Create Expression In Validation Section Prevent Duplicate Values In A Field?

Sep 11, 2012

create an expression in the Validation section to prevent duplicate entries in a field. Please view Powerpoint file on slide 1 on attachment for More detail instructions. Instructions are in simple Text and images which makes it easy to understand. I am using Access 2003.

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Values With Alert After User Enters Duplicate Value

Dec 30, 2013

We are working on an Access (2007) database that is on a SharePoint Site (2007).

Currently the form is operational, but there is one last thing that would be nice to have.

The table is "Updated Headcount" which contains "EMP_ID" which are unique numbers stored as text.

In the event a new employee is entered in the system by another user on this site we would like to prevent any duplicate "EMPID"s from being entered and saved on the SharePoint, we would also like to alert the user and prevent the data from being saved.

All data is currently bound, so once the user makes a change it is made, no submit button is required.

We are running into some difficulties in doing a dlookup from the value entered and comparing to a column in the table.

FORM CELL user will input an EMPID - newEMPID
FORM CELL used for a dlookup to compare what user has entered to what is already in the table - duplicateEMPID

So below is what we are trying to do, we are sure there are a few commands missing....

=IIF(newEMPID=dlookup([UPDATED HEADCOUNT]![EMPID]), newEMPID, "Error, EMPID already exists")

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Tables :: More Than One Unique Values - Prevent Entry Of Duplicate Combination Of Fields

Nov 4, 2014

1. I have a database (see attached) with three tables all of them with the same fields. The first three are numbers (InCo_No, Proto_No, Year_No). Each of these fields (numbers) can be the same in the other table(eg. Year_No), but the combination of the three cannot be.

How can I prevent the entry of a duplicate combination of these three fields?

2. I want to have a form to fill the three tables separately, depending the values in the other fields.

How can I do this?

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Prevent Duplicate Records For Calculated Field

May 3, 2013

I have a table for storing vehicles. The table contains the following fields:

Build Date Begin
Build Date End

Vehicle Name - a concatenation of 'Make' 'Model' 'Trim' 'Build Date Begin' and 'Build Date End'

The 'Vehicle ID' is the primary key, the rest of the fields can't be indexed with no duplicates. Is there a way of preventing one from saving a duplicate VehicleName on the table since it is a calculated field.

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Entries Of Field On Input Form

Nov 24, 2014

I have recently started working for a new company and have inherited a nightmare of a system!

I have basic knowledge of Access and have been asked to stop duplicate entries under the same PO Number.

I have tried using DLookups by looking at other posts on the forum with no success.

The input form is called Purchase Order Entry, with the field called PO_No. The table is called Orders, with the field called Purchase Order Number.

I have tried to make the Purchase Order Number in the Orders table, the primary key but an error that it cannot contain a null value appears.

The Purchase orders may not be entered into the database in numerical order also.

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Changes Not Successful; Create Duplicate Values In The Index, Primary Key, Or ...

Nov 29, 2005

This is a real mind bender.
I am running a2k. I am merging two databases. table1 is in the backend database. table2 is linked to the second database.
I run an append query to add table2 entries to table1. The append fails for 96 recs saying key violation. Turns out I can rerun the append if I drop the zip code field.
I then try to manually change the zip code and receive the duplicate values in index, primary key, or relationship.

I ran a compact & repair the databases, still no go. I can't edit the value of the zip code. I import the table to a new database. Still can't change the zip code. I drop MANY of the indexes. Even the index on the zip code field. Run compact&repair. still getting the index message. I even re-imported to a new db again. Still same error message.

I may start again by importing JUST these two tables to a new blank db and see if I get the same issues. I'll keep you posted...but maybe there is someone out there who has seen this error before.

fyi-if I enter a new record, the autonumber field correctly increments to the next available autonumber field. (I say this because of another thread on this matter w/ autonumber fields and bug in A2003)

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Tables :: Create A Field Validation Rule?

