Creating Reports On The Fly Via Form Checkboxes

Apr 5, 2006

I have been searching and searching for a solution to this problem, but have been coming up short.

I have a database which lists tests done on certain products. Each product requires different tests, so it is not feasible to make a static report for each product.

My problem lies in creating a report which has the product name and number at the top of the report, and below that, I want to list test results based on information passed from a form through checkboxes. I really am not sure how to create this report because the tests change with each product, so I cannot include static headers for each test.

The way my form is set up is I have the Product Name/Number at the top, and right below that are several checkboxes which are named after each test. I want the data from these tests to populate the report.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Creating Reports On The Fly Via Form Checkboxes

Apr 5, 2006

I have been searching and searching for a solution to this problem, but have been coming up short.

I have a database which lists tests done on certain products. Each product requires different tests, so it is not feasible to make a static report for each product.

My problem lies in creating a report which has the product name and number at the top of the report, and below that, I want to list test results based on information passed from a form through checkboxes. I really am not sure how to create this report because the tests change with each product, so I cannot include static headers for each test.

The way my form is set up is I have the Product Name/Number at the top, and right below that are several checkboxes which are named after each test. I want the data from these tests to populate the report.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Creating A Form With Multiple Checkboxes (one For Each Record)

Apr 10, 2005

I have a form. In that form I want to display a series of dates from a database table..ex. 12/15/2004, 12/16/2005, etc... Next to those dates I want to have a checkbox. The user should be able to click on that checkbox if they want to sign up for that date. So there could be more then 1 checkbox checked, but there will always be atleast 1. So my first question is, how do I make this work. I've tried several things and everytime I check on the checkbox it checks all of the checkboxes.


Subject 2: Regarding the above question, how do i reference those dates that I've checked the checkbox next to, to put into another table?


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Reports :: Calculating Average From Checkboxes?

Mar 6, 2014

I have a report that I'd like to create a scorecard within. The scores will be expressed as percentages. I have 8 categories of tasks, and each category has a differing number of activities within it. When an activity is completed, the user checks a box indicating it is done. So I'd like to calculate the percentage of a category.

I've tried creating a control that has =Abs([Task_1_1_Flag]+[Task_1_2_Flag])/2 in the On Update and On Enter to just calculate the percentage on the fly when the report is accessed, but the field is blank when loaded despite 1 of the 2 checkboxes displaying as checked on the report. The percentages don't necessarily need to be stored in the table, but could be if that's easier.

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Reports :: Creating A Report Based On Single Record In Multiple Item Form

Jan 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a database which requires invoicing as a part of it. The invoicing is done based on quarters, and I want the users to be able to use a multiple items form, listing all of their clients, to create the invoices. Each invoice must be created individually so they can be e-mailed to the client, and saved to the clients folder. So I was wondering if it would be possible to create individual invoices for clients using a multiple items form.

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Reports :: Custom Reports Creating Chart Based On Month Not Calendar Year

Jun 15, 2015

I am editing a database that provides the option of creating custom reports, where the user can input a date range of their choice and receive aggregate data for that time frame. Although all of the numbers in the report are correct, I am having trouble with a chart that I inserted into the report.

Specifically, if the date range requested spans 2 calendar years (i.e. April 2014 through January 2015), the data for January 2015 appears at the beginning of the year (so the chart x-axis is for Jan through Dec, and the Jan 2015 data is showing up in Jan (as if it was 2014, not the end of the given range in 2015). When I try with smaller time frames within a calendar year, it adjusts just fine (i.e. shrinking the window so just March-May is displayed on the graph).

How to adjust the axis so that it properly records the data range- so that it would start the axis with April and end in January, for example?

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Reports :: Creating Reports From Imported Excel Sheet

Jul 9, 2013

i have an excel data for assets and i have imported it into access 2010 but i want to be able to do the ffg;

1. want to be able to generate reports like how many computers does a particular branch have.
2. i want to be able to sum the no of each field heading per branch

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Form With Many CheckBoxes

Jun 6, 2007

Sorry, but this is killing me. I can't find anything in the archive which directly relates.

And it's complicated. I'll try to simplify.

In a nutshell:

As I scroll each Employee on a Parent form, I'd like a subform with functionality to check off any Certifications earned by this person and write the EmployeeID and CertificationID to a junction table.

Seems to me it should be simple, but...

Anyway, here is the probably overcomplicated version here:

The one side tables are 1. Employees and 2. Certifications
The junction table records which certifications employees possess. This table contains some Boolean fields.

The Parent form knows the EmployeeID.

My goal is to create a subform on which to display the full list of Certifications, something similar to the attached image, with a button to add an EmployeeID to the junction table AND tick off the Boolean checkboxes.

I've based the subform on a query showing ALL Certifications and all (Junction) records where there is a match

Because the junction table only stores related Employees and Certifications as entered, the checkboxes on my subform cannot be bound directly to the fields in the junction table and, at the same time, allow me to check off the Booleans.

Perhaps a little db redesign? Any help greatly appreciated.

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Query By Form With Checkboxes

Oct 18, 2006

Hi! I am wondering if there is a way to do a query by form, where instead of typing in the values you are searching for, you select checkboxes, based on fields in the query you are searching.

For example, I have employees with a list of current competencies. I want to search for employees with specific competencies by checking checkboxes (or selecting from combo boxes) and have the form/query show me which employees possess these competencies/skills.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


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A Form With Checkboxes That Alters A Query

May 2, 2005

Forgive me for not knowing exactly how to phrase my question. I've done tons of searches and am SO grateful to these boards for the last year of informative help!


I want to have a form that lists every record in a table or query, and along side each, I would like a checkbox, indicating whether or not I'd like that record to be in my 'query' or not. Please help?

I.e. I have a table with a names and data. I want to see a form with the names, and a checkbox by each, so that a query can be run, and the only records displayed are those with '1'/'True'/'Yes'/'Checked'.

Thank you again for your invaluable time...


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Create Checkboxes During Form Open Based On Query

Feb 20, 2005

I am working on a database that tracks products. The products are divided into groups (Bath Salt, Stick Incense, Candle, etc.) and these are store in a table. The products themselves are stored in another table.

When a new scent is created, it can belong to multiple groups ... for instance, Strwberry Vanilla could be a perfume, a bath salt, a candle, stick incense.

When the form is opened, I want to read the contents of the groups table and create a check box for each entry.

I do not really want to use a list/combo box for this task ... would prefer to be able to check in a list of boxes to specify what groups to create entries for when a new product is entered.


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Queries :: 2 Checkboxes In A Form - Criteria To Be 00 Or 01 When Cost Checked

Nov 10, 2014

So I have 2 checkboxs in a form. Future cost and LRM cost.

When future cost is checked, I want the criteria in my make table query to be 00, when LRM cost checked, I want the criteria to be 01.

But the problem is when they are both checked I can't get 00 or 01 at the same time.

I have tried different ways but none of them seem to work because with IFF, can only return one value.

I have tried to put the 2 iff in criteria and the or criteria below it exceeds the max time.

The criteria I have right now is:

IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",
IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01"))

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Forms :: Multiple Checkboxes In A Form To Build A String?

Mar 18, 2015

From a dropdown field in the form it's currently possible to choose a geographical region for which to generate a report. The data populating this dropdown is pulled in from a Value List as follows:

" ";"*";1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;EU;WD

I now need the ability to choose various different regions simultaneously which is not possible with the current method. I've looked into a nested continuous form and a multi-select combo box or list box, but none of these are as user friendly as my preferred method.

What I would like is 15 checkboxes plus a 16th to select/unselect all. When any of these checkboxes is checked, I need to create something like a dynamic value string or temporary table to hold the list of chosen regions until the generate button is clicked at which point the data is used to generate the report and cleared. I also need a piece of code to check/uncheck all the boxes.

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Queries :: String (via Non-visible Textbox) From Search Form As Criteria Using Checkboxes

Mar 11, 2014

I have an unbound form (named frmReportSearch) with unbound text & combo boxes providing the criteria for a query (named qSeqStreets). The form / query utilize 4 optional fields as search criteria plus date from / to. The results are returned via a report (named rptSeqStreets). The whole operation worked perfectly, however I realized I needed to change one of the criterion to a multivalued field. The change in the table (named Tasks) worked perfectly. I used three checkboxes (named chkA, chkB and chkC) to allow the user to select any combination of the 3 choices, including none (to be treated as no filter on [fldShifts]).

The three options in the field (named fldShifts) are "A" "B" and "C". I am able to manually run the query from design view by typing in the criteria "A" Or "B"... "A" Or "B" Or "C"... and any combination of the three options in the criteria box and running the query. I am using the following code under the OK button's OnClick. The Code below has other items related to all the options .... I didn't want to give partial code so you may understand better:

Private Sub btnOK_Click()
Dim strShift As String
Dim strA As String
Dim strB As String
Dim strC As String

[Code] .....

My problem is that the query criteria needs to be entered into the criteria box with quotes and separated by "Or" depending on if multiple checkboxes are selected.

I can get the results to show correctly in the textbox, however I imagine the query is adding an extra set of ""s to the string so rather than "A" Or "B" .. it is getting ""A" Or "B"". My query Sql and even design mode are pretty complex, so I wouldn't know how to use the sql in VBA without blowing some fuses.

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Creating New Queries And Reports

Aug 9, 2005

I am trying to create a new query and a new report in my database. The program will not let me. The "new" is grayed out. Can anyone help me? :confused:

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Reports :: Creating A Pie Chart Format?

Apr 20, 2013

I have browsed a few forums and am still having trouble creating a pie chart that has the proper layout that I would prefer.

I have created a query that will list the data I would like to organize into a pie chart. The query, when run, will prompt the user for a start date and an end date and then display the data in this form:

EmployeeX | SumofProject hours | SumofDemo Hours | SumofAdministration hours | SumofEtc hours (5 other categories of hours)
EmployeeY | SumofProject hours | SumofDemo Hours | SumofAdministration hours | SumofEtc hours (5 other categories of hours)

OK, now that I have the data in this format I would like to create a report that includes tabs for each employee, each tab will have a pie chart that has one employee and a pie chart showing how their hours are allocated to each task. e.g. tab 1 would have Employee X and the pie chart would show what percentage of this employee's hours was dedicated to project/demo/admin/etc...

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Reports :: Creating A Classroom Schedule?

Apr 6, 2015

how to go about creating a report that lists a traditional style class schedule?

I would like the times on the X axis and the days of the week along the Y axis. Ideally, the name of the class and student list would be included.

I have all this information in a database, but right now my classes are being generated in an excel program (by hand) and I'd like to automate it somewhat since some class information is being changed on weekly basis.

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Reports :: Creating IIF Statement In A Report?

May 20, 2013

I am quite new to access 2007 but trying to create an IIF statement in a report but don't know where to start.

My report has lots of 'Label' fields with standard text based on a query for the fields components. I want one of my labels to only appear on the report for print IF a record field called 'Program' (which is from a list) has the word 'RHICHOP' at the beginning of it. If RHICHOP is not in the beginning of the Program then leave out the label text.

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Reports :: Creating SKU By Store Report

May 21, 2014

I have a table, it is fairly large but pretty simple.

It lists store numbers in the first column. Each column that follows is a SKU, and in the field it either has a 1 or a 0 to represent 1 if it is stocked in the store, and 0 if it is not.

Can I write a report that will show what each store has, and how do I do that? I basically want it to return the sku number (and its description) if it has a one in the box, but not if it doesn't.

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Creating Reports Using Combobox User Input

Apr 10, 2008

Please could somebody point me in the right direction of code.

I have a database which I would like to query using a form with a combobox or two, each of which containing a list of eg. Customer Names, or Reference Numbers, which will then produce a report which can be printed out.

I know basic ADO, like get the database, open it, find records, update and delete records, however I have been unsuccesfully searching for the code to open a report, which will respond to certain sql parameters that correspond with the values in the combobox. And then be able to print that report if possible.

I would be much appreciative if anyone would point me in the right direction,

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Creating Reports From 3 User Defined Critera

Nov 16, 2004

Please advise, how do I set up a form for this:

Based on one particular report style, have multi select criteria to produce user selected criteria

based on selections from a. Interest, b. State, c. Type

Report 1. sorts on Interest, 2. sorts by State, 3. sorts by Type ... and each report includes selections of the other 3 selections plus basic data common to all.

Plus, the Interests have a table where the main interest data is stored in a ContactInterest table, while the specific interest selections, per contact, are stored in the Contact table as Interest_1 through Interest_20.

In the Report, when it is sorted by Interest, while I have a concantated output for 5 of the selections, they also, want to sort alphabetically by the interest selections (which changes per Contact).

There is already a form for printing reports that are more static, and I wanted to add these selections on that form, perhaps as a subform, to allow printing of the reports, mentioned, and associated mail labels to the targeted addresses per group.

Any help, direction, guidance, or redirection would really help and is MUCH appreciated. I've tried many options, and as a newbie, have not yet found a solutions- or solutions.

Thank you so much. (time is of the essence and my skills are small so far.)


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Reports :: Creating Report Similar To A Spreadsheet

Jun 19, 2015

I'm working on a project where I'm supposed to take an excel spreadsheet and replace it's function with Access. So far I have created the form, table, and query, now I just need the report which (according to my boss) needs to mimic the existing spreadsheet.

I know this is probably not going to be fun, but hopefully somewhere out there can give me a few pointers?

Attached is an example of what the spreadsheet looks like (Capture1) and what I currently have in my report (Capture 2).

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Reports :: Creating Field Using Expression Builder

Dec 18, 2014

I am using expression builder to specify a field in a report but it is acting more like a filter.So I have a report based on a query. However I want to add a field that is not in the query but is in a related table - called tblAgent.

So using expression builder I select the tblAgent in Expression Elements and then select the field from this table. This creates the expression =[Agent]![AgentAddress] however when I try to run the report it asks for a Agent parameter? Do I need to go back to reports 101?

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Reports :: Creating Calculated Fields On Report

Feb 5, 2014

I have a field I need to create on my report that needs to be based on what is in another field on my report.

If Note (that's my field name) = 1,2,3,4,5, or 6, I want to sum a field called PlateNumbers.

What is the syntax?

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Reports :: Creating Delivery Report - Week View

May 9, 2015

Im creating a database that we can enter jobs into.A job will consist of 3 seperate parts, Called "Trusses", "Walls", "Posis". They will each have a different delivery date and possibly a delivery time.

I am having trouble creating a report that gives me a week view, Monday to Friday, that shows what deliveries are on each day.The main thing here is there is one job entry, with the 3 parts. So there will need to be 3 seperate entries on the report for each part of that job.

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Reports :: Creating Report That Show Only One Record From Query Or Table?

Feb 19, 2014

I am using Access 2007. creating a report that show only one record from my query or table.

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