Create Tool In Access And Read Source From Excell

Mar 24, 2008


i have to create one Master Data transformation tool use Microsoft access. The input file and output file of this tool are excel spreadsheet. There are 2 levels of the data transformation, first level is data mapping and validation on the raw data, second level is data update on the field value.

My question can someone show me step by step how to build this tools using access and read from excell.

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How To Create Tool Bar Menue In Access

Jun 17, 2005

Hi guys. I want create a tool bar menue in access 2000 that is linked to indvidule forms in my access but i do not know how i to do it. Just like internet explorer tool bar menue that has file edit view ... and u can click and a drop down list comes and u can select one and ....

I want make such menue in access that each drop down list item from menue is linked to form and once it is selected that a perticuler form loads. I be happy if some one show me how to make such tool bar menue.(i want it the menue loads once i click on the mdb file).Thanks

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Create A Tool To Fill A Table In Access

Apr 13, 2012

I want to create a data base with only one table. The user will be able to add a new line with a tool (several text boxes to fill the blanks).

One the same panel, I want to display the tool, the table and some other functions (like the sum of a column, or print the table).

I think this very easy to do this (only one table). Yon can see on attachment a powerpoint draft of the panel.

For the moment, I have already created the access table and put it into my panel.


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General :: How To Create Forms In Access DB Which Uses Links From Source Files As Its Tables

Sep 7, 2012

I have a client who needs a Database created in Access for him. he would like to regularly auto-populate this Access DB from an Excel file - like twice a week.In addition, he wants me to create Forms, Queries, reports and Macros for him in the Access, which will have 2 Tables from Excel files and about 3 Tables created in Access.I figured that I could do that if I gave him a link to the Tables he needed from the Excel file(s). But how do I work remotely for him- the path to those files is on his computer. I can load them to mine, but then he can't open the files.How can I create Forms etc. in an Access DB which uses links from source files as its Tables?

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Data Source Field Is Read Only

Jun 13, 2006

Hi, I know this has to be simple, but when I test a Data Access Page on my local machine I get an error that says "data source field is read only". I've made these pages before and never had a problem with writing to the database using a DAP. The database is not read only. Any ideas?


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Inserting Data From Excell To Access Table

Mar 23, 2005

I am currently using access 97.

I am trying to read from an excel file that has the same format but changes data every day due to reports that I run from a different program. I just export them to this excel file called test.xls

What I want to do is import this data from the excel file and insert it into existing data in my table. I need to this every day.

Currently I cannot get the data to append. I can only insert the data once and cannot get it to append. I tried using macros, but think it would be better to use VB.

Any help you could provide would be great.

Thank You

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Exporting Access Tables/queries To Excell In A Predefined Format

Jul 11, 2007

I have an Access database. Now I want to export the data of a table in the database to excel sheet in pre-defined format. e.g. i want that in the first row of the excel file, there is a heading called "Report". In the second row, there should be column header like "Name", "Age", "Gender". Also there must be 1 column gap between this header. Then in the following rows, there should be data.

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General :: How To Read / Create ID3 Tags For Mp3(s)

Aug 15, 2012

how to read / create ID3 tags for mp3's? I have found various snippets but they are mainly vb.

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Create Linked Read-Only File

Feb 13, 2014

Let's say I have a database saved in Folder 1. Is there a way for me to create a read-only copy of that database in Folder 2 so that it can be up-to-date with the changes made in the Folder 1 database? I am running Windows 7.

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Access Main Tool Bar Help

Aug 2, 2006

I have a database which I can not get to the normal tool bar to change the permissions on.

The startup was set to not display this. I need to modify the security on a form.

Help please.


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Access Lookup Tool

Oct 31, 2006

Hey there,

I am wondering if there is somekind of tool that can be used in access that can run and locate any queries that are redundant and not used within a system. Also if there is any kind of tool that can be run that identifies fields that are in tables that are also not used in the application!