Mar 25, 2014

I want to create a field validation rule that requires the user to input a policy number in a standard format. The format has a fixed length of 13 with three underlying components. The first 3 digits identify coverage, the next 7 are the policy number and the final three must always be "-00".

Example: GLO1234567-00

Is it possible to create a validation rule for this ? If so, can you provide the code based on the simple example above ?

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Duplicate Values For One Field

Mar 8, 2013

I have a table called Department. One employee may belong to more than one department. So I created three tables, Emptable, Depttable, and DeptDatatable. The Emp table and The dept table both have a primary key. Emp# in Emptable to Emp# in Dept Data Table. Dept# in Depart Table Primary key to foreign key in Dept# key in Dept Data Table. In other words:

Employee One to Many Department Data both using Emp#
Department One to Many to Department Data both using Department#

I have created a form for data entry for the young lady that enters the data. Right now, there are two entries in the department data for any employee that belongs to more than one department. My question is how do I create a form that allow the person that is entering data to only enter the employee in once and enter multiple values into the department field. How would it create then two entries into the Dept Data Table? I have been reading up about fields that allow duplicate data but this treats the fields like memo fields. I need to draw queries from Departments, so not sure if that would work. I also need the Department to be a list that they choose from.

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Validation To Prevent Duplicates

Aug 18, 2005


I have created a database that monitors containers that are being hired. When a container is hired some details are entered and remains the same until we receive an invoice to state that the hire has stopped. Subsequently, the database is updated and an invoice sent. The container is then hired out again and some details are entered on the database and so on.
There are two check boxes to state whether the container hire has been completed and whether the client has been invoiced.

I am attempting to stop duplicate entries of container numbers being entered onto the database when the transactions are not complete and the client has not been invoiced.

I cannot use a primary key because the containers are reused and hence the container number will be on the field more than once. I have also tried a find duplicates query, but this found duplicates in the whole table and returned only the duplicates that were in the criteria I had specified.

Basically, I want the validation or whatever to prevent duplicates only when the two check boxes are 0.

Thanks in anticipation for your help.

All the best,


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Modules & VBA :: Create X Number Of Duplicate Records According To A Field On Subform

Jun 13, 2013

I have a code that works great from the parent form but I decided to change the format and call it from a lostfocus event in the subform instead. Now I keep getting error 3314:"You must enter a value in the tbGuests.LastName field".

The code should copy the parent form fields and create x number of duplicate records according to a field on sub-form. It then runs an append query to add the information from the subform.


Private Sub GuestsInParty_LostFocus()
Dim partymsg As Integer
Dim dbs As dao.Database, rst As dao.Recordset
Dim F As Form
Dim intHowMany As Integer
Dim intCounter As Integer


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How T Prevent Duplicate Record Set

Mar 11, 2006

Hi All,

I have a recored set and i dont want a duplicate of the record set in the same table.

Say if my table name is businessskills and contains three fields(columns) and their names(Email , B_code, Rating) highlighted in red with data are as below

Email B_code Rating b001 1 b002 3 b005 2 b002 3 b007 3

I have 5 recordsets in my table as shown above and i want to prevent any e duplicates.

Is this possible to implement to with excel vba code or directly in Access Database, either ways is fine with me.

Can any one please help me with this.

Thanks in advance

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Prevent Duplicate Entries

Oct 25, 2006

I've set up a booking system and am looking to stop the system recording double bookings.

I've 3 fields, RoomID, Date and Time that need to be searched, however I can't just simply set the properties to No Duplicates (as this would mean a booking cannot be made on the same day at 9:00 and 12:00 for example).

How can I do this?

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How To Prevent Duplicate Records?

