Create Help File Inside Of Access

Oct 6, 2005

I created a help file in access that lets you have text mesasge up to 1024 chars. Just press F1 key on any control that you have setup to bring up help message.

Does any one see any problems with the way I did this?

Help File: = ""
Help Context ID: = 0

For each control on the form where you would like to have a help message do the following.
Help Context ID: = Set to one of the help index numbers in the help table.

Add KeyDown Event to the control

Private Sub Text0_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'Add this line
KeyCode = DisplayHelp(KeyCode, Me.ActiveControl.HelpContextId)
End Sub


Function DisplayHelp(KeyCode As Integer, HelpContextId As Integer) As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstRecords As DAO.Recordset

If KeyCode = VBKeyF1 Then ' 112 = F1
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rstRecords = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT tlbHelp.Index, tlbHelp.HelpMessage " & _
"FROM tlbHelp WHERE (((tlbHelp.Index)=" & HelpContextId & "));")

With rstRecords
If .RecordCount > 0 Then
Call MsgBox(!HelpMessage, vbInformation, "Help")
End If
End With
DisplayHelp = 0 ' Clear KeyCode
Set dbs = Nothing
DisplayHelp = KeyCode
End If
End Function

Create Table and Fields

Table Name: tlbHelp
Field Name: Index as Number
Field Name: HelpMessage as Memo
Field Name: FieldName as Text
Field Name: FormName as Text

How type in custom number and message for each help message.

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How To Create Log File In Access

Jun 11, 2012

How I can create a log file in Access?

This file will record all processing on access file

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General :: Create File Explorer Functionality In Access

Jan 31, 2013

how to create file explorer like functionality in ms access.

1 -I need to be able to browse files within specified directory and only. I can't alow users to browse any other directories.
2- I also need to be able upload (copy/paste) folders and files in that directory

I looked at different solutions and found a solution which might work on this foum link below.

The treeview working for browsing specific directory, but i need to enhance it to allow to copy files and folders in that directory.I use MS ACCESS 2010 and not very proficient in programming.

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Modules & VBA :: Insert HTML File Into Body (inside Loop Email)

Apr 30, 2015

What I want to do is inset a html file into the body of the email . I have created a publisher file and saved as html ..say

C: estpub1.html

How do I get this in to the body ?

Code to date below (not the tidiest - but it works)

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strAttach1 As String

[Code] ......

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General :: Create Database In Access That Links To Contacts In Outlook Pst File

Nov 21, 2013

I have limited programming skills but a basic understanding of databases.I want to create a database in Access that links to contacts in an Outlook pst file, and in the Access database I want to create a series of date dependant tasks or processes that I can apply to the relevant contact.The object being to to save that collection of tasks to apply to different contacts within Access.

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Run A Macro In Excel From Inside Access?

Sep 2, 2012

I've been opening comma delimited files in Access, used an Excel function to re-save those files in .xls which Access readily understands, then opening said files and running a query on them to organize them. Now the file needs to go to Excel where it is entered into a worksheet with a certain heading.

Problem is when opening the .xls converted file in Excel, no macros show up. If I open a blank worksheet in Excel my macro shows up. I lowered the security settings to the most basic level in Excel. How do I make the macro show up in the file opened in Excel through the Access VBA, so I can run it?

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Calling An Access Function From Inside Of WORD

Oct 5, 2005

My title may not accurately express my question. If you can suggest a better way to do this, please feel free to elaborate.

Within Access, I have an "Invoice Number" table, with a single field containing a number. I have a function that accesses the table, increments the number and returns it to the invoice number field.

I need a way to perform this same function to the same table from within WORD.

I appreciate your time and interest.

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Run A Function Every Minute While A User Is Inside Of An Access 97 Database?

Aug 19, 2004

I am using a Access database with a frontend/backend design. I want to keep a table in the BE updated with the current list of users inside of the frontend. To do this I thought that I would just have the front end update a time field saying that that user is still inside of the FE. My question is two-fold - firstly, how can I run a function every minute or so to update this table.

Secondly - is there a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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Access 2010 Multi Info Inside Field

Jul 5, 2013

I Need After I Choose For De Code 2355.


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Looking For Sample Databases Provided Iwth Access 2003 Inside Out

Jun 24, 2006

Dear Friends,

I am a naive in access and really looking for some mentor to help me learn quickly

I am presently going through a book Call "Microsoft Access 2003 InsideOut" I dont have the cd so thus missing the sample databses discussedin the book.

