Creating An MDB

Nov 10, 2006

Hi, I've been trying to create an MDB file of my database with litle luck.

when I try and click the make MDE, the computer locks up and the processor goes into meltdown! I have to quit Access through TaskManager to bring it round.

I previously exported every element of the database one at a time to a new DB, and on each tested to see if the MDE would work. I identified 4 forms and 1 report which would prevent it making the MDE. I started the new database from there. Now I have re- created the forms and I get the same problem as before,

Does anybody have a clue what is going on or where i should look to resolve this , as I dont want to have to do all that exporting/testing again..????

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General :: Creating A Database For Creating Quotations

May 20, 2015

I am creating a database for creating quotations. The quotation number is generated using the date, for example the first quote today would be quote number "05202015-1" because it is the first one today. The next quote today would be quote number "05202015-2" and so on. Is there a way to make access automatically generate these quote numbers based on the date?

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Creating Help Files

Jul 15, 2005

I wondered if some can advise me as to how to make help files and linking them in to the dabase. i.e. if someone clicked on a certain section for help then it would go to the help for that section. Is there an easy program to help write the files??

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Creating An MDE File

Sep 6, 2005

I am trying to create an MDE file from my .mdb, but receive an error "Unable to create MDE file".

Can anyone suggest how I can find out why this cannot be created?


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Creating An INI File

Nov 6, 2005

Does anyone have sample code or a sample mdb that shows how to create an INI file and then also be able to import an INI file back in to a table in the mdb?


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Creating Logs

Feb 12, 2006

Not sure if this is the right place to post - if not please move.

I am creating a database for my college project and I would like to create a log to record when people log in an create a record. This is for audit trails and for a system to present the user with any newly added records since their last log in.

I dont know if there is a really easy way to do this, so please post if there is, and dont ridicule me too much :P

I was thinking of having a table to store all the logs (one for each type of log - e.g: Log in and adding new records)

Taking logging in as an example, the user types in the username and pasword, when they click log in, the button will send the username and a time stamp to the table and add it into a new field.

Then when the user who has access to the logs wishes to view them, then run a query and select the date they wish to view, then all the records in the table will be displayed.

Please add any helpful comments to that theory, thanks :)

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Creating A Hyperlink

Jun 6, 2006

I have an unbound field txtMyField which I want to fill with a hyperlink after entering data in another field. So I put the Is Hyperlink setting to yes, and some code to populate the field. But I cannot click the link. It is just like text.

How can I amend this so that it is clickable?



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Creating Shortcut

Aug 1, 2006

I created a shortcut icon on my computer to access an Access dB that's located on the company server. The Access db opened, but immediately froze and wasn't able to do anything (not responding). Any suggestions as to why this happened and how to fix it?

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Creating Forms

Nov 1, 2006


I'm trying to create a form or some kind of database that does a comparison between a flat file i get and what the system has. Can someone guide me in the right direction on it? Any example would be great. Thank you.

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Question Regarding Creating A Log...

Jan 10, 2007

My question may be a little confusing, but I'll do my best to make it understandable. At work we have a press that presses ceramic powder and periodically it needs to be lubricated with grease. Right now we use a form that I created in excel that works ok, but I want to get it into access for ease of use and keeping entries consistant... There's the overview, now comes the confusing part...

There are 4 lubrication schedules - a daily (8hrs), weekly (40hrs), monthly (160hrs) and a yearly (1600 hrs). What I'm looking for is a way to compute how many hours until the next lubrication. I have True/False checkboxes that will be checked when a lubrication is performed, so there are 4 of them.

It sounded simple when I first decided to do it, but it has actually turned into being quite complicated... Maybe it's me, but hopfully someone can give me some insight.

Thanks for any help :-)


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Creating The Program

Mar 6, 2007

I have a database made in MS Access. It has forms that allow the user to do certain things, such as add to the database, and so on. I only want the user to be able to run a program that will run the one, main form i've created it (as well as any other form that the main for lnks to). how do I do this?

