Create Automatic Interchangable Hyperlink

Jun 6, 2007

I am attempting to creae a hyperlink to set into a table that is generated automatically by other information curently residing on the table, and with the ability to change the disc location.

The table I have created is an application that will name reports that I have in .PDF format. I put in the report title, date, inspectors, etc. and it gives me a unique name for the document. I then go to my document and name it what the application gives me. Now, we would like to have a link to that file that resides on the table, so if we look it up in the future we don't have to search any further, we can just click right there and go strait to it.

I know how to insert a hyperlink to get to the file, assuming it stays on the same directory. Our directories change fairly often (can go from C:/My Docs/File to E:/My Docs/File in a matter of a week), so I would like to know if there is a way to create a partial hyperlink that I can change the begining to whenever need be.

Any ideas or suggestions are greatly apericiated.

Thanks guys!

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Trying To Create An Automatic Payroll Form

Apr 7, 2008


I am basically doing FORM to automatically figure out my stylists commission pay, based on 5 levels of sales and 3 different pay levels, that I will cut and paste in a table from my POS system.

3 Total Tables.
tbl_Employees, with the headers ID, Name, Payroll ID, Comm_Level.
tbl-Current Year with the headers ID, Payroll ID, Name, Service Sales.
tbl_Comm with the headers ID, CommLow, CommHigh, Level1, Level2, Level3

In a query, Qry_Years, I have Payroll ID, linked between the tbl_Employees and tbl-Current Year.

I am close in a FORM to getting this to work, unless DLookup is the wrong why to go about this.

This is not correct, but gives you an idea of what I am trying to do. In a FORM text box (called framePayrollIDLookup) I have
=DLookUp("Level1","tbl_Comm",[tbl - Current Year.Service Sales] & " between [CommLow] and [CommHigh]").
This pulls up the correct pay percent for level1 employees, but i need to change out Level1 to something variable.
This also doesn't work, but gives you an idea of my though process.
=DLookUp(" " = framePayrollIDLookup,"tbl_Comm",[tbl - Current Year.Service Sales] & " between [CommLow] and [CommHigh]"), but this doesn't work.

I might be way off base on how to do this, but I am trying. Thanks for any help.

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Forms :: Create Automatic Unique Number?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to create an automatic unique 'number' (actually text) in a form. Here is an example of the format...

1456 is the project number
R stands for revision
1 is the first revision

So, in this database there could be 1456.R2 etc. but there could also be other project numbers, say 2323.R1, 2323. Looking for expression I need to enter to have Access look up the last revision for a specific project and then add 1 to it?

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Forms :: Create Hyperlink To Open Access Form

Jul 10, 2015

I am investigating on the possibility of setting up an approval process for our employee intake procedure by using MS Access and Outlook.

The idea is for the requester to open an intake form in Access and fill in the new employee's information and send an Outlook email to the manager for approval. I know how to trigger off an event on the form to send an email to the manager but my challenge is how to create a hyperlink in the email for the recipient to directly open the intake form with the specific record, without the need to open the database and find the specific intake form.

The intake form is built in a frontend .mde file on a shared drive where all users have access to.

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Modules & VBA :: Create Some Code For Button In A Report That Will Follow A Hyperlink To Specific File

Sep 9, 2013

I am trying to create some code for a button in a report that will follow a hyperlink to a specific file. The problem I'm having is that the files that are at the end of the hyperlink can have various extensions (*.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, etc.) I'd like to be able to put a wildcard in the code to allow the opening of the file regardless of the extension.

Code so far:

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Application.FollowHyperlink ("C:UsersjbeggDocumentsAccessTestFolder" & [FileName] & ".*")
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Bulk Update Of Hyperlink Text To Display Not Hyperlink

May 29, 2014

i have thousands of data records with hyperlinks that are correct. Each data record shows the actual link (,,, etc.). However, i want to change all of the records to just say "link" instead of saying, etc. How can i do this automatically without having to manually right click, edit, and changing the text to display?

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Forms :: Hide Unchecked Values In A Listbox - Create Hyperlink On Listbox Values?

Jan 20, 2014

Firstly, is it possible to hide unchecked values in a listbox? I have a user with several roles and I want to only show the ticked roles in the listbox.

Secondly, can you create a hyperlink on listbox values? i.e, if I click on "Manager" in the roles listbox, it follows that to another form and opens the record about managers?

