Creating Consecutive Identifiers - Automatic Numbering

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to create a form that creates an automatic identifier with a value one greater than the previous identifier. I was able to create something that updates in batches of two: That is, I end up with identifiers that go 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, etc. How do I get it to create consecutive identifiers (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)?

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Automatic Numbering

Oct 13, 2004

Hi I am a newbie on here!!!!! Anyways, now that I got that out of the way.... I need help on my Access Database. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question..... I would like to have one of my cells in my form to automatically count from 1000-9999 when I go to the next form. when it hits 9999, I need it to start over, but not delete any of the previous entries that I have in there. Anyone willing to help me out?

Greatly Appreciated, I am sure I will have more questions!!!

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Tables :: Automatic Numbering System - Identifier Of Task

Jul 30, 2013

I like to have a Auto number field in my table (tbltask) that use below codification


Where B = Base code and 000001 = Identifier of the task.

The identifier of the task is a unique 7 digits number

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Help Creating A Unique Numbering Field

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have been trying to incorporate an access DB in to our business for sometime, but keep coming up against the same issue. We have a numbering system for the jobs we do, which was invented many years ago and cannot be changed. It is in the format "month/Year/unique 3 digits" the 3 digits are sequential, i.e. 02/07/123 ... 02/07/124... etc. I will need this all in one field.
So far I have managed to get the month and year (easy enough) with the expression "=Month(Now()) & "/" & Right(Year(Now()),2) & "/"" Now I need to get the sequential 3 digits at the end, however, I am not sure of any way to do this and it has stumped many people. I have a field that is autonumbered, but don't seem to be able to add this to the end of the expression.

If any of you have any suggestions I would be greatful - bear in mind I am only a begginer at this.

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Creating Incremental Numbering On Page?

Jun 30, 2015

I have 2 page tabs on a form, and I want an incremental number assigned to each new record on that page.

Been doing some research and this is what I came up with:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me!tabSupplier.NewRecord = True Then
Me!tabSupplier!DocumentNo = Nz(DMax("DocumentNo", "Product"), 1000) + 1
End If
End Sub

The page nane is: Supplier Page Index is:0
The control to display the incremental number isocumentNo (tblProducts)

it does not work and I am getting no error message.

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Queries :: Creating Automatic Alert When Query Is Run

Apr 27, 2015

Is there a way to have Access send an alert message when a particular date is getting close? I have a database that tracks automatic step increases to pay and when the dates occur. I would like to create a pop up that could alert me when a date is getting close so that I can inform the budget person that a certain employee will be getting a bump in their pay starting on a particular date? Is that possible in 2010?

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Social Security Numbers Used As Identifiers.

Sep 12, 2005

G’day all.

I am posting this on more than one site but that should not matter simply because it asks for an opinion and, as such, your opinion should not be construed or even considered as an absolute answer…valued yes, absolute no.

What issues may emanate from using the US SSN, or equivalent numbers in other countries, as an identifier for unique records in a database?

Not under local database control?
And anything else you may care to mention.

Please, members from foreign countries to the US, you are welcome to add your thoughts here.

And please also, this is not about anything you may wish to take up with the Federal Court, Privy Council, High Court or whatever in the future in your country. It’s about your understanding of the situation as it stands, at the moment, in your country.

That’s about it…what do you think?

The following three links should take you to the other two sites…
(Sounds like a bit of gobldegook but you are already on one of those sites.)


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Queries :: Parsing Strings Of Text Between XML Tag Identifiers

Oct 12, 2014

I have a Db with a table imported from sql server. One of the fields contains data wrapped between xml tags. The xml tag identifiers when looked at as columns are not consistently the same tag identifiers but effectively I am parsing the string to provide columns of data from between the tag identifiers.


<T6><A29>Compton Group</A29><A31>CO009</A31><A32>CO161/71</A32><A30>Invu Proposal</A30><A28>05 September 2007</A28><A41>Sales</A41></T6>

I am wondering if the method I am using to deconcatenate the string is the bext way. In my query I reference the left tag value .

TagVal1: ParseTagOpenVal([Attributes],3)

And then I parse the result based on the right hand tag value

Val1: ParseTagCloseVal([TagVal1],1)

I have a couple of modules for parsing the string and I am able to deconcatenate using this method but I am wondering if its the only way or the most efficient?

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Tables :: Unique Identifiers With Specific Categories

Oct 19, 2012

I am working in Access 2003.