Not sure if such software exists but thought id ask before i manually begin to go through the application, this is all done to be done before normalisation of the application data and upgrade of the system

Thanks in advance


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Access As A Research Tool, Not A Database

Apr 4, 2006

I have a research project. I need to capture numerical values from a scroll bar into a table so they can be used to produce excel charts. I can capture the data no problem, my problem is how to present it in a user friendly format - a form.

I have to capture the following data via a form for each research respondent:

Each respondent is then asked to rank five brands against seven different attributes. In format terms, my researcher wants to display one attribute at the top of a page with five brands listed underneath with the slider beside each brand. For example:

"The Worst IT Information" is the attribute at the page top
"Microsoft" is the brand, with a slider beside it so the resondent can select how much they associate/rank this attribute with Microsoft.
"Adobe" is the second brand with slider
"PaintShop Pro" is the third brand with slider
"Corel" is the fourth brand with slider
"Sage" is the fifth brand with slider

The same respondent then clicks to the next page which has a new attribute at the top, but with the same five brands underneath to rank the attribute against.

eg "full of bugs" is the attribute at the page top
brands and sliders are all as above

There are seven pages in all. At the end of the data collection I need to be able to find the average ranking for each brand against each attribute and apply the demographic information, for example

Microsoft had an average ranking of 7 out of 10 against the attribute "Worst IT INformation" against women 30Plus.

I can't figure out how to do this without collecting the information into tables called PageOne, PageTwo, PageThree, PageFour, PageFive, PageSix, Page Seven and using fields like: brand 1 (text), brand 1 (value), brand 2, (text) brand 2, (value). This seems to fly in the face of how you would normally create a table and will require queries to add together all the values gathered using different fields.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where I might be going wrong?

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FMS Access Visual Agent Backup Tool

May 12, 2005

Have you guys ever used this scheduling tool from FMS Software that will do a nightly archive and compact/repair.

I tried it out on our live database (not so smart I guess) on a Friday and when I came in Monay it was corrupted. It seems to point to the FMS software corrupting my db.

I wanted to validate and use this software but ain't sure it I will now.

I like the nightly compact/repair. Is there another way to do that with Windows Scheduling or something?

Take a look:

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Looking For Advice About Using Access As A Document Retrieval Tool

Mar 1, 2006

Our organization (a University) has been engaged in becoming "paperless."

As part of that initiative, we have spent the past several months scanning several hundred thousand pages of documents relating to building systems (HVAC, e.g.) as well a a massive quantity of detailed lead and asbestos surveys and abatement records.

The initiative is indeed reducing the quanity of paper stored in binders and file cabinets, however now it is becomming evident that retrieving some of that information is a real problem for some folks.

At a meeting this morning a question arose about whether we could develop an Access application to retrieve the documents (which are very logically filed on a network share, but it seems to be beyond the compreshension of some staff how to actually navigate through the maze).

My question is this: has anyone in this forum ever tried to implement such a solution with Access?

Any advice or insight would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Reports :: Finding Third Party Reporting Tool For Access?

Jun 18, 2015

Which third party reporting tool is good to work best with Microsoft Access ?

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All Access Objects Tool Bar Opens When Try To Print Form

Jan 30, 2013

Using Access 2010.I purposely disabled the Access Objects to open when the database opens of fear of someone messing with my data. This works. The problem I'm having is when I use the print button (access macro) on one of my forms, as soon as i click the button, the "all access objects" window opens on the left side navigation.Is there a setting that will permanately stop this from opening?

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General :: Access 2003 Tool Box - Number Of Records Limitation

Jun 25, 2012

How many records does MS Access 2003 hold, i.e. is there a limitation & what is it?The toolbox greys out after being selected on the Menu options even though Tools/Startup/allow built-in toolbars is selected - how to activate the toolbox in 2003 version?

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How Can I Get The Table Descrip. Into Excell?

