Creating A Table To Cross Index Items In Another Table
Sep 14, 2005
How do I create a table that can cross index items in another table. Maybe I am not using the right terms here so let me show a small example.
Say I have a tables of words.
Then I have some entries, all more or less synonyms of each others
Now I want to create a cross-index table, related to the table "tblWords" where I can select synonyms from words already in the table "tblWords", so if I for the word "fresh" add "new" and "clean" as synonyms or entries, if I then go and look at the word "new" it will already have the synonyms "fresh" and "clean", likewise the entry "clean" will then have the synonyms "fresh" and "new".
Kind of a many to many relationship junction table but only with one table!
I hope my explanation have not been to confusing, but let me know if you need a clarification.
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Feb 17, 2005
I am pullling data from a query using an unbound form and a query that that uses linked tables. I can not edit the index of the tables, so is there a way i can create a new index for sorting data in a form?
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a situation where I have a report which I will generate to print our companies pricebook. I need an index/table of contents for customers to go to the page where a product is to look up prices. The problem is that we add and subtract products on a consistent basis.
So a new product will get added, but of course, to run alphabetically, there's no way to insert it, then renumber the pages for it to be easily use a maketable query, which sorts all of the products alphabetically. Each time it is run, it will delete the previous table. I then need to have an autonumber field created to create my "page numbers". Yes, each time the pricebook is run, products can and will oftentimes get new page numbers.
So my thought is to have a macro run which creates the autonumber field to the table. This will then be the basis for the form, which will in turn utilize the "page number"/autonumber field to both serve as page numbers in the report. And of course, the table which is created each time will be the "table of contents".
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Apr 11, 2006
Dear all,
I have a small problem.....
I hope u 2 help me solving it.....
I cross tab query, with this column:
PIVOT Format([Date],"Short Date")
But as we all know that Format function returns variant(strin), So how can we reorder that column by date...
Sorry for bothering you....
Thanks & Regards
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Apr 15, 2013
I have a table similar to the following
FieldMinibus / FieldDate / FieldCount
A 10/4/2013 1
A 11/4/2013 1
A 12/4/2013 1
B 01/5/2013 1
B 02/5/2013 1
C 01/8/2013 1
I can do a pivot on it no problem to get for instant the first and last dates for each minibus I am however wanting to produce a cross tab from the above that produces a format similar to the following
RowMinibus / Listed Dates
A 10/4/2013 / 11/4/2013 / 12/4/2013
B 01/5/2013 / 02/5/2013
C 01/8/2013
I'm basically only wanting two columns in the related cross tab query result and the "value" within the cross tab needs to be a list of concatenated dates.
I can get all the dates to appear for an individual bus but they are spread across independent columns which results is not concise enough for my objective.
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Jul 16, 2013
I am creating a production type database with different stations (assembly 1, assembly 2, etc) with a master parts list that has every part. I want to cross reference each station input with the master parts list in order to make sure the part is in inventory. Can I create a button or to do this on the form? Or is there a better way? I would cross reference two fields.
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Oct 8, 2014
I have this cross table for a query called OUTPUT. The query has four fields (country, indicator, value and date). I want to cross table by date as follows:
This works fine but I'd like to visualise the date formatted by quarters instead of dd/mm/yyyy. I have modified my SQL code as follows:
PIVOT "Q" & DatePart("q",OUTPUT.[date]) & " " & Year(OUTPUT.[date]);
My problem is that using the DatePart and Year functions I miss the sorting.
Is there any approach that allows me to keep the date sorted in the cross table?
I have also tried to include the date formatting in the OUTPUT query and to sort the date there. It works fine there but when I create the cross table I again loose the sorting.
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Sep 22, 2005
I tried the idea sugested in post ( but it didn't seem to give the cross referencing that I had hoped for .... example 1 is related to 4,3, and 5 while 6 is related to 1 thus implying an extended relationship to 4,3, and 5.
In a standard one-to-many I'd look at record 1 and see that it is related to 4,3,5 but if I were to look at record 6 I'd only see that it is related to 1. How would I set up the table relationships to drill further to see that 1 is also related to 4,3,5?