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Help With Creating A Relationship

Jul 2, 2007

I have a table with all the job information for each of our jobs. I want to create another table with a job notes field that is linked to the job info table above. My main goal is to be able to make a query or report for the job notes on all our jobs on a specific date.

the query will look like this:

job # field, job name field, job notes (july 3) field.

Q1. Is there a way to link the job info field with the job notes field where the job # and job name information will automatically populate into the query?

Q2. How do I build a relationship between the job info field and the job notes field.
I tried to link them, but when I do the query the job # and job name fields aren't being populated, it only shows a single blank row for the whole query.


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Creating A SUM Field

Aug 17, 2007

I feel like this is a stupid question but here goes:

I just created a large database of which a few fields are going to represent "total" fields as they are the sum of a few other fields.

I attempted to build an expression in the "update to" box in an update query but it does not seem to be working. I tried creating a simple addition expression and it tells me that I am about to update XXX number of fields but when I look at the data afterwards no changes have taken place. I am not familiar with how to use the Sum function so it was not working for me.

I'm not sure if I'm going about this the wrong way but if someone could push me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.


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Creating MDE Issue

Jan 31, 2008

I am attempt to create a MDE file, but MS Access seems to freeze.

The application has db1.mdg (forms, reports, modules) and db1_be.mdb (three tables). Simple database. When I try to run the MDE wizard to create it, MS Access seems to freeze. CPU is running at about 25 (20,068K).

Any idea?

MS Access 2003.

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Creating Relationships

Feb 11, 2005

I am using SQL 2000 and have two tables that I want to create a relations ship, so that when I add data to one it gets added to the other.

QuoteID int
PartNumber nvarchar
(both make up key field)

QuoteID int
Item nvarchar
(both make up key field)

When I use the database diagram in MS Access (ADP not MDB) I get:
"The columns in Table 'Table_Main' do not match an existing primary key or UNIQUE contraint."

Othere then then actual name of the filed, they all match, what gives?

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Creating An Unique ID

May 20, 2005

I am very new to db programing so please forgive for such a simple program.

Here is the deal. I have a db for about 500 students.

I would like the table [Students] to create a unique ID "number" for each student. I would like the number to be based on information from the same table. For example if the student's name is John Doe and his number is 555-1212 then I would like to the id to be JD1212. I plan on using more than name and phone number but this was just to show you, what i am trying to get done.

I can do this using a form and a calculated control, but I can't get the table and form to kiss and make up. I was also told you can't save data from a calculated control in a form to a table and it is gernerally not a good idea, so I was told.

Any help would be appreciated.


Pastor Nick.

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Creating New Records

May 24, 2005


I wonder if anyone can help. I attach a table that is a material list (27000 records). When I add a new material I want to be able to see the last part code I created for a particular supplier.

For example C001, C002 and C003 are for a supplier company called Chapters so I would scroll through the combo box search list in the form for the last one and create a new record called C004. The problem is that E00001, E00002 for a company called Edwards supplies 20,000 items so it's a long way to scroll through to create a new part code called E20001. How can I show in the form what the last part code is for each Supplier?

I attach the form and table as I'm not very good at explaining this, although I have had to delete approx 20000 records as the database was too big to be posted. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated, many thanks

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Creating A Table In Sql

Jul 25, 2006

I ve got an access db thats attached to a java application.
I need to be able to create a temporary table that stores a result set, its necessary to do this as the java app needs to perform lots of repeated operations on this temp table.

I was think something like this would work:

DROP TABLE tempResults
CREATE TABLE tempResults
SELECT col1, col2, col3 ....
FROM orginalTable

So i tried this:

Create table temptable AS
SELECT education,
FROM supermarketTable;

but it doesnt work, access complains about syntax error in create statment.

Could anyone give me some pointers?

thanks in advance!

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Help Creating A Table.