I have set up a form that fills out my master table. What I am having an issue with is:

I have 6 different categories that different items fall under.

example: Category 58-Wire Rope and Cable
Category 60-Fasteners
Category 93 - Safety

I need each item that falls under any one of these categories to have a unique identifier starting with the category number.

Example: Safety Glass - - - part number 930001
1.5 inch Cable - - part number 580001

I want to be able to select a category from my drop down box on the form and for the part number to auto fill with the next available number in that sequence.

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10 Consecutive Years

Dec 5, 2007

I have atable the is storing ID, attendance_year and meeting code. Iw ould like to query the table and identify the IDs that have 10 consecutive attendance years no matter when it may have occured. So IDs have more than 10 row of data but not necassrily 10 years in a row.

How can I do this?

table looks like


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Detecting Consecutive Dates...

Mar 21, 2006

Firstly I have placed this in the general section as I am not quite sure if any vba would need to be created for the following. I would also like to report on the information but the answer may not be done at report level.

Anyway, I have created a very basic database that holds staff attendance and their reason for being absent.


What i would like to do is group consecutive dates if they are all the same type and show them as DateFrom and DateTo

So for example, for someone who is on holiday between 01/Jan/06 and 06/Jan/06 I could show that as:
DateFrom 01/Jan/06
DateTo 06/Jan/06

I am not sure if that is explained very well but I will try to explain a bit more clearly if needed?

Thanks for any help.

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Difference In 2 Consecutive Records

Jun 18, 2007

Hi there

I am trying to get a very simple thing done in Access and I must have spent almost over 2 days of Internet time to do so. My problem is that I need to get the difference in 2 records to show in a query.

e.g. MyTable has 2 fields: 1. MyDate 2. MtrReading

Everyday I enter date in MyDate and a number in MtrReading. And I need to find out the difference between today's MtrReading and Yesterday's Mtr Reading.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Counting Consecutive Days

May 19, 2005


Is it possible to count the number of consecutive days in a table?

I need a query to calculate for a particular customer the number of consecutive days thay have logged a record if its greater than 1

EG: Table layout:

CUST A RC1 05/05/05
CUST A RC2 06/05/05
CUST A RC3 07/05/05
CUST A RC4 08/05/05
CUST A RC5 15/05/05
CUST A RC6 18/05/05

Possible query results:

CUST A 4 Days First 05/05/05 Last 08/05/05

Is it possible to do something like this??

Thanks in Advance

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Subtracting Values From Two Consecutive Records

Jan 17, 2006

I am having a problem, probably due to my inexperience with Access. Here is the seniero:

-I have a form/table set up for operators to enter numbers on a daily basis.
-I am setting up queries/reports to display not only the entered data, but also calculated values from the entered values
--I have no idea on how to subtract a previous day's value from today's value and report that value.
- Since Access gives no "ownership" to any value I do not know how to reference yesterday's value in today's calculation.Any Ideas?

Record #1
Date - 1/17/06
Value - 15,232

Record #2
Date - 1/16/05
Value - 14,111

Desired output
Date 1/17/06
Value - 1121

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Find Consecutive Number Of Records In DB!

Aug 14, 2006

I am trying to generate some query result on a form.
My DB consists of the following fields : tradeID and profit/loss.
How do i make a query to find the Maximum consecutive number of wins and losses in the database and display the results on a form?

Would really appreciate it if any of you have tried to sort and display results for finding consecutive number of events in any database!

Thanks a lot

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General :: Notify After Two Consecutive Absents?

Aug 17, 2014

I have a Student Attendance table and it would be great if I could get some way of automatically determining if the attendance status is Absent - Unexcused for two or more consecutive sessions in order for someone to get in contact with the student.

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Queries :: Consecutive Days Worked?

Sep 19, 2013

I have a table of employees, and dates they worked on. These are seasonal employees who want to get in as many days as possible before the season ends, but regulation states they must take a compulsory rest day after x days.So I need to create a query that can return the list of employees, with a count of consecutive workdays up until current date.

If today is 20/09/2013, and Johnny worked on, 19, 18, 17, 15, 14, 13, his count must be 3, because he was absent on 16. Therefore only from 17 through 19 is regarded as consecutive.

If Peter worked 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, his count would be 7, because unlike Johnny, Peter still worked on 16.

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Identify Changes In Data Between Consecutive Rows?

