Creating Jobs Using Scheduler In Access

Aug 7, 2006

Does anybody know how to schedule in access like sql. Like a "job" in sql server?

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Batch Jobs In Ms Access

Sep 13, 2006

is it posible to run overnight batch jobs to say update a table in a particular Ms Access Database.
If so how is it done?


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Access Database Fails When Using Task Scheduler

May 1, 2013

I have an Access database that sends an email to users when there is an exception in the query. It works fine when I run it from Windows 7, but when I use task scheduler I get an error message;

Runtime error 429 activex component can't create object

and the error stops a;

Set olapp = New Outlook.Application

It only happens when i run it from Task Scheduler.

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Windows Task Scheduler, Access Is Left Running

Jan 25, 2008

WHen I used Windows task scheduler to start my application, and then close the application normally, the application closes but Access is left running, still visible in the task bar. The only way I can get it to close is by using task manager to kill it. I found an old KB article ( # 246953) that hints that this (or something like it) is a known bug in Access 2000 but supposedly was resolved by an Office 2000 service pack 2. But I am already running Windows XP, SP2. Anyone else having this problem? Any workarounds?

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Entering Multiple Jobs Done For The Day

Jul 25, 2006

I can't seem to find a way to solve this problem:confused:

I'm working on a database to run my window cleaning business. I have a customers table which contains all the details for each customer ie address, name etc.

There is also a Jobs table which will contain a record every time a customer's windows are cleaned.

There is a one to many relationship between them ie, 1 customer to many jobs.

I would like to create a form which would list all the customers which are due to be done and then be able to create a job record for each customer in the Jobs table, showing that it's done, with the click of a button.

For one, I can't get both tables to display on a continous form because of the relationship and then I don't know any other way of creating multiple new records in one go.

Would i have to use VB code for this or is there a simpler way? I just can't get my head around this one:mad:

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Dealing With Cancelled Jobs

Jan 5, 2005

i have a form (frmCustomers) with a subform (sfrmJobs). As you might have guessed, it keeps track of customers and jobs. One customer may have many jobs. within sfrmJobs are about 300 or so controls for about 300 or so fields (mostly yes/no boxes) and at the moment contains two subforms of its own. customers have an autonumber CustomerID and jobs have a user-entered numeric JobID.

it has been brought to my attention that some jobs may just not work out and must be deemed as "cancelled." however, my client wishes to retain these records rather than delete them. in order to maintain the integrity of the reports, i would like to remove these records from the non-cancelled customer database and place them elsewhere, but still retain the ability to review them if need be (but NOT to modify them).

the job can be cancelled at any point down the line, meaning that a job could have nearly no info or nearly all the info, and everything in between. each job record has a ton of fields. i don't know how to cut and paste an entire record (except for doing it field by field, which could take forever in this instance) into a new table. in this case, it would be several records, since i have a list of materials pertinent to each job as well as a list of services necessary for each job - all of which would have to be removed and placed elsewhere.

Cry for Help
what is the best way to go about this? some ideas i had were creating a parallel table for each table used in recording all of the job information and just manually (well, via VBA and recordsets) copying, pasting, then deleting. another is creating a checkbox that when clicked disables every control for the cancelled job (but oy vey that's a lot of controls to code the disabling for) and then have it reflected in my reports that these are only from the NON-cancelled jobs. does anyone else have an idea?


thanks in advance

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One Form Field Serve Two Jobs?

Apr 17, 2006

Hello all, I have an Access database for a project I'm currently working on.
It's a simple stock control system which records sales and the level of stock.

How can I set up a form that when you click a button, two queries are run?
I want to add a record to the 'Sales' table but also modify the 'Stock' table to edit the 'Current Stock' field.

Any ideas?

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Problem With Payments For Multiple Jobs

Apr 27, 2007

hello all.. trying to resolve an issue in my system..

basically i run a taxi firm.. for those that dont know.

this issue deals with credit card payments, and in particular payments for multiple transfers.

lets say you are booking 2 journeys..

the first journey is on 2nd June from London Heathrow to your hotel in Kensington

the return journey is on 5th June from your hotel back to Heathrow

you want to pay for both journeys at once with your credit card.

both transfers cost £40 each, 40x2 is £80 plus 5% transaction fee is £84.

we keep the credit card details on file to save our passengers time when they want to pay for their journey using the same card.

so lets say we have a job table.. and a credit card table..

