Create A New Datebase From An Old One.

Nov 9, 2005

I would like to create a new database from an existing data base with the same fields but I don't want the data. Can anyone give me a step-by step instruction. I also want to duplicate the form as well.
I am currently using ACCESS 2000

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My First Datebase

Mar 1, 2006

Hi all.

I need to make a database for work.

I used Access many years ago but have forgotten most of what I knew.

I want to make a form for entering data into the table.

For one of my fields I would like the user to only be able to make a selection from a pre-defined list but I would like them to make more than one selection if required.


From that they could choose more than one.

How would I go about doing this.

Would it be done at the form stage?


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Datebase Relationships?

Mar 24, 2007

Im having some trouble here. This isn't my very first database but I am creating a database for a customer that does blacksmith work
He wants a customers database, projects he does, inventory he has and even a timesheet all together.

He wants to be able to input all his customers, then as he works on projects he wants to have the projects linked to the customer that ordered it, he wants to have a timesheet database where he can track per project as well as inventory that he uses per project

So I have the databases for each, but I cant figure out how to make a relationship so when you start a project, you can pick which customer the project is for, and even pick the inventory you have that you will use for that project and have it where later you can go to each customer and see which projects that customer had and then go into inventory and see that stuff isn't there anymore because he picked it and used it for certain projects.

Is there any easy way that I can do all this? I got access 2007 and access 2003 video training that I am going through. And relationships is where I got stuck.

Anyone? Thank you very much in advance! Im willing to trade services for help from someone. My portfolio :

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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General :: Create A Button That Will Create A New Empty Backend

Oct 31, 2013

I created a database and I manage to split it into front end and backend. now I'm going to make an EXE of the front end.My question is when I open the front end, I need the database to be empty, and them create a button that will make the user select which project he wants to open (backend).I also need to create a button that will create a new empty backend and save it as a new project.

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Im Trying To Create...

Oct 30, 2007

a system for my company. I have been working with Access for a total of 3 days now, so bear with my inexperience.I have a table with State, Product Name, and so on as Column headers. I have repetition in both of those Columns (if that matters). I would like to figure out how to be able to pull up (Search, Sort, not sure how to word it) 1. By state) all products offered in that state and related info2. By Product) all states using the selected product and related infoWhich would be better for the above goals - Form or Page?I have looked into cascading combo that the right direction?

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Create ID

Oct 26, 2006

I have a table of around 100,000 records all with a unique contract ID. However there are several entries holding different information on each line but with the same contract number. How can I assign each contract number with its own ID for example contract number 12345 has 6 different entries in the system which i need to keep but i want to assign that contract number with its own ID so i can provide a better contract count instead of it appearing 6 times.

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Cannot Create An MDE File

Jul 4, 2005

I use office 2003, first I had to convert my database, then I did the database splitting then, remove all menus from running at startup, I tried to create an mde file but it didn’t work.

This is what I got:

This error is usually associated with compiling a large database into an MDE file. Due to the method used to compile the database, a considerable number of TableID references are created for each table. The Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0 can only create a maximum of 2048 open TableIDs at one time. Exporting a database as an MDE potentially can exceed this limit if the database has a large number of objects (table, macro, form, report, etc).

There is no accurate method to estimate the number of TableIDs the Jet database engine uses during the process of compiling a database as an MDE. However, each VBA module and each form uses one TableID, as a result, if the database has 500 forms, and each form's HasModule property is set to Yes, as many as 1,000 TableIDs are used.

So installed office XP and tried the same steps but still not working.

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Unable To Create MDE

Sep 5, 2005

I have created access2K application with 4 clients (forms+query+macro+reports) residing on workstations and database on server. I have created MDE of 3 frontends but unable to do so on one computer. When I goto Tools->Database Utilities->Make MDE File... (Disabled)
Its disabled I cannot continue so no error message. Any idea?

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Create A New Folder

Oct 25, 2005

I would like to create a new folder with a specific name.


I have a k: drive where i want the new folder created

I want to name the new folder under the k: drive.

