Create MsgBox For Failed Search

Jan 12, 2005

I'm using Open Form, and setting the Where condition to a Parameter called search, so that a pop up asked for search parameter from user. If there users search fails to get any matches, a blank form is returned.

Can anyone suggest a better way to achieve this, so I can include a message to say no data found??

This is all my click event reads thus far...

DoCmd.OpenForm "FindLesseeForm", acNormal, "", "[Lessee]![LesseeName] Like [Search]", acReadOnly, acNormal


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Adding A Msgbox To A Search Form - Easy Peasy Except For Me :)

Sep 11, 2005

I have a code for a free text search form which will return records in another window when the search button is clicked.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

If Len(cboSearchField) = 0 Or IsNull(cboSearchField) = True Then
MsgBox "You must select a field to search."

ElseIf Len(txtSearchString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtSearchString) = True Then
MsgBox "You must enter a search string."

'Generate search criteria
GCriteria = cboSearchField.Value & " LIKE '*" & txtSearchString & "*'"

'Filter frmRhinitis based on search criteria
Form_frmRhinitis.RecordSource = "select * from tblBaseline where " & GCriteria
Form_frmRhinitis.Caption = "Customers (" & cboSearchField.Value & " contains '*" & txtSearchString & "*')"

MsgBox "Results have been filtered."

End If

End Sub

However, even if no records match the criteria the window will return a "Results have been filtered" but return a blank form. How do I include code that will return a "Match cannot be found" MsgBox if the search string isnt found?

Thanks :)

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Modules & VBA :: Show Msgbox If Search Is Empty - Error 94

Sep 19, 2014

I have a button that opens a form which is based on a query.

The query has a prompt so when you click the button the prompt pops up.

However if nothing is entered you get a VB error 94 error.

How do i get it to show a msgbox if the search is empty?

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How To Create Search Button Using Access 2007 That Can Search From Form

Jul 10, 2012

i need to create a system that can search data using i want to create search button that i will create it at form. currently i have 1 table and in that table i have 10 fields which are project_name, doc_ref_no, doc_title, volume, book_no, author, doc_status, box_barcode, filling_location, doc_availability.

i have create 2 forms, one form for user to add new record and another one is to search record. the user can search by enter project name, doc title, volume and box barcode. for project name and volume, i use combo box and for doc title and box barcode i'm using text box.

i want to create search function that can detect from user keyword and even user did not fill in all the form, the system still can search the record.

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Forms :: Combo Box Search - If Record Not Exist It Will Display Msgbox To No Record Found

Oct 28, 2014

I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.

Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.

the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.

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How To Create A Pop-up Search Field

Dec 21, 2005

I have an extremely large database which is in a continuous form format, and what I would like to happen is, instead of using the find button that would just find a word, I would like to have a pop-up search box that would yield actual texts throughout the DB (something like the search feature in Adobe Acrobat). In addition, I would like to use the "and" or "plus" together to search for additional data if needed. Please, unless there is a sample I could download and use in my db, please be specific in your instructions since I am new to all this.


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Help- Create Search Form

Feb 12, 2006

hello, i know i have seen example from here, nome of them seems to help. My is just a simple search.
i have 4 tables: Artist Name, title, country and location

all i want is create a form that has a search. I want to type the artist name and it lists the country of the artist. How to i do this. I create the command button and text box but it just does not work.

This is the code i use on the command.

Quote: Private Sub ButtonSearchForRecords_Click()
Dim StringQuery As String
Dim StringWhere As String
StringWhere = ""
If Not (TextBoxSearchName = "") Then
StringWhere = StringWhere & "AND [Name] = '" & TextBoxSearchName & "' "
End If
StringWhere = Right$(StringWhere, Abs(Len(StringWhere) - 4))
StringQuery = "SELECT [Name], [Title], [Country], [Location] " _
& "FROM [2-75TH SCAR] WHERE " & StringWhere _
& "ORDER BY [Name], [Country]"
Me.ListBoxRecordsFoundInSearch = StringQuery
End Sub

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How To Create Search Box In Datasheet

Sep 14, 2012

Trying to create a search box that searches in my data sheet, In every field (or! Only in a particular field). Like the default search box in datasheet view form.