How do you do a many-to-many from one table back to that same table?
EventID(AutoNumber) EventTitle(Memo)
1 memo content
2 data
3 more memo content
4 some info
5 more stuff
6 other text
EventParrent EventChild
1 4
1 3
1 5
6 1
3 2
In addition ... how would one set up the integrity to prevent loops from forming?
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Sep 5, 2014
I am trying to create a cross join or Cartesian product TABLE, not a query.
I am creating a training database. For each and employee and each training event, I want to know - is this event required, who approved it, and when was it completed. The table I envision looks like this:
1 1 Y WPD 9/5/14
1 2 N
I currently have 39 employees and 473 events - 39*473 = 18447 records
I was able to make a cross join query and use make table, but whenever I add a new employee or event, if I update the make table query I will lose all my existing data.
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Aug 28, 2006
Hi -
Desperately need a kick in the butt to restart the cognitive functions.
Am attempting to prepare a FY (1 Jul 05 - 30 Jun 06) rollup of services provided. Have done this for years with very little stress. Lost my notes in a melt-down and now it seems I'm lost.
Properly normalized recap of various (about 15) services provided to clients over the one-year period. Created a cross-tab query that sums each of the services and displays columns for each service (represented by ServiceID, e.g. 2019, 2020, etc.)
The cross-tab works perfectly, just now need to turn it into a report. Try to use the Report Wizard, based on the cross-tab. Problem is, it returns no fields to select. Changed strategy and attempted to turn the cross-tab into a make-table query, which, I understand would return a spreadsheet-style table. For these purposes, that's exactly what I need and have examples going back 5 to 6 years how this worked wonderfully.
The cross-tab -> maketable works, but it reverts to the original normalized structure, which is not what is needed.
If someone can help to put me out of my misery, I offer my first-born as a small token.
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Mar 2, 2005
Hello, I keep getting this error when opening up a database. What can I check to find and fix the problem? TIA
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Sep 22, 2005
I am creating a table with a make-table query. The only trouble is that I can't figure out how to designate which field will be the primary key. Is there a way to do this...... other than creating the table, then manually going into desing mode and specifying the primary key there? I want this to be automated.
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Aug 30, 2013
I have tbl_orders which records orders. I have a linked table called tbl_order_lines which details the items against each order.
In a nutshell, an item can only appear once in an order. However, I do not know how to create a relationship or code the frm_order in order to reflect this in my DB.
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Jul 24, 2007
I have a linked table to a SQL server table called AllAttendanceEvents.
the AllAttendanceEvents table has index called "AttEvents". I wrote the following code:
set AllAttendanceEvents=currentdb.openrecordset("AllAttendanceEvents")
When it executes the read line statement, it generates the following error:
Operation is not supported for this type of object
Is there any way to get around of this problem with the linked tables?
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Sep 24, 2014
I have a couple of tables which only have a single field. Is it worth adding a second field in order to hold an ID number (is this commonly termed an index number?) for each entry.
My other tables with multiple fields include a field for an ID number and these tables are linked via these fields.
At this stage I cannot see any reason why, in the future, I would want to add additional fields to the tables which I am currently planning to make single field.
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Aug 22, 2014
Using an Access 2003 format database, opening in Access 2007...When I try to open my database I get two errors and it will not open.ID is not an index in this table.ParentId is not an index in this table.
I get the error when it opens with autoexec and when I bypass autoexec. I have a master copy of the database that I tried to link to the first database to import tables but I still get the error.
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Apr 12, 2013
I am trying a to build a slot booking database in which users will be able to book slots (ranging from 1-30) on a particular day for a specific site (location).
When trying to build the relationship between slot in tbl_available and slot in tbl_appointment i get the following error "No unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table" the same error pops up when trying to build a relationship between site in tbl_available and site in tbl_appointment.
I need both relationships to be 1 to many.