Im sure this is very easy to do, but i can't seem to find an example in the forum.

thanks in advance

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Relationships? Anyway To Create These Using SQL?

Dec 20, 2005


I have two tables i would like to create a relationship with but the two fields that i want to join are not exactly the same e.g

Table 1

Table 2
111111 ABC

The key piece of information that i would like to link together is the 111111, in SQL i would just type "WHERE Code LIKE '*111111*'" or something like that.

Is there anyway i can create a relationship based on the data above?

Many thanks

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Create New Spreadsheet

Dec 29, 2005

I am trying to use the following code to export a table into a new spreadsheet that does not exist yet:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, tbl_temp, "C:Spreadsheets" & rst!clientid & ".xls", True

but it won't work because the spreadsheet doesn't exist. How can I make Access create the spreadsheet?

Thanks in advance!


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Create View

Feb 3, 2006

Can MS Access do "create view"?

CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE predicates;

When I put it in the SQL View in the query, it does NOT run.

I put it in modules, it doesn't run, too.


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Create Date

May 8, 2006

This has got to be a really easy one for you guys...!

I need to record the date/time a record was created - I've tried to use now() but obviously that updates and there appears to be no function for create date...

Can someone help me out please?



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Create MDE Before Or After Splitting?

May 23, 2006

I setup my security (or lack there of, hehe) and split the database. I relinked the tables.

Now, Access gets hung up when I try to create an MDE of the FE to distribute. It starts the process, asking me to select a folder and file name, I do that, and it gets no further in the process. Access says (not responding).

Should I have created the MDE before I split it? Or does crashing of Access have nothing to do with whether i create the MDE before or after splitting?

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Create Sub Directories

Jun 15, 2006

Hi All.
I have searched forums......honest!! But cannot find an answer.

I have the following code to make a directory....the directory name is as the ID_number....

Private Sub Command216_Click()
Dim strDirectoryPath1 As String
strDirectoryPath1 = "\server1Helpdesk_Calls" + CStr(Me.ID_Number)

If Len(Dir$(strDirectoryPath1 & ".", vbDirectory)) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The project folder already exists, the folder will now open"

stAppName = "C:Windowsexplorer.exe \server1Helpdesk_Calls" + CStr(Me.ID_Number)
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

MkDir (strDirectoryPath1)
MsgBox "A folder has been created on the network at location \Server1Helpdesk_Calls" + CStr(Me.ID_Number)
stAppName = "C:Windowsexplorer.exe \Server1Helpdesk_Calls" + CStr(Me.ID_Number)
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

End If

End Sub


This works fine, and makes a directory on the network drive i.e


My question is, how do I also make it create directories under this one i.e


It is the ID_number that is throwing me....have tried with numerous goes!!

Many Thanks.


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Create My Own Toolbar

Jul 22, 2006

Is there any way of adding export fuction to the toolbar using modules or macro

or how I can build my own toolbar when will appear in all workstation in the company

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Won't Let Me Create Relationship

Sep 25, 2006

Structure of db

divs(divid, div, div_short, div_num)
subdivs ( subdivid, divid, subdiv)
issues (issueID, issue, issueName, subdivid)
subIssue1 (subissueID, subissue, issueid)
subIssue2 (subissue2id, subissue2, issueid)
resolution (resID, labeltext, subIssueID)
resolutionlink( resID, labeltext, linktext, navURL, suIssueID)

div and subdiv (1 to many)
subdiv and issues (1 to many)
issues and subIssue1 (1 to many)
subIssue1 and subIssue2 (1 to many)

Now resolution table could have a one to many relationship with either issue table, subIssue1 table, or subIssue2 table. When I go to create any of those relationships, Access won't allow me. Tells me it can't create this relationship and enforce referential integrity.

Possibly I need to restructure my database to accomodate?
I am not sure, any help would be appreciated.

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How Do I Create This Relationship

Dec 7, 2006

Could someone please help me with the following problem.

I have a report that downloads into excel from a loan software program.

