Create A Popup

Aug 30, 2004

I am using an Access generated number for a "ref. number" I would like to know how when im in a form shown the box that would house that number, and someone clicks on the "ref, number" box a popup "search" would appear.

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How To Create A "status" Or Progress [popup] Display

Jan 8, 2006

Ok the question may sound cryptic, but I have a large database with many forms that all contains VBA code that can be iniated via a button and will perform some time consuming work.

I would like to be able to view some kind of status or progress of the work performed. Perhaps even dynamically like in from 0-100% work done.

Example send some status text to either a popup form or even the bottom "statusbar" text area. The problem with the latter is that I know how to change it via VBA, but as far as I know it requires me to access and change it using form and object. But I need this from so many forms and objects (buttons) that I would need to do a lot of code rework to actually know where I am calling my VBA code from.

Is it possible to change the status text "universally", that is without regards to a form and object?

Or how else can I go about to display some status/progress text which will work from any form and object without passing form and object name.

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Timesheet Table To Create Popup If Timesheet Entries Is Not Entered Day Before

May 24, 2007

hiya, just posted a message today.

Problem, ive got a work database which employees logon to and enter time against certain projects they have been working on. What i need is to somehow create some code that will look at each of the employees names and sum up there total time for the previous day. If this is less than say 6 hours of timesheets or even zero entries have been made, I want a pop up message to pop up as soon as they logon to the datatbase the next day and jsut mention they need to fill in there timesheets.

At the moment each person when they log on to the database has there name they logged in as, placed into a field (called "First Name") within form (called "Employee Startup Screen"). *** maybe use this as a way to identify who is logged on and when to run the code.***

Timesheet table has the following columns:
Employee; Date; ProjectID; Timespent

PLEASE help im a noob at this and have tried using some code on a query that sums up the previous days times filter on a employee. When the "Employee Startup Screen" opens it runs the following code

Dim internal1 As Integer

internal1 = Me.SumOfTimeSpent

If internal1 < 6 Then

MsgBox " Less than 6 hours have been entered " & Chr(13) & " into your timesheet for yesterday. ", vbCritical, Title1

ElseIf DCount("*", Me.SumOfTimeSpent) <> 0 Then

end if

End Sub


BUT it doesnt work if no entries have been made on the timesheet as the query result is blank.

ANY help would be muchly appreciated.

Thanks Keith

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Subform Popup

Jul 16, 2007

I have a subform I am using on a form. I would like to modify the code below that I have for a button on the form. I would like to use the master and child field link in the code below to only show candidates related to the main form. The link is candidate id. I have this working with a subform on the form but I would like to have this only display as a pop-up once the user clicks the button on the form. Is this possible? Thanks..

Private Sub Candidates_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Candidates_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "CandidatesCPR_Frm"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Candidates_Click

End Sub

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How Do I Set To Popup And Modal?

Apr 25, 2005

How do I set a form to popup and modal? What field in properties do I use the expression.popup?

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If Then Popup Question

Dec 21, 2005

I have a form that we use to enter our workorders (jobs) into the database. The bottom of the form runs a query and returns record information if a car has been in our facility before.

I would like to program it so that if the query does in fact find a previous record it pops up a window or message that says so.

Basically I need something like...

If the arrival date (and/or) item number is not null then popup a message that tells you the car has been here before.


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Popup Form?

May 17, 2006

I'm working on an invoice system for a company and they reqiure notification when an account is called up on a form that has an outstanding invoice.

So I created a query that locates all unpaid invoices, I made a form using that query, and I want to use it as a subform on my main invoice page.

But I'd like this subform to only popup when the criteria is met, that is the name on the subform matches the name on the current invoice called up.

Right now the subform is blank when the criteria is not met, and fields are filled out when they are...but I'd rather a nice big popup that can really get their attention...any idea if this is possible on Access 2000?


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Popup Subforms

Sep 14, 2006

Alright, I did a search for this and came up blank, but I'm sure its been asked a million times, sorry for the inconvenience:D

Is it possible to make a subform a popup form? I have a client table --1--to-many--> service table and want the service form to popup out of the client form. But I also want to the foreign key to autopopulate just like a subform would. Is there any way to do this? Are there any pitfalls to doing it this way?

Thanks in advance,

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Popup Reports

Sep 14, 2006


I have an application where all the forms are popup (i.e. the PopUp property is set to True). It was done because the customer wanted to see only one entry of the application on the taskbar. Now I have a real problem! When the customer opens reports in preview mode, he gets it opened BEHIND the application forms =( So he can't see it. And there is no "PopUp" property for report... What should I do? How can I put the report ON TOP?

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Comfirm Yes No Popup

Dec 21, 2006

How do i go about making a confirm yes and no dialog.

I know i can do it with a form, but would rather have a proper one :D

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Popup Keypad

Dec 22, 2006

I would like to make a form that would pop up in a standard keypad format. This would allow me to enter the number and on close, it would place it in a chosen field. I saw the one that was is a previous thread and it does make sense to me.

Thanks for the help

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Popup Problem

Sep 22, 2004

i have a Simple form called people. it has three feilds on it called

i have a button next to address that onclick popups up the form called address.

once the user finds the data i have a ok button. Now what i want done is when they click ok
it populates the address field on the people form. no one seems to be able to help me?
NAy examples would be great

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Popup Form

May 9, 2007

I have made a message service in access db using a pop up on timer even.

It works fine but sometimes it does not load. My db is split db and so what ever I am doing, doing on my machines only. So is there any way to check if a form is loaded and if its loaded then do requery.

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PopUp Form

Dec 20, 2007

On opening the form, i want to give a command with Move To command to move to the right upper corner. Is there any such command ?