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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General :: Create A Button That Will Create A New Empty Backend

Oct 31, 2013

I created a database and I manage to split it into front end and backend. now I'm going to make an EXE of the front end.My question is when I open the front end, I need the database to be empty, and them create a button that will make the user select which project he wants to open (backend).I also need to create a button that will create a new empty backend and save it as a new project.

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Getting Non-Automatic ID To Become Automatic

Jun 11, 2013

I am in the process of development of a database and one of the functionality that I would like to achieve is a custom ID to become automatic on my 'ADD-CUSTOMER' form (e.g. CID0001 - CID0002) so on an so forth. From my research all I can see in access 2010 is a autonumber which cannot be altered (or at least i don't know how).

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Dec 2, 2005

I have created a very simple code to fill automaticly an hyperlink field when a text box is updated on a form:

Me.txtHyperlink = "F:DataCPPCPP PDF" & [TxtPipeSize] & "" & [DrawingFile] & "" & [PartNumber] & ".sht" & [TxtSheetNo] & ".Rev" & [TxtRevNo] & ".pdf"

TxtHyperlink is bound to the hyperlink field, when the code is executed the Hyperlink field is filled with the right address. but I think the code just fill the text to display "parameter" of the hyperlink field and not the actual adddress.
what should I do to get the result of the function to be saved as the Hyperlink address?

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Hyperlink - Need Help

Jun 28, 2007

Hey guys.
I am VERY new to Access, and trying to learn as fast as I can, but I have no idea how to do this.

I have a database, brand new, it will eventually be holding hundreds of docs. Anyway, we have it as a document naming machine. We insert all the data associated with our document, it stores it and gives us a name for the doc, we then save that doc as a pdf with the name given.

After this, we are going to put all the documents in one central folder on our network drive, as follows:


So, what I need is to create an automative hyperlink creater, that will take our document name once created, put it on the end of the "F:FolderAccessDocuments" and have the hyperlink sitting there ready to go.

One more thing, I need to be able to change my Initial Drive Directory (from "F" to "E") at any point in time, and the switch would have to go through and change every hyperlink.

If anyone can help with any part of this problem, I would appericiate it.

Thanks Guys!


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Mar 22, 2008


is it possible to have a txt field which will contain an email address and once you input teh address it becomes a hyperlink, so you can just click it and send an email from outlook?

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Feb 8, 2006

Hello ,
I have ListBox and I have put in ControlSource:
SELECT HorizontalniDrzaciKabela.Referenca, HorizontalniDrzaciKabela.Opis, HorizontalniDrzaciKabela.Visina, HorizontalniDrzaciKabela.Napomena FROM HorizontalniDrzaciKabela WHERE (((HorizontalniDrzaciKabela.PickFlag)=False));

Can I make column HorizontalniDrzaciKabela.Napomena as hyperlinks for each record when I open ListBox?

In design view I put Napomena as hyperlink (I have added hyperlinks) but it will not work,

thank you in advance

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Hyperlink Help

Sep 25, 2004

I have a Hyperlink field (can be a text field if necessary) that is intended to open the document listed in the field. I have all of these documents stored on a server and I have set up another field that contains the path to the server directory. So, at the time I click on the document link, I want to concatenate the path with the document name, so I can open the file. This will enable me to not have to type the full path everytime I enter a new document name.

I tried setting up the field as a text field and I can concatenate the path and document name, but then I cannot open the file. I want to be able to pass the concatenated variable to the Windows OS and have it launch the document, regardless of the file type.

Any thoughts?

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Automatic Month

May 9, 2005

auto date no problem but just an automatic month ??

any ideas???

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Automatic Splitter!

Jul 28, 2005

I am tying to create a setup application in access. The setup forms are incorporated in the database application.It has to split my database into a FE and BE so that the corresponding files can be placed in thier corresponding files folders automatically.
Iam doing this because the database has to be exported to a number of remote locations every after two weeks.

Apart from using the Database Splitter, Could there be any Ideas on how i can split and link my database through code.