The report has lots of data for each individual loan number

What I have done is link this report to access as a table.

The problem I am having is how do I create a relationship with that table.

I want to create a status report that does the following

There are about 15 steps in the loan process, and I want to add 3 fields to link to every loan number (possibly a subform)

description of event
is it completed(y or n)
date completed

can someone please help me with any ideas



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How Do I Create A Custom Msg Box

Jan 1, 2007

I have a database for call outs, i had a problem with double booking, but cured that, my problem now is every time my work mates try to book me in that go into the debug box (accidently) all i need is a ok button only msgbox to say the time is already booked. can anyone plaease help.

here is my db if any one want to have a look

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Is This Database Possible To Create?

Jul 16, 2007

I need to create a database for students going on work experience.

Each of the students will have a rating from 1-6 depending on behaviour, effort and attainment. Each of the work placements also has a rating from 1-6. Each student chooses 6 work placements that they would like to attend (one of each rating)

If all the data for the students and the workplacements are entered into the system is it possible to match appropriate students to appropriate workplacements using MS Access 2003?

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Better Way To Create Tables?

Aug 8, 2005

I am developing a database which will track some of my companies clients bonus trips. Basically everyone is going to the same place but folks are of different levels. Level A is a 14 day trip with X number of activities, Level B is a 10 day trip with Y number of activities and so on. The major things I'll have to track are all of their personal information as well as 'Air Travel', 'Hotel Stay', and 'Recreational Activities' information.

I can put all of this information in to one table (tblTraveler), or am I better off with creating tblTraveler holding only personal information and then linking to other tables such as tblAir, tblHotel, and so on? I'm not entirely new to Access, but no pro yet for sure. Only problem with creating one table is that it would have one whole lotta fields. Not sure if it's better developing technique to split everything up.

Also, the only thing I can come up with as a primary key is the people's last names. The client numbers are the same on many of them, so that's the only thing I can come up with. The PK really is only a factor if it's best to create multiple tables for the traveler. At first I thought it was best to split everything, but now I'm seeing less reason to take all of the travelers information and dump in seperate tables since most of the time on the master reports the trip planners want everything lumped together. Perhaps I'm better off just keeping the forms clean and seperate and just one table? The reports will do the rest for me. Any input greatly appreciated.

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Create Table

Oct 19, 2005


In query, how can I make table when there is Union

FROM table1
UNION select *
from table2) into combine;

It doesn't work.
How can I fix that?

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Create 1 Query Instead Of Many

Aug 20, 2007

hello!this is my first time in this forum
i hope you can help me with this...
i created a database wich has one table with many fields, what i need is a parameter query to sort the information on that table, the problem is that i want the user to decide wich fields he needs, and if he want to use parameters (criteria) or not on those fields he choose, i wanna now if this is posible with just one query instead of one for each combination of fields the user wants on his query. i hope i make myself clear if i dont just let me know
oh and the criteria is taken from comboboxes in a form, and the query is runned from a comand button on that form too.
thank you

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!!! How To Create This Query?

Dec 8, 2007

In database is one Table, where are only two fields (ID and Text):
ID Text
1 AA
2 BB
3 AA
4 CC
5 EE

And in a form I have TexBox where is a text string, for ex. : aa; cc; ee
Im trying to create Query which find all records from Table which contains
"aa" or "cc" or "ee".

If I use concrete values in Query, it works :
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE (((Table.text) In ("aa","cc,ee")));
but when I use refer to a TextBox it doesn't works :(:
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE (((Table.text) In ([TexBox])));
Because it will do [TextBox]="aa;cc;ee" and not "aa";"cc";"ee"
Can anyone help me with it?
Thank you and have nice day.

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Create In Root Also

Mar 21, 2005


I am using the following code to create a csv file on the desktop using a query

Set wShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
path = wShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
Set wShell = Nothing

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "qryexportcsv", path + "export" & Format(Now(), "ddmmyyyy_HH:MM:SS") & ".csv", True

Could someone tell me how I would also make a copy of the file in the root directory in the same event.



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