Apr 2, 2007

what i am trying to do is have something create a new table. It could either be when a check box is clicked. but preferably when a name is entered into a text box. i just need the sub command to write. i tried using what access help has: SyntaxCREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE table (field1 type [(size)] [NOT NULL] [WITH COMPRESSION | WITH COMP] [index1] [, field2 type [(size)] [NOT NULL] [index2] [, ...]] [, CONSTRAINT multifieldindex [, ...]])The CREATE TABLE statement has these parts:Part Description table The name of the table to be created. field1, field2 The name of field or fields to be created in the new table. You must create at least one field. type The data type of field in the new table. size The field size in characters (Text and Binary fields only). index1, index2 A CONSTRAINT clause defining a single-field index. multifieldindex A CONSTRAINT clause defining a multiple-field index but i keep getting an error. if someone could just give me a sample code that i could copy and paste into the code builder to get a simple table with one or 2 coloums i could edit to the specific things i need. i just dont know where to start. thanks for the help.

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Creating Tables

Jul 19, 2007

Hiya iam new one here, and fairly new with access. I got my self into a mess to what is proberly very simple to solve. I have 5 different products, which have 18 components for each product, each component has a part number and a price. Iam finding it difficult to arrange this data into tables in 3rd normal form. Do I have a table for each product, then a table for components, then a table for part number and price, but how would I create relationships for these?? Please help its driving me mad, any help would be greatly appricated.

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Help Creating Relationship....

Dec 8, 2007


Can someone please help me take advantage of this handy piece of work I found on the forum?

I need to implement a picture management app for a database I am developing and this (Attached) app looks to be exactly what I am looking for.

Here is what I have been trying to do.

Use the attached tables, and forms to create a one to many relationship in my exisiting database.

I have a PK of OrderID in my existing database.

I have the table, form and mod in my existing database but I cannot seem to get the relationship down..

Any assistance is greatly apprecaited.

Fen How

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Creating Reletionship

Dec 10, 2007


I have some trouble with creating the right relationships between my tables.
What do I have so far ...

I have a table called machine tha is linked to a table machineparts (machineonderdelen) that again is linked to a table parameters (kwaliteitsgegevens).

Now my problem is the next table. This table represent the product. So the intension is when I add a product that is made on one of the machines all the parameters that are active fore this machine in the table kwaliteitsgegevens should be obliged to fill in.

How can i do this.

I have also put an example to this message.

Thanks in advance,

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Creating A Set Of Records

Nov 23, 2005

I have a database in which i keep track of my books collection. Amongst my tables i three of them are:

tblBooks - main books table
tblKeywords - where i store keywords (such as "database", "programming", "web development" etc)
tblBooksKeywords - to create a many-to-many relationship between the above two tables.

Now in tblbooks i have about 270 records (1 per book). Now for each book in this table i would like to create a record in the tblBooksKeywords table to add a the keyword "Computers" to each book.


Book1 - Computers
Book2 - Computers
and so on till Book 270

Now rather than i do this manually for 270 records is there a way in which i can create these 270 records automatically ?


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Creating A New Field

Jun 15, 2006

I am making a Make Table query where I want to add a new field called [Timesheet Date]. How do I ensure that this field is a Date type? I ultimately will populate the new field with valid dates.

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Help Creating A View

Aug 4, 2006


I want to create a view of two tables. However, my two tables are very similar in the data they have; there are differences though. I don't want it to paste all the similar data twice though I want it to merge the similar data.. Is this what a view does anyway???

Thanks in advance!

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Help Creating A History...

Apr 27, 2007


I am trying to create a historical record of Employees at our business. What I would like to do is have a query that will create a begin date and create that date for each day starting w/ like 1/1/06 and continue thru Date()-1. For example:

Jane Doe and John Doe started employment on 1/1/06. Jane Doe was employed until 1/5/06. So using their "Hire Date" I would like the query to do this..

Created Name Hire Date Termination

1/1/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06
1/1/06 John Doe 1/1/06
1/2/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06
1/2/06 John Doe 1/1/06
1/3/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06
1/3/06 John Doe 1/1/06
1/4/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06
1/4/06 John Doe 1/1/06
1/5/06 Jane Doe 1/1/06 1/5/06
1/5/06 John Doe 1/1/06
1/6/06 John Doe 1/1/06
1/7/06 John Doe 1/1/06

So in this case Jane Doe will show up every day in the "Employee List" until she was terminated. Is it possible to loop a date like this in a query or will I have to make an estranged table with a list of dates? TIA for any help.

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