If anyone can provide me with this data base then it would be a great help


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Modules & VBA :: How To Access Description Inside Form Error Event

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to extract information from Err.Description within a form's Error event. Alas, Err.Description does not seem to be available from there.I have a form that normally displays in DataSheet view. If a trigger on the Oracle back-end raises an error, I want my Access app to be able to parse out Err.Description and deliver a more user-friendly message than ODBC's message. I want to get the info about the message from the error coming back from Oracle, not by matching up error codes.

If I change the form to Single-Form view and put a Save button on it, I can capture Err.Description in the command button's Clicked() event, and then parse out what I need.So if I must display this form in Datasheet view, where can I trap the ODBC error and display my user-friendly message?

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Forms :: Form Opening Inside Access Window In Background

Apr 8, 2015

I have three forms:

Form_A (main form for the application - should always be open)
Form_B (always open, but sometimes has visibility set to false)
Form_C (opens from button on Form_B)

When I press the button on Form_B, the only code behind it is DoCmd.OpenForm "Form_C". This seems to hide Form_B, and open Form_C behind Form_A (which is the main form of the application) inside of an Access window.

I would like Form_C to open in front of Form_B. I suspect that I set up the form incorrectly or something when I created it, and it is therefore opening inside an Access window.

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Forms :: Recordset Of Subform Inside Another Subform Which Is Inside A Mainform

Dec 16, 2013

I'm having a problem with the syntax of a recordset of a Datasheet inside a subform which is also inside a Main Form.

Main Form - frm_1_0_LMS
Subform - frm_1_4_0_TeamApprovals
Subform(Datasheet) - frm_1_4_1_TeamApprovalsList

Here is my code:


Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Forms!frm_1_0_LMS.frm_1_4_0_TeamApprovals.frm_1_4_1_TeamApprovalsList.Form.Recordset
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
Forms!frm_1_4_2_ApproveDeclineUserLeave.Controls("lblFiledDateLeave").Caption = rs!Leave_Date
End If

I am getting this error: Object doesn't support this property or method

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Modules & VBA :: Access Textbox And Button Inside Form Of A Frame Of A Webpage

Oct 9, 2013

I am writing a macro to automate the filling up some data from excel to company website. I have changed the website name in this post for data protection purpose. The excel will login for different clients by using the combination of username and password for respective clients and then some data are required to be inserted in a text box on a web page, I think the text box is on a form and form is within an iframe, within the web page. Once the data is inserted into text box, one button (Submit), which is also on the same form, is to be clicked.

On the click of a button, the updated data appears on another section, I could not make out if it is an form or frame, which is under the abovementioned form. Once we are happy with the way data appears on the web page, we have to click another button (Update), which is on the same section, to finally updating the data on website.

I wrote the following code to login to the website and then to navigate to the web page where I have to fill up the performance numbers in a text box. The first problem is how to access the text box inside the form from VBA so that the macro can write a number in that text box and how to access the button to submit the data. The HTML code, which can be seen on click of F12, is attached below. The second problem is how to access the Update button inside the other section, so that the data will be finally uploaded.


Sub LoginToCorpAccount()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


<div id="ssc-consumers-holder"/> -

This the line which gets highlighted when I click on the section where the data appears after clicking the submit button, and from here Update button is to be clicked.

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Cannot Create An MDE File

Jul 4, 2005

I use office 2003, first I had to convert my database, then I did the database splitting then, remove all menus from running at startup, I tried to create an mde file but it didn’t work.

This is what I got:

This error is usually associated with compiling a large database into an MDE file. Due to the method used to compile the database, a considerable number of TableID references are created for each table. The Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0 can only create a maximum of 2048 open TableIDs at one time. Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table, macro, form, report, etc).

There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Jet database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE. However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as many as 1,000 TableIDs are used.

So installed office XP and tried the same steps but still not working.

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Unable To Create An Mde File

Jan 1, 2006

I am running access 2000 9.0.2720. I wanted to create an MDE file but every time I attempt I get the message 'unable to create an MDE file'. Any advice?

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Create Custom Help File

Oct 11, 2004

I am just having a heck of a time, in trying to make a custom help file.

Has anyone had any luck? I sure would like to see a sample database, showing a
custom help file. I just about tried everything, but not to smart about setting one up.
I have tried the wizzard as well. I know where I get hung up is, trying to map the help file,
to the Help ID number.

Any help would be appreceiated

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Unable To Create .mde File

Oct 28, 2004

I was able to create a MDE database from .MDB file (1900 KB) using Access2000 but not on the other database (5000 KB)
I followed the steps (under tool -database utilities- make MDE file), the message box shown " Microsoft Access was unable to create a MDE database"

Is there any limit on the size of the file? What should i do or check?


