Create VIEW From SQL Query On A TABLE Using VBA

Nov 8, 2006

How can we do this? Can someone pls help? The query should be part of the code. Like create a variable strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ...." and so on

Newbie here :)

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Queries :: Create Update Query To Budget Table Using Access Design View?

Feb 17, 2015

trying to create an update query to Budget table using the Access Design View:

Field: PctSls (in tblBudget) Update to: [Expense] / [Sales]. The update query always returns 0. However, if I create a Select query using the same calculation, the correct results is displayed. PctSls is defined in the Budget table.

I haven't worked with Access (2003) for several years but this seems too simple to be causing me such frustration. (Was only a casual user even then).

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Queries :: Create And View Both Forms Using Same Table

May 23, 2013

I am using a query as part of a mail merge, there are two forms that use the query, create and view, both forms use the same table. When I click the print button the query runs, and mail merges in a word document.

What I need is a filter on the query which only shows the record currently open on which ever of the forms is open, so the mail merge only happens for the 1 record you want.

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Queries :: Create View (Query) With Only Change In Value For First Field

Jul 16, 2014

Need sorted Query to be used in a Listbox. The attachment shows a made-up view of the objective.

The first column shows the change in value, then blanks for the first column's next rows, until there is a change of value again.

I do something like this in Excel where the first change in value is bolded. This is to make a list box more readable.

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Create View

Feb 3, 2006

Can MS Access do "create view"?

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE predicates;

When I put it in the SQL View in the query, it does NOT run.

I put it in modules, it doesn't run, too.


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Field In Design View Not Showing In Table View

Jul 2, 2007

I have a table called NewTransactions_tbl that I have been using for some time. I am trying to add a new field called CustomerProjectNumber. It's not being displayed when I look at the table view. I've attached an image showing the settings for the field. I am probably missing something obvious.

Any ideas why it is not showing?

I am using Access 2000.

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Export Pivot Table Query View In Excel

Jun 26, 2007


I need to export a Pivot Table view to Excel. The issue is with Calculated Total columns which are not exported in excel. Do you know if there is any way I can export the Calculated columns in excel?

Thank you.

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How To Create Dynamic Report With Changing View

Jun 10, 2014

I have a master recordset containing sales data for numerous products. I'd like to create a dynamic "dashboard" (i.e. a single report or form that the user can interact with dynamically) where the user can click a product name from a ListBox and see a summary report generate in the space below. If they click a different product name from the ListBox, I'd like the report space to automatically refresh and show the next summary report.

I've created my desired report and dragged it into the form but I'm having trouble embedding it dynamically into the form: I tried using the "Link Child Fields"/"Link Master Fields" properties, but get an error message saying I can't build a link between unbound forms. Here's a screenshot what I'm trying to accomplish...

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Create Table Query

May 31, 2005


Is there a quick way to split up a table into many other tables? I want to split the table by Client Number, so all the Clients with 1234, for example, are in a table called Client1234

I know the very long winded way, creating a ‘Create New Table’ query, inputting the Client Code criteria each time.

Is there a better more efficient way?



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Create Table Query

Mar 9, 2007

I wrote a script which creates a new table and append records into it. Here are my codes:

For Each rst In dbs.tabledefs
If rst.NAME = "Biweekly_Temp_Table" Then
dbs.tabledefs.Delete rst.NAME
End If
Next rst
qryBtt = "SELECT DEDPARMS" & payp & ".EMP_ID, DEDPARMS" & payp & ".FORMAT_NM, " & _
"Sum(IIf(Right([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".Dedtype_CD],1)='R',[overded_am],0)) AS [Employer Amt], Sum(IIf(Right([DEDETAIL" & payp & ".Dedtype_CD],1)='R',[DEDETAIL" & payp & ".ded_am],0)) AS [Employer Actl], " & _
"Sum(IIf(Right([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".Dedtype_CD],1)='A',[overded_am],0)) AS [Admin Amt], Sum(IIf(Right([DEDETAIL" & payp & ".Dedtype_CD],1)='A',[DEDETAIL" & payp & ".ded_am],0)) AS [Admin Actl], " & _
"Sum(IIf(Right([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".Dedtype_CD],1)='E',[overded_am],0)) AS [Employee Amt], Sum(IIf(Right([DEDETAIL" & payp & ".Dedtype_CD],1)='E',[DEDETAIL" & payp & ".ded_am],0)) AS [Employee Actl], " & _
"First(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".STATUS) AS FirstOfSTATUS, First(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".AGENCY) AS FirstOfAGENCY, " & _
"First(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".TITLE) AS FirstOfTITLE, First(Right(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".title,2)) AS RepUnit, Left([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD],2) AS Type, " & _
"Left([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD],2) AS LeftType, Sum(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".NBR) AS SumOfNBR, First(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD) AS FirstOfDEDTYPE_CD1, " & _
"First(Right([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDPlan_CD],2)) AS Tier, First(Left([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDPlan_CD],2)) AS Carrier, DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDPLAN_CD Into Biweekly_Temp_Table " & _
"FROM DEDPARMS" & payp & " LEFT JOIN DEDETAIL" & payp & " ON (DEDPARMS" & payp & ".EMP_ID = DEDETAIL" & payp & ".EMP_ID) AND (DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD = DEDETAIL" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD) " & _
"GROUP BY DEDPARMS" & payp & ".EMP_ID, DEDPARMS" & payp & ".FORMAT_NM, Left([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD],2), Left([DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDTYPE_CD],2), DEDPARMS" & payp & ".DEDPLAN_CD " & _
"HAVING (((First(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".STATUS)) Not In ('P'))) " & _
"ORDER BY DEDPARMS" & payp & ".EMP_ID, First(DEDPARMS" & payp & ".STATUS);"
DoCmd.RunSQL qryBtt