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Popup Forms

Feb 6, 2008

Hi everyone,

I have a main form showing a number if information for one project. Within this form I have yes/no buttons that when clicked, open a popup form where you can add additional data. The problem I'm having is that when opened, the record # for the pop form does not match the record # for the main form.

Example: Let's say I'm in the main form and showing record #5. When I click the yes/no button to add extra info, the popup form opens but it shows record #1, not #5.

Any ideas how to tell the popup form to link with the corresponding record would be very much appreaciated.


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Popup Shows Up Asking For ID

Mar 31, 2015

I am getting 2 problems what I am trying to do is depending on the user logging in I want to open form (Aform) on specific record for that person ID. However where Y=1 I am getting a popup asking for AForm ID and where Y=2 I am getting run time error 3075 Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression.

Private Sub Command6_Click()
If IsNull(txtUsername) Then
MsgBox "Invalid username"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNull(txtPassword) Then
MsgBox "Invalid password"

[Code] ......

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Continuous List Popup

Apr 21, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to have a Continuous form that is a pop up.

Any ideas.

Many thanks

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PopUp And Select Value From A Form

Jul 3, 2005

Hi All,

I have a form that has a combo box and a subform. After a choose the value of the combo box I want to start adding values into the subform, and I want to be able to select the values that are to go into the subform fields. Now I am thinking of using a pop-up subform which shows the values that I can choose from and then as I close the form it will populate the fields of the main subform.

Is it possible and has anyone got a little example of form that can do that. If so can you put it as an attachment to this post.


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Modal Popup Query

Jun 8, 2006

Is it possible to make a query Pop-up? All of my forms are set so the Database background is hidden and they popup. I haven't been able to figure a way to do this with a query. Any help or suggestions would be great :)

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Annoying Popup Messages

Jun 6, 2007

I have no idea wheather this is supposed to go in Queries or Forms, so feel free to move this to either.

Here's my problem:

I made a query that looks at three text boxes on a form. I'm not sure how to set up the buttons correctly so I just bluffed it (like always :) ). Every time I run the query it keeps wanting me to re-enter the data that it was supposed to look at anyway! If you need more info, just ask. Thanks.


P.S.: I'm really new at this. I just learned about Access a week ago.

P.P.S.: I use Access 2000

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Form Popup Size

Feb 23, 2005


All my popup forms come up at the wrong size. I have popup = yes, modal = yes, border = dialogue box settings. I have tried this with both autoresize on and off. One form comes up to small and one comes up to big. I've tried changing the size of the form in design mode, but this has no effect.

Could someone please help me pls?


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Force Size Of Popup

Feb 24, 2005

Is there a way to force the size of a popup form? I want it to be around 3.5" by 4" because every time it popus up it is only around 2" by 1" and i have to resize it to look right.

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Popup Form Problem

Jun 22, 2005

I have a [frmMain] form which i would like to run maximised.
I also have a button on the [Main] that opens another form [frmAdjust]
in Popup mode, because i do not want this form to be maximised.

The problem i have is that when i return to the [frmMain] after closing
the [frmAdjust] i want to update a subform [subAdjustment] on return.
The Event i would like to use, the Activate event is not fired on return
from a form with the popup property set. The GotFocus event of the form does not
work either.

Which event would i use for this or how could i get around this.

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Popup Calander In Subform

Aug 19, 2005

i'm kind of a rookie with access : )

i'm using the attached popup calander in my form and subform ,,,
it works perfect in my form
but when using in the subform, i get an error saying "the specified form can't be found"

if i open the subform as a form it works

so my question, is do i have to change anything in the calandar code so it could open in subform as well ??

if yes how ?

thanks in advance

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Subform With A Popup Form

Dec 6, 2005

I can't seem to get this to work. I have a Mainfrm with a Subfrm. On the Subfrm I have a field that has to be a concatenation of two inputs. To do this I have created a PopUpfrm for that field that has two list boxes. The user then chooses one from ListA and one from ListB. This populates an unbound field (fldCode) on the PopUpfrm. I need to pass this data to the original field on the Subfrm.

I've tried:
Forms!Mainfrm!Subfrm.Form.Field1 = me.fldCode
and every possible iteration of this that I can figure out.

Any suggestions on how to pass this information back to the Subfrm.Field1?

If I run just the Subfrm, w/o opening the Mainfrm everything works great. I guess I just don't know how to reference that field when it is actually in the Mainfrm.

Thanks in advance

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Search Using Popup Form

Dec 26, 2005

Greetings all!
I am new to access and trying to build a database but having some real issues with the pop up search. Its a database with personal information so I created three forms
1. FrmMain = The initail navigation page which has just buttons and no records. When you click the cmdFind Resident button, it takes you to the second form...
2. FrmPop Up Resident with Record Source: Resident Name (from FrmResident Parking) . This form has 3 controls; 1textbox (Type Resident Name with Control Source: Resident Name from FrmResident Parking), 2 cmd button (OK and Cancel)
3. FrmResident Parking. This form is supposed to open the Resident Info based on the info entered in the 'Type resident txtbox in the pop up form but does not work.
I have been trying to get this work in Design view but no luck.
I created...
A macro: Find Resident with the following properties...
Form Name: Resident Parking
View: Form
Filter name: Left blank
Where condition: [Forms]![Resident Parking]![Resident Name] Like [Forms]![Pop up Resident]![Type Resident Name]
Data Mode: Left blank
Window Mode: Left blank

In summary what I want to acheive is that; when a person opens the database, they get the FrmMain and if they click find resident to main page, the Pop up form comes up and they type in a name then click ok. This then should open the record on a new form (Resident Parking).
I dont have any queries just one table.
I am not good at VB so any help especially in design view will be very much appreciated

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