Creating Customized Serial Primary Key

Nov 20, 2013

I want to create Customized Serial Primary Keys and dont know how to go about it.

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Customized Primary Key With Auto Number

Oct 6, 2004

I am a beginner and know a little about access. I am trying to create a customized Primary Key with an auto number. I want it to look like this: VP001 ,next record, VP002 and so forth. When I enter a new record and want it to do this automatically. It could be VP1, then VP2, I don't need the extra zeros but it would be nice. I don't know how to do this. If someone could please help walk me through this. Remember I am a beginner with databases and need help.

I would appreciate it


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Creating Customized Menu Bars

Aug 4, 2005


I am pulling my hair out trying to create a customized menu bar. Eventually, I want to have a customized menu bar and tool bar for report and different customized menu bar and tool bar for forms. I created the tool bar for the report window. Then when I tried to create a new menu bar I could not remove menu selections without removing the same menu selections from the default Menu Bar.

I selected View->Toolbars->Customize...
Then I clicked on New (command button)
Then I named it (RptMenuBar)
Then I selected 'Built-In Menus' from the Commands Tab
Then I dragged the 'File' from the Command list into the new Menu Bar
Then I went to the new menu bar and dropped down the selections under File and started to left click and drag what I didn't in the NEW MENU BAR. However, it turns out when I did that the same selections were removed from the default Menu Bar.

I was ablel to restore the default Menu Bar. But I want to have a customized Menu Bar and be able to select that new Menu Bar and associate it with every Report that is in my Database.

Any ideas? If you have some good instructional references, please point me in that direction. Thanks.


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Creating A Serial Number That Is NOT Auto-number

Mar 20, 2012

I have a table called "OrderDetails" with following fields:

OrderID (Primary key)

I want to create a data entry subform that can used to enter order details in this table such that, for a given OrderID, the Num field is automatically set to previous number + 1. For example, for OrderID = 12, if there are 4 products that need to be entered, the 4 records should automatically take 1 , 2, 3, 4.

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Creating New Primary Key Field

Nov 24, 2004

I think that creating a new primary key is the only solution to this problem, but I would love to have other input, including potential pitfalls I might encounter in this process.

Here is the scenario: I have spent the past year creating a "survey based" database in my "spare" time at work. The database holds detailed information about nutrition questionnaires given to children over the years that they are in our program. I have based the structure on using ClientID as the primary key. ClientID = each individual's social security number.

We have another database that holds all the client's information. This is the database where any updates are done to their information. I export the client information (firstname, lastname, birthdate, socialsecurity, plus a few more) that I need into excel. Then I import that info into my database on a regular basis using an update/append query.

We started using the database in September and all was going well until a few weeks ago when I imported data and found a name that was entered twice. On looking closer, I found that the person had two different ClientID's. How could this happen...? Well, in our other database, if a child doesn't have a social security number yet, or we weren't given it, the program creates a fake social security number AAA-##-####. I knew this from the beginning, but wasn't aware of any problem. However, I was missing a significant piece of information. When the child finally does receive a SS#, we go in and change the number in the program!!!! At first I was told this rarely happens (I had about 6 duplicates the first time), but today I ran another import and found 90 instances of duplicated names!

There are just over 600 records in the database. Many of these have had information that is unique to this database entered in a related table, so I need to be sure I don't lose any of that data. There is data in other tables that I could import again if I have to.

Here are my options as I see them:

1. Leave the primary key alone and delete the duplicated values with every update.

2. Create a new unique autonumber primary key, knowing I will have to delete relationships and rebuild them. I would leave the clientID field in the system as it is the only way we have to determine the difference between two children with the same names and birthdates.

3. Run quietly away hoping they don't notice the problem until I am long gone. ;)

What would you do in these circumstances? If you agree with my assessment that I really should create a new primary key, what steps would you take to minimize problems both during the process and in the future?

And yes, I wish about 12 months ago, I had asked if the social security number was ever updated, but of course no one thought to bring that up when we were discussing the database design! :mad:

Thanks for your help!

