Creating Access Table Linked To Excel File
May 22, 2013
I am trying to create an access table linked to an excel file.
The excel file has 256,000 kb, 15 columns, 6,400 rows.
When I go to CREATE, DESIGN VIEW in access and try to create the new linked access table i get this message -
I click on OK and then save the back up file. The file disappears. I start over again and the same process starts again and again...
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Feb 26, 2006
I am using Excel and Access 2002. I have linked an excel file in Access. It is my understanding that if I add a new record in Excel it will automatically add it to Access and vise-versa. This is not working for me. I can add to one or the other and it will not display in both excel and access. I can manually add to both and access will display all data from both the database the table in access and the linked excel file. Any Ideas?
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Nov 20, 2006
I am stuck with a problem where I need to create a new table from an excel file. In detail my problem is;
The excel file contains an order from a customer, like below,
BOM Component Qty
123 abc 2
123 def 2
234 ert 1
234 qwe 1
234 uio 1
I need to create a table from this data like;
Qty Partno
1 123
4 abc
4 def
1 234
2 ert
2 qwe
2 uio
NB! In reality the components are numbers not letters.
The qty for BOM is always 1 and the component 2xqty.
It is important that the BOM number is listed first and thereafter its components.
So I need to somehow associate the BOM number with its components and list them together as a group.
I just cannot figure out how to do this.
ANy help is greatly appreciated.
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Aug 8, 2013
I am writing code to Refresh table links. I only want to refresh the Access table links and ignore the Excel Table links. Is there a way to determine in VBA if the table link is pointing to an Excel file?
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Mar 23, 2006
I have an excel file linked to a table in Access. Several fields are date data types in excel but are showing up as text fields in Access.
My real goal is to do a comparison between two tables, but only if the date of the one piece of data is newer than the other. I had planned on comparing the two date fields but even though I have formatted the date fields in my excel file to be "Date", when I look at the design view of my table it is showing up as "Text" and therefore I am unable to do this comparison.
I'm not sure if it's just something that I'm missing but maybe someone else knows an easy fix to this. I know this is probably a simple question, but I did search the forum and didn't find a thread that specifically dealt with this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Aug 23, 2005
I'm trying to link a spreadsheet as a table in Access 2002. The link wizard is importing my number columns as numbers, even though I defined them as text. I need for them to be text in Access. How do I force this?
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May 4, 2006
I use an Excel interface to retrieve data from an Access file that has approximately 1 million records. I use an MS Query from Excel to run an Access Query to retrieve the data.
I have 16 "Criteria" fields (columns) in Excel that I change with drop-downs. Each criteria column has 2 to 9 values set; a total of 75 values. I pass these criteria fields to Access via a table link in Access.
The criteria of the fields in the query that is run in Access to pull the data based on the table link is updated by using the Values In A List (IN) option.
When I refresh this query in Excel, it pulls the data fine, but may take 10 minutes to run. (I am using MS Office 2003, 1Gig memory). I have limited VBA knowledge. Is there a better/faster way to pull this data?
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May 16, 2012
I'm trying to use a template to track assets-specifically this template:URL....Is there a way I can link an excel doc to my database that provides all of my data, that is thereby linked to other tables within Access?I want my data to be updated as it is manipulated within the independent excel doc when I open access.
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Feb 28, 2014
One of the tables in my access file is a linked excel file. I however now want to create a form with which I want people can enter information in the table. However when I try to do this, it doesn't work. Whether it's possible to create an input form for an excel linked access table?
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May 3, 2013
What is the strategy for doing this rather than the code (if it's possible)? I can code a fair bit of VBA in excel but I'm not too sure about what I'm doing in Access.
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Aug 29, 2005
I'm using MS access and Excel 2000. I have an Excel spreadsheet that contained 8 columns, the first column has all cell format as Number, the rest of the column is set as custom date format of 'dd/mm/yyyy'. When I create a linked table in MS Access, the data types does not matched my excel spreadsheet columns, the 'Number' data type is a double and I want a Long Integer in Access, and the custom date format become text datatype but I wanted a DateTime datatype. Is there any work around this? Seems like it is a common problem.
