would be appreciated

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Charts Driving Me Crazy

Jul 19, 2005

I am trying to create a chart on a Form. In Excel I have no problems arranging my data. This is my first try for charts in Access. I have a table. I created a query summing two fields of this table:

Total Workers
Total Workers: DCount("[WorkerNameLast]","1-StationVerifyTbl","[ClockNbr]<>'*'")
Total Workers = 120

Total Verified
Verified Workers: DCount("[WorkerNameLast]","1-StationVerifyTbl","[StaPrimary]=True")
Total Verified = 43

So far so good. That is the correct information. What I want in a Chart is two bars side by side. One bar at 120 and the other bar at 43. I have tried everything and cannot get this to work. I am getting confused on the Axis, Data, & Series. I think I need another Field somehow. The totals I would call Monthly Totals

Could someone please help me get this thing started. I have wasted a week and feel like I have learned nothing except how to count in the Query.

After this I would like to be able to show a percentage of those verified. I have 120 workers and 43 are verified. That would be approx 35%. Anyway I am assuming that there is a solution and that I am just floundering for nothing. Thanks in advance.

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Crazy Subform Problem

Aug 9, 2005

I am biulding a database with quite a few subforms but now I have a wierd problem.

I am building a form that displays upcoming IT courses. so I have sumbforms for word, excel, outlook... you get the picture.

All the subforms work well except the outlook subform. When I create the subform with a wizard. When I go into form view mode to check, the form displays Outlook courses. When I save the form, the outlook subform then changes itself to Excel!

When I open the excel form and the outlook forms independently (not as subforms) the work fine and the data sources (queries are correct)

I've tried deleting the subform over and over again but everytime I hit the save button, The outlook form reverts to Excel.

I've gone as far as checking if there is any code behind the main form that makes this happen, but nothing.

Can anyone heelp>? this is driving me crazy! :confused:

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Crazy Form!!! No Clue???

Jul 14, 2006

I am pretty sure that this is crazy! I have attatched a word document (the quickest way for me to show and explain at the same time) that shows in a print screen picture what I want done with this form. There is colored text explaining. Any questions feel free to ask. I am pretty sure that this is ridiculously tough and am not sure that it is even possible with access. Please help, and may the gods give tons of wealth to whomever can solve my problems.

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Crazy: FirstName / LastName Set As Primary Key...

Jul 14, 2006

I am looking at a database where the Primary Key is a composite of the customer's First & Last name. Obviously a huge problem! The funny thing is, the table was set up to with an Autonumber CustomerID, so all customers have this information already.

Here's the question: there is a one to many relationship with an orders table, how can I change the primary key from the composite key it uses now, to the autonumber field and not mess up the relationships?

Thanks for help in advance.

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Import From Crazy Excel File

Apr 14, 2006


I searched on IMPORT, but didn't see anything like the problem I have.

I have a large Excel file formatted thus;
1 Full Name
2 Full address
3 City State Zip
4 Phone SSN Sex

Alas, as you can see, the first four rows contain information on one person, then Column B contains just their SSN on Row 4, and so forth.

Row 5 begins the cycle again. This goes on for 160 people.

Is there a way to get the employee information contained in Column A in a 'nomalized' format, such as Full Name in Col A, Full Address in Col B, and so on?

Unfortunately, it's illegal here to whack the person who provided this data to me.

Thanks in advance !!

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Autonumber Given Crazy Negitive Numbers

Jan 14, 2008

Hi All,

I have a table with starts with an autonumber as a primary key.
Recently it has been giving out crazy high and sometimes negative numbers when a new record is created

Dose any know what might cause this?

p.s. I've tried compacting and repairing the DB

- E|fmAn

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Import From Crazy Excel File

Apr 15, 2006

Sorry for cross-posting. I posted this in the Tables forum, but have had no replies in over 12 hours.

I searched on IMPORT (72 threads), but didn't see anything like the problem I have.

I have a large Excel file formatted thus;
1 Full Name
2 Full address
3 City State Zip

Columns B and on have other information for the employee in Column A.

I need to get the employee information in Col A into a tabular form, such as (A) Employee Name, (B) Address, (C) City, (D) State, (E) ZIP

If this could be done with the data in Column A, I believe I could join the employee info currently in Col A to the remainder of the data.

I've also looked at the Excel forum with no luck.

Suggestions would be appreciated !!

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Subforms And Textboxes Driving Me Crazy

May 27, 2006

I have a subform with textboxes for data entry.
I want the last data entered to stay displayed in the textboxes after the form is closed.

When the form is re-opened the textboxes display a row af data several rows down.

How do you link the textboxes to the feilds of the subform the new data is always at the top row.


Form textboxes data Entry:
Apples Oranges Pears grapes

Click command button to save:

Subform displays
Apples Oranges Pears grapes
Grapes Kiwi Tangerines Corn
Beans Lettuce Okra Rice

Close form Text boxes still display Apples Oranges Pears Grapes
Open form back up

Text Boxes Display
Grapes Kiwi Tangerines Corn

Subform Displays:
Apples Oranges Pears grapes
Grapes Kiwi Tangerines Corn
Beans Lettuce Okra Rice

How Can I make this work Right?
If anyone knows how to do this please Help.
If it must be done in code please provide an example.
I need to get this worked out this weekend.

Thanks for all the help
You guys are great!:D


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Dates Search Is Driving Me Crazy!

Jun 14, 2006


Hope someone can help. My code behind my command button is not working. It is opening Report1 but not the criteria in the query.

I have a form (form1) with 2 unbound text boxes on, called "txtDatefrm" and "txtDateto" in which dates can be entered. There is also a command button on the form which searches for these dates and then opens a report(Report1). The report's control source is a query. (query1). On the ExpiryDate field in the query I have the criteria:
Between ([forms]![form1]![txtDateFrm]) and ([forms]![form1]![txtDateTo])

Behind the command button I have the code:
Dim stdocname as string
Dim ExpiryDate as Date
ExpiryDate = txtDateFrm.text
If Trim(ExpiryDate) <>"" Then
stdocname = "Report1"
Docmd.Openreport stdocname,acViewPreview
End if

Many Thanks for any suggestions!:eek:

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Crazy Pipe Dream Of A Question

Mar 28, 2008

Ok so I have my employee database and each employee has a bunch of different professional credentials that expire at different times. In layman's terms, Is there a way that I can set something up to automatically e-mail the employee to let them and their manager know that their credentials will be expiring within a couple of months?

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Run-time Error '438'. - Driving Me Crazy

Sep 11, 2003

Run-time error '438'. Object doesn't support this property or method

The command:

If Not IsNull(DLookup("[JSANo]", "JSA", "[JSANo] = '" & Me.JSANo & "'")) Then

I think the rest of the code is uncessary. I have searched Google over and over. From what I can gather this error can mean more than one thing.

I have moved the data into another new exact same field, deleted the old field, renamed the new field to have the old field name. Still keep getting this message. At one time, I had messed with the index settings on the field. Thought I saw something about that can cause problems.

I have this exact same command on another field name and it works perfectly, but on this one I get the above error. Ideas?

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