Jan 13, 2007

i am using a textbox in the main form to transfer the Yr/Mth into the table. (refer to

now my problem is, how do i prevent duplicate records into the table?

e.g: currently whenever i scroll ard the months control in the form, i will get duplicate Mth/Yr into the table. how do i prevent that from happening?

i only want to have updated data inside the Mth/Yr table instead of duplicated Mth/Yr

Public Sub PutInMonthlyRecords()

Dim sql As String
Dim Db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim f As Form
Dim MthYr As String

Set f = Forms!frmQpi

MthYr = f("txtMthYr")

sql = "SELECT * FROM [tblQpiMonthly] WHERE (([tblQpiMonthly].[Input MthYr] = 'MthYr' ));"

Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset(sql)

If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
If (f!txtTotalPF) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

rs![Input MthYr] = f("txtMthYr")
rs![Monthly TotalPF] = f("txtTotalPF")
rs![Monthly Rejection] = f("txtTotalAvoid")
rs![Monthly TotalAvoid] = f("txtRejection")


If (f!txtTotalPF) = 0 Then

Exit Sub
End If

rs![Input MthYr] = f("txtMthYr")
rs![Monthly TotalPF] = f("txtTotalPF")
rs![Monthly Rejection] = f("txtTotalAvoid")
rs![Monthly TotalAvoid] = f("txtRejection")


End If


End Sub

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Prevent Duplicate First & Last Name Entry

Feb 28, 2005

Have read through all the threads related to this topic and can't find anything to help. Just want a message box to pop up after entry of first and last names in a form if the string already exists in the database. DLookup works wonderfully for validating on one field, but adding the second field is driving me crazy - Can I use DLookup to check more than one field? The following code gives me the error: "Run time error '2001' - You canceled the previous operation."

Private Sub LastName_AfterUpdate()

Dim x As Variant

x = DLookup("[txtLastName]", "[tblVolunteerInfo]", "[txtLast Name]= '" & Me![LastName] & "'" & " And " & "[txtFirstName] = " & Me![FirstName])

On Error GoTo CustID_Err

If Not IsNull(x) Then
MsgBox "This name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate person before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub



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Prevent Entry Of Duplicate Records

Apr 17, 2008

I am using a data entry form to enter new data into one of the tables.How can we prevent entry of duplicate records? Duplicacy shall be checked on the first two fields only.
Please help.

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Trying To Prevent Duplicate Data Inputs

Mar 23, 2005

I have a form that contains 5 fields and want to ensure that duplicate information is not entered. I am aware that when creating the form you can set Duplicate Records to No but each record has an AutoID which I assume means that even if the information is the same it will not register as a duplicate record due to the different AutoID.

There should only ever be 5 records entered per day. One for each region

I have created a Sanity Check that is displayed as a sub form that shows if the relevant information has been entered for a given day in Bookings and Backlog but this doesn't stop the user from putting in the same information twice. i.e. the User starts inputting the information gets called away and then trys to put it in again but doesn't check the sub form.

The Table in which the information is stored is called Bookings and Backlog.

The 5 fields on the form which is called Bookings and backlog are

ID (Autonumber)
Date (Short Date)
Combo26 (Text) (5 Regions:- North, South, East, West, Central)
Bookings (Number)
Backlog (Number)

I have put the following statement in AfterUpdate on the Combo26 field

If Me.Date = DLookup("[Bookings and backlog]![Date]", "[Bookings and backlog]", "[Bookings and backlog]![Date]=[Date]") And Me.Region = DLookup("[Bookings and backlog]![Region]", "[Bookings and backlog]", "[Bookings and backlog]![Region]=[Combo26]") Then
'Define Message Box
MsgBox "The Region you have chosen already has data entered for this day." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please check your records and amend were neccessary.", vbCritical, "USER INPUT ERROR"
End If

However I'm not to hot with writing VBA and probably got something wrong somewhere as it doesn't seem to do anything and lets the user progress regardless. I have tried amending the above script and asked it to look at just one field but this just seems to give the message regardless of the information selected in the Combo box.

Can someone give me an indication as to what I have done wrong so I can put it right and in a language that is easy to understand so that if I have a similar issue later on I don't need to post another question.