Card Table
cardid (pk)

Job Table
job id (pk)

should i create a new transaction table which holds the jobids that were paid for and the cardid that paid for it..?

shall i include the price of the job in the jobtable.. and store the transaction fee in the transaction table?

if this is clear i would like to hear a few opinions on this.. i will be thinking hard about this over the next few days so i might come to some conclusion but what do you guys think

the reason im asking this is because at the moment i am storing the credit card details.. pricing information and job details in the job table..

when i send my passenger an email confirmation.. it sends them the job details, card details and payment details..

this is fine for single transfers.. but if they book more then one transfer i have to send them multiple emails outlining each job individually.. and if they wish to use the same card i have to find their card from the original job and copy those details.

if someone books 4 jobs and pays for them all with one card and one transaction i really have difficulties, i would have to send them 4 emails (with 4 job details respectively) and i would have to include all the payment details in each job to verify it has been paid.. this means i would have to enter their card details 4 times.. and even though each job might be £20 each.. i would have to write £80 in the total charged field because it is covering all the jobs..

anyways.. if you can spare me a thought i would be grateful.. thank you

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Counting Jobs Completed By A Vendor.

Jul 5, 2006

I would like a textbox in my vendor form to display the number of times that the vender’s name appears in a jobs-completed table during a particular calendar year. I’m not sure where to start. I have tried building a query as follows:

SELECT Count(tblCompletedJobs.Job#) AS CountOfJobs
FROM tblCompletedJobs
HAVING (((tblCompletedJobs.DateOfEngagement)>=#1/1/2006#));

Any suggestions appreciated!

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Jun 1, 2007

About 2 years agao I created a FABTASTIC database in Access that was scheduled to run each day. Since then I have move companies and now can't remember for the life of me how to create this in Microsoft Scheduler. I can get it to open Access, but not a specific .mdb and not a specific Macro

Please Help


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Time Scheduler

Aug 30, 2005


I just returned from quite a long trip browsing and searching the forums, but I am unable to find anything that could help me. Some things were more or less related, but most weren't close enough.

I have a classroom and this classroom is full of computers. People can make reservations on those computers and generally do so ;-) I want to be able to get rid of the silly excel-spreadsheet I am using now to schedule these computers and people. People can come whenever they like and stay for a fixed number of hours (generally anyway ;-) ).

What I want is:
- to be able to store the people's personalia (no problem)
- to be able to assign the people to computers on certain dates and certain times (no problem)
- to check whether the people can actually use a computer (whether one is available). This is more difficult, I guess, but I think I can do this
- to be able to see 'at a glance' who is scheduled to come for today (or this week and at what time. (Let's say I want the computers in columns and the time in the rows, per half an hour). I'll try and draw a picture below this post). I have no idea whether this is humanly possible. I don't mind spending some time with it. First I would like to hear your thoughts about before I pursue this project...

So, any input about this is welcome. I am sure I must have missed some relevants posts on this forum here, so please feel free to submit any links or search queries to help me...

Also, your thoughts about this are much appreciated, especially about the overview table.

Thanks in advance!

| |comp 1|comp 2|comp 3|comp 4|
|10:00 |John | | | |
|10:30 |John |Maria| | |
|11:00 | |Maria| | |
|11:30 | etc |Maria| | |
|etc | etc | etc | | |

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Appointment Scheduler

Aug 14, 2006


I'm creating a medical journal for privat home use.
Is there anyone that know about a free appointment scheduler preferable in Access 2003 format?
Or how should I solve this?


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Vacation Scheduler

Dec 4, 2007

There are some ideas floating around these forums on "booking" databases and whatnot, but I have a bit of a different twist with what I am trying to accomplish.

I am trying to develop at database that will allow users to log in and schedule their vacations. I have 2 tables at the moment tblEmployees and tblVacations. In the tblEmployees table you have:

EmployeeID (autonumber)
EmployeeName (text)
HireDate (date)
weekseligible (text)

the weekseligible field will be entered manually and be between 3 to 6 weeks of total possible vacation weeks.

The tblVacations has the following fields:

ID (autonumber)
weekofyear (date field with week starting sunday for all 52 weeks)

Only 4 people can take vacation any one week of the year. The vacation fields will be combo boxes where an employee can select their name from a query based on the employees table.

What i need to happen is to prevent someone from scheduling more weeks than their weeks eligible - I have no idea how to do this. My guess is there should be someway to do this using queries and somesort of a count function, but I am having a hard time getting started.

any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

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Room Scheduler

Nov 15, 2005

I want to build a room scheduler. Before I get too far in to my first attempts, does anyone know if there any examples out there I can use to give me ideas?

If not I wonder can anyone advise me as to a difficulty I currently can see with what my attempts so far. I have built a very basic database with fields for each room and time slots through each day. This works ok. The problem I see is finding a way of setting a room booked for say "every Thursday between 14.00 and 15:00". I have considered using a query to do it but cannot see how to formulate it.

Thanks in advance for any help you may offer.