Your prompt response is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
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Oct 31, 2003
I need to move some data from excel into access table, can I do that
thank you
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Jun 21, 2012
How to export a MS Access table or Query to and Excel file and it works great. How to make this code Export multiple table into one Excel file/
here is the Function:
HTML Code:
Sub ExportData_Sheet_Basic()
On Error GoTo ExportData_Error
'DAO objects to get the data
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
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Jan 8, 2007
I would like to rename my access file. My problem: I have many pivot in excel link to this database so if i rename it all the links will be down...How can i resolve this?:confused: (of course rebuild all pivots could be a solution but I have around 50 pivots behind my database)
Thanks for your help!
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Jul 27, 2007
This forum is really helpful!
I am using following code to copy low value from Access table to excel file, but only to find that it changed in excel file. How should I do to not change that?
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("EV Data").Cells(row + 2, col + 2) = _
51907/27/2007 7:04:36 PMAccess2006Max72006MGIBAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.006800000006810000009.33604218011769E-03-2.48487734766947E-02-2.35810657931309E-02-1.44083677074442E-02-1.10775676515645E-02-2.1878002261516E-037.92060932296671E-031.95193525290664E-023.06835072412068E-020.70658682634731
52007/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccess2006Max7LifePayIAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined185010.005110000001.19424841908013E-02-1.67115163990304E-02-1.42187111112351E-02-8.08910871821918E-03-4.62961276311795E-032.72200376166994E-031.04312882683217E-022.06668892126601E-022.96649979111015E-020.80638722554891
52107/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccess2006Max7NoneAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.0054410000007.98908918707603E-03-1.67789382388317E-02-1.56490361783179E-02-1.07703746693193E-02-0.00753365556878-7.10709517675212E-046.72111941423526E-031.59418102675589E-022.44078788510759E-020.730538922155694
52207/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccessRat2006MGIBAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.0030199999969810000009.52176602967384E-03-1.56233866973614E-02-1.49901562045925E-02-8.41152147122661E-03-5.44762510232609E-034.05576508882054E-047.33588282834675E-030.0164686012768352.61950530898991E-020.754491017964078
52307/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccessRatLifePayIAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined185010.00226499999773510000001.06805510377118E-02-0.014626108301625-1.20428523073918E-02-6.08984658852046E-03-2.22851888030373E-034.04428276871694E-039.82402795120803E-031.68655595406923E-022.40410662469335E-020.856287425149709
52407/27/2007 7:04:37 PMAccessRatNoneAllCombinedAllCombinedAllCombined95010.00241599999516810000005.8666292477999E-03-1.13844546795139E-02-1.04027261898336E-02-6.72766534794549E-03-4.77103336054974E-03-3.11542830732602E-044.5158867397345E-031.06654135236169E-021.76803347713142E-020.730538922155694
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Jan 15, 2015
I want a user to click a button, have the file open dialog open, they select a spreadsheet, and then it imports into a table. The problem is the filename can be different every time. The table name will remain constant.
Here is the OnClick:
Private Sub Command8_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel2Xml, "Table1", "T_Staff.xls", "Yes"
Exit Sub
Resume Exit_ImportSpreadsheet_Click
End Sub
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Oct 21, 2013
I have a macro in access that will create a folder and create a word doc in the folder with the name of the folder. I would like to add to the same folder an excel file. The excel file is in a folder and needs to be copied every time in a new folder when created. where to add the excel file from the below folder:
C:Excel CopyCombine_PDF.xls
this is the macro:
Private Sub Command22_Click() 'this will register the letter and create folder, word doc and open all
Me.[DateRegistered] = Date
Me.[PersonRegister] = Environ("Username")
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Oct 5, 2014
I've got the forms and queries in one .accdb file and my tables in a separate .accdb file. The forms file links to the tables in the tables file. The tables file resides in a folder called simply enough C:acc_tables and thats where i browsed to (obviously) when i set up the linkage.
One of the users does not wish (for whatever goddamn reason) to create a C:acc_tables file to stick the tables file in , and wants the tables file in some other folder.. Unfortunately this user does not have the skills to delete the existing links and re-link to the tables file after putting it in the folder he wants.
Where in the file that holds the forms and and queries do i find the path setting to the tables linked file? Can it be changed without deleting links and then re-linking?