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Prevent Duplicate Data In Form On A Fly...

Jul 5, 2006


I have searched through the whole posts but could not find my query. I have a question related to prevent duplicate data entry in a form field.

I have a Form with 5 fileds on it: SNO, NAME, ROLL NO, CLASS, SECTION.

in the table design i have set the option of NO DUPLICATES on SNO(Autonumber) ROLL NO (text).

I wish to stop a user entering duplicate data in ROLL NO field before he reaches at the last field. What i meant is as soon as a user enters data in ROLL No field, it should check in table if the same data is already there. If the same data is found then it should give a message to prompt user of duplicate data, else it should continue to next field.

I have searched the whole forum but in vain. I am positive that there must be some one who holds the key to this solution.



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Opinions On Best Way To Prevent Duplicate Data

Dec 1, 2006

Hi all: I currently have a database with a list of clients, and it is to be accessible to others to enter information on clients and to add new ones. However, I want to make it so that the user who wants to add a client can easily search the database for that particular client so that they won't enter a duplicate.

I have created a search function on my form, but then it occurred to me: what if there are two people with the same last name's? At first, I wanted a search operation to display a list of client names, along with their respective ID numbers and possibly a link next to each that would take the user to the corresponding record.

However, I have no idea how to do this, and I'm unsure as to whether or not this is the best way to tackle the problem. Please, someone show me the way!

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Forms :: How To Prevent Duplicate Data

Aug 11, 2015

I am putting the student names in a form. I want it to alert me that a name is duplicated. But thats not this simple. For example a name is Jennifer Locus but I type jenifer with one . Can access guess that this might be the same person and suggest me to correct the spelling or enter it as a new person?

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Records

Oct 16, 2013

the proper code to prevent duplicate records in my form?

I'm using:

Private Sub Ctl_Lname_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim dupCount As Long
dupCount = DCount("*", "Clients", "[LastName]= '" & Me.[LastName] & "'" & " And " & "[PreferredName] = '" & Me.[PreferredName] & "'")
If dupCount <> 0 Then


"This name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate person before continuing.", vbOKOnly,

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate First Name And Surname?

Apr 25, 2013

I just need a simple method to prevent a member being imput twice on a form.

I have two fields firstname and surname ( this is necessary).

I want to stop duplication of the same person being entered when staff use the form.

How do I stop this?

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Prevent Duplicate Entry In Records

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to prevent a user entering duplicates of date and time in an appointments table for the same do I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Prevent Duplicate Data Over 2 Fields

Dec 25, 2014

I currently assign multiple 'skills' to departments using a listbox and a combo using the following code

Private Sub cmdSaveReq_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset


However as time goes on we may want to add new skills to the depts - ive used dcount to check if the data exists in one field before however how would it be possible to check to see if the data combination exists over deptid and skill

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Records From A Form?

Nov 12, 2013

Im trying to prevent duplicate records based on a PO # (RA_PO_Nbr), entered from a form. I'm trying to throw a 3022 error when the user attempts to enter a record that already exists, but I dont necessarily have to do it this way.

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdSubmit_Click_Error
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "CompanyPOTable"


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General :: Prevent Duplicate Date In Table

May 14, 2015

I don't want to allow more than one instance of (HolDte) for the same EmployeeID

PHP Code:

 If DLookup("[HolDte]", "tblHour", "[EmployeeID]='" & Me.EmployeeID.Value & "'") <> Me.HolDte.Value Then
    Exit Sub
End If 

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General :: Prevent Duplicate Entries In A Subform

Oct 22, 2014

I have a mainform (F_main) and a subform associated (F_place).

F_place is the form of the table T_place.
T_place is linked to F_main by the field "BizNumber". I also have the field "Place" and of course the "Place ID" (primary key) in T_place.

"Place" in linked to a combobox (in F_place).I want to avoid, at a given "BizNumber", the same "place" to be entered in the F_place.

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