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Maintenance Scheduler

Feb 13, 2006

Morning guys and gals

I am trying to create a sceduling calendar for my department which displays given events day by day.
I have created this using subforms for each day and a combo box to select the month.
For display purposes it works fine but I am having a little difficulty with the functionality.
I want to be able to click into any of the subforms, and depending on whether there is data within, open a specific document.
1)If there is an item in the schedule the I want to open a report filtered for that date.
2)If the day is blank then I want to open a form to input an item. (This works but I cannot get the date to pre-fill)
I have created a seperate piece of code to do this but it doesn't want to work. It may be because my knowledge of VB isn't what it was or it may be that I am completely barking up the wrong tree.
Hopefully someone can have a look and let me know where I am going wrong.


Private Sub OpenCalRep(date1 As Date)
If date1 = Null Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmmaintenance", , , , acFormAdd
Forms!frmmaintenance.txtDate = Forms!frmcalsite.txtDate
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptmaintenance", acViewPreview, , "Tables!tblmaintenance.txtdate" = "forms!frmcalmain.sf1.form!txtdate"
End If

End Sub

I realise that there is no counter to increment the subform name yet (SF1, SF2, etc) but I want to get the code to work for just the first box initially so I know that I'm heading in the right direction.

This code is the prefilled from the subform by using:

Private Sub SF1_Enter()
OpenCalRep (Forms!frmcalmain.SF1.Form!txtDate)
End Sub

I realise that there is no counter to increment the subform name yet (SF1, SF2, etc) but I want to get the code to work for just the first box initially so I know that I'm heading in the right direction.



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General :: Task Scheduler To Run Macro?

Mar 19, 2014

Just got a new Windows 7 computer and installed Office 2013. I have a report that saves itself as a pdf in a temp folder and then attaches the pdf to an email and sends it out. I use a macro to run the report and everything works fine from there. I have a VBS file that runs the macro and clicking the vbs file makes everything work fine. the code is below.

When I tried to run it though the task scheduler it show as completing fine, but it doesn't. So I added a reference the vbs in a batch file (below) and output the logs to a temp file. After I ran the batch and opened the log I seen the message

Wed 03/19/2014 14:11:17.74 Username
C:Users*****DesktopAuto Reportsaragingrecent.vbs(1, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Permission denied: 'CreateObject'
Wed 03/19/2014 14:11:17.77

I turned UAC all the way down. turn off the virus scanner, and have local and domain admin access. I'm at bit a lose here. I had this working before but can't seem to remember how I did it. This is just one example I have several other reports that were schedule to run overnight, but they basically all use the same code and processes.

'launch macro
set accessApp = CreateObject("Access.Application")
accessApp.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:Users******DesktopAuto ReportsAgedTrialBalance.mdb"
accessApp.DoCmd.RunMacro "MCRecent"

[Code] ....

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General :: Open Database With Task Scheduler

Sep 17, 2013

I am trying to get windows server 2012 task scheduler to open my access database. When the task runs all that I see happen is the locking file will appear on my desktop and I have to go to the task manager and kill it to make it stop. I tried a .bat file to open it as well and im still getting the same thing. If I just click on the database and open it manually it runs just fine.

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General :: Detect Running From Scheduler With Only A / X Parameter

Sep 16, 2013

Without putting a /CMD parameter value in the command line, is there any way to detect in VBA that the current state of the application is that it is executing from a scheduled task ?

What's happening is that my Outlook email is failing because a Namespace Logon method cannot be invoked when there is no user logged in. I must jump over that statement when running from a scheduler.

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Creating Doc From Access

Oct 9, 2006


I have created an Access Form wherein i take the user input in various text boxs and text areas.

Now plz help me to find out how to create Microsoft Word Document automatically from the information which the user has submitted.

I have provided a button named submit which when clicked will submit the information into the Access Database and using that data i want to create a Word Document into a particular format.

What is the way in which this could be achieved?

Please help me out to find a solution to this problem.

Thanking you,

with regards,

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New To Access. Need Some Help Creating A Database

Apr 25, 2006

Hello everyone!

I heard from a number of people that this is the place to come for Microsoft Access related help.

So here is my question and I hope someone can help me understand access a little bit better.

I am trying to create a database for a job I am doing. THere are 700+ convenience stores that we (4 inspectors) inspect every three months.

We have been told to do an ADA compliance survey when we visit these stores.

The ADA checklist that we have is about 78 questions and my manager wants me to create an ADA database for this information.

So I am in need of help on how to create a database that allows me to input the answers of this ADA checklist for each store inspected.

I then would like to be able to pull all that information into a report that I could say of the 700+ stores, 50% passed all questions, 25% passed only questions 1-??, etc. etc.

I can upload the two files: The ADA checklist and our Store list if anyone would like to help me out!

Thanks Much!