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Oct 8, 2013
I am trying to create a one-to-many relationship between these two tables. I want to be able to access the 3 fields on the [Processors] table within reports based on [AllItems]. [AllItems] is a listing of account activity where the [AccountNumber] repeats. I have every field set as the "Primary Key" on [AllItems] as that is the only way to avoid importing duplicate data. I am getting the error: "no unique index found for the referenced field of the primary table"
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Dec 6, 2006
I have made a few lookup tables in the database I'm working on using the lookup wizard and entering the text I want in them. I made a form and they come over fine on them.
My question is that I thought that there was a way when you entered something other than was in that field it would automatically add it to that list and you could just select it next time instead of typing it in again. Is that possible or am I thinking of something else.
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm creating a database for my job. I have 4 tables with information. When I need to deliver some items i must know which items to take, They are in those 4 tables.
I want to make it that i can click a menu on my switchboard that i see a report with all the information with a clickbox behind it. If i select this box and click a button generate it creates a report with all the items i've selected with the select box.
So in short:
1.) How do I create a table with all the items from the other tables that are automatic updated when insert a items in one of those 4 tables.
2.) How do I create a report where i can select some items that are generating a report with the selected items.
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Mar 24, 2015
I have made a query to search for some items on a table. I want there to be a button on the search form that says 'search' and takes you to the corresponding page on the form. (The form has multiple pages in, all with different products on) Is this possible?
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Oct 29, 2014
I have a form which when displayed shows all the items on the table (usually 1 or 2) for a particular key.
The following row is part filled in awaiting further input for the rest of the fields of that row.
I have a button (exit) which basically closes the form but it also validates the (potentially) partial field ultimate row. If the user hasn't added any data to the partially filled row then I delete that row with this code.....
If IsNull(Me.Field1) or IsNull(Me.field2) Then
....If Not Me.NewRecord Then
........ DoCmd.SetWarnings False
........ strSQL = "DELETE * FROM [Component Swaps] WHERE [ID] =" & [ID]
........DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
........ Me.Refresh
........ DoCmd.SetWarnings Trye
.... End If
.... DoCmd.Close
.... Exit Sub
End If
This works. I have copied the exact code into the close event for the form but it seems like in that part of the code the previous row is being picked up.
So for example if I have 2 records on the table I display 3 rows (as 1 is created with partial data) thus
ID.....Prefilled Field......Field1......Field2
If the code goes through the exit event then Me.Field1 and Me.Field2 are Null and the record with the ID=3 gets deleted.
Going through effectively the same code for the close event Me.Field1 = "F11" and Me.Field2 = "F22" and the record doesn't get deleted (ID=2 as well)...
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May 13, 2005
I have a small database, that I would like to use a combo box to allow user to select a value based upon values already entered on table, and then if value is not found enable the user to enter a new value that will then become part of the selection for future record adds.
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Jan 10, 2006
I have a combo box that inserts data into an unbound list box and table. This works great but I am having trouble with the deletion part. I want to be able to dbl click on the item in the item list and delete it from both the list box and table. Currently, my code is deleting ALL items, not just the one item I want to get rid of. Any ideas would be most appreciated :)
This is what I have for the deletion code:
Private Sub List92_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
sql2 = "delete from PROFILE_Industry where "
sql2 = sql2 & "profile_id = " & Me!Profile_ID
sql2 = sql2 & " And Industry_focus = '" & Me!List92.Value & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sql2)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
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Feb 18, 2014
I'm trying to add items received to my inventory table. If the item is already in the table, I just want to update the number and cost etc. If the item is not in the inventory table I want to add it. My problem is determining which item in the source table is already in the target table so I can either update of add. how to find an item number in target table by looping through the source table?
Here's the code I've written which doesn't work.
Dim I As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs2 = Nothing
Set db = CurrentDb
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Nov 10, 2012
This is a CSV file that comes through an Access specification. I need to be able to copy the items from the table to other tables but somehow apply a unique and sequential ID to the rows first, this is essential to the job. The text import spec applies a unique ID but save the spec, and call it using VBA, it doesn't do that.
Also, there seems to be a bug where using a macro to run the text import specification, (and this is after an update from Microsoft), that it doesn't recognize the specs anymore... after I deleted several of them.
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