NOW THE ISSUE IS, AN ALERT MESSAGE ALWAYS POP UP SAYING SOMETHING LIKE, "You are about to paste 34590 row(s) into a new table." What would I have to do to get rid of this pop up? Eventually my users are going to use this and I don't want them to be alarmed when the message pop up.


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Create Table Query

Feb 13, 2007

can I use create table query and change a fields data type?

I have a field with numbers, but when I get the table, it is set as a text field. I want it to be a number field, but I can't change the orignal table. That's why I was going to use a create table query, but I can't figure out how to change the data type from text to number.


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Design View - Where'd The Table View Go ?

Apr 18, 2008

You know how normally in design view there would be a table at the bottom of the screen where you can drag your fields from the view above.

Well, I have a query where this table view has disappeared ?

I can edit the query in SQL view, the query works, just the table view is missing.

Ever happened to anyone else ? I've done the obvious and scrolled down as far as I can and nope, it's not there ??? :confused:

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How Do I Create A Query Like A Pivot Table?

Nov 15, 2005

Hi Forumers...

I have data in a table that looks like this...

Site 1 | 20
Site 1 | 21
Site 1 | 16
Site 2 | 8
Site 2 | 9
Site 2 | 12

I would like to create a query that allows me to show summary statistics for each site. eg...

Site 1 | 16 | 21 | 19
Site 2 | 8 | 12 | 9.667

Am relatively new to MS Access and can't work out how to create a query that does this. Any help will be appreciated.

Using MS Access 2000 (9.0.7616 SP-3) on Windows 2000


Chris Medlin

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Create A New Row For Each Table Column In Query

Oct 26, 2006

I have a table which stores multiple materials in different columns, and the analysis results for each material in the associated cell. I need to create a query which will display a new row for each material and result with all the appropriate associations (location, date, time, etc.) Is there a way to do this in a single query? Do I have to create a separate query for each material?

Ultimately, I need to create an excel file which displays each material, the analysis result for that material, and the associated site, date/time values in a new row for each material.

Thanks for any help.

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Little Help To Finish A Create Table SQl Query

Dec 26, 2006


I have the below in an SQL query that is called by a button (At present) that creates a table with an autonumber Primary Key (Can do a single Autonumber PK or a multiple field PK at the moment with the SQL code), and i want to create a table but the table name (An maybe some fields) to be from a field in the table. How can i do this, and is the below correctly written?? it works OK, but may be untidy.

Program1 varchar, Eligibility1 yesno, Cap1 currency, Phase1 varchar(111),
SRFA1 yesno, DischargeDate2 date, Program2 varchar,
Eligibility2 yesno, Cap2 currency, Phase2 varchar, SRFA2 yesno,
DischargeDate3 date, Program3 varchar, Eligibility3 yesno,
Cap3 currency, Phase3 varchar, SRFA3 yesno, DischargeDate4 date,
Program4 varchar, Eligibility4 yesno, Cap4 currency, Phase4 varchar, SRFA4 yesno, testlabel memo)

Have tried:

CREATE TABLE [Form1].[User] (


and then made the record save (To store the field value on the form) before running the SQL code, but nothing happens (No errors)



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Create Table AS Select Query

Oct 25, 2007

Hello all,

Is there anyway to create a table from a query like you can in oracle?

Create Table [B_match] AS
FROM [B_All]

Take care

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Run A Create-table Query Every 2nd Hour

Sep 18, 2006

I have made a create-tabel query that I want to run every 2. hour. How can I set Access up to do this automatically?