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Automatic AutoNumbering

Oct 2, 2005

I am using DMax function for my custom autonumber
I just realized that when using this in a multi user environment, I am getting duplications.
This field is not the primary key, and I am using this as a group ID and cannot set it to “no duplications”
My form also has a sub form, and when entering the sub form, the main record gets saved automatically.
First I added the following procedure

Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
If IsNull(Me.OrderNo) Then
Me. OrderNo = DMax("OrderNo ", "tblOrder") + 1
End If

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
If IsNull(Me.OrderNo) Then
Me. OrderNo = DMax("OrderNo ", "tblOrder") + 1
End If

However, I then realized the after insert function will add the new autonumber to the form. However, it will not saved it to the table until the main record is saved again (which may not happen)

“DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord” doesn’t seems to be working after the “Form_AfterInsert”

Now I moved the code to the “Form_BeforeUpdate” (still testing)

Does anyone have any experience on this problem?

Thank you


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Automatic Updates

Oct 23, 2006

Hi there,I know very little about Access but been asked to find out if this is possible:On a database we have a date field for when subscription is due, is there any way that if a DirectDebit method of payment has been chosen, when the date of renewal is, access will automatically update the year to the next one?Thank you very muchCathy

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Automatic Renumbering

Aug 9, 2007

Our small newspaper needs to create a database of subscribers from which we can print labels in what the post office calls "Walk Sort" order, the order in which the mail carrier hand delivers the mail on his route. The number associated with a particular subscriber is not fixed because if another subscriber is added on that mail carriers route, it may fall between two existing entries. So the Walk Sort field needs to automatically renumber up or down when an entry is added or deleted. I will use that field to sort chronologically and print form feed labels.
I've figured out a way to do this in Excel, but I think Access might be a better program to use for this database. My question is, can Access automatically renumber a Walk Sort field if I add or remove entries? If so, how do I set it up to do that?
P.S. I haven't used Access for quite some time, and I wasn't very proficient with it then. :o

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Automatic Refresh

Dec 5, 2007

Hello everybody,

I have many front end's (using ACCESS 2007 runtime version) in different terminals. Suppose that from 'terminalA', I am assigning a task to an employee who's using 'terminalB'. The user is already looged on to the program by this time, so I want that 'task' to appear on his terminal without him having to press the 'Refresh' button (that I placed on the form) every time I give him a new task when he's logged on so he could see it. How would I do this?

Thank you very much.

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Automatic Date Qry

Jan 14, 2008


i need to run a specific qry that runs from 5th to 5th of every month to show payments made between the dates. i dont want to fill anything in as these dates are set. can a qry be made to run and retrive the info between 5th of last month & 5th of current month automatically ( by the press of a button ) every month?

many thanks,


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Automatic Lookup

Feb 24, 2005

hi i have two tables.

One with Item Data - ITem ID, Item Name and Item Value

On another table, i have transaction data - Transaction ID, Item 1, Item 1 Value, Item 2, Item 2 Value etc.

What i am looking for is a way of when i lookup item 1 and enter it, item 1 value will appear automatically.

Any ideas

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Automatic Value Of The Column

Nov 27, 2006

I am creating three columns a,b,c in a table in MS access
When I enter the value of a and b, the value of c should be a+b automatically

Is this possible in MS Access, if yes how?

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Automatic Dates

Dec 4, 2006

I am building an employee performance report database. Part of this report I need to integrate initial and midterm feedback dates. These dates are as such:

The initial is 30 days after supervision started or annual performance report completed
The midterm is 120 after supervision started or annual performance report completed

I'd like to give the supervisor a set month for their feedback completions as a guidline. If they are a few days prior or after the "30 day or 120 day mark" it is not a big deal, so I am just wanting it to automatically calculate the month rather than a specific day. After a performance report is completed the intial and midterm feilds should automatically update to calculate the new feedback dates for the next year.

The most updated dates need to be available for supervisors to print on a master report on all their subordinates. No need to store older dates (unless the performance report has not been completed yet)

Pertinent Info:

Form: Perf_Report
Table: Rater_tbl
Field Name 1: Initial ::: (format = mmmm)
Field Name 2: Midterm ::: (format = mmmm)
Field Name 3: Date of Supervision ::: (format = dd mmm yyyy)
Field Name 4: Report Completion ::: (format = dd mmm yyyy)

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Automatic ID Generation

Dec 8, 2005


I have a column which is made up of two parts from the table as follows...

function area .... FINANCE

ID number ... 001, 002, 003 etc

combined together this will make my ID column which should look somehting likie this : FINANCE 001, MARKETING 002 etc


the problem is that now i need to import some existing data into the tables and it appears as though the existing data has repeating numbers for different function areas



how would i get this imported into my current table structure?

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