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Creating A Primary Key With Autonumber

May 4, 2007

Any ideas on tagging my primary key (currently autonum as a data type) with an "M" on the front of it. I guess i wanted to keep it as autonumber so i wouldn't have to key in a value

Thought maybe i could create a new field and do an "M" & [ID] in the default value where [ID] is the autonum primary key field but I guess I'm not doing it right - get an error trying to save saying it can't find the field [ID]

thanks for any suggestions!

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Automatically Creating A Primary Key Without Autonum

Jun 2, 2005

I'm pretty new to access and I've been working on a pretty complex project...

Anyways, my first problem I'm having is that I want Microsoft Access to automatically create a key number. This number depends only on the year, and then it would concatonate another number.

Example: 5-3000, then 5-3001, 5-3002... The five corresponds to the year, and the other part is just incrementing by one for each new record.

What would be the best way to do this? I don't necessarily need the dash in there, it could simply read 53000, 53001, 53002, etc.

Thanks for the help!

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One Primary Key + Multiple Foreign Creating Form With Option

May 4, 2006

I need some help creating a simple datebase to store my documents and other knowledge objects. There are two types of

knowledge objects I need to store: Documents and Questions/Answers. For this reason I have created three tables: Index,

Question, and Document.

The problems I am encountering is that the ID field in the Index Table is the Primary and relates to the ID field in the

other two tables. So basically when I am entering information it can either be a question or document. I want to create a

for so that when its a question that I am entering it records the information in the question table and when its a document

I am entering it records the information in the document table.

I'm a beginner at using access and don't know VB or SQL. Any help would be appreciated.

Table Structure

Index Table
ID (Primary Key)

Question Table
ID (Foreign Key)

Document Table
ID (Foreign Key)

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2 Customized Menu In One Database

Nov 5, 2005


I have seen a MDE Access db last week with 2 new things in it

1. The db had 2 customized menu (1st one was in English and Second one
was in Local language). There was small button on customized menu bar called 'E' by clicking of which the whole customized menu was
replaced by English menu bar. In fact the db was created for bilingual
user. There was only one customized menu bar at a time. Means if you click command button 'E' it was replacing the local language menu bar with English bar and if you click 'E' second time (This time the button caption is in local langauge), the English language menu bar was re-appearing

2. When the user clicked to change menu to English, all the forms and
report captions turned into English.

It was very new thing for me.

I am interested to apply the same tricks in my db so the user can
handle my db in local language even if don't know English well.

I would be grateful to If somebody amongst you know and donate to our
access family in a sample db (At least replacing menu trick) ...


With kind regards,

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Customized Msg Box For User Security

Dec 20, 2006

Hello everyone.

Not sure if this is possible...but I hope it is!

I have created user security with limited access for specific groups to certain forms in my database.

However, when a user attempts to open one of the restricted forms a Generic Microsoft Access Message Box opens. Am I able to customise this box so that the box Heading is not "Microsoft Access" and so that the user is not offered the option of "Help"?

Really all I want is a box that says;

"You do not have the permission to open this form."

I only want an "Ok" box as an option (not the "Help" box as well)

Any help would be extremely grateful.

Thanks in advance,


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Autonumber With Customized Prefix

Dec 28, 2004

Ok...I've looked at old threads and now I'm more confused than before.
I'm trying to find a way to make my field "PCRTrackingNumber", work like this: 05-0001...05-0002...05-0003...and so on. The 05 represents the year. I currently have the field setup as autonumber, set to Long Integer and increment. Even if it looked like 05-1...05-2...05-3...etc. that would be fine. Basically just looking for a way to add "05-" to the prefix.
I was trying to think of a way to combine a field to the autonumber field and use that instead...but need some help.
Thanks, Jeff

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Forms :: Dealing With Customized Subforms

Jun 25, 2013

I have a form that I designed that contains two subforms.The first subform is an entry subform so you can post the current client visits.The second subform I want to just display all prior client visits and make updates or deletions if needed.