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General :: Need To Create Query From A Table

Apr 14, 2014

I have an old ERP system. The upload function is one line per value. So if I want to upload 7 models I need 7 lines, not one line with Qty of 7
however my source system sends the data as one line with Qty of 7


so in this example line 1 is fine. But line two needs 7 lines, and line 3 needs 7 lines and line 4 147 lines etc etc this is how the first three lines would look in the query.



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Urgent Help Needed With Table Create Query.

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all, i need some help constructing a query that will create a table for me that does not include the Type value of 'promotion' if the same ID value exists elsewhere within the query.For instance, in the example below, i would want to delete the first entry containing 'Promotion' because ID2001 exists in two other places. However, if only one instance of ID2001 'Promotion' existed in my query, i would want to keep that entry. I would prefer to write all my data to a new table called "Test", This query has to sort out about 1000 entries when executed, otherwise i'd do it manually.I'm pulling my hair out with this one, so could someone help me?ID Company Name TypeID2001 Disc plc John PromotionID2001 Disc plc Paul AgentID2001 Disc plc George Agent

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Queries :: Create Summary Query For Each Table?

Dec 5, 2013

I have three tables with data.

Table1 is data for meals.
Table2 is data for room costs.
Table3 is data for payments made.

Each of these tables has a foreign key for EventID.I'm trying to produce a report that will show, for each EventID:

The total billed (which is meals + rooms)
The total paid (from Table3)
The balance due (the difference from the two above).

Do I have to create summary queries for each table?

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Query That Will Select All Tables In The Database And Create One Table

Sep 16, 2007

I have a rotating number of tables that are created from excel spreadsheets that are imported. The Tables will change, but when they are there I need to be able to create a query that will merge them all together so I can run one query against all the tables. In SQL I know you can use a * to say Select *
From Table_1

Is there a syntax for the From portion so I can say:

Select *
From * (AKA all the tables in the Database)?

I have searched for a wildcard for the FROM statement that works like in the select statement but have been unsuccessful at finding an answer. Can anybody help? I'd list the Tables in the from Statement but there are 266 of them. Unless someone knows how to say:

Select *
From All tables in a folder with 266 excel spreadsheets

Thanks for your help

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Adding Fields In A Table To Create New Field In A Query

Mar 14, 2008

I've got a fields called rev code that contain the following values:

field name: 110 131 250 255 258

field value: 7.49 6 11.25 12.11 78

I'm writing a query that pulls from the first two digits of the rev code and need to round off to the nearest dollar so in my query I'll have a column 11 with a value of 7, a column 13 with a value of 6, then I need to take columns 250 255 and 255 add the values together and round off so I get a column 25 with a value of 101.

How do I do that?

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Queries :: Create Table Query From Multiple Fields?

Aug 14, 2013

i essentially have 2 table:

1. Table BIC

A list of codes that will be updated monthly, which will be the basis for querying the second table. Approx 100 rows of data.

2. Table Original

A data file obtained from IT where i'll need to sort it to find any codes that are including in Table1. This includes approx ~ 10,000 row of data.

** note, the "BIC" from "Table BIC" can appear in any of the 5 BIC columns in Table Original.

What i need to do is create a query that will:

1. Search the "BIC" from "Table BIC" in all 5 columns of "Table Original".

2. Where it has a hit, it will create new table - for example, the first row of table Original includes the BIC "ABC" in the "BIC 1" column. A query would create table "ABC" and place this whole record (all 8 fields) in new table "ABC". No modification needed.

3. Where two (or more) BIC's from "Table BIC" appear in one record in "Table Original" - the result will only need to be placed in one of the new tables (really doesn't matter which one). For example, Record #4 includes the BIC "ABC" in field "BIC1" and the BIC "DEF" in the field "BIC4". Therefore, a new table would be created (either ABC or DEF) to capture this information.

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Queries :: Create Query To Sort Table In Particular Order

Feb 28, 2014

I have a table with multi columns with unsorted data.

I want to run query to sort data in multiple columns.

How can i do it?

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General :: Using Both Query And Table To Create Pivot Chart

Sep 7, 2014

I was just wondering if I could use a query and table to create pivot chart? and If so how I could do this? I need information from both in order to create the chart I want.

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Queries :: Create Numeric Query Fields In MAKE Table

May 25, 2014

Have a Make table query that needs to create (add) several new fields where each field must be numeric design.

Have tried:

Score1: Not Null - does not seem to work (results in a Binary field)
Score1: 0 - which does give me the numeric field designation but every field in table contains a 0.

Would like to show Blank field (makes data input easier at a later time) but still have the Numeric designation.

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