Dec 14, 2004


I've got a database with about 200 tables and have to make sense of it. There
are no relationships and it is a little bit difficult to understand this mess. Is there any
way how I could export only the table descriptions into an excel file? I want to end up with two columns.
The first should contain the table name, and the second should contain its attribute/field names.
Bit like:
table1 attribute1
table1 attribute2
table2 attribute1
I'm new to access so it would be very nice if you could explain any steps in some detail.

Thanks already!

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Exporting A Querty To An Excell Spreadsheet

Dec 7, 2005

G'afternoon to all, I was wondering if someone can help me code a Command button named "Export to Excell" on form frmEdit. I need to export a query named qryTagnumber onto an excell spread sheet, Also if it isn't that hard and if it can be done, I would like to change the rev of the file name everytime I hit the button. Can this be done? Please see attached database. The Modules had to be removed for confidentiality of my company. These don't have to be used to run the program. They are just used for String functions. I look forward to your responses. Thanks...


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Import Excell File Into Different Database

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all, I'm trying to get the following done:
I have code which import Excel files into my database with the "DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet". which works great.
But I'm now splitting the database and I want to have the Excel files which a user selects in his frontend database, imported in my backend database. I don't see the possibility in the TransferSpreadsheet as this is set to the CurrentDb.
My temporary solution is to import in the frontend and CopyObject to the Backend, but does anyone have a direct solution?

Thanks, Rob

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Insert Data In Excell File

Jan 17, 2005

i would like to create an excell file (and choose the path) in ms access
and fill that excell file with data divided over multiple sheets

or even if possible take an excell template and fill it with data, then rename
and save it

any suggestions?

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Import Multiple Excell Files

Jan 16, 2008

Super new to the forums and hoping I can find an answer here.
After looking for an hour or so on Microsoft's site, I gave up and decided to venture into new resources.

My ultimate goal is to create a form that will prompt a user to select a Microsoft Excel file and then run a macro. The macro should import the Excel file into a single table based off of what form is being run. The idea is to have a single form for each employee of a specific department and have the form import information that is stored on our phone server into access. I've set up most of the macro but the argument section of the filename is what's hanging me up.

So finally my question;
Is there a way to have a macro run to specify what file you want to import when using an additional macro? Am I going about this the completely wrong way and should stick to VB Code?

I look forward to your responses, thank you in advanced!

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Read Only In Access? Is It Possible?

Mar 21, 2005

My Access database is situated in a folder which has permissions to only let some people write into it.

The problem is that we would like users with read access to open the database to view but get the following error:

Couldnt use ...path... File already in use.

The database always has more than one user in it so this may be the root of the error message.

Solutions which cannot be implemented are moving the DB to a higher folder or giving write access to this folder to the read-only users.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Read From Access

Jul 31, 2005

Hello All,

I have a ASP Page which reads data from an Access database. I Have and Access Database and a Excel Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains all of the up to date data whilst the Access Database contains old data. Is there a way that i can get Access to Update its data with the data from the Spreadsheet? As the spreadsheet is updated all of the time. I do not have much knowledge in Access.


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MS Access Read Only Prompt

Jul 11, 2005

I am using windows XP SP2, Office 2003.

I have created a database to store information from a mine site. I have set up a switch board and most users will just view reports or graphs that have already been designed.

I want the general users to open the file read only without having to open access and use the open read only command. I also don't want to go down the path of database security if it can be helped.

I read in the help page that there is a read only prompt that can be flashed up when the file is opened. Unfortunatly the help page suggests, Tools > Options > Security Tab (tick read only prompt). In office 2003 this option no longer exists (if it ever did)

Any ideas, would be good if i could add something to the shortcut and then have some uses use this shortcut.


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How Can Users W/o Access Read My CD?

Nov 29, 2006

I want to make an Access database of my collection of antique swords that I can put on a CD. This DB would also include as many as 5 digital images for each record.

Some of my friends may not have Access 2007 on their PC. Is there a viewer that I can put on the CD with my database so they can view it without them having to buy the Access program??

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