It does not appear that I can make the first subform entry= yes additions allowed=YES in the properties.The second subform I want entry=No and addition=no..When I pull up the properties sheet for each of the subforms these options do not appear. They appear only on the main FORM, FORM property sheet. I thought I could create two new forms with the properties I desire and then copy them into the main form.

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Sending Customized Emails On Update

Jan 19, 2012

I have designed an Access database with a certain table called EmailAlerts.

This table has two fields: EmailMessage and Recipients.

The EmailMessage field stores the body of the mail to be sent to the corresponding email addresses in Recipients. E.g.:

EmailMessage | Recepients
Hello |
Goodbye |

Now what I want to do is, whenever a record is added to this table, I want to send the email to the corresponding recipient. How can I do this?

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Email Record From A Form In Customized Layout

Sep 13, 2006

when a record is open in my form, i want a button that says.. send email confirmation..

this will then transfer particular fields to an email template and send the email

how can i begin to understand how to make this work

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Modules & VBA :: Saving Picture To Specific Folder With Customized Name?

Feb 8, 2014

I have below module to save picture under named folder:

Option Compare Database
Public Enum acFileType
acPicture = 1
acFiles = 2
End Enum

[Code] ....

But how to save the picture with customized name, say "Materials 0001.Jpg"

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Customized Error Message Pop Up If Entered Data Is Invalid

Mar 8, 2014

I'm just trying to implement a "customised error message" that will pop-up if data is entered and it's invalid. (I've created a "query" and a "search" form which these two link together).

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HDD Firmware Serial Number

Oct 21, 2006


Is any body know how to retrieve the manufacturer's hard disk serial No.? I want to use it in my access application to avoid piracy. At present I am useing a code which gives me Volume serial No., which got changed when ever my user format his hard drive. Instead of HDD firmware serial, code for retrieval of any other permanent No. like mother board or CPU firmware serial can help me to solve my problem


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Generating Serial Numbers

Jan 16, 2007

I've searched through the forum looking for what i want to do with no luck so hopefully one of you kind people could help.

I'm setting up a DB that logs in a batch of parts to which i generate a batch no.
As the batch progressess through the works when a problem arises we generate fault records (I've set up another table for this and linked the batch no fields together). I want to put a serial no. on this form consisting of 'year' 'batch No.' and ?'Auto number'? From reading posts is it best to put the 3 items in seperate fields (less hassle)

My 2 questions are

1, how do i extract just the year from a date field?

2, This is the main problem. The auto number. If i use auto number to generate a unique number to log the record the number will be massive in no time at all. This is fine as the unique identifier for the record in a table but not for the serial number of the printed report. Idealy I want to have the batch number then a serial number that resets to 1 on a different batch No. For example

21098/2 Batch No./serial No.


Just some more info this database is a multi user database split front and rear.

I hope i've explained this well enough, many thanks for your help in advance



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AlphaNumeric Serial Numbers

Mar 1, 2007

I want a field to be a serial number made up of a letter of the alphabet followed by 3 digits. I want the digits to increase by 1 in each of the following record. For Example the serial number in the first record would be A001, then followed by A002, A003, ....., A142, A143, A144 & so on. I am fairly new at Access but I have experimented with AutoNumber, it won't work if the Field is not a pure mumber, can't get autonumbering to happen if I treat the field as text. I don't know where to go from here.

Any help is much appreciated.

Rob Shakesbeer

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Serial Numbering System

Apr 18, 2007

I have the following code for the text field (Before Update)

If IsNull(Me![DyNo]) Then
Me![DyNo] = Format(Nz(DMax("[DyNo]", "[tblAllDet]", "[TheYear]='" & Year(Date) & "'"), 0) + 1, "00000")
End If
Me![DyNo] = Format([DyNo], "00000")

The code starts giving numbers from 00001, 00002, 00003 and so on. The problem was that when I have to search, I have to type the zeros before the number i.e. 00007, 00008 etc. otherwise the search form doesn’t show the relevant record. Ideally, I would like the numbering system to be 1, 2, 3, etc. (without the zeros). I tried changing the code to “0” but with the single “0”, I am unable to insert records beyond No.10. Is there a way to change this code so that I get only 1, 2, 3 etc and not with preceding zeros ? Grateful for help.