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Creating Views In Access?

May 11, 2006

hello :)

how can i create a view in access? is it possible using any of the wizards or can i even use the sql coding feature??

is it possible to grant views to users???

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Looking For Help Creating Access Tables

Apr 2, 2008

Iam new to access and having problems create database tables and their relationships, from the following details without duplication.

Tape Identification Numberà unique tape identity
Date -à the date the backup is done .
Backup type à either Daily or weekly or monthly or Full System or Yearly or Special
Duration à either automatic or Manual
Technician name à Person performing the Backup
Comment à comments about the Tape’s history
Location à tape is either located onsite or offsite.
Number of use à Number of times the tape has been used
Restoration à tapes restoration Details, either yes/no


1.perform backup everyday
2.Perform restoration everyday
3.Search for tape from offsite storage
a.Tape should be located offsite
b.If it was used for daily backup, it should be at least 60 days old from current date.
c.If it was used for Weekly backup, it should be at least 6 months old.
d.If it was used for any other backup type, do not use.

** the database should provide history

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Creating 4 Fields From 1 In ACCESS

Nov 4, 2004

I am working with some chemical compounds in a database I am building. I grabbed an html file off the web on a listing of chemical compounds...converted it to ascii and imported it into ACCESS. Rather than write a Perl routine I was wondering if anyone out there had some sql code that might handle it. The first 3 records look like this and are contained in one field. I am trying to break this guy into 4 fields.

0001 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 AB1925000
0002 Acetic acid 64-19-7 AF1225000
003 Acetic annhydride 108-24-7 AK1925000

The fields would be named in order as:
CAS_NO 64-19-7
RTECS_NO AF1225000

The first two fields are left justified but the number fields are rather zigzagged throughout.

Anyone have a cure for this beast?
I thank you in advance.

the raven man.

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Creating ID Number In Access

Mar 1, 2012

at the moment we have been given this problem where we have to incoporate a Dmax function into the following code

IDnumber = Left(Firstname, 3) + Left(Lastname, 2)

from this code the ID number creates something that looks like this


however i need a four digit number after this ID, for every different ID i need the numbers to increase by one the following code was given to us to do in Got Focus but this did not work

IDnumber = Left(Firstname, 3) + Left(Lastname, 2) + Trim(Str(DMax("right(IDnumber,4)","Customer tbl")+1))

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Creating MDE File From Access 2003

May 26, 2005

I have an access 2003 application I have front end and back end separately. When I click "Make MDE File" from tools menu, nothing happens.
When checked the Windows Task manager(Windows 2000), CPU usage is 100% and MS ACCESS is not responding. There are no messages.

Anyone experienced this problem ?


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Help Creating And Designing An ACCESS Database!!!

Sep 1, 2005

Hi guys, i need help with a sample database, and wondered if anyone could tell me the entities and how to calculate the prices etc. If anyone could attempt starting the database off for me it would be appreciated too!!

Here is the spec!!!

You are required to produce and document a design that meets the requirements of the McDuffs Burgers scenario:

The corporate office of McDuffs Burgers has asked you to design a database to help track its restaurants and managers. The database is to help the management show the total annual sales of each restaurant and the performance of each manager, as measured by the totals annual sales of all restaurants for that particular manager. Each restaurant is supervised by a single manager, but a manager is also responsible for several restaurants. The company stores typical personnel data (name, salary, and so on.) for each manager as well as basic data for each restaurant such as the telephone and address of each restaurant, its size in square metres, and total annual sales for the last fiscal year. The company would also like objective ways to measure the performance of a manager such as the total revenue for which they are responsible, the average annual revenue per restaurant, the average annual revenue per square foot, etc.

The database should also track the orders that are placed by individual restaurants to the corporate office for various food supplies. Each order is associated with a specific restaurant, and of course, a single restaurant will place multiple orders during the course of a year. The company uses a standard set of product numbers, product descriptions, and associated prices that applies to all restaurants. Each order can specify several products, and a single product may appear in several orders. The database should be capable of computing the total cost for each order.

1. Entity definition for each entity.
2. Entity Relationship Diagram, which must show entities, relationships and membership.
3. Relationship definition for each relationship.
4. Relations (This must include for each relation the primary and foreign keys).
5. Data Dictionary.


You are required to implement the design (produced in the first part of the assessment - McDuffs Burgers - Database Design), by designing and creating queries, forms, reports and any supporting code. Revisions may be made to the design in the implementation process.

You should note the management of McDuffs Burgers has little experience of database systems and wish to be advised on the information the system can produce.

They require example reports demonstrating the capabilities of the system to:
- Aid the day to day operation of the business.
- Provide appropriate management information.

You must also implement an appropriate user interface to the database easy to use.

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