I tried to use a macro:search for next record.It works Only if my data is on the main form! But! My data sheet form is a subform.And I can not make marco works on a subform. I mean, my text box is on the MAIN form,and I need to search subform.

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I Need To Create A Search Form But I'm Lost

May 18, 2005


I am a total newbie to access.

We have a small business and i do all the admin. I've created a database of all our contacts (name, address, phone number, fax number, etc) and i've managed to create a form that allows me to enter the data into that instead of directly into the database window.

The last thing i want to do is create a search form or add a button to my existing data entry form that will allow me to type in a contacts name, address, or any other thing about them i remember at the time, and be taken straight to that entry. Once this is done that is all i need to know for the moment.

I've tried an example i found on microsoft's site but can't get it to work properly.

Can anybody help. I'd imagine this is very very simple but i can not get the answer myself.


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How To Create Dynamic Search Forms?

Jul 28, 2006

Hiya guys, I need to create a form that works exactly in the same way as a query works, so there's a criteria text box on the top of the form and a list box displaying all results. I know a query does this but i need a user friendly way of displaying this information.

The search is for customer names and i need to display this information in a user friendly way because my users will need to search the database before deciding whether the customer has been inputted into it or not.

I tried to create this using a query having the criteria as the form's text box value (as an expression) but when I input values into the text box the query does not update unless i reopen the query in edit mode and perform a search manually.

My email is if any of you guys have any ideas! Thanks

Jay x

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How To Create A Search Form In MsAccess?

May 12, 2005

I am using msAccess to develop a small application.
I have 2 tables, student and course, and
I need to create a form with 3 fields -
by_id, by_date, by_course_id

This form can generate a view only table according to the field the user entered.

Can anyone help me on this?
What's the step to do so?


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General :: Create A Web Search Emulation

Oct 10, 2014

I have been tasked to create a Web Search Emulation of some sort. I'm wondering if I could do it with Access. I'm thinking if I create a start page with a search field where the user can enter any word they would like (specifically a job search) and then link that field to a query that would look/search for that word in a table that has loads of entries to see if anything is found and if there is list the titles of the results in a clickable ListBox. Then, if they click something in the list, it would open another form with the details linked to that list item.

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Forms :: Create Search Form

Dec 11, 2013

I need to make a search form in MS Access:

I have a table with columns:
Login, First Name, Last Name

I need to create a form with one text box and a Search button.When i enter the Login in text and click the button it should give me the details.I am able to do it with single Login being entered.But the catch here is i want to enter multiple Login in the single text box and search and it should give me the result.

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Create A Search Function In Database

Aug 13, 2013

I've been trying to create a search function in my database and a " TmprryQryFrLnkFldsCrtn0123456789 " Query has appeared that I cant alter or change.

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Create A Multi Word Search Query

Dec 24, 2005

You guys are awsome!

Is there anyway to use Like in queries where the user could type in more than one word?

I have a text box (search title), on a form (Search).

On after update the text box, opens a query.

The criteria in the query for the Title field is:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![search title] & "*"

this works great for one word or phrase.

I would like the user to be able to type in 2 words, and have the query find all the records where the first word is in the Title, and where the second word is in the Title. And so on with 3 words or more.

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Linking Form To Search Or Create New Record

Mar 16, 2005

I have uploaded an example of my database

As you can see there are two tables and two forms.
What i want is for a user to view or enter data for a record on the first form.
And then when they are done they click the button to open up form2.
What i want to happen is for the company name/id from the record in form1 to be searched for when form2 opens and to display only the data for that record when opened. If no data exists for that record in form2/table2 then for it too create a record for that company when form2 is opened from form1

hope this makes sense and you can help

Please note this is just an example so if there is wrong naming conventions and such please ignore if there is as i just wanted to display quickly what i want to acheive

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Can ASP Or ACCESS Create A Database Search Report?

Dec 30, 2005

Hey there, can anyone advise if the following is possible and if so how it might be done?

I have created a site using DWMX04, ASP & ACCESS.

I would like to be able to have some sort of report on what is being searched on the database.

Can this be done in ACCESS or by using ASP?

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.


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Queries :: How To Create Query To Search For Computer By Name

Jun 17, 2013

I am relatively new to MS Access. I am wanting to create a query that allows me to search for a computer by name.

I have two fields in the Query. Main user and Computer Name.

I would like it when you open the query it asks you to input and name then once inputted display that persons computer name.