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Jul 11, 2013
I need some simple code that will copy an Excel file or a table in Access to a specific location on an FTP server. I would think this would be a very simple task, but I have yet to find any sample code that is *simple*. I have seen lots of code that requires downloading this dll or that mda, but the examples don't work. There must be something built into MS Access 2010 that will allow a file to be uploaded to an FTP site.
All the variables are known:
The FTP location (it never changes)
The FTP Username and Password (they never change)
The destination folder on the FTP site (it never changes)
The File type (it never changes)
The File name (available from the form in Access from which this will be executed)
I can either produce an output file, then copy it to the FTP site, or I can export the table directly to the FTP site with the file name for that day.
This seems to be a very simple task with no simple solution. Currently I am using an FTP app to get the file to the FTP site, but I would like to automate this. The process that creates the output file is already automated, so I would just like to add this to the existing code as its own module.
I'm looking for a simple command on the idea of:
DoCmd.FTPFile, acExel, TableName, FTPFilePath, FTPFileName, Username, Password, acUpload
just made all that above up and none of it is a real function/command in VBA, but is just the kind of thing I'm looking for.
I would think that since I can download and XML file from an FTP site that it should be child's play to upload a simple file to an FTP site, but I can't figure it out.
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Jan 27, 2015
Is there a way to create some sort of an EXE or BATCH file in any Windows Explorer folder, that executes me a specific Excel Macro?
My problem is that I got several files split up by Departments, updated every day.
So far I have to open each file and update the format.
It would make my life much more easier if I could just run a file that opens each file and applies a format to them.
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Oct 10, 2007
Hi all,
I have a text source file and inpul layout i.e. field names start and end positions in excel file. I want create a table in access from the text data using excel file layout.
Can you please help me out in this. I am a mainframe programer and recieved an request to work in access.
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Mar 29, 2007
Does anyone know why when i have a link excel spreadsheet in my access database i am not able to edit the data?
I have a copy of the database on my laptop and it works fine, i can edit and add data but the office copy which is on the network it will not let me edit the linked spreadsheet in access. I have an update query that updates a field in the linked excel table but it no longer works. I dont think there is any special permissions on the files. It is sooo frustrating... dont know what to do.
Thanks for letting me vent.
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Oct 21, 2012
how i can export the data from Access to excel using Access VBA for the specified sheet using data linkage with access database. Like we used to do it manually in excel as external data from access.Like we have some codes for linking excel file to database mentioned below;
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acLink, , "region", "F:DB PracticeBook1.xlsx", False, "region"
Can we have something like this to link database table in excel file automatically.So that the excel size won't be that big and also it saves processing time.
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Sep 28, 2007
I have a Table in my Db that is a link to an Excel spreadsheet.
Of around 200 records just one is giving me a problem, in one field.
The Excel SS itself is the result of links to about 8 other SSs
The problematic field is a part number and is formatted as text, in the linked table and the underlying SSs. But this one bl**dy field which should be '1707' is shown as "#Num!" Which suggests to me Access thinks it is an number.
Other linked cells like "12345" are fine ???
I have tried putting a letter infront and it then works correctly. Remove the letter, back to "#Num!" again!
Can anyone suggest a way of forcing the formatting to text please?
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a report which runs from a linked excel worksheet. Is there any way I can limit the number of rows in the access reports to only show those rows which are populated in the excel worksheet.
Presently, if the excel worksheet has information in say 20 rows, when I come to print the access report it is telling me there are 1067 records and the only way I can print is by selecting pages 1 & 2 of the report to print.
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Sep 30, 2004
I have written a piece of code in Access that creates a Excel work book. The work book is populated with the various data and then made visible to the user.
Everything is working perfectly apart from one minor problem.
When creating a new workbook excel automatically puts 3 worksheets in... If the code creates 1 or 2 sheets of data I want it too delete the sheet that is blank. This is easy to do although it always prompts the user for confirmation.
How do I delete a worksheet without the prompt?
I have hunted everywhere for the answer and can't find it anywhere, any help would be great.
Example of code:
Dim XL As Excel.Application
Dim WkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim WkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set WkBook = XL.Workbooks.Add
Set WkSheet = WkBook.Worksheets(1)
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