Jul 19, 2015

I have data for multiple account numbers (for work) and dates, and I need to identify when there is a change in account number in order to add a new field with a count - which counts sequentially starting with 1 and then starts over at 1 when the account number changes.

Ex. The red column is what I am trying to create

Account Date_To Counter
12345 06/30/2015 1
12345 05/31/2015 2
12345 04/30/2015 3
19999 06/30/2015 1

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Consecutive Invoice Numbers, Restarting Each Month

Oct 14, 2005

Hi there,
Some scene setting to my problem. I have a corporate system numbering invoices consecutively globally. For a subsidiary in Poland this presents a problem - all invoices for the subsidiary must be consecutive. ie. where the globally issued invoices for Poland might be 1,4,5,7 these need to be renumbered before issue in Poland.

It gets more complicated as the Polish Office standard is to invoice in the format "PL/Year/Month/Number" with the Number restarting from 1 for each month.

My database is very simple.
Table 1 = Link table to Oracle corporate data
Table 2 = Local table of invoices already produced (Global invoice number and date recorded)

I have a filter to find all new invoices (unmatched items), a report to print them and an Append query to populate the new items to the Local table.

My challenge: (1) to recreate the Polish numbering scheme and (2) have it consistently when existing data goes up to mid month and a new append operation has to follow the invoice number sequence.

Any ideas? I guess Autonumber is no good and I have little array experience.


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Count Consecutive Records That Match Criteria

Jan 25, 2006

I want to place a control in a report footer that will return the highest number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. The database has fields named WeekNo and Net. The Net field contains positive values (profit) and negative values (losses). The WeekNo field is an integer from 1 to 52 designating the week number.

For example if the figure in the Net field is a positive number I want the control to count the number of consecutive weeks that a profit was earned. I know how to get the value of total weeks that a profit was earned; this is not what I am looking for. The control must return the highest number of CONSECUTIVE weeks that a profit was earned over the year.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Queries :: Extract Data Between Two Consecutive Comma Set

Jun 16, 2013

102,34112,021502503130010010000,QAR,1,24,1,{NULL:0 },{5:Y},6,14.5,31-MAR-2011

Above data is in one field , i want and expression to extract the data between two consecutive comma set by specifying the comma range.

For example if i specify range 2 to 3 then formula should return "021502503130010010000"

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Reports :: Listing Consecutive Dates In Report

Dec 1, 2013

Is it possible to list out each consecutive date in a report when given a range of dates without having to create a table of dates?

For example, given the date range 12/01/2013 to 12/05/2013:

In report:

Is it possible to do this dynamically in vba?

I want to ultimately join this to a recordset for the report.

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Run Multiple Append Queries In Consecutive Order?

Jul 16, 2013

I am setting up VBA to run multiple append queries in consecutive order. The append queries are supposed to pull a four digit number off of a form that will allow them to know which data to append. I want the number to be stored as text to correspond with the tables I am working with, but I am having trouble getting the form to work.

Here is how I would like it to work:

I enter my 4 digits in the text box on the form. Say "1305" for May 2013. I want to then run my vba (my queries update using the forms!txtupdatequery!textbox I have put in the criteria of the queries) and all of them run.

I enter my date (as a number but I want it to be text) and the form gives me a #name? error.

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Queries :: Adding Consecutive Values To Get A Running Total

Oct 23, 2013

I have a quick (hopefully) query about adding up consecutive values to get a running total.

Currently I have the following

ID Value
1 0
2 5
3 2
4 0
5 1
6 30
7 2


I am looking for a way to get a running total up to the point of a 0 then restarting. e.g.

ID Value Running total
1 0 0
2 5 5
3 2 7
4 0 0
5 1 1
6 30 31
7 2 33

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Reports :: Create Consecutive Numbers In A Row Based On User Input?

Jul 31, 2013

I have list of candidates shown in report. I need each candidate to have a unique number based on user input. And this number increases by 1 for the rest of the candidates in the report.

Example is below:

If user enters 1132 in the user input box then the numbers shown in report should be as below:

Name Assignment Number

Felicity Thomas 1132
Andrew Sen 1133
Andy Luker 1134

Similarly if number entered is 2345 then the numbers shown in the report will be:

Name Assignment Number
Felicity Thomas 2345
Andrew Sen 2346
Andy Luker 2347

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Feb 25, 2008


I have one main table containing most data, that table stores data which is identifies by a unique ID (currently 1-96000), there is also an issue number, I need another numbering system per issue (so you could have issue 166, record 26), any ideas?

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