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Forms :: Create A Form To Search Parts

Nov 4, 2013

I want to create a form to search my parts.example I typed in a part number 123 , the other text box also will come out the detail about the part 123.

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Create Drop Down That Has 2 Columns And Search On Unbound

Apr 17, 2013

I'm working in Access 2010. I have a simple form that is bound to table "Jobs" in which the key field is job number.

I want to create a search drop down. I need it to display both the job number and the customer name; and I would like the user to be able to start typing the customer name in the dropdown and for the drop down to pull it up as I'm typing it.

I create a simple query for the row source of my drop down:

SELECT Jobs.Job_Number, Customers.Customer_Name
FROM Jobs LEFT JOIN Customers ON Jobs.Job_Number = Customers.Job_Number;

When I run the query, I get both columns. I set the bound column to 1.

Column count = 2.
Column widths =1";1"

Go to run it and it displays only the job number in the drop down after I select. In addition, it does not filter at all.

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User Input To Search Database And Create Report

Sep 9, 2004

I have a database that I created that uses a form to fill out information about server builds. I contains information about who built it, the IP address, server name, etc. I want to be able to create a dailog box that allows the user to input a server name to query the database and create a report based on that input. And if the user input isn't found in the database, a dialog box comes up with some sort of error message. I am still pretty new to Access, so the more detail you can give me the better. Thank a lot.

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General :: Create A Form That Allows To Search For Particular Quote Numbers

Jul 8, 2013

I am creating an access database to store customer details as well as quote information. I have created a form to input quote details that our office can complete when a customer calls to complete a quote. I need to create a form that opens as a new form every time we click on the form to input a new quotation. How do I do this? At the moment when I click on the form, the form opens but the details of the last quotation are stored on the open form.

I have no training in access at all and am self taught so far so by no means an expert.I also want to create a form that allows you to search for particular quote numbers, so if someone calls and asks about a particular quote number we click on a page that says 'search quotes', input the quote number and the form opens with all the details of that quote.

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General :: Web Database - Create Search Feature For Just 2 Of Fields

Aug 13, 2014

I have a web database that I am trying to create a search feature for just 2 of the fields. The search is for a certain date and also a shop are the 2 fields I would like to have the search run for.

Once the search has been run I would like to generate it into a report.

I have already created the report/ form and the query. I am not sure where I need to go from here. I have created the from with the date and also a combo box for the list of the shops and then a button that says search that will go to the report. I just need it to show all the particular items that show the date and or shop. If you leave them both blank it will run a report and show everything. Then if you just put a date in it will run a report with just that date or the same with the shop.

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Forms :: Create A Multi-field Search Box That Goes To Record In A Form

Jul 7, 2014

This is what the search box must do:

- Searches 3 fields (StudentID, FirstName, LastName) and jumps to the relevant record.

The closer to the search box in the navigation bar below, the better, so this is what I would really like too.

- A repeat click would take me to the next result/record (if any) with the same criteria
- Instant search as soon as I start typing

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Forms :: Create A Button That Search In All Fields Of Database Table

Dec 1, 2013

I am new to MS Access! I have design a database and a form to record the information of customer feedback.

The first thing I want is to search the record from the whole database. Secondly I want to print that searched record. And finally I want to make a Form Reset Button.

I have made a "Clear" button but it is not working correctly and removes the record from the database after saving.

I have attached the database!

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General :: Create Dataset With Ability To Search Through Macro Form?

Feb 23, 2013

i orginally thought i should do this in excel but i think when the dataset becomes larger and i want to eventually get it on the web - i thought its access i need?

i have created a mini dataset as an exmaple of what im trying to explain..i have in first column the objects, and columns after this are the elements needed to make the object (i have just labelled the element titles a b c etc - there will be LOTS of elements once i get the dataset created). so if i had a red blue green cream elements - a search would bring back both lights and lamps that i am able to make.

object A B C D E F G H
lights red blue green cream
lamp red blue green cream
garage red blue green cream yellow brown purple pink
house orange white green blue red black
garden orange white green blue red
garden house orange white green blue red

is there a way of creating a search lookup to this kind of information? a form which you type the criteria in and it brings back what you can make? if i was one element away from an object could I use a wildcard function to say, if you had black you could make a house?? etc

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