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Can't Create MDE File - Alternative

Dec 7, 2005

I have tried to create an MDE file for my database but can't figure out why it will not let me. I can't don't think I am over the limit in open TableIDs. I have 76 Forms and 91 Tables.

I am setup with two databases - the database with the data is on the server. Is there any other alternative that I can do other than putting the mdb file directly on the client. And if not is there a way to stop the mdb file from constantly growing in size.

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How To Create An Empty Excel File ?

Sep 28, 2005

I would like to know how to create an empty Excel file (from Access) ?
I would like to name the workbook (xxx.xls) name the sheets and give the folder where to store it.
Thanks in advance for help.

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Create Connection Without Lock File

Feb 26, 2006

Hi there, we currently have a database that users write to through an excel form. Each time a user sumbits a record to the database we open a connection up with the below code, insert the record and then close it. This creates a ldb file for 1-3 seconds depending on how long it takes.

Set dbConn = New ADODB.Connection
dbConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
dbConn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
dbConn.Open sConn

dbConn.Execute("INSERT INTO.... VALUES....")


Is it possible to open the connection up without an ldb file being created so more than 1 user can insert a record into the database at the same time?

Thanks for your time,



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Expression To Create A File Code

Nov 16, 2004

I have a main filing table and three look up tables (file cabinet, topic, and subtopic). In the three look up tables I have created short codes to identify the name of the field.

I want to create a main filing code that takes the codes from each lookup table and combines it into one field. If the location of the file changed I would need the code to change.

Example file cabinet location Rod 1 is R1, Accounting is AP; file topic Active Jobs is ACTJOB, Bank Transactions is BANKTR; subtopic Northeast Fire Station is NETCFS. For the file for the fire station the code would read R1ACTJOBNETCFS.

The form is set up as a cascading combo.

The only purpose for this field is to allow me to do a mail merge to create labels so that I can re-file folders easier without having to go into the database and look up the locations.

I don't know if I should create the expression in the form or if I should do something in the table field.


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An Easy Way To Create An XML File From A Query?

Jun 13, 2007

Is there a relatively easy way to output the results of a query to an XML file?

I have the file writer set up more or less:
Code: Dim intFn As Integer Dim strFilePath As String Dim strOutBuf As String strFilePath = "c: emp est.xml" intFn = FreeFile Open strFilePath For Binary Access Write As #intFn strOutBuf = "<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & " standalone=" _ & Chr(34) & "yes" & Chr(34) & "?>" & vbCrLf strOutBuf = strOutBuf & "<file>" & vbCrLf 'DO FOR EACH LOOP HERE strOutBuf = strOutBuf & "</file>" Put #intFn, , strOutBuf Close #intFn
If this were a C or JAVA application, I would just write a "for each" statement similar to as follows:

Code:For Each (Row in Query){ strOutBuf = strOutBuf & "<entry>" & vbCrLf For Each (Field in Row){ strOutBuf = strOutBuf & "<" & (Column Name) & ">" & (Value) _ & "</" & (Column Name) + ">" & vbCrLf } strOutBuf = strOutBuf & "</entry>" & vbCrLf}
What commands would I use in Access to get each separate row in a query? And then to get each field in that row? And how about the column names for the XML tags?

Thank you for your help.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Create Hexadecimal File

Sep 13, 2013

I would like to read a TIFfle to ACCESS, and store its content as hexadecimal like below to further other process..., how can I achieve this change and storage??

0000: 49 49 2A 00 4E 00 00 00 80 3F E0 50 38 24 16 0D
0010: 07 84 42 61 50 B8 64 36 1D 0F 88 44 62 51 38 A4
0020: 56 2D 17 8C 46 63 51 B8 E4 76 3D 1F 90 48 64 52
0030: 39 24 96 4D 18 80 80 00 60 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
0040: 60 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 0F 00
0050: FE 00 04 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 03 00
0060: 01 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 01 01 03 00 01 00 00 00
0070: 0F 00 00 00 02 01 03 00 03 00 00 00 48 00 00 00
0080: 03 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 06 01 03 00

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Create Database From INI File Provided

Mar 3, 2012

An ancient application I'm working with came with .ini file which looks like an instruction set to create an access database. A sample few lines look like:



and so on.

Is there a way to get Access (2007 in my case) to create a new db by reading from this file? Or do I need to manually enter all this information.

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Create Linked Read-Only File

Feb 13, 2014

Let's say I have a database saved in Folder 1. Is there a way for me to create a read-only copy of that database in Folder 2 so that it can be up-to-date with the changes made in the Folder 1 database? I am running Windows 7.

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