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Search Through A Serial No. Database

Sep 3, 2007

Hi, I have been trying to make a datbase so I can input the serial number of an electronic device (cell phone boards) , and also would like to be able to add additional info about the device. Most importantly I have to be able to "search" for the device by typing the serial number in a search box.

So lets say I have serial number 11111, 11112, 11113, 11114 listed in the database as "intermittent power failures", before I use the device I can type the serial number in the database and be able to recall the details. So if I type in 11119 and no hits come back, I know that one is not in the system yet; meaning it ethere does not have a problem, or the problem has not been discovered yet. If I type in 111111 for example, it would come back as a hit, saying it has an "intermittent power failure" problem. I have spent about 4 hours messing with access, I used it a while back in office 03, however I have never did anything like that, and to make things further complicated we now only have office 07. Does anyone have a template which is similar (I can modify the values) or know how to assist me to be able to create a database like this?

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Gregorian Serial Dates

Feb 7, 2006

I'm in the process of streamlining the process to maintain our various access reports and queries.

My company's accounting software stores all record dates in Gregorian Serial format (don't ask me why). Currently for our reports we have a local hard-coded table that is manually updated periodically with dates in MM/DD/YYYY format and the coresponding Gregorian serial date number. To go from date to serial is a fairly straightforward access function of:

(Datediff('d','1/1/2000',[Date to convert])+730120)

For example if [Date to convert] was 2/7/2006 the output would be 732349. That's all well and good, however I am in need of a query I can build that will on the fly generate a list from say 1/1/1997 through 1 year after day being run just to be safe with two columns, one with date and one with the serial date equivelant so I can link to the accounting tables for date restrictions.

This way I just have to have the equation in one query instead of a hard coded table or do the calculation in every form or query that needs to look up these tables.

Unfortuantely I've been staring at accounting data (and am not an accountant) way too long and my brain is fried, suggestions?

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RS232/Serial Communication With Access

Sep 7, 2005

Is this possible?

I have a Mitutoyo device that can be connected to a variety of Mitutoyo measuring instruments (in my case, it's a micrometer.) When triggered, the device obtains a measurement value from the instrument. One can view this value via serial communication in a program like HyperTerminal.

Is it possible to input these values directly, or indirectly, into Access?

Thanks ahead.

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Unique Hard Drive Serial

Dec 8, 2005

I have seen some API that gets the serial of the hard drive, but this information is not unique and changes when the volume is formated.
Does any one know of a way to return the orignal manufucture's information/serial which is unique(GUID) to the volume.
Any Idea will be highly appreciated.

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KV Error's On Updating Serial Numbers

Nov 28, 2005

I have a table that uses SerialNo as primary key. From time to time (its a long story...) I need to go in and update the SerialNo by adding x to it. Here's the problem: lets say the table has SerialNo's 1,2,3,4,5, and I try to add 1. I get 4 KV error's because of course, 2,3,4,5 already exist in the table. (So I would end up with 1,2,3,4,6 instead of 2,3,4,5,6.)

I really thought that Access should be smart enough to figure out that there really won't be any key violations after the updates are done, but I guess not.

So, what's the easiest way to deal with this?

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Serial Number Search Query

Feb 28, 2008

Hope someone can help

I have a small test database which I'm doing for our dispatch dept.

It contains: Order No. / Customer / Ship_Date / Serial numbers (multiple)

I'm looking for a way to create a search query that will search though all the records to find a particular serial number.

There fields in the table are:

I need it to come back with the order number and pallet that it was shipped on.

Any ideas?



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