Creating A Form Which Updates All Information In Multiple Tables

May 17, 2005

is there anyway you can create one form which updates all the information in multiple tables. I need to create one of these to make the navigation of the database more easy, so if anybody could help me it would be much appreciated.


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Write Conflict When User Updates Customers Information On Form.

Oct 24, 2007


Well I know why this happens b/c the table that the information is being pulled is the subsequently being updated however when moving to a diff customer or closing the form etc.. The user is then displayed the MsgBox of Write Conflict and supplying the user with 3 options of Disregarding Changes, Saving changes to Clipboard or Save Changes.

Baisically is their a way to restrict this write conflict msgbox and have it so that it saves the users changes every time.


monkey o_0

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Forms :: Creating A Form From Multiple Tables

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to create an input form for input to tables.There is a main TblContacts table with fields such as: LastName, FirstName, Address, etc. There are also ID fields for the Company and Country and joins to the Company and Country tables, each with just ID and name fields.I want to have all the fields from the TblContacts table and the Name fields from the Company and Country tables on the form. I want to be able to select the Name fields from the Company and Country tables from combo boxes and for these also to populate the Company and Country ID fields (from the TblContacts table).

To create the form, I selected Create Form whilst the TblContacts was open. Then, I added the combo boxes pulling the names from the Company and Country tables.My problem is that the selection of the Company and Country names above is NOT populating the Company and Country ID fields on the form (taken from the TblContacts table. I have checked in relationships that the joins have been created.

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Forms :: Creating A Search Form For Multiple Tables

Jan 9, 2014

I am creating a database of bird banding and breeding records for the refuge where I currently intern. To do this, I have created the following tables:

Adult Banding Records
Nestling Banding Records
Historical Banding Records

The specific issue:

I have already created forms for entering data into these tables, but now I would like to create a "search" form that will use the primary key (which is always the band number of the individual bird, across all tables) to search ALL the tables and pull up all the information on that record. This will be convenient when we recapture a bird that is already banded, so we can look up their information in our database. Also, since I plan to add many more tables, it would be nice to not have to search each table individually.

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Forms :: Creating User Record - Input Multiple Tables From Form

Mar 28, 2015

I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?

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Is It Possible To Create A Form Which Updates Multiple Recrds At Once?

Jun 8, 2006


I am new to access and DB in general.

Is it possilbe to create a form that updates mutiple records at once with the click of a button? If each record has 4 fields and for each group I want to update at once there are 2 fields with the same value and 2 fields with different values?

Any help on this would be appriciated..

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Newbie-Creating Pages Within A Form To Break Up Information

Apr 26, 2007

Hi! I'm a newbie and have very very basic understanding of Access...I'm running a small group of about 19 members that is expected to grow within the next two months to 11 more members...

I haven't been able to find a freeware club/membership database so having the fun of creating my own.

I used the "membership database" that microsoft offers and I figure out (very easily) how to do the page breaks, but I tried to add an option on the top of the form to goto page 3 and have access take my viewer to "page 3" of the form...

I've looked at the coding for page 1 and 2 that is already in place for the form where member info is enter, but it's just over my head and hoping someone can help me figure out how to build an event that when someone clicks on page 3, it will take the viewer to the "third page" of the form for additional information I hope to add.

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Changing Information (Same Info) In Multiple Tables

Apr 7, 2015

I have now been asked to create 'something' (form, query, whatever) that will:

Allow the engineers to change the date in multiple tables for parts; and,Change (in)activity status information in those tables; and,Delete the same obsolete part(s) from two tables and add that information (one entry) into another table.

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Reports :: Multiple Tables - Pull Information From Records Based On Certain Key Fields

Nov 5, 2014

I have a form (form1) that will populate with records (table1) based on key fields of "Project Number" and at time-points we will update part of the record, and then we create a word document detailing the updates with a couple of other bits of information not in original record.

Basically I want it to go from the original form (form1) into another form (form2) (via a command button) taking the key field of "Project Number" where it will ask the bits of information that we don't need have already and the contact person.

I have got this to store in a different table (table2) using a key field of just "ID" from the original records (table1). A list of contact people are in a separate table (table3) using a key field of "contact name" which will include other details for them such as address and phone number.

So from "form2" I would like to produce a report that contains information form "table1" based on the "Project Number" and "table2" based on "ID" as just been generated and "table 3" which is based on "contact name".

So I want to pull information form the records based on the certain key fields but struggling for it to pull it successfully...

Got relationships between:
"contact name" fields in both "table2" and "table3"
"project number" fields in both "table1" and table2"

In a query for the report I have all the appropriate fields, but only have the "contact name" and "project number" from "table2" is this right? or do I need both in?

Or would it be easier to draw all this information into "form2" but don't really want to select that many drop down boxes or would it be able to pull it from the "contact name" and "project number" boxes????

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Creating Rows In Multiple Tables

Nov 3, 2004


I'm new to Access but not SQL, and am having difficulty coming up with a solution to the following problem:

I have one table for all Strings used in all other tables (to make Internationalization easier). The fields are: zId, zType, and zString. zId is an AutoNumber field. zType is a number which defines what type of string it is ( Item Name, Person Name, etc. ). zString is a text field with the actual text string (can be empty).

I have another table for Items, which have (among other things) Names (field name= zName). zName is actually a lookup into the Strings table and stores just the ID.

I want to create a form for people to enter a new Item. When creating a new item using this form, they will have to give it a Name, which will need to add a new entry into the Strings table with the appropriate type (ie, Item Name).

So, my question is "How to do the following..."
* on my form to enter Item Data, when a user goes to create a new Item, I must first create a new entry in the Strings table with the correct value for zType. Then, I must get the value for zId for this new entry and assign it to the zName field in the Items table for the new record that I am creating.

Any help is appreciated.


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Creating A Report From Multiple Tables/forms

Jun 2, 2006

Could you please help me out.

I am trying to develop a DB that is multi user. i ahve not split the data from the forms into separate db's as the users are in different locations and our network can be very slow.

part of the requirerment is to produce a drawing approval form, my current sticking point is that the method i am currently using to create the forms only allows one person at a time to use the process.

currently i have a command button that runs a query and then creates a table from the results. the table is then used as the data source for a mail merged form in word.

what i ultimatly need is a process which allows multiple users to generate these forms at the same time and have the ability to save the form (with no code behind it) as a word document (either RTF etc)

i am thinking that if i create a query on the fly in VB and then use the results to use in a report this would allow me to do the above.....

So my questions are:

1) is my assumption correct
2) If so, how do i do it as i have never done it before
3) If the above is not the best solution/ does not work... what will/is

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General :: Creating Multiple Relationships Between Two Tables

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to create multiple relationships between the same two tables, but I run into problems every time I try. I'm using Access 2007.

I have a table with information on meetings and there are two hosts. So I have fields Host 1 and Host 2. I have a second table that lists possible hosts and their personal information. I have a relationship between table 1 "Host 1" and the Host in table 2; I cannot create another working relationship between table 1 "Host 2" and the Host in table 2.

how I can get that to work? With just the one relationship, I can go to table 2 of the hosts, click on their name, and see all their meetings.But if I add another relationship, it takes out all of the information. I've been working on this for over an hour,

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Queries :: Creating Query To Pull Info From Multiple Tables

May 7, 2013

I have DB used for inventory for many different categories. I have a table and form for the following: Location, Printers, Pc's and many more.

What i am trying to accomplish is to have a advanced search form that will display how many pc's and there makes and model from selecting the location name or Cost center from a combo box.

So an example would be I want to select MPP-WDF from the combo box click a button and it will return the number of PC and there makes of model's and some other information in a list of records.

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Tables :: Information Populating In Another Table Form?

Jun 9, 2014

I have created two tables. One table list of 100 Categories that I monitor each month. The Categories are never changing month-to month, however, each might be associated with a different client month-to-month. Presently, I am manually typing in the Client information month-to-month with information pulled from the Client's table. The Client's table has a Category Field which is populated when a Client has purchased space to use it.

In essence, I have the Category Table (Fields: Record Number; CategoryName; Client Name; beginning date the client will use the Category and Ending Date the client will stop using it). The Client's Table has a lot more fields/information but it still has the same fields as the Category Table. I am trying to be able to use the Category Table and have it automatically populate with the client who is using the Category at that time. Any Category not being used by a Client then the Query should write "Open" in the Client's name field. I have tried many different scenarios but can't seem to get it to work. I must see all 100 Categories each time I run a report. It doesn't have to say "Open" but where ever a client did not use the Category it should be left blank.

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Updating 1 Table That Updates Multiple Fields

Sep 20, 2006

I've been working on this problme for several weeks, thinking about it for the last month or so, and am at a loss of what to try next. I'm working on a database for my office that tracks all of the permits we have issued. Every year our permit fees increase by the CPI (consumer price index) and the permit fee entry in the table needs to be updated (75 to 80 entries).

Rather than typing them in every year (too many chances for errors) I'd like to be able to update our fee schedule table (8 entries, look up table) and have that table update all of our fee entries in the permit table.

Any ideas of how to go about this? Thank you for your help.


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Multiple Users - Problem Saving Updates

Nov 30, 2005

How do I get access to accept changes made when there are four individuals working in the same continuous form at the same time? In addition, I noticed when a record has been deleted, the view for those viewing the database, the screen displays the word DELETE. How do I get Access to delete the record and not show the word delete?

FYI…I already split the DB and placed the front end on each desktop.

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General :: Using Recorsets - Loading Form With Information From Different Tables

Jul 8, 2014

I have tried on different forms using more than a few different methods to make recordsets happen and to no avail. My current reason for needing to use recordsets is because I am loading a form with information from different tables. Instead of using multiple DLookups, opening the recordset only looks for the information once, speeding up the load time on the form.

Dim Rs As Dao.Recordset
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("PreviousTRRetrieval2Query")
If Rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
ProjectNumber = Rs!ID
Agency = Rs!WitnessAgency
FileNumber = Rs!FileNumber

That is the start of my code and I keep getting an error, 3061 Too Few Parameters. Expected 1. Now when I run the query I get the results I desire, which is all the information I need at this particular junction. I am using Access 2010. Why I may not be returning any results for my recordset when the PreviousTRRetrival2Query returns results on its own.

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Tables :: User Form Design To Enter Necessary Information?

Dec 30, 2013

I have given an example in the attached excel spread sheet with a few comments at the head of each column.

1. I want to confirm that my best modelling approach for this kind of information is a series of 1 to many relationships linking the attributes in columns A->D?

2. In the example given an environmental rating is given to each make/model of car based on each combination of attributes A-->D. How would this work in terms of user form design to enter the necessary information? in order to assign an environmental rating?

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Tables :: How To Get Information Inputted On Form To Store In Correct Table

Mar 4, 2014

I'm having some trouble getting my information that I input on my form to store in my correct table. I will attach my DB so you can take a look at what I have thus far.

Here is what I am wanting to do:

I have TblEmployee, TblEquipment and TblJunction and FrmTracking and FrmUpdate

I input the bulk of my information thru FrmTracking, my trouble is I can not seem to get the information that I input in my FrmTracking to store in the correct table. I can get the information to store in TblEmployee, however the information that I want to be stored in TblEquipment will not store in there.

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Easy Updates On Tables

Feb 21, 2007

I am trying to come up with a way to update tables every week from two databases. I have one database for a satellite office and one for corporate. Each office has BOTH databases so as to keep up with their own data (we are not on a network). Each office will have to export their Project Table data to the other and then upload (update) the corresponding database. So:

ABC Division exports their project data from their Project Table once a week and sends to DEF Division and vice versa. Then ABC takes the exported Data from DEF and updates their database for DEF and vice versa.

Field names and additional field names will not happen; however, the data in those fields may be updated OR there may be new records added. So basically, I guess I need to delete the old and put in the new every week but make it VERY easy for the end users (who know nothing about Access). The tables that would be updated are related to other tables.

Does anyone have any suggestions where to get started? I've tried an Append query and that only adds records, not looks for changes in those records.

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Capturing Updates In Tables - Part 2

Nov 24, 2007

Could you answer a diabolical question? I am trying to track the changes of a record in a table when I have imported a text file.

I will import a txt file everyday and to that end I have wrote the code for the insert of new records into customer table and customer history tables and then the updates into the customer table.

However I will only be able to capture the updates in tables as there will be multiples. I understand that Jet can't capture the updates at the table level (no triggers).

So the diabolical question, is it possible to capture the updates only in tables using code??

Please help...

Many thanks

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Creating A New Record From Existing Information

Mar 28, 2006

Hi there,

I have a form with information on it relating to several linked tables. I would like this information to be duplicated in the tables and a new autonumber assigned.

Is there a way that I can do this by clicking one button and the autonumber will automatically generate a new number keeping the rest of the information in the form and updating the tables with a new record?.

Thanks for you help

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Help Creating A Multiple Field Search Form

Nov 2, 2007

Hello, i have a database that simply holds all the information on one table at the moment and what im trying to figure out is how to create a form that i can enter data onto that searches all the different fields at once, instead of one search for one thing and another for another. Some of the fileds are Headset number, gasket number, make, model, engine cc, etc.. so what i want to be able to do is have a form with a text box for each of these fields that then searches the table to narrow down the search results. at the moment i have a search for each, say for one i enter the headset number, it searches and pulls up all records with that headset number, then i have a search for engine cc, but what happens is it searches all records again for the engine cc not following on from the search for headset number so i end up back with a load of records with diferent headset numbers but with the searched engine cc. Basically the search form needs to take data entered into each text bow for each field then the combined results from each, narrowing down the results. can anyone help? in laymans terms!!

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Creating A Form With Multiple Checkboxes (one For Each Record)

Apr 10, 2005

I have a form. In that form I want to display a series of dates from a database table..ex. 12/15/2004, 12/16/2005, etc... Next to those dates I want to have a checkbox. The user should be able to click on that checkbox if they want to sign up for that date. So there could be more then 1 checkbox checked, but there will always be atleast 1. So my first question is, how do I make this work. I've tried several things and everytime I check on the checkbox it checks all of the checkboxes.


Subject 2: Regarding the above question, how do i reference those dates that I've checked the checkbox next to, to put into another table?


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Modules & VBA :: Creating Multiple Appointments From One Form

Oct 19, 2013

I have been putting together code from bits I have found online that will create an appointment in Outlook from a date field in my form.

My form has a number of dates and I need to create appointments for each one. Is there any way I can incorporate that into the existing code? Or will I need to add command buttons for each date?

The date fields are:
[Date Template Made]
[Date of Top Cut]
[Date of Bowl Cut]

Private Sub CreateAppt_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
If Me.chkAddedtoOutlook = True Then
MsgBox "This appointment has already been added to Microsoft Outlook", vbCritical

[Code] .....

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Creating Simple Invoices But Maintaining Information

May 19, 2012

I need to create buyer and seller invoices within my access 2003 databases, my sister in law runs an antiques auction house and I'm working on a database to capture all their information.

I've created a 2 queries (a buyer invoice and seller invoice), show all unsettled items with the relevant item information and fee's.

However, I would like it to automatically allocate an invoice number, and store the information back to a table (seller and buyer ID, total number of items on the invoice, total fee etc)

I'd like store the invoices as well, so within the customer record form, I can include a box showing a list of the buyer invoices on one side and seller invoices in another (not all customers are buyers and sellers).

Once I've issued an invoice, can I automate it to show that item as then as invoiced?

Can the invoices be editable at all?

When they come in and settle their account, I also need to feed this information back in as well.

Can i arrange an invoice for seller's particularly, to show all sold items, and the fee's associated with them

Returned items as well as any associated fee's with them?

I have been looking at the Northwind example.

I see how they have an orders details table and orders table, I could replicate this.

I could have an Buyers Invoice table and Buyers Invoice Details table, but how do I generate an invoice, pull the next Invoice number from my (currently blank) invoice table, and pull in the outstanding items for that buyer for that specific auction date (I have a query), and then populate back information from the invoice?

I like the fact that their order form is editable, do any changes go back to the query, that then populate the invoice when you click print invoice?

I need to be able to (at the end of the auction) pull all items from my item log, for that buyer, and print them an invoice, automatically saving all the invoice details back into my database.

I need be able to automatically flag the items in my items table, as invoiced and pull the invoice number in?

I can see how all the Northwind tables, queries, and forms relate to each other and subforms, but I'm not sure how to actually create an invoice, get invoice number, merge